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1、最新学年高一英语月考试题扫描版河北省张家口市2018-2019学年高一英语11月月考试题(扫描版)高一月考英语试题答案第一部份 听力(满分30分)一、听力1-5 AACCC 6-10 BAACC 11-15 CBAAC 16-20 BCBAC第二部分 阅读理解第一节(满分30分)21. A细节理解题。由第一个广告San Francisco Winery Tour中的Running: February 1st through April 30th 可知“旧金山Winery游”安排在2月1日至4月30日举行。故3月份可预订的旅游是San Francisco Winery Tour。22. C细节理

2、解题。由第二个广告Back to the Fifties Tour中的Enjoy fun history as we take you through San Francisco for a free taste of ice cream可知在“50年代回顾旅”当中,游客可以免费品尝冰激凌。23. D细节理解题。由第四个广告Holiday Lights Tour 中的最后一句Advance reservations required可知“节日灯光游”要求提前预订。24. 答案B,解析:通读第一段可知,本段介绍了地震的起因。25. 答案A,解析:一块岩石有可能用力挤压另一块岩石,地壳的能量发生了

3、改变导致岩石晃动,于是地震发生了。vibration意为“晃动”,故A项正确。26. 答案D,解析:由地震伤亡数字可知 ,1920年在中国发生的地震伤亡人数最多。27. 答案B,解析: 细节理解题。由第二段“The greatest destruction came from the fires that followed the quake”可知B项正确。28. 答案D,解析:根据第一段内容可知。29. 答案D,解析:根据文章第二段第二句内容可知。30. 答案A,解析:根据文章第二段第二句内容可知。31. 答案A,解析:根据文章后二段内容可知。32. 答案B,解析:根据第三段第一句内容可知。

4、33. 答案C,解析:根据文章第一段、第四段内容可知。34. 答案C,解析:根据文章第一、二段内容可知。35. 答案A,解析:根据文章最后一段内容可知。第二节(满分10分)36-40 GAEDB第三部分 语言知识运用(满分50分) 第一节 完形填空(满分30分)41. A解析:每周六他都骑马去镇上根据下文的Dad returned home on his horse可知答案。42.D解析:和别的农夫参加一些社会活动。根据下文的such as drinking, chatting and playing cards in the caf可知答案。43. B解析:咖啡馆里总是挤满了人。根据beca

5、use many farmhands were there可知答案。44. C解析:爸爸对自己的生活非常满意。life生活。45. C解析:用他的话说, 他从来没有想过改变自己的工作。根据上文可知答案。46. D解析:在第二年春天我哭着来到这个世界上。cry哭。47.C解析:生活变得艰难了, 所以妈妈感到不满意了。unsatisfied不满意的。48. B解析:妈妈告诉爸爸说, 必须要改变。make a change进行改变。49. B解析:妈妈听说过很多名人, 像是 hear of听说。50. C解析:根据常识可知, 爱迪生与生活抗争, 取得了成功, 获得了名誉。fame名声。51. D解析

6、:她希望我有一天会成为伟大的领导者, 统治人们或城市 根据下文的_not a leader as my mother expected可知答案。52. B解析:参考上一题的解析。由leaders可知,此处是指统治。53. D解析:所以她说服父亲放弃了农民的工作。persuade说服。54. A解析:开办了自己的公司。start a business开公司。55. B解析:她甚至送我到国外去接受更高的教育。56. D解析:爸爸和我都赢得了我们今天所拥有的achieve实现,得到,赢得。57. A解析:爸爸开办了一个大的跨国公司。根据run可知答案。58. C解析:我是享有很高声望的成功律师。en

7、joy享有。59. A解析:虽然不是妈妈期望的领导人。根据上文可知答案。60. A解析:根据上一句话可知,此处是爸爸对生活的感悟,故选A。第二节(满分15分)61. frightened 62. an 63. Electricity 64. were trapped 65. from 66. It 67. miners 68. crying 69. sincerely 70. who 四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分) 第一节 短文改错(满分10分)My sister was fond of traveling. Ever since graduating, she had been dete

8、rmine to organize determined a trip to an old temple. Since transporting fare was expensive, she decided to use bicycle to a cycle there not caring about the disadvantages. Her stubborn attitude was always her shortcoming. Once she made up her mind to do something, no one could persuade her to chang

9、e his mind. her Finally, we gave in as usually though we preferred to take a train. After we prepared everything, usual include the schedule,reliable weather forecast and the insurance, we began our trip.includingOur journey was along a river flowing from a high altitude. Our pace was slow because t

10、he river frequently had many sharp bend through deep valleys,which the water seemed to boil. Just bends whereas I recorded in my journal, it was really a hard journey. And we also enjoyed great view. One Butnight, I put my head on my pillowparcel of wool coats and lie beneath the stars. When the lay

11、flame in front of our cave went out of at midnight, I found the sky so beautiful! 去掉第二节 书面表达(满分25分)One possible versionDear Peter,. Its great to hear from you. And I want to tell you something about the differences between Beijing and London.In your country, cars are driven on the left side of the r

12、oad, but here we are driven on the right side. Many people of London go to work by car, while most people of Beijing go to work by bus or subway. The weather of Beijing is better than that of London. Its fine for a long time here, but you have many cloudy days in London. Students in Beijing work fiv

13、e days a week just as those in London, but we work harder at the lessons and a lot of people can speak English fluently. I am looking forward to your reply.Yours sincerely,Li Hua听力原文Text1W: Do you know what youre going to buy for Marys birthdayWell, Im going to get her a new school bag and I promise

14、d to take her to see a film?What about you?W: Now I havent decided yet Ill probably buy her that new cd as she liked it so much. Text 2M: Oh, honey. I cant find my new clothes for todays party. Have you seen them anywhere?W: You are always forgetting where you put your clothes there on the back by t

15、he TV set. You put them there last night. Text 3W: So what do you usually do in your free time? M: At the moment Im spending much of my free time learning German. I also enjoy playing the piano.W: Do you play any sports?M: not really, but I go to the sports club and work out once a week. Text 4W: He

16、llo. I d like to buy some Ice cream.M: Sure, would you like chocolate? Its the flavor most people order.W: Actually, I prefer free flavors do you have strawberry.M: No, but we do have lemon. Text 5W: Hello, Tony, would you like to go to the movies with me? Theres a new action movie playing。 M: Sound

17、s great. Aaction movies are my favorite. When shall we meet?W: Lets meet on Saturday afternoon at New world Cinema.M: Perfect!See you on Saturday afternoon. Text 6W: Hey, Steve, over here. Dont you remember me?M: Oh, wow, you are Lucy Green, are you? W: Thats right. We used to be in the same class i

18、n middle school in New York for two years, right?M: Yes, but you were really quiet at that time, werent you? W: Yes, I wasnt very outgoing. M: But you will always friendly. Do you still play basketball?W: Yes, but Im more interested in music these days. I play the piano and I often go to concerts. H

19、ow about you? Do you still like playing tennis?W: Of course, its still my favorite activity. Text 7M: Hello, what seems to be the problem?W: Well, Im preparing for my exams and Ive been up late studying these days. This morning I got up very early to do some work and I fell onto the floor and hit my

20、 head. I came to after a few seconds.M: Have you had any other signs of sickness?W: Ive been pretty nervous and my eyes hurt sometimes. Should I take medicine?M: Well, it sounds as if youve probably been overdoing your studying and you are too tired. I dont think theres anything to worry about, and

21、I think you should take it easy for a while and try to get plenty of sleep.W: Yes, I havent been getting much sleep lately and I also need more fresh air. Text 8M: Have you visited the new library case? It opened last week.W: No, but I heard about it the day before yesterday.M: My cousin and I went

22、there yesterday.W: Whats it like, Robert?M: Well, the building doesnt look very modern, but its really tall and bright. W: And can you work on computers there?M: Yes, theyve got a computer lab on the third floor. It was the first time my cousin had seen anything like that. W: Wow, thats great. Did y

23、ou both get library cards?M: Not yet. They are free but we didnt take our student cards, so we couldnt sign up W: Where is the library?M: Well, its between one hundred and two hundred metres from here. Its very close. W: Now I see. Maybe we can go there together this weekend. Text 9M: You look tired

24、 again, Samantha.W: I had such a busy week, and this morning wasah, I woke up really early at five thirty a.m. and then I couldnt get back to sleep, so I got up. M: What? Five thirty a.m. on a Saturday morning?W: Yeah. I took a shower and went out to catch a bus into town, but instead of the usual e

25、ight a.m, it didnt come until eight fifteen am and it was raining hard. M: Oh dear, W: When I got to town, it was nine fifteen a.m. First I went to the library, but I waited until ten a.m. for it to openM: What did you do in the library?W: I spent two hours looking for something about the kings and

26、queens of England for my school project, but all the books I needed were checked out. M: Why didnt you go to a bookstore?W: I didnt have enough money, so I caught the bus home.M: What time did you get home?W: Not until two p.m. The bus broke down and I had to walk the rest of the way home.M: Oh, no.

27、 Text 10Hi, Raman. Its Christine. Im afraid I wont be in today. My son isnt feeling well. He has a bad cough and hes home from school. Ive got to take him to the doctor, but do you remember the training next week? You know the one about the new computer system? Ive explained everything to the traine

28、r, so theres no need to call him. Ive also booked the meeting room on the third floor, but there are a few other things. I needed to put out some notebooks and pens for people to take notes with and youll need to order lunch for ten people. Talk to Allison, my secretary. She knows some good restaurants we can order from. She has the telephone numbers. You can ask her to help you with it. You can also order lunch from a coffee shop, if you want. Im really sorry to leave all these things to be one of phone message. If you have any problems, call me anytime. Bye for now.

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