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高考英语 Unit 4Pygmalion练案+学案 新人教版选修8.docx

1、高考英语 Unit 4Pygmalion练案+学案 新人教版选修8Unit 4 Pygmalion课前10分钟短文填空Most of us probably hope that we will never have to face major surgery.Even though doctors are welltrained and modern technology makes it possible to _ lives,many operations are still dangerous and _.Now,however,scientists believe that they

2、might be able to help doctors to cure _ with less risk.A new and very small robot has been _.This robot can enter the human body through a small hole so that it is no longer _ to cut the patient.Instead of using knives save painful patients invented necessary and _ large tools,doctors can use a comp

3、uter to move the tiny _ around.If the technology can be used on human beings,_ will be safer and less painful.other robot operations 漫画欣赏漫画欣赏It is raining heavily.However,a gentle man is watering flowers,holding an umbrella in his hand! 寓意理解 In our daily life,some people often take unnecessary actio

4、n,which will lead to an undesirable result in the long run. 你能否对此加以扩展,写一篇120词左右的小短文?.词义辨析1We are at your service.Dont _ to turn to us if you have any further problems. Abeg Bhesitate Cdesire Dseek2Eggs are _ by weight as Extra Large,Large, Medium,and Small. Aseparated Bdistributed Carranged Dclassif

5、iedBD3She tried to pretend to be calm,but her voice _ her nervousness. Abetrayed Bcondemned Cfaded Dbothered 4Bryant was _ from his job when he was caught stealing money. Aundertaken Bcommitted Cdismissed Dindicated5The mayor was strongly _ by the public for the citys high crime rate. Acharged Baccu

6、sed Cargued Dcondemned6Hundreds of country people left their villages to seek their _ in the south of China. Apence Bcredit Cfortune DstatusACDC7The clothes a person wears may express his _ or social position. Acuriosity Bstatus Cdetermination Dsignificance8These details are easily _,so you should p

7、ay attention to them. Aclassified Boverlooked Ccompromised Dresiste 9Hopes of finding the missing climbers are now beginning to _. Areduce Bfaint Cfade Dsink10This medicine turned out to be quite _ against cancer. Aeffective Baccessible Csensitive DconvenientBBCA.短语填空 in terms of;in need of;apart fr

8、om;take.for.;; fade out;shelter from;take down;hold up;deal with1There is rarely any attempt to _ these copies _ as originals.2Will all those in favour _ the right hand?3We sat in the shade,_ the sun.4Have you any concrete thoughts on how to _ this difficulty?5The idea seemed to _ and the cl

9、ub was never formed.6She carefully _ my name and phone number in her passhold up sheltering from deal with fade out took down 7_ their house in London,they also have a villa in Spain.8I wont tell her the secretwhat do you _ me _?9The house is _ a thorough clean before we move in.10The job i

10、s great _ salary,but it has its disadvantages.完成句子1People begin their working life in a poor neighbourhood of London with 80 pounds a year and _ (最后到了富人 区工作,年收入10万英镑)(end)Apart from for take in need of in terms of end in a rich one with 100 thousand pounds 2What other things show ones status in soci

11、ety _ (除了一个人的说话方式)? (speak)3_ (一旦被教以恰当的谈吐方 式),the girl could pass herself off in three months as a duchess.(educate) .单项填空1Professor Higgins is an expert in phonetics,_ that the quality of a persons English decides his/her position in society. Abelieved Bexpectedd Cconvinced Dimagined2Look at this g

12、irl with her terrible English,which will condemn her _ the gutter to the end of her days. Afor Bfrom Cwith Dtoapart from how one speaks Once educated to speak properlyCD3Eliza,who is dirty and badly _,comes into the room shyly following Mrs.Pearce. Adressing Bdressed Cto be dressed Dbeing dressed4Il

13、l say you are the greatest teacher _ if you can pass her off as a lady. Aliving Balive Clively Dlive5I _ if Id known about this disgusting thing you want to do to me. Awould never have come Bwould never come Chad never come Dwill never comeBBA知识要点整合核心词汇梳理1hesitate vi. 犹豫;迟疑;踌躇 搭配 hesitate about.对事犹豫

14、不决;对拿不定主意 I didnt hesitate for a moment about taking the job. 我毫不犹豫地接受了那份工作。 Shes still hesitating about sending her son to college. 她对于要不要送儿子进大学一事仍然犹豫不决。 句型 hesitate to do sth.迟疑于做某事 Dont hesitate to contact me if you need any more information. 如果你需要更多资料,尽管和我联系。 I hesitate to ask you,but will you r

15、ecommend me for the post? 向你重托真不好意思,请你推荐我去担任那职务好吗?2classify vt. 编排;分类;归类 The books in the library are classified according to subject.图书 馆的书按学科分类。 Patients are classified into three categories.病人被归为三种类 型。 搭配把归类为 Would you classify her novels as serious literature or other? 你认为她的小说属于文学类,还

16、是其它类? Only eleven of these accidents were classified as major. 这些事故中只有十一例被判定为重大事故。3condemn vt. 谴责;使注定 搭配指责是 condemn sb.for doing sth.谴责某人做了某事 The law has been condemned as an attack on personal liberty. 这项法律被指责为对人身自由的侵犯。 She knew that society would condemn her for leaving her children.她知道

17、社会会谴责她遗弃孩子。识记condemn sth./to do sth.判处某人某种刑罚He was condemned to death for murder and later hanged.他因凶杀罪被判处死刑后被绞死。She was condemned to hang for killing her husband.她因杀害亲夫被处以绞刑。识记condemn sth./to do sth.迫使某人接受或做某事;使某人陷入境地They were condemned to a life of hardship.他们不得不过着艰难的生活。He was condemne

18、d to spend the rest of the football season on the bench.他无可奈何地只得在这个足球赛季剩下的时间里做替补队员。4fortune n. 机会;运气;大笔的钱 They must have spent a fortune on that house. 他们买那幢房子肯定花了一大笔钱。 识记 a small fortune很多钱 make a fortune发财 fame and fortune名利 tell ones fortune给某人算命 A car like that costs a small fortune. 像那样的轿车要花一大笔

19、钱。 He dreamed of making a fortune.他梦想发大财。That she is hoping her US debut will be the first step on the roadto fame and fortune.她希望她在美国的首次演出将是她走上名利双收之路的第一步。She can tell your fortune by looking at the lines on your hand.她可凭看手纹替你算命。链接 have the good fortune to do sth.有幸做某事 I had the good fortune to be i

20、nvited to stay in Rome.我运气好,受邀去罗马小住。I have had the fortune to work with some brilliant directors.我有幸与一些卓越的主管人员共事。重点短语例释 as. (某人)冒充 He tried to pass himself off as a qualified doctor. 他试图冒充合格医生。 There is rarely any attempt to pass these copies off as originals. 很少有人试图用这些复制品冒充原作。2in terms of

21、就而言;从角度 A 200yearold building is very old in terms of American history. 从美国历史来看,200年的建筑是很古老的了。 In terms of money were quite rich,but not in terms of happiness. 从金钱的角度来说,我们是很富有,但从幸福的角度来说,我 们不富有。3hand over 交出,移交(职位、任务等) The resistance fighters agreed to hand over the hostages. 抵抗运动战士同意交出人质。 The captai

22、n was unwilling to hand over the command of his ship.船长不愿移交船只的指挥权。疑难语句细解1While watching,he makes notes.他一边观察,一边在做记 录。 【要点指南】 while后常接现在分词,意为“当在做时”。 此时,现在分词的逻辑主语与句子的主语是一致的。如果不 一致,while后就只能接一个完整的句子。He fell asleep while doing his homework.他做着做着功课就睡着了。What else are you doing while reading this?在阅读这篇文章的时

23、候你手头还在忙着什么别的事情?While watching the play,he tried to absorb what he was seeing.在看这个剧时,他努力领会所看的内容。While they were watching TV,the lights went out suddenly.他们在看电视的时候,灯忽然灭了。His legs sprawled out in V while he was watching TV.他看电视时双腿呈V字形伸开。2What if I was?如果我是又怎样呢? 【要点指南】 What if.?是一固定句式,意为“如果该怎 么办呢? What

24、if you should fail?假如你失败了该怎么办呢? What if he doesnt agree?如果他不同意该怎么办呢? What if the stairs collapse?要是楼梯塌下来怎么办呢?突破阅读理解怎样进行推理判断【方法技巧】推理或判断务必要依据文章给出的已知信息,不能依据已有常识或知识范畴或主观看法。例如,我们根据The telephone rang and I picked it up and the voice said,“Block party tonight.”Right then,I knew summer had arrived in North

25、Dakota.可以推知the block party 应是夏季举行的活动。另外,推理或判断要符合逻辑。例如,我们根据The student looked at his returned exam.He tore it up and threw it in the waste basket.可推知该学生对本次考试的结果很不满意、很生气、很恼火。【实例验证】Think back to your college days,the good old days when life was easy.Stay up all night partying or even studying? No probl

26、em.Eat pizza every night and plow through entire bags of potato chips nonstop.Hey,no sweat.You were a lean,mean,and also young machine.But.then stuff happens.You graduate,get a job,get married,have kids,and around the age of thirtyfive youre no longer so young and so lean.In fact,youve added a few p

27、ounds around the middle.And with each passing year you seem to put on another pound or two.By the time youve hit your midforties you may find yourself looking into the mirror and wondering,“What happened to the slim,young Adonis (希腊神话中的美少年)?” It can be inferred from the first paragraph that the youn

28、g people are _.Acreative Bgreedy Cenergetic Dhumorous 解析:青年人整夜不睡(stay up all night partying or studying)也没有问题(No problem),他们的食量很大(eat.and plow.nonstop),根据这些叙述自然可推知青年人精力充沛。答案:C【实践应用】Making lists is relaxing.It dictates the shape of the immediate future;it calms you down (its OK,its on a list somewher

29、e) and it makes you feel good when you cross something off (listmaking is standard practice in therapy for depression)It might even help you to get things done too.The more you have to do,the more you need a list and few people with highpowered jobs get by without them.Women always think theyre better atlists than men.Men tend to have Tasks which they assemble into Action Plans whereas women just have lists of Things To Do.James Oliver,psychologist,has creat

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