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1、冠词冠 词陈丹丹一、 冠词的用法1、 冠词的位置1)、冠词通常置于名词或名词短语中的其他词(如few,little)或形容词之前。eg:Articles can be a problem area in English for students even at advanced level .2)、下列短语中不定冠词应后置用于:quite/rather/such/what/half + a(n) quite a good book rather a pity what a day half an hour注意:与half连用时,不定冠词a(n)可置于half前或后。(eg:half a mil

2、e = a half mile half an hour = a half hour)但只能说“and a half”,不说“and half a”。(eg:两个半小时:two hours and a half = two and a half hours)用于:so/as/too/how/however + adj. + a(n) + n.She is as clever a girl as you can wish to meet .Its too difficult a book for us .Now I can see how serious a problem it is .How

3、ever serious a problem you may have , you should gather your courage to face the challenge .3)、下列短语中定冠词应后置用于all/both/half/twice/double/three times + the :all the information both the twinshalf the story2、 不定冠词的用法1)、表类指:泛指人、事或物的类别中的一个代表。eg:A steel worker makes steel .说明:不定冠词表类指时不用于指整个类别。eg:Ruthless p

4、oachers(偷猎者)hunt the (不用an) elephant for the valuable ivory of their tusks . 表类指有以下3种形式:A) 不定冠词指一个类别或事物中的一个代表。An African elephant has larger ears than an Indian elephant.B) 定冠词加单数名词指整个类别或事物。The African elephant has larger ears than the Indian elephant.C) 名词复数形式指整个类别更为常见。 African elephant have larger

5、 ears than Indian elephant.2)、表数量“一”、“每一”或“任何一”。eg:I have a mouth , a nose and two eyes .3)、用于序数词或形容词最高级前:序数词不表示顺序,意为“又一”、“再一”时,用a ,不用 the 。eg:Why do you carry a second arrow ?最高级不表示最高含义,意为“非常”, 用a ,不用 the 。eg:It is a most useful book for middle school students .4)、表达某种现象:世界上独一无二的sun,moon,world,sky等

6、被一个描绘性形容词修饰时。eg:a burning/hot/newly-risen sun a bright/full/new moon a dark/free/new/sad worlda bright / blue / clear / cloudless / dark / sunny sky下列短语中的形容词不表达某种现象,一次能用定冠词the:the setting/risen/June/summer sun the night/summer sky5)、用于下列特殊结构中:“a(an) +单数名词+ of + a + 单数名词”(of前的名词与of后的名词是同位关系)an angle

7、of a wife 天使般的妻子a fool of a man 傻里傻气的人a poem of a night 一个诗一般的夜晚a mountain of a wave 滔天巨浪第一个名词相当于一个形容词,可改用the , this , that等。eg:that rascal of a boss 那个恶霸般的老板“of a + 名词”表示不同事物的共同性,意为“相同”。eg:Birds of a feather flock together . 物以类聚,人以群分。These machines are of a kind . 这些机器都是同一类型的。6)、用在专有名词前:用在人名前:A) 用

8、于姓名前,表示“具有特征的人”、“的作品”。eg:They have a Picasso in their living room .B) 在一个带称号、称呼、头衔的“姓”前,意为“一位姓的小姐/先生”,表示说话人对此人不认识。eg:A Miss Chen came to see you this evening .用于一个带修饰语的时间名词前,表示一时的特点:有时不带修饰语,表示不确指是哪一个。eg:His birthday is on a Friday next month but Im not very certain about it .用于品牌名词前,表示这个牌子的商品。eg:Ive

9、 got a Canon 30D . 我有一架佳能30D照相机。7)、用在某些物质名词前:当不可数的物质名词表示大类别中的某一种(小类指)时,可与不定冠词连用:指用这种材料制成的物品,表“一种”、“一类”、“一份”。a glass 一只玻璃杯an iron 一个熨斗a clean cloth 一块干净的布a paper 一份报纸指食品、饮料的“一份”。a chocolatean ice-creama beera sandwicha good breakfasta big dinnera good cheese在某些表示自然现象的名词前,意为“一场”,“一阵”。a showera heavy r

10、aina thick fog8)、用在抽象名词前:表示“一种”、“一类”、“一次”、“一例”等。eg:Do you care for a smoke ?有时被形容词修饰或被一个of短语限定,具有特定概念。eg:When he was young ,he received a good education .表示一次动作:用于动词转化来的抽象名词前。have a go 试一试make a move 走一着(棋),移动take a step 走一步give (sb.) a lift 让(某人)搭便车表示某种情绪。eg:He spoke with an enthusiasm which inspir

11、ed us all .有时用“a certain + 抽象名词”这一结构表示。a certain coldnessa certain honestya certain reluctancea certain unwillingness用于表示时间、距离、金钱的复数抽象名词的结构中:a full eight hours 足足8个小时a busy two weeks 忙忙碌碌的2周a good five kilometers 足足5公里a good ten dollars 整整10美元3、定冠词的用法1)、用于类指:定冠词加单数名词,指整个类别。eg:This is easier for the

12、teacher than the student .2)、用于特指:表示上文已提到过的人或物,或说话人和听话人都知道所指是何物。eg:In this town there are two churches ; the churches are old .用在限定性定语从句修饰的个体名词前,指特定的人或物。eg:This is the novel I want you to read .说明:如果被描绘性定语从句修饰,说明其性质或类别,则不用定冠词。eg:This is a novel that every student of English should read .(一种,一类)I hat

13、e to see letters written in pencil .(名词复数不加冠词)复数个体名词前加定冠词有不同含义:The birds are singing in the woods .(表特指)They are the teachers of our school .(表类指,强调某个特定团体的全体。其含义比复数名词前不加定冠词表类指时更具体)Once in a while we go to the parks .(指该范围内的任何一个)3) 、用于独指:指世界上独一无二的东西。the airthe earththe moonthe sunthe skythe worldthe

14、universethe atmosphere4)、说“我们中几人”、“你们中几人”时,常在数词前前加定冠词。eg:That last bus had gone , so there three of shared a taxi .5)、用在形容词前:用在名词化的形容词、过去分词前,泛指一类人或物。the poorthe richthe oldthe youngthe sickthe deadthe blindthe woundedthe good , the beautiful and the true 真善美the unknown 未知的世界the unemployed 失业者the dis

15、abled 残疾人the accused 被告注意:此时仍具有形容词的特征,可被副词修饰,有比较级和最高级的词尾变化。eg:The extremely old need a great deal of attention .用在关于国家和民族的形容词前,泛指这个国家和民族的全体人员(这些形容词是以-sh,-ch,-ese结尾的)。the Chinesethe Englishthe Frenchthe Japanesethe Irishthe Welshthe Scotch说两个人或物中“较为的”,用形容词比较级,比较级前加定冠词,起特指作用。eg:He is the taller of the

16、 two children in his family .用于“all the better , all the worse , all the more , none the + 比较级”等中,表示“因某事而更”。eg:As the hour approached , she grew all the more nervous .用在形容词最高级前。eg:Helen is the prettiest girl I have ever seen .6)、在序数词及last , next , only , same , right , wrong前。eg:February is the seco

17、nd month of year .the last monththe only onethe same schoolthe next storythe right answerthe wrong way7)、在表示乐器的名词前,或表示传媒或通讯的名次钱指大众传媒和通讯。eg:Do you like to play the guitar or the violin ?常见的表示传媒的名词有:the air;the mail;the post;the newspaper;the telephone;(the)radio;(the)television等。8)、表年代或约略年龄,在逢十的复数数词之

18、前加冠词。In the 1980s , when Mars was already in his fifties , 9)、表方位:在方位、方向名词前或某些表时间的词组中。on the left (right)in the east (west)the North and the Southin the daytimeat the presentin the end但是,方位词用作状语时,前面不加冠词。eg:My bedroom window faces south .10)、表计量标准,其结构为“by the + 单数名词”。eg:Sugar is sold by the pound/gra

19、m .He is paid by the hour/day/week/month .11)、表人体部位:在身体部位名词前代替物主代词,其结构是:及物动词 + 宾语 + 介词 + the +身体部位(笼统的内容) (具体的内容)eg:The ball hit the boy on the nose .He took the their by the collar .有时代表人体的某个部分。eg:The spirit is willing , but the flesh is week .心有余而力不足。12)、用在某些与动词同形的名词前,构成词组。eg:The number of student

20、 has been constantly on the increase .on the rise 在上涨中on the run 奔走,在逃亡中on the fall 在下跌中on the decrease 在减少中on the march 在进行中on the watch 在戒备中13)、用在专有名词前:用在江河、海洋、山川、群岛、港湾等的名词前。the Changjiang Riverthe English Channelthe Pacific(Ocean)the Philippinesthe Rocky Mountainsthe Red Seathe Himalayasthe Gulf

21、of Mexico【说明:湖名前一般不加冠词,如Lake Baikal(贝加尔湖),Lake Michigan(密歇根湖),Lake Victoria(维多利亚湖),但也有加冠词的,如the Lake of Geneva(日日瓦湖),the Great Salt Lake(大盐湖)。中国的湖名,不论音译或意译,前面往往有“the”,如:the West Lake(西湖),the Dongting Lake(洞庭湖),但也可以说Lake Dongting , Lake Taihu 。孤岛与单独的山峰前不加定冠词。eg:Taiwan Island 台湾岛 Mt. Ali 阿里山 Mount Bla

22、nc 勃朗峰】用在普通名词构成的专有名词前:A)、用于国家、党派、组织团体。the United Statesthe Communist Party of Chinathe United Kingdomthe Ministry of Educationthe Xinhua News Agencythe Associated Press 美联社B)、用于某些公共机构:旅馆、博物馆、剧院、建筑物等名称。the British Museumthe Philadelphia Orchestrathe Pentagon 五角大楼the Hilton(Hotel)the Science Museumthe

23、 Louvre(Palace)the Great Wallthe Grand Theatrethe Beijing Hotelthe Capital Cinema(说明:常见于“the + 地名/人名 + hotels/restaurants/pubs/cinemas/theatres/museum”这一结构,但Place Hotle前不加冠词。在“地名或人名 + airport/station/university/zoo/castle”前常不加冠词。)C)、用于报刊、杂志、学校、历史朝代、三军、船只等前。the Peoples Dailythe Times 泰晤士报the Universi

24、ty of Beijingthe Song Dynastythe Air Forcethe Titanic 泰坦尼克号在姓氏复数形式前,表示全家人,或这一姓氏的夫妇俩。eg:The Turners are sitting at the breakfast table .用在人名或地名前:人名或地名被of属格或后置定语修饰,转化为普通名词时,表示别的人或物具有该专有名词的特质。eg:He is the Newton of today .他是当代的牛顿。14)、用在物质名词或抽象名词前:当物质名词或抽象名词被一个后置定语修饰时。eg:The breakfast we had today was w

25、onderful .虽没有后置定语,但根据上下文,对话双方对所谈内容都已明了时。eg:The coffee was all right , but the cream was sour .与复数的物质名词或抽象名词连用,表示种类多或量大。eg:The teas of this plantation are of very good quality .(各种茶)Have the heavy rains done your house any damage ?(大雨)Silent and clam , he bore all the troubles of his life .(所有烦恼)4、 不

26、用冠词的情况1)、下列意义的专有名词前,一般不加冠词。凡指一人、一地或一事物所专用的表示独指意义的专有名词,如人名和地名和以人名或地名命名的路名和街名、广场和公园、车站和桥梁、学校和教堂等。 人名和地名:Mr. Smith , China , Beijing , New York , (North) America , (Central) Australia , (Northern) Florida , Lake Michigan 路名和街名:Nanjing Road , Zhongshan Road , Fifth Avenue , Downing Street , Madison Aven

27、ue , Park Lane , Oxford Street 广场和公园:Tian An Men Square , Trafalgar Square , Zhong Shan Park , Hyde Park , Greenwich Village , Central Park 车站和桥梁:Beijing Railway Station , Paddington Station , Beijing Airport , London Bridge , Waterloo Bridge 学校和教堂:Beijing University , Oxford University , Holy Mothe

28、r Church , Westminster Abby试比较:the University of London the Peoples Parkthe Yu Gardenthe Red Squarethe Tower Bridgethe Golden Gate Bridge2)、物质名词用于类指时,前面不加冠词。物质名词是指各种材料、食品等无法分为个体的实物,如beef , coffee , gold , ice , metal , milk , oil , silk等。eg:Sugar is bad for you .即便有描绘性定语修饰,表特指或表物质的某一具体部分时,要加定冠词。eg:F

29、resh water is scarce in some countries .但被限制性定语修饰,表特指或表物质的某一具体部分时,要加定冠词。eg:The sugar you bought yesterday has got damp .当不可数的物质名词表示大类指中的某一种(小类指),表示“一种”、“一类”、“一份”等,可与不定冠词连用。eg:The North Sea produces a light ail .3)、抽象名词用于类指时,前面不加冠词。抽象名词是表示品质、行为、状态、感情或其他抽象概念的名词,如action , pleasure , history , love , fr

30、iendship , literature等。eg:Wisdom is better than strength .(表单数抽象名词)Theres no need for apologies . (复数抽象名词表复数含义)抽象名词前有描绘性定语修饰,使概念缩小,仍不加冠词。Japanese historyAmerican literatureReal friendship is more valuable than money .若其后的修饰语表示“一种”、“一类”时,可用不定冠词。eg:Its a pleasure for me to work with you .若其后的修饰语有特定的概念

31、时,须加定冠词。eg:It is a long time since I had the pleasure of seeing you .4)、个体名词复数用于类指,不加冠词。eg:African elephants have larger ears than Indian elephants .(指该类别的整体)Tourists are often blamed for changing the character of a place .(指所有旅游者)On the news today , there were reports of heavy snow in that area .(指此类大雪报道是新

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