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1、重点单词串讲及同步练习一至五人教新课标高二寒假(必修5、选修6)重点知识复习回顾并经典寒假作业(附答案)重点单词串讲(一)1. approach v. 接近,靠近。n. 方法;接近;道路。派生词:approachable adj. 可接近的;能达到的;和蔼可亲的。常用搭配:approach to 的方法;通往的路。辨析:approach,way,method和means:都可以表示“方式,方法”,但approach常与介词to连用;way后常跟不定式to do结构或与介词of连用,前面接介词in;method常与介词of搭配,前面接with;means常构成搭配by means of,表示“通

2、过某种方式”。2. belong v. 属于;是的一部分;归某人所有。派生词:belongings n. 所有物;财产。 常用短语:belong to sb 属于某人,归某人所有;如:The book belongs to Tom。belong to sth 是(俱乐部、组织等)的成员;是的一部分。 注意:belong不用于进行时态和被动语态。3. cheat v. 欺骗;(在考试、比赛中)作弊。n.(cheater美语中)作弊者;骗子;欺诈手段(行为)。 常用搭配和短语:cheat at 在中作弊;cheat sb out of sth (尤指通过不正当的手段)阻止某人得到某物。如:The

3、man cheated his partner out of his money. 辨析:cheat,fool和trick:都有“欺骗”的意思,但cheat常是指为得到钱财或其他东西而采用不诚实的手段来欺骗人;fool是指为了嘲笑别人或得到某物而蒙骗或愚弄某人;trick尤指通过巧妙的方式或计谋欺骗某人。4. consist v. 存在于,在于;由组成。常用短语:consist in 在于;consist of 由组成(其近义词组be made up of)。 注意:consist不用于进行时中。5. deal v. 买卖;经营;处理;关于。n. 买卖;交易。 派生词:dealing n.(商

4、业)活动、交易。dealer n. 交易商。 常用搭配和短语:deal with 处理(近义词为handle);与某人做买卖;deal in 经营;deal (sth) out 分发(某物);a great / good deal of 大量的(修饰不可数名词);make / do a deal with与达成交易。 辨析:deal with和do with:都可以表示“处理”,但是deal with在句中常和how连用;而do with常与what连用。6. debate v.&n. 争论;辩论。 常用搭配和短语:debate about / on / over sth 关于的争论;unde

5、r debate正在讨论中。 辨析:debate,argue,discuss和quarrel:都可以表示“争辩”;但debate多指辩论双方公开在正式场合进行的辩论或争论;argue指一方坚持己见,企图通过争论说服对方;discuss指为了解决问题或弄清对方的观点而进行的讨论、磋商;quarrel则指“争吵,争论”,含与人发生口角的意思。7. disappoint v. 使失望;使落空。派生词:disappointment n. 失望;沮丧;扫兴。 disappointed adj. 失望的;沮丧的。 disappointing adj.令人失望的;令人沮丧的。 常用搭配和短语:to ones

6、 disappointment 令人失望的;be disappointed at sth对某事感到失望的;be disappointed in / with sb对某人感到失望的。8. effort n. U,C 努力,C艰难的尝试;试图。派生词:effortless adj.不需要费力的;容易的。 常用搭配和短语:make an / every effort(to do sth)努力做某事;spare no effort 不遗余力;with effort毫不费力;in an effort to do sth为做成某事而努力。9. employ v. 雇佣;使用。派生词:employment

7、n. 雇佣;就业。 employee n. 雇工。employer n. 雇主,老板。常用搭配:employ sb as 雇人做;employ oneself in/be employed in (doing)从事于,忙于;辨析:employ和hire:都可表示“雇佣”,但employ只用于雇佣人;hire既可指雇佣人也可指租用车、船等。10. impress v. 给留下深刻的印象;使钦佩。派生词:impression n. 印象;影响;效果。impressive adj. 令人敬佩的;令人印象深刻的。 常用搭配和短语:impress sb with sb / sth通过给某人留下深刻印象;

8、impress sth on / upon 使意识到;impression of的影响;make / leave an impression on sb给某人留下深刻的印象;have / get a good impression of对有好的印象。11. inform v. 通知;了解。派生词:information n. 消息;资料。 常用搭配:inform sb of / about sth通知某人某事;使某人了解某事;keep sb informed让某人了解;inform on sb告发某人。如:Please inform me of the bosss arrival.12. ju

9、dge v. 判断;判定;判决。n. 法官;裁判员。派生词:judgment n. 评价;意见;判断力。常用搭配:judge by / from 根据 / 由判断。如: Dont judge a book by its cover. Judging from his accent, I knew he was not a local person.13. lack v. 缺乏;不足。n.缺乏;短缺。派生词:lacking adj. 不足的;缺乏的。 常用搭配:lack (for) sth 缺乏;a lack of 匮乏;be lacking in 缺乏(同义词组be short of)。14.

10、 predict v. 预言;预告。派生词:prediction n. 预言;预测;预告。predictable adj. 可预料的;可预见的;意料之中的。predictive adj. 预测的;前瞻的。常用搭配:be predicted to do sth 被预测做某事。常用句型:It is predicted that 据预报;据预测。如:It is predicted that the price will continue to go up.15. present v. 把交给;授予;提出;表现;主持;上演。n.礼物;现在。adj.现在的;当前的;在场的。派生词:presence n.

11、 在场;出席。常用搭配和短语:present sth to sb / present sb with sth把某物交给 / 赠给某人;使某人发生;at present 现在;be present at sth出席;在场。如:The economic crisis presented the government with a lot of problems. 反义词:absent adj. 缺席的;v.使缺席。absence n. 缺席。16. require v. 需要;依靠。派生词:requirement n. 所需的东西。常用搭配:require sb to do sth需要某人做某事。

12、注意: require表示“需要”时,其后常跟动词ing形式表示被动含义,即 require doing = require to be done(需要被做)require 后跟that 从句时,从句中谓语动词需用“(should) do”结构,表示“需要某人做”。如:Your homework requires handing in tomorrow morning. 辨析:request,require和 demand:都可表示“需要”,且后面的宾语从句都需要用“(should) do”结构,但request强调“请求”、口头或书面的“要求”,常构成request sb to do sth

13、结构;require 指按照法规、权利提出的“要求”,常构成require sb to do或 require doing结构;而demand表示“强烈要求”,后跟不定式结构。同步练习(一). 单词匹配:从右栏中选出和左栏单词意思相近的选项。1. inform A. to reach an agreement, or to perform a task2. predict B. to have sth as a part or feature of sth else3. require C. to come near to sth / sb in distance or time4. cons

14、ist D. to need sth or to depend on sth5. deal E. to say that sth will happen in the future6. approach F. to tell sb about sth especially in an official way. 英汉互译:把下列汉语词组翻译成英语,英语短语翻译成汉语。1. 由组成 6. be present at 2. 做出努力 7. inform sb of sth 3. 令某人失望的是 8. be employed in 4. 属于 9. deal with 5. 根据作出判断 10. b

15、e lacking in . 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. According to their (predict), the population of the city will be 150 million next year.2. She failed because she was (lack) in confidence.3. The Water Cube left a very deep (impress) on all the visitors.4. The old lady lost all her (belong) in the fire, which made her

16、very sad.5. Three (employ) in this company get a chance to study abroad every year. 单项填空。1. Her work answering calls and helping the manager arrange files. A. consists in B. consists of C. makes up D. makes up of2. He had to give up the chance to study in the university because he money. A. lacked B

17、. was lacking C. was lacked D. was being lacking3. Success anyone who works hard and is patient. A. is belonged to B. is belonging to C. belongs to D. belonged to4. All the guests present my fathers birthday party were his friends. A. to B. at C. with D. in5. You are old enough to with this problem.

18、 Dont depend on your parents to do everything for you. A. make B. deal C. solve D. settle. 词义辨析:根据句意选择合适的单词并用其适当形式填空。employ / hire1. Nowadays it is very popular to a car when traveling.2. In the end, they Mary as a secretary.approach / way / means / method1. How long have you studied English by usin

19、g this ?4. No matter how hard the question is, he can find a good to it quickly.5. He solved the problem in the his father taught him. 6. Now I always communicate with my friends by of the cell with / do with7. What will you all your pocket money?8. It is very difficult to determine how t

20、o the problem. 根据所给汉语提示完成句子,每空限填一词。1. 据预测,明年将有更多的学生进入大学学习。 more students will have the chance to go to university for further education next year.2. 在毕业之前,他赠了一本书给我。 Before he graduated, he me.3. 我们不能通过价格来判断产品的质量。 We cant the quality of a product its .4. 为了减肥,她的日常饮食以蔬菜为主。 In order to lose weight, her

21、 diet largely vegetables.5. 他因为在考试中作弊而受到了惩罚。 He was punished because he the exam.6. 房东要求我提前付房租。 The landlord that I the rent in advance.7. 我们应该不遗余力地保护环境。 We should to protect the environment.8. 有关是否重建中心公园的问题正在公开讨论中。 The question about whether Central Park will be rebuilt or not is at the moment.重点单词

22、串讲(二)1. absorb v. 吸收;理解;掌握;吞并。派生词:absorption n. 吸收;专心致志。absorbing adj. 引人入胜的;精彩的。absorbed adj. 专心致志的。常用搭配:be absorbed in sth / sb 全神贯注于;被所吸引。如:Trees are helpful for absorbing carbon dioxide from the air.2. aim v. 目的是;旨在;针对;瞄准。n. 目的;目标;瞄准。派生词:aimless adj. 无目的的;无目标的。常用搭配或短语:aim to do sth 力争做某事;aim at

23、doing sth 力争做某事;aim at / for sth 力争做到;aim at瞄准;旨在;be aimed at目的是;旨在;针对;with the aim of 为了;take aim at sb / sth 把目标对准某人 / 某物。如:He is aiming to enter Peking University. 同义词:purpose n. 目的;目标。3. announce v. 宣布;通知;声称。派生词:announcement n. 宣布;公告。announcer n. 播音员。常用搭配或短语:announce sth to sb 向某人宣布某事;make an an

24、nouncement 发表公告。固定句型:It is announced that 据宣布。如:The result of the competition will be announced to the students tomorrow.4. arrange v. 安排;筹备;整理;布置。派生词:arrangement n.安排;布置;商定;整理。 arranger n. 筹备者。常用搭配或短语:arrange (for sb) to do sth 安排(某人)做某事;arrange for为安排或做准备;arrange sth for sth谱写;改编;make arrangements

25、安排;come to an arrangement达成协议。辨析:arrange和organize:都可以表示“组织;安排”,但arrange是指按照恰当的秩序、关系、计划、需要或可能性进行“安排”或“调整”;而organize指把分散的、相关的人或物“安排”或“组织”成一个整体,使每个个体在整体中都能各尽其职。5. attempt v. 努力;尝试;试图。n. 企图;尝试。派生词:attempted adj. 未遂的。常用搭配:attempt to do sth 试图做某事;make an attempt to do sth / at (doing) sth尝试(做)某事;试图。同义词:tr

26、y v. 尝试。如:I will attempt to complete all the tasks on time. 辨析:attempt,try和 manage:都可表示“尝试”,try和attempt都是指有做某事的打算或过程,但未必成功;而manage强调结果,指成功地做成了某事。6. bury v. 埋葬;覆盖;掩盖;使陷入。常用搭配:bury oneself in sth (= devote oneself to sth) 专心致志于某事;bury sth in sth 使陷入;把插入。如:When I entered the room, she buried her head i

27、n a book.7. courage n. 勇气;胆量;勇敢。派生词:courageous adj. 勇敢的;无畏的。常用搭配:have / lack the courage to do sth 有 / 缺乏做某事的勇气;with courage勇敢地。如:He made such a foolish mistake, so that he had no courage to tell anyone else.8. cure v. 治愈;治好。n. 治疗;疗法;对策。常用搭配或短语:cure sb of sth治愈;矫正;a cure for解决的对策;治愈的方法。辨析:treat,cure

28、和heal的区别:treat意思是“治疗”,不强调是否治好;cure的意思是“治愈”,强调结果,即治好某种疾病;heal的意思是“愈合”,强调伤口自我愈合。 9. figure v. 计算;弄清楚;认为。n. 数字;体形;人物;图形。常用短语:figure out 弄明白;弄清楚;figure on (doing) sth 计划;打算。如:I cant figure out how to solve the problem.10. injury n. 伤害;损伤。派生词:injure v. 伤害;使受伤。injured adj. 受伤的;有伤的。常用搭配或短语:get injured受伤;in

29、jury / injuries to sb / sth 的伤害 / 损伤。如:Liu Xiang quit the competition because of his foot injury.11. pour v. 倾倒;倒(饮料);倾泻;不断涌向。常用搭配或短语:pour sth into sth 把倒入里;把倾注在上;pour out倾诉;倒;畅所欲言。如:Some factories poured the waste water into the river and caused a lot of pollution.12. quarrel v. 吵架;争吵。n. 拌嘴;争吵。派生词:

30、quarrelsome adj. 爱争吵的。常用搭配:quarrel with sb about / over sth 因某事与某人争吵;have a quarrel with sb about / over sth因某事与某人争吵。如:She is always quarrelling with her husband about daily affairs. 辨析:quarrel和argue:都可表示“争吵”,但quarrel强调两人或两个团体之间不友好地争论某事,尤指“吵架”,也经常指因琐事而“争吵”,强调“争吵”的动作;而argue常指提出理由或证据来为自己的主张和看法作辩护,着重说理

31、和企图说服。13. swell v. 膨胀;肿胀;鼓出;增大。派生词:swelling n. 膨胀;肿胀;肿胀处。常用搭配和短语:swell out 使鼓起来;swell up肿起;感到自豪;swell sth to sth (使)增加,扩大;swell with (= be filled with = be full of)充满(激情)。如:His legs were beginning to swell up after he was bitten by the snake.14. switch v. 改变;转变;转换。n. 开关;闸;转变;转换器。常用搭配或短语:switch on (= turn on) 打开;switch off (= turn off)关掉;失去兴趣;switch over (from sth) to sth (从)换台到;switch st

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