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Unit 5 Rhythm.docx

1、Unit 5 Rhythm Unit 5 Rhythm核心单词。根据提示写出英语单词或汉语意思。1._ adj.民间的2._ n.效果,作用3._ vt.使失望4._ n.奖,奖品5._ n.基地,基础6._ n.听众,观众7._ vt.使(人)印象深刻8._ n.乐器;工具9._ adj.女性的10._ n.马车11._ n.财宝,财富12._ vt.代表13._ n.钢琴家14._ n.音乐家15._ v.停止;辞职16._ n.发型17._ n.根18._ adj.平常的,普通的19._ n.代,一代20._ adj.贵族的;高贵的21._ n.剑22._ adj.应负责任的23. ex

2、traordinary_24. album_25. system_26. throughout_27. mask_28. costume_29. general_30. worldwide_31. identity_32. rediscover_33. shave _34. transform_35. break dance_36. encyclopedia_37. type_38. skip_39. unique_40. immigrant_词类转换。按要求写出下列单词的适当形式1.perform (vt.) _ (n.) 表演,演奏 类似:appear_ (n.) 出现, 外貌2. tal

3、ent (n.)_ (adj.) 有才华的 类似:skill _ (adj.) 有技术的3. angry (adj.) _ (n.)气愤,愤怒 类似:hungry_ (n.)饥饿4. move (v.) _ (n.) 运动,动作 类似:manage_ (n.) 管理,处理,经营5. bear (v.)_ (adj.) 无法忍受的 类似:comfort _ (adj.)不舒服的6. react (vi.)_ (n.) 反应 类似: combine_ (n.) 结合,联合7. power_ (adj.) 强大的 类似: beauty_ (adj.) 美丽的8. permit (vt.) _ (n.

4、)允许,许可 类似: admit _ (n.)允许进入;承认9. create (vt.)_ (adj.) 创造性的 类似: impress _ (adj.) 给人深刻印象的 10. extreme (adj.) _ (adv.)极端地 类似: active_ (adv.)活跃地,积极地重要词组1. _一代又一代 2. _增添,增加3. _设法做到4. _充满,富有5. _在尽头/末 6. _拾起,开车接,学会7. _注意 8. _换句话说9. _表演,演出10. _ 随着一起唱11. _对印象深刻 12._ 在起作用(扮演角色) 13._ 举办音乐会14._ 与联合起来 15._ 因出名 1

5、6._ 以为根据17._ 对反应 18._ 有时,不时19._ 在某些方面20. _ 往返,来回21. _ 出版,发行,印刷22. _ 用做试验23. _ 习惯于24. _refer to 25. _national treasure26. _in the late 18th century27. _win awards28. _because of29. _shave off30. _be responsible for31. _be dressed in32. _ art form33. _catch sb. doing34. _according to35. _take turns to

6、 do36. _so/suchthat核心单词讲解1. effect n. 影响,效果,作用搭配:翻译下面的词组。(1) have an effect on /upon _(2) come into effect _(3) bring/ put sth. into effect _(4) take effect _(5) cause and effect _(6) greenhouse effect _(7) side effect _拓展: affect v. 影响(对某事物产生不好的影响) 运用:用effect和affect的适当形式填空。(1) Punishment has little

7、 _ on him (2) It will be a few minutes before the drugs start to take _. (3) The Asian financial crisis seriously _ our exports.2. folk adj.民间的;n.家人,家属;人们;民间音乐搭配:翻译下面的短语。(1) folk song _(2) folk art _ (3) folk tale _(4) folk dance _(5) folk medicine _提醒:folk 用作名词,指“人们”时,常用作复数形式。运用:补全下列句子。(1) 民间音乐是一代一

8、代地流传下来的。_.(2) 镇上的人们都知道他是迪基先生。The town folk _ him as Mr. Dickie. 3. manage v. 控制;处理;管理;能对付;成功地做用法: 补全中文翻译,看看manage在不同情景中的含义。(1) He managed the company when his father was away ill. 在他父亲生病不在的时候,他_公司。(2) I believe you can manage it. 我相信你_。(3) I cant manage another mouthful. 我一口也_了。(4) How did you manag

9、e to pay your debt? 你如何_你的债?比较:manage to do sth. (=succeed in doing sth. )设法做成某事(强调结果)try to do sth. 尽力做成某事(强调过程,不一定做成) fail to do sth. 没有做成某事运用:用manage, try, fail的适当形式填空。(1) They _ in vain to keep prices from rising. (2) In spite of these insults, she _ not to get angry. (3)Words _ to convey my mea

10、ning. 4. although conj. 虽然;尽管用法:引导让步状语从句,常可用though替换,不可和but或however连用, 多置于句子开头。拓展: although/though与despite/in spite of都有“虽然;尽管”之意,但它们词性不同:前者是连词,后者是介词。英语中还有很多类似词汇。试一试补全下表。中文意思介词连词虽然;尽管in spite of/despitethough/although随着 as像 as在期间during 因为because of 除了 except that要不是but for 以免,万一in case of 根据 accordi

11、ng as担心for fear of 一就on 运用:请根据句法功能和中文提示,在横线处填上适当的词。(1) I went shopping _ the rain.= I went shopping_ it rained.(尽管)(2) _ the development of science and technology, the society is changing rapidly.= _ science and technology develop, the society is changing rapidly. (随着)(3) Thank you for keeping me co

12、mpany _ my two-week stay in the States.= Thank you for keeping me company _ I stayed in the States for two weeks. (在期间)(4) We won the game _ his participation.= We won the game _ he participated in it. (因为)(5) Everyone contributes _ he is able. = Everyone contributes _ his ability. (根据)(6) _ the not

13、e you left, I would have forgotten to close the door.= _ you had left the note, I would have forgotten to close the door. (要不是)(7) _ emergency, break the glass and press the button. (万一)(8) I dont know exactly where he lives, _ its somewhere out in the wilds. (除了)(9) He goes home early everyday _ hi

14、s wife would be angry. (担心)(10) _ arriving in Venice, we knew that it was a city of water. (一就)5. disappoint vt. 使失望 拓展:disappointing adj. 令人失望的 disappointed adj. 失望的 disappointment n. 失望搭配:翻译下面搭配。(1)be deeply disappointed _(2)adisappointingresult_(3)bedisappointedat/about /in/with_(4)be disappointe

15、d to hear_(5)be disappointed that- clause _(6)to ones disappointment _(7)in great disappointment _(8)be a disappointment to sb. _(9)get over ones disappointment _运用:用disappoint的适当形式填空。 (1)Tom was very _ at the _ result.(2) But Henry proved a _.(3) President James A. Garfield was shot by a _ office s

16、eeker on July2, 1881.(4)Myparentswillbe_withmeifIfailtogetthemasterdegree.6. perform vi. & vt. 表演,演奏;执行,履行拓展:performance n.表演,演奏,表现 performer n. 表演者搭配:翻译或补全下面搭配。(1)perform ones duty _(2) perform a task _(3) perform an experiment _(4) perform perfectly_ the piano/flute 完美地演奏钢琴/笛子(5) _ in a play在剧中表演一

17、个角色 (6) delay a performance _(7) _ a performance 表演 (8) acrobatic performance _(9) a symphony performance _(10) a band performance _(11)a farewell performance _(12) a grand performance _(13)a wonderful performance _(14) a professional performer _(15) a street performer _运用:用perform的适当形式完成下列句子。(1) Th

18、ey set out to _ the operation. (2) The actor gave a superb _. (3)The _ received only pitying looks from his audience.7. permit vt. 允许,许可拓展:permission n.许可搭配:根据汉语意思,补全下面的短语。(1) permit _ 允许某人做某事(2) permit _ 允许做某事(3) permit _ 允许某人进入/通过(4) ask for _ 请求许可(5) give sb. _ to do sth. 允许某人做某事(6) _ permission

19、from the authorities 得到当局的许可(7) _permission of the government 经过政府的许可(8) _ ones permission 在某人的许可下联想: 像permit一样,用不定式to do sth.作宾语补足语和用doing sth. 作宾语的及物动词几个,请写出它们的中文意思:(1) forbid _(2) advise _(3) encourage _(4) allow _(5)recommend _运用:用所给动词的适当形式填空。(1) You are not permitted _ (smoke) here. (2) I advis

20、e you not _(drink) too much. (3) We forbid _(shout) loudly in the office. (4) The teacher encouraged me _( study) abroad. (5) He recommends _(take) public transportation. (6) They dont allow _(park) here. 8. award n. 奖品,奖励 vt. 发给奖品(奖金)搭配 win/ gain/ receive an award for sth. 因某事获奖award sb. a prize=aw

21、ard a prize to sb. 给某人颁奖She has been awarded a scholarship to study at Harvard她获得了去哈佛大学读书的奖学金。Mary received an award for her song.玛丽的歌曲得奖了。运用:用award翻译下列句子。他们授予他一等奖。(两种译法)9. impress vt. 使铭记,给(某人)极深的印象,使感动拓展:impression n.印象,感觉 impressive adj. 给人印象深刻的搭配:sb. be impressed by/with sth 某物给某人深刻印象 make/ leav

22、e an impression on sb. 给某人留下印象理解:理解并孰读下列句,首先请说出其汉语意思。(1)Your company impressed upon me deeply.(2)I was very impressed by his story. (3)The performance made a strong impression on the audience. 10. popular adj.受欢迎的;通俗的,大众化的,流行的(只作定语)搭配:be popular with sb.受某人的欢迎The reporter is popular with his audience. 这个报告者很受听众的欢迎。 Jogging is a popular form of exercise. 慢跑是一种十分普及的体育运动。运用:翻译下列句子。(1)这本书很受年轻人的欢迎。This book_.(2)许多年轻人喜爱流行歌曲。Many yo

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