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8 专题讲座八书面表达.docx

1、8 专题讲座八书面表达专题讲座八:书面表达分不同文体训练, 让学生迅速熟悉各种不同文体的写作方法。以下分记叙文、说明文和议论文精编了一些练习,供写作训练用。记叙文写作练习题一. 你们班昨天开英语晚会,请你用五句话讲述晚会的内容,要求包括以下全部要点: 1)校长、英语老师和其他班的同学参加了晚会。 2)目的是为了提高、改进英语口语,激发同学们学英语的兴趣。 3)晚会以陈英演唱的英语歌曲开始。4)英语节目有歌曲、短剧、诗歌和相声(cross-talks)等。 二下列6幅画描述了你5月31日那天的活动。请根据这些图画用英语写一篇五句话的日记。已给出开头和结尾。 May 31st, Sunday Fi

2、neIt was grandmas birthday. At 4 oclock, we said goodbye and set off for home. 三为了配合国际爱护动物周活动,一家英文杂志邀请各国学生提供有关动物的故事。请根据下列6幅图画,以Ah Fu- a Dog为题用五个句子讲述这个故事。已给出开头和结尾。My parents live in the country. My parents praised Ah Fu warmly.四. 你校学生会将为来访的美国朋友举办一个晚会,要在学校广播中宣布此事,并欢迎大家参加。为使美国朋友听懂,请你用五句话写一个广播通知。内容要点:(1

3、)为欢迎来访的美国朋友举办晚会;(2)由学生会组织;(3)于8月15日,星期六,晚730举行;(4)将跳舞、唱歌、听音乐、做游戏;(5)交换小礼品;(7)欢迎大家都参加。已给出开头.MayI have your attention, please? I have an announcement to make-五你是李华,申请到一家外资企业工作。对方要求你用英语写五句话,介绍自己的基本情况。短文应包括下表所列全部内容。已给出开头。My name is Li Hua.六下列图画描述的是你的一段亲身经历,请据此用五句话叙述你的经历。生词:违章者offender n.十字路口 crossroads

4、n.七5月3日,你参观了一个农场。请根据下列图画用五个句子写一篇日记。May 3, Sunday Fine 八北京市将举办主题为Protecting Mother Earth的中学生英语作文竞赛。你准备根据下列四幅图画用五个句子写一篇Story of a Tree的英语小故事参赛。开头已为你写好。 Story of a TreeOnce there was a family living in a cabin(小木屋)under a huge tree.(1)(2)(3)(4)九这是你某日偶遇的情景,请用五个句子将它描述出来:几个男孩在街上踢球。一位老人提着篮子经过,被飞来的足球击中,帽子和篮

5、子掉落在地。孩子们向老人认错。老人原谅了他们,并嘱咐他们不要在街上踢球。一十 Sharing Housework为题,用英文叙述你今天帮妈妈做家务的经过及感想。 要点:1, 你正要出去打球, 看见妈妈很辛苦地洗衣服。 2, 你决定留下来帮妈妈洗衣服。 3, 好朋友明明来找你打球,你拒绝了。 4, 洗完衣服,虽然很累,但很高兴。末句已给出。 Its our duty to help parents do some housework, I think. Possible version: 1We had a very good time that day, because our honorab

6、le headmaster, our English teacher and some students from other classes had joined us at the party. We had the party mainly for the purpose of improving our spoken English arousing students interest in English. Our party began with an English song by Chen Ying. Next, we had a lot of wonderful progra

7、ms, including songs, plays, poems and crosstalk. Never can I forget such a fantastic night.Possible version: 2 May 31st, Sunday FineIt was grandmas birthday. Father, mother and I went to visit grandma,who lives with my uncle in a village not too far away. Early in the morning we bought some presents

8、 and took the bus to get there. On seeing us, they were too glad to speak. The moment I gave the presents to grandma, she was very happy. Then we sat down to talk, while aunt went to prepare lunch, which later was so nice that we all enjoyed it very much. At 4 oclock, we said goodbye and set off for

9、 home.Possible version: 3 Ah Fu- a DogMy parents live in the country. One day my parents went to work in the fields taking my little sister and Ah Fu our dog along. While they were working, my sister and Ah Fu walked to the riverside,where she wanted to pick a flower. Unfortunately, the flower was o

10、ut of her reach and she fell into the river. The moment Ah Fu saw this, he dived into the river , too. When my parents heard Ah Fu barking, they ran to the river and saw Ah Fu swimming towards the bank carrying my little sister. My parents praised Ah Fu warmly.Possible version: 4May I have your atte

11、ntion, please? I have an announcement to make. The Student Union is going to hold a party on Saturday evening, August 15, to welcome our friends from the United States. The party will be held at 7:30 p.m. There will be music, dancing, singing, games and exchange of gifts. Will everybody please bring

12、 along a small gift for this purpose? Theres sure to be a lot of fun and everybody is welcome. Possible version: 5 My name is Li Hua. I was born in Dalian, Liaoning province in February 1977. I started school in 1984 when I was seven and studied in Guangming Primary School from 1984 to 1990. After t

13、hat I went to No.6 Middle school of Dalianin which I studied Chinese, maths, English, physics, chemistry and computer. I like English and computer best and I am very good at them, which made me win the first prize in the school computer competition last year. In my spare time I enjoy listening to po

14、pular music and collecting stamps while My favourite sports are swimming in summer and skating in winter. Possible version: 6The other day my brother and I went to the cinema by bicycle. My brother was riding with me sitting on the seat behind. As we came to the crossroad a young man and a girl came

15、 up and stopped us. Pointing to a policeman not far away, the young man explained, He stood here about half an hour ago and was made to catch the next offender. So we had no choice but to answer for what we had done.Possible version: 7 Today we visited a farm, at the gate of which we received a warm

16、 welcome. Then the head of the farm showed us around and we were too glad to see the crops and vegetables growing well. At noon we had a picnic lunch in the sunshine. After a short rest, we had great fun singing and dancing, telling jokes or stories. It was too late before we knew it and we had to s

17、ay goodbye to the workers. Possible version: 8. Story of a TreeOnce there was a family living in a cabin under a huge tree. Its strong branches and thick leaves kept the family safe from the wind and rain. Sometime later, they felled down the tree with an ax, as they were building another cabin. The

18、y needed the wood for its walls and the branches and leaves for its roof. But before the completion of the new cabin, there came a storm. And strong winds blew away the roofs of both the old and new cabins, because the tree was no longer there to protect the place from the wind.Possible version: 9 O

19、ne day, a few boys were playing football in the street when suddenly an old man who had a basket in his hand passing by. The ball hit him, and his cap and basket fell onto the ground. The boys stopped playing and ran over to the old man, sayingSorry!Sorry!Theoldmantoldthemnottoplayfootballinthestree

20、tanymore.Theboyssaidtheywouldneverplayfootballinthestreetagainandtheyhelpedtheoldmantocarrythebasket.Possible version: 10I was going to play football as usual when I saw Mum was washing clothes, who looked so aged and tired. “Its too hard for Mum to deal with the housework.” So I decided to stay to

21、help Mum wash the clothes instead of playing football. A moment later, Ming Ming came and asked me to play football with him, but I refused him. I went on with my work until I finished washing all the clothes. I was tired out, but looking at the clothes on the rope and thinking of the words with which Mum praised me, I felt very comfortable. Its our duty to help parents do some housework, I think.

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