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1、11. realise them 12. shapes their future careers13. last for ever 14. among thousands of applicants15. competitive process 16. a range of traditional privileges 17. presents his or her work 18. profound respect and trust19. academically rewarding 20. for advice and guidancePart B: Listening Comprehe

2、nsion15 B D D A C 610 D A B D C 1115 B D B C B 1620 A A B D CSECTION 2: READING TEST15 D C B C A 610 C A B C D 1115 B C A D B 1620 D B C A DSECTION 3: TRANSLATION TEST 苍天之下,千百万尚未出生的人的命运将取决于我们这支军队的勇气和斗志。敌人残酷无情,我们别无选择,要么奋起抵抗,要么屈膝投降。因此,我们必须下定决心,若不克敌制胜,就是捐躯疆场。我们的荣誉,祖国的荣誉,要求我们进行英勇顽强的奋斗,如果我们做不到这一点,我们将感到羞愧

3、,并将为全世界所不齿。所以,让我们凭借我们事业的正义性和上帝的恩助胜利掌握在他手中激励和鼓舞我们去创造伟大而崇高的业绩。全国同胞都注视着我们,如果我们有幸为他们效劳,将他们从企图强加于他们的暴政中解救出来,我们将得到他们的祝福和赞颂。让我们互相激励,互相鼓舞,并向全世界昭示,在自己国土上为自由而斗争的自由人民胜过世上任何受人驱使的雇佣军。SECTION 4: LISTLATION TEST Notetaking and Gapfilling1. air / atmosphere 2. snow3. forests / woods 4. health5. ozone 6. station7. c

4、ombination 8. associated9. emitted 10. coal 11. affects 12. surrounding13. prevent 14. clean15. exhausts 16. conserve17. recycling 18. rationalize / improve19. private 20. public Listening and Translation. Sentence Translation1. 上海是世界著名大都市,是面向西方的窗口。我们两国曾在这个城市里发表了开创我们之间当代友好关系的公报。2. 今天20%的美国儿童与单亲住在一起,

5、原因之一是越来越多的妇女没结婚就有了孩子。3. 今年的头十个月,双边贸易额是41亿美元,与去年同期相比增加了25%。4. 全球化使所有国家,无论大小贫富,都进入了一个调整过程。5. 历史是一条可能随心所欲把我们带到任何地方去的长河,但是我们有能力把握和选择方向,共同前进。. Passage Translation1. 旅馆是旅行者临时的住所。在旅馆里,旅行者可以休息,在旅馆内或附近餐馆就餐。旅馆还可能提供娱乐设施,比如游泳池,高尔夫球场或海滩。在许多情况下,旅馆还免费提供交通工具,今天来说就是汽车,所有这些服务都是为旅行者提供膳宿方便,因此旅馆业常被称作膳宿业。2. 警方说昨天台风袭击该岛的西

6、海岸,带来大雨,风速达每小时80英里,冲走了约500户住家。台风使岛上大片地区发生洪水,使通讯和供电系统瘫痪。昨天所有国内航班被取消,国际机场关闭了约5小时。据报道两艘客运渡轮沉没,但没有有关人员伤亡的细节。最终伤亡人数要过些时候才能知道。SECTION 5: READING TEST (答案要点)1. through activating the immune system of human body / to recognize and destroy invading organism (or molecule, microorganisms, viruses bacteria)2. d

7、eveloped to be used by smokers who are going to quit smoking / the habit teenagers / young people before they start smoking / other vaccines used to destroy microorganisms / nicotine vaccine used to change / alter human habit / behavior / get rid of the smoking habit3. nicotine molecule too small to

8、 be discovered / nicotine molecule attached to larger molecule (through use of protein from cholera vaccine) / become large enough to be found by immune system destroyed / killed4. applicants who score high are accepted / score low on intelligence tests rejected / only applicants of similar intellig

9、ence levels are qualified for the job / applicants who score more than the required level could be less suitable for the job5. jobs not challenging / possibly not interested in the job / become bored & leave / extra cost for replacement / less productive / “staff turnover” 6. a) not up to the requir

10、ed intellectual level / not “bright” enough / “dumb”b) chances / possibilities) changing of staff members (frequent quit and leave)7. help solve the mental or interpersonal relation problems of employees (or staff members) help the completion of “mission” of an organization / find problems and solut

11、ions / senior managers (not top boss)8. recognition of mental problems employees could have in their effects / Frost and Robingson, researchers from University of British Columbia9. let employees know “there are people” who show their concern and willingness to offer help / recognition of problems &

12、 necessity to solve the problems / heavy duty for researchers as people work in a workplace are not usually professional experts on human resources / “PR”10. a) “Big Ears”= patient listeners b) “bleeding hearts ”= people with soft / weak mind / characterc) “Managers get sent in with pop guns= toy gu

13、ns / weapons without much use / and little tin shields= device used for protection”d) “handling radioactivity”= dealing with big trouble / difficulty / problemSECTIION 6:The peaceful reunification of the motherland would be a great achievement to be recorded in history. Taiwan is bound to return to

14、the embrace of the motherland eventually. An early settlement of the issue would be in the interests of all. The compatriots in Taiwan would be able to live in peace and happiness, the people of all nationalities on both sides of the Taiwan Straits would no longer have to endure the pains of separat

15、ion from their own flesh and blood, and the elders in Taiwan and those who moved there from the mainland would all be properly and provided for. And this would contribute to the stability of Asia and the Pacific region as well as to world peace. The present international situation is capricious. Thr

16、oughout Taiwan people of all strata are talking about their future. time does not stay and brief is the day. A long night is fraught with bad dreams: time and tide wait for no man. For the sake of your party, I would think that if you would take up the historical responsibility and, going with the s

17、tream, resolutely take part in peace talks for our national reunification as required by time and tide, the two parties would be able to co-exist for a long time to come, supervising each other while joining in glorious efforts to revitalize China. 听力测试题录音文字稿:LISTENING TESTDirections: in this part o

18、f the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the word or words you have heard on the tape. Write your answer in the corresponding space in your answer booklet. Remember you will hear the passage only once. Now lets begin Part A with

19、 Spot Dictation. For centuries Oxford university has been at Britains intellectual heart, perhaps the most prestigious among Europes many ancient universities. It is an exclusive greenhouse in which the countrys socially important people are bred, and it lies only 50 miles from London, close to the

20、centres of powerParliament, the Law Courts and the City. Oxford University has attracted students and scholars from all over the world, who have gone on to achieve the highest position in their own countries in politics, administration, science and the arts. Oxford Alumni include numerous eminent sc

21、ientists, literary figures and such overseas politicians as American President Bill Clinton and former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutan. Fewer positions in academic world are grander than being head of an Oxford college. Usually the post requires the combined talents of diplomat, administrato

22、r and academic. As Sir Roger Bannister, former Master of Pembroke College, put it: “Leading an Oxford college was a new challenge. You have to recognize the needs and aspirations of the students and you have to help realise them. The three-year period that students spend at Oxford University is the

23、most important of their lives; it shapes their future careers and the friendships they form in their university days will last for ever.” Every year, among thousands of applicants from home and abroad, only a few hundred are chosen by each college through an increasingly competitive process. Once th

24、ey are accepted, the undergraduates benefit from a range of traditional privileges. The most notable and the rarest of these privileges is the one-to-one tutorial, at which a student presents his or her work to the tutor. It is a personal system that goes back as early as the 13th century. The relat

25、ionship of profound respect and trust that can develop between teacher and pupil over three years can be lasting as it is academically rewarding. Years after students have left the university, they often return to their tutors for advice and guidance. In this part of the test, there will be some sho

26、rt talks and conversations. After each one, you will be asked some questions. The talks, conversations and questions will be spoken only once. Now listen carefully and choose the right answer to each question you have heard and write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding spac

27、e in your answer booklet. Now lets begin Part B with Listening Comprehension. Questions 15 are based on the following conversation.(Man) So, you have teaching experience with this age group in . (Woman) I have.(Man) in Singapore or.?(Man) In Malin other parts of Malaysia. Right. When you were teachi

28、ng this age group, were they bilingual? (Woman) They were bilingual. (Man) Umwere they in English medium schools?(Women) English medium schools. (Man) Ahright. Well, thats very useful experience. (Woman) Yes, English and other subjects. (Man) Mm. (Woman) But they were in English. (Man) Right. So you

29、 were like a form teacher, teaching the whole range of subjects. Well thats very, very useful background for this research project, I think. Umbut youve also got here.short stories and poems for practising phonetics. (Woman) Wellactuallywhat I intended was thiserthis communicative materials. You kno

30、win the form of short stories, and poems.(Man) Yes. mean poems that have been published and that you can use with themyou want your pupils to write poems?(Woman) No. None of them, Im afraid. What I mean is through my poems ,the poems that Im going to write.(Man) Youre going to write poems. Oh, that sounds wonderful. What poems? Are they simple poems?(Woman) Yes. Simple poems so that the children would find it, you know, like a sing-song.(Man) UmI think what we need actually is a slightly more specific plan than this one. (Woman) Right. (Man) Sha

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