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1、江苏省重点中学高三英语内部学习资料谚语整理谚语1. be kept in mind/borne in mind/Keep sth in mind/bear sth in mind 牢记在心2. a good husband makes a good wife 夫善则妻贤3. a great hope makes a great man 宏图造就伟人4. great minds think alike 英雄所见略同5. a still tongue makes a wise head 寡言为智6. man becomes learned by asking questions 发问/善思使人睿智

2、.8. dont count ones chickens before they are hatched 不要过早乐观9. Everybodys business is nobodys business 三个和尚无水吃10. Dont abandon yourself to pleasure 不要一味地享受11. A word is enough to the wise 聪明人一点即明12. Many hands make light work 众人拾柴火焰高; 人多力量大13. the salt of the earth 非常正派诚实的人; 社稷所赖;14. a little bird to

3、ld her 用开玩笑口吻避免透露消息来源15. Birds of a feather flock together 物以类聚(一丘之貉)16. Like father, like son 有其父,必有其子。17. A busy mother makes a lazy daughter 忙碌的母亲女儿懒18. pull my leg 开玩笑19. a wet blanket 扫兴的人或物20. have green fingers 擅长园艺; 有园艺技能21. be all thumbs 笨手笨脚的; 笨手笨脚22. You cannot eat your cake and have it 鱼

4、与熊掌,不可得兼23. Actions speak louder than words 事实胜于雄辩24. Great minds think alike 英雄所见略同;25. be the top dog 有优势的人,国家,团体;胜利者,夺魁者26. the morning sun never lasts a day 好景不长27. easy come, easy go 易得者亦易失28. money doesnt grow on tree 金钱得来不易29. Kings go mad and the people suffer 国王发疯了,人民受苦30. Opportunity seldo

5、m knocks twice 机会难逢; 机会难得;31. A fall into a pit, a gain in your wit 吃一堑,长一智32. One false step may lose the game 一著不慎,满盘皆输33. One tree does not make a forest 独木不成林34. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today 今日事今日毕35. on cloud nine 极其快乐,乐不可支; 极快乐36. hot under the collar 怒气冲冲; 非常愤怒; 发怒37. gre

6、en with envy 心中充满妒忌;38. over the moon 非常快乐, 狂喜;39. A new broom sweeps clean. 新官上任三把火40.A person is known by the company he keeps. 观其友知其人;41. A cat may look at a king. 小人物也有权利42. Every dog has its day. 每个人都有走运的日子43. be a no-brainer 无需用脑的事44. face the music 面对现实;勇于承担责任;接受应得的惩罚45. All that glitters is

7、not gold 闪光的不都是金子46. All good things come to an end 天下没有不散的筵席47. Slow but sure wins the race 慢而稳,赛中胜48. its a piece of cake 很容易的小事49.An old dog cannot learn new skills 朽木不可雕也;积习难改50.Never judge a book by its cover 不要以貌取人51.Herculean task 艰苦的任务52. Daniel in the lions den 比喻面临困难53. catch-22 进退维谷的局面; 无

8、法摆脱的困境54. Jekyll and Hyde thing 双重人格55. A good Samaritan 乐善好施的人56. Mickey Mouse course 太容易了57. A man of words and not of deeds is like a garden full of weeds 光说空话不做事,犹如花园光长刺;58. A roaring lion kills no game 行动胜于言语59. down in the dumps 垂头丧气; 情绪低落; 闷闷不乐的60. seeing the handwriting on the wall 不祥之兆61. B

9、etter safe than sorry 谨言慎行不吃亏,轻率莽撞必后悔;62. God helps those who help themselves 自助者天助63. Accidents will happen 天有不测风云; 天有意外风云64. A bad workman blames his tools 拙匠常怨工具差65. a friend is not so soon gotten as lost 失友易,交友难66.true friends have hearts that beats as one 真正的朋友是心灵相通67.friends are thieves of tim

10、e 朋友是时间的偷窃者68.Neglect(忽视) of health is doctors wealth 忽视健康,医生财旺69.Laugh at your ills, and save doctors bills 生病不忧虑,节省医药费70.Diet cures more than the doctor 药补不如食补;71.have butterflies in my stomach 心里感到很不安,很紧张!72. A golden key can open any door 有钱能使鬼推磨73. Justice has long arms. 天网恢恢疏而不漏74.Lies have sh

11、ort legs. 谎言总是站不住脚的.75.One false move may lose the game. 一着不慎,满盘皆输76.a bad thing never dies 坏事传千年 遗臭万年77.light come, light go 来得容易去得快78.A burden of ones choice is not felt. 爱挑的担子不嫌重.79.Dont have too many irons in the fire 不要揽事过多80.Burnt child dreads the fire 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳81. The onlooker sees the game

12、 best 旁观者清82.No garden is without weeds 有什么事物是完美的83.Dont give me the cold shoulder 不要给我闭门羹84.Slow but sure wins the race 稳中求胜85.Every little helps 积少成多86. The best things come in small packages 好东西往往是小东西。(或乡人不识货,尽捡大的摸)87.inthered 负债88.intheblack 赢利89.Clothes dont make the man 好马不在鞍,人美不在衫90.Jackofall

13、tradesandmasterofnone 万事皆通而一无所长的人91. The day has eyes, the night has ears 要想人不知,除非己莫为92. the pot calling the kettle black 锅笑壶黑,五十步笑百步 93.The great thieves punish the little ones 大贼罚小贼;大鱼吃小鱼94.When one will not, two cannot quarrel 一个巴掌拍不响95. he who makes constant complaint gets little compassion. 一贯抱

14、怨的人得不到同情96. It is easy to be wise after the event 事后诸葛亮好当97. Make hay while the sun shines. 打铁趁热;趁热打铁;不失时机;勿失良机六十一 nature 生性; 本性上; 本来; 生来2. In comparison with 与 . 相比3.Make for 走向; 有助于; 促进4.sign/signal/symbol 告示牌(road signs, public signs) 迹象;标志/信号;交通信号灯(traffic signal) 象征(symbol of peace) 符号5. pu

15、ll off 脱,把(车、船等)开离6. rule out 消除; 排除; 划线隔开7. nothing much 非常少; 没什么 I get up late and donothing muchall day.8.Shoot to fame 一举成名; 一鸣惊人9.give harbor to sb/shelterfrom 让进港停泊;窝藏/使)躲避; 掩护, 保护;10. Open up 打开; 开发11. turn up 开大; 翻起; 出现12. Be sunk in ones thought 陷入了沉思13. Contain oneself 自制14.Check into 登记;

16、签入15. Bump into 撞上; 偶然碰见;16.bring out 出版, 使显示,17. be native to 原产于18. In proportion to 成比例; 与.成比例; 与成比例;19. advocate 提倡; 鼓吹; 拥护; 为辩护20. put sb up/put up 张贴; 举起; 建造; 提高;提供食宿; 直接行动21. Kick off 开球; 踢脱; 启动22. Let off 让下车下船; 引发,引爆; 放掉过; 免除;23. fetch 取来; 抵达,到达; 卖得(好价钱)24.narrowly missed sth 差点撞上25. give sb a lift/gife sb a ride 载某人一程26.setback 挫折27.decrease to/ decline to/ drop to/fall to 下降28. considerable/considerate 相当大(或多)的; 该注意的/体贴的29. It doesnt hurt to ask 问一下也无妨30. Shake the nervousness 摆脱紧张31. Sth in me clicks 突然明白雨滴穿石,不是靠蛮力,而是靠持之以恒。拉蒂默

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