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1、电梯调试简明OPEX调试简明指南Commissioning-manual类 型:技术文件编 号: FOD-FT/现场技术科2006-5-161/41、电梯第一次启动的准备工作:Preparation before first start:序号NO.步骤STEP备注REMARK1 电梯供电已使用正式供电,电气系统的机房线路敷设完成,联结准确,带电的零部件接地保护可靠。Official power, The wire is connected in machine room exactly, the electriferous accessory of effective grounding.2

2、电梯机房实行管制,严防闲人进入。进出机房的通道保持畅通The machine room is controlled, idler is forbid. Keep channels expedite.3 电梯安全部件全部安装完毕,并调整到位The safety part is installed absolutely and exactly.4 电梯井道、底坑、机房楼板面上多余孔洞,凸出物件,都已处理。Has handled with redundant holes and protruding in hoistway, pit and machine room floor 5 电梯层门全部安装

3、完毕,机械锁扣锁合可靠。自复装置和厅外开锁工作正常。门机的门刀最好不要安装。Landing door is installed absolutely, machine hook is effective. Self-regulation device and door locking device work normally. Do not install door vane best.6 轿厢内和轿顶禁止堆放过多过重的物品。Do not be overcharge in the car and on top of the car.7 分出电梯额定载重量一半的对重块,将其余对重块装入对重架次

4、。此时应注意,轿厢装潢的重量。Take half of rated load, others encase in counterweight shelf. Attention weight of the decorative car.8 如随行电缆、井道电缆已经敷设,应检查不能与轿厢和对重相刮碰。If traveling cable and hoistway cable has been installed, do not come into contact with car and counterweight.9 如随行电缆、井道电缆已与控制柜相联,请拆开联线。保证控制柜通电时,随行电缆、井

5、道电缆不带电,以防发生事故。If traveling cable and hoistway cable has been connected by controller, disconnected it. Pledge the traveling cable and hoistway cable without power when electrified controller.10 层门口的召唤和楼层显示等的底盒应安装好,防止装这些器件的孔洞直通井道内。Install the calling board at Landing entrance.11 井道内的样板架,脚手架,轿厢安装支撑架,安

6、装生命线拆离。Jig, scaffold, install car support and life line has been dismantled in hoistway.12 曳引钢丝绳的涨紧度作初步调整,两次保护已做好。Hoist ropes has been elementary adjusted, twice protect has been accomplished.13 曳引机、电动机、液压缓冲器按要求加好油。Put traction machine, motor and hydraulic buffer on steam according the request.2、电动机

7、参数自学习Motor parameter auto-turning1 确认安全回路都通、接地良好、无错接线。Safety loop is connective and effective grounding.2 吊起轿厢,将钢丝绳从曳引轮上取出,使曳引机处于空载状态注:虽然YASKAWA G7变频器可以使用静止型自学习,而不用吊起轿厢,但为了获得较好的电机参数,建议使用旋转型自学习。Sling the car ,take out the hoist ropes from the driving sheave.3 按照原理图正确连接编码器线Connect the encoder line exa

8、ctly.4 合上电梯供电开关,再分步控制柜内各控制回路电开关。检查所有电源电压和相序(相序继电器)是否正确。Turn on the power switch, then turn on the switch in controller length by length. Inspect the all power and voltage. 5 确保KMC、KDY接触器吸合 确保电动机抱闸打开注由于在自学习时有电流通过接触器,手动使KMC、KDY接触器吸合容易因接触不良引起触点拉弧而损坏接触器,因此建议使用以电气的方式使KMC、KDY接触器吸合,Insure KMC,KDY is connec

9、ted.Insure motor break is open.Notation: connect KMC and KDY by electrization.6 变频器参数H1-06由9改为FTransducer parameter H1-06, change 9 for F7 输入变频器如下参数Input the parameter:T1-01设为1时为静止型自学习When T1-01 change 1 is quiescent auto-turningT1-01=0T1-03=电机额定电压motor voltageT1-05=电机基频 motor frequencyT1-07=电机额定转速m

10、otor speedT1-02=电机输出功率motor output powerT1-04=电机额定电流motor currentT1-06=电机极数motor T1-08=编码器脉冲数encoderr pulse8P 2-1 自学习的操作及显示内容见图2-1Auto-turning work and the show content refer to P2-1自学习的详细操作参见G7使用说明书P3-14The detailed parameter of auto-turning refer to G7 user manual of P3-14.9 自学习完成后,相关的电机参数将自动存入E2参

11、数中Finished the auto-turning, auto save the correlative motor parameter to E2.10 变频器参数H1-06由F改为9Transducer parameter H1-06, change F for 911 断电后,挂上钢丝绳,确认轿顶检修正常;Break off the power, hang up hoist ropes, inspection is normal on the car roof.3、电梯安装检修运行 Inspection running of the install序号NO.步骤STEP备注Remar

12、k1 确认机房在检修状态下,确认井道内无异物,厅门全部安装到位,门框与门洞应无间隙Affirm in the hoistway have no sundries, landing door installation is finished, door case and door hole have no clearance at the machine room inspection state 井道安全部件、底坑安全部件安装到位,安全回路导通。The safety part in hoistway and pit is finished, safety loop is connective.

13、 操作步骤应符合WWJSS;The operational process must be accord with WWJSS. 2在控制柜停电时,用专用短接线短接如下开关。Connect these switches with appropriative connective line when controller is in power cut. 上下端站开关Terminal stopping device 锁梯开关key switch board3 按附表二输入变频器控制运行参数。Import the transducer parameter according to the tabl

14、e 2.4合上电梯供电开关Turn on the power switch.5 点动机房检修盒上的下行按钮。Press the down button on the inspection device in controller. 此时电梯机房至少有两名电梯工作人员,一位观察制动器是否打开,及曳引轮转动方向、转速是否正确。另一位操作按钮,并观察接触器吸合情况及的频率输出。当发现异常立即释放按钮。There must be more then two operators in the machine room, one look into the break ,the rotational or

15、ientation of driving sheave and rotate speed, another press the button, look into the going of the contactor relay.6曳引轮转动方向或转速不正确,处理方法如下If the rotational orientation of driving sheave and rotate speed is erroneous, these are the disposal way 转动方向正确,但转速极慢,并有轻微抖动时,变换编码器的A相和B相的相位即可If the rotational ori

16、entation of driving is correct, but the rotate speed is very slow, change for the encoder A and B. 转动方向相反,转速极慢,变换曳引电动机输入电源相位即可If the rotational orientation of driving is contrary, but the rotate speed is very slow, change for the power phase of traction machine. 转动方向相反,转速正常,编码器和电动机输入电源相位都要变换。If the

17、rotational orientation of driving is contrary, the rotate speed is correct, change for the power phase of traction machine and encoder at the same time.7在机房内点动检修盒,电梯运行正确以后,两个方向连续多次地以短距离(1m左右)运行电梯,在电梯各部件没有误动作和异常响声后,把电梯停靠在安装人员从顶层面能方便进到电梯轿顶。为电梯作安装检修做准备。Press the down button on the inspection device in

18、controller, after the lift running well, move the lift continuously in the short distance (about 1m) in two orientations time after time. If the lift running well and no exceptional noise, stop the life in the position where the operator can go to the top of the car, prepare the installation and ins

19、pection of the lift. 8打开顶层厅门机械开锁装置,在进到轿顶之前。首先把轿顶打成检修或打掉轿顶安全开关,再进到轿顶Open the top floor landing door lock, the first step is turn on inspection button and turn off stop button before enter into the car roof. 9分别在控制柜和轿顶分线盒插上随行电缆中CA、CB插接件及轿顶检修盒到轿顶分线盒的插接件。而其余不用接插。Plug into CA and CB of the traveling cabl

20、e in the junction box and controller, connected car roof inspection box and the junction box.10关闭顶层厅门,在轿顶点动操作上下行按钮,注意电梯运行方向,要与动作的按钮方向一致。Close top floor landing door , press the up and down button, it is the same heading of running and button.11在电梯的安全行程(上下限位)内,以检修运行个来回。仔细观察安装好的部件与轿厢之间是否挂碰,相对位置及距离是否准确

21、,保障安全。Inspection operation, look into if the installation parts and car is collide, opposite position and distance is exact.12利用电梯检修运行,安装好电梯的剩余部分,敷设和固定好电气线路,联结好电梯各部分回路。井道信息初步调整到位,如极限、限位、端站开关,门区平层插板。Make use of the inspection operation, install remanent mechanical and electric parts ,for example fina

22、l limit switch, terminal stopping device and leveling inductor plate.13去掉控制柜内的短接线,机房及轿顶均能检修运行。测试所有的安全开关,不但有效,而且触发动作可靠。Take off connective line of controller, inspection operation run well. All the safety switches are effective and dependable.14在厅轿门联动的情况,调整好门机和每层厅门,门光幕。Adjust door motor ,landing door

23、 and photocell.4、电梯快车运行调试序号步骤备注1按附表一在控制主板上输入电梯常规运行参数。如下参数必须设置正确Input general parameter exactly according to the table 1. 总层站数 Total Floor 电梯额定速度 Car Speed 电机额定转速 Motor Speed 编码器脉冲数 Pulse2电梯井道距离自学习Hoistway learn 电梯轿顶置于正常运行状态,用机房检修把电梯驶到下限位(下限位开关动作)。Press the down button on the inspection device in con

24、troller to move the lift to the down limit switch. 操作控制柜内人机界面(液晶显示屏及微动按钮),设定在井道自学习(HOISTWAY LEARN)菜单上,再键入确认(ENTER)键。如果不出差错,井道自学习将自动进行。Operate the LCD and button, enter the hoistway menu, press “ENTER” button. 自学习从最低层开始,直到顶层,止于上端站开关动作。如完成,液晶显示屏显示成功(SUCCESS)lift from the down limit switch and ending a

25、t the up limit switch, if finished, LCD shows “SUCCESS”. 如出现故障,将显示失败(FAILURE),并出现故障代码,检查并排除故障,重新进行井道距离自学习。If happened fault, LCD shows “FAILURE” and fault code, check it and eliminate, try again. 自学习成功后,选择保存参数菜单(SAVE PARA),保存井道距离。After successful hoistway learn, enter the SAVE PARA menu and save it.

26、故障代码参见附录3利用人机界面,分别登记上顶层、低层和中间层指令。让电梯全行程上下行驶一遍。当发现电梯运行有异常响声或振动时,立即停车检查,排除故障。Enter the call input menu to run the lift come-and-go. When there is exceptional noise and libration stop the lift right now and eliminate it.4电梯舒适感的调整 Adjust comfort. 电梯的乘坐舒适感主要集中在三处。即启制动点、加减速段和稳定运行段。The lift comfort have th

27、ree points: start and break points, acceleration and deceleration, steady running. 在排除电梯系统的功率配置及传动机构的制造质量的前提下,检查机械安装。Eliminate the configure and quality of the elevator system, check the mechanical installation. 启制动点舒适感不好,主板上可以调节提前开闸时间、抱闸时间、爬行运行速度、P1和P4曲线;变频器上可调节L7-01、C5-01、C5-02等参数。If the start and

28、 break points are uncomfortable, adjust the break on time, break off time, leveling speed, P1 and P4 curve on LCD; adjust L7-01、C5-01、C5-02 in transducer. 加减速段舒适感不好,主板上可以调节B1、B2加减速斜率;变频器上可调节C5-01、C5-02等参数。If acceleration and deceleration are uncomfortable, adjust B1 and B2 on LCD; adjust C5-01、C5-02

29、 in transducer. 稳定运行段舒适感不好变频器上可调节C5-01、C5-02、H3-12、C6-02、C6-03、C6-04、E2-02等参数。If steady running is uncomfortable, adjust C5-01、C5-02、 H3-12、C6-02、C6-03、C6-04、E2-02 in transducer.5电梯平层精度的调整Adjust leveling precision 检查轿顶PAD上感应器,要求上下两只开关中心距为180mm。Inspect the PAD of car roof, require the distance betwee

30、n the up and down PAD center is 180mm. 选电梯中间一层,用检修运行将电梯开到平层,此时要求厅轿门地坎面几乎无差距,然后调整此层的门区桥板,使桥板中心线与两感应器中间点相吻合。Choose the middle of the landing , inspection operation to run the lift to leveling, there must be no difference between the car still and landing stills, then adjust the leveling inductor plate

31、. 电梯分别从该层的上下运行到该层停靠。测量出平层误差,如果上行高、下行低,调小主板上平层调整这个参数值,直到上下平层精度在23 mm范围内;反之,如果上行低、下行高,则增大参数值。Measure the error of leveling, if up train is tall and down train is low-lying, minish the “Leveling Adj” para. Contrarily, augment the “Leveling Adj” para.6 在对重架上放上剩余的对重块,并固定好。再次检查电梯运行的舒适感和平层精度。Put the remanent counterweight in the counterweight shelf and fixup them. Check the comfort and lev

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