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新人教版高中英语选修八强化练习unit 2 section 3含答案.docx

1、新人教版高中英语选修八强化练习unit 2 section 3含答案Unit 2 Cloning Section Using Language .单词拼写1He cant_(抵抗的诱惑)ice creams.2They bought that house at a _(合理的)price.3He was glad for his_(获得)a prize.4The new aircraft has performed very well in its_(最初的)trials.5Its bird in full _ (羽毛)6I _ (只是) suggest you should do it ag

2、ain.7The great d_ to living near a main road is noise.8Its not necessarily a bad thing to_(崇拜)film stars itself.9Economists are working on the_(假设)of an interest rate cut.10Everyone must receive 9 years of_(义务的)education.答案:1.resist2.reasonable3.obtaining4.initial5.feather6.merely7.disadvantage8.ado

3、re9.assumptionpulsory.完成句子1The experience in his childhood_poverty _ _ _.童年的经历使他对贫穷刻骨铭心。2In ancient Egypt Pharaohs expected their future generations to_ _ _ _ _.古代埃及的法老期望他们的后代使他们复活。3When he grows up he understands why it is necessary for him to visit his parents_ _ _ _.当他长大时,他明白了为什么他有必要不时地去看望父母。4We

4、will buy the old house as long as it is_ _ _.只要那座旧房子状况良好,我们就买下它。5We tried to persuade him to go with us,but_ _.我们企图说服他跟我们一起,但是白费力气。答案:1.struck;into his heart2.bring them back to life3. from time to good condition5. in vain.单项填空1It_her how quiet and gentle he was.Abeats BhitsCstrikes Dknocks

5、答案:C句意:她突然意识到他是多么的文静、文雅。it strikes sb.“使某人突然意识到”合题意。beat,hit,knock均无使人意识到之意,故选C项。2When she reads a book, she has the habit of stopping_to take some notes.Afrom time to time Bhere and thereCmore or less Done by one答案:A句意:当他读书的时候,他养成了时不时停下来做笔记的习惯。from time to time“偶尔;不时”;here and there“到处”;more or les

6、s“或多或少”;one by one”一个接一个”。3She is overweight, but she cant_the temptation to eat more delicious food.Aforbid BattachCallow Dresist答案:D句意:她已经超重了,但是她抵制不住去吃更多美味食物的诱惑。resist“抵制”合题意。forbid“禁止”,attach“吸引”,allow“允许”均不合题意。4An idea suddenly came to my mind_I could help him in another way.Athat BwhatCwhich Dw

7、here答案:A考查同位语从句。句意:我突然有一个想法我可以用另外一种方式帮助他。that引导的同位语从句用以解释an idea的内容,且从句中不缺成分,为陈述语气,故选that。5_by the noise,we had to finish our meeting early.ATo be disturbed BBeing disturbedCDisturbing DDisturbed答案:D本题考查非谓语动词。“我们”是被噪音干扰,因此应用过去分词作状语。6Be_you cant expect me to finish all this work in so little time.Are

8、asonable BconfidentCcreative Dgrateful答案:A考查形容词。句意:讲点道理吧你不能指望我在如此短的时间内完成所有的工作。reasonable意为“讲道理的”,符合句意。confident“有信心的”;creative“有创造力的”;grateful“感谢的,感激的”。7I have tried very hard to find a solution to the problem, but_.Why not consult with Frank? You see, two heads are better than one.Ain return Bin or

9、derCin danger Din vain答案:D句意:我已经非常努力地想到这个问题的解决方法,但是白费力气。为什么不和弗兰克商量一下呢?你知道的,三个臭皮匠胜过诸葛亮。in vain意为“徒劳地”,符合句意。in return“作为回报”;in order“秩序井然,按顺序”;in danger“在危险中”。8Im sorry to have_you with so many questions on such an occasion.Ainterrupted BconfusedCimpressed Dbothered答案:D句意:在这种场合问你这么多问题真是太麻烦你了。bother意为“

10、烦扰,打扰”,符合句意。bother sb.with sth.“因某事打扰某人”。interrupt“打断”;confuse“使困惑”;impress“给予某人深刻印象”。9My calculations were based on the_that house prices would remain steady.Aappreciation BarrangementCassumption Dambition答案:C我的计算是建立在假设房价保持稳定的基础上的。此处用assumption表示“假定”。appreciation“欣赏”;arrangement“安排”;ambition“志向,野心”

11、。10I left my handbag on the train, but luckily someone gave it to a railway official.How unbelievable to get it back! I mean, someone _ it.Awill have stolen Bmight have stolenCshould have stolen Dmust have stolen答案:B从语境可知此处在谈论过去的可能性:手提包当时有可能会被偷走,因此用might have done表示“可能做了某事”。.完形填空Aunt Fannie was the

12、blueberry jam woman. Of course she wasnt really my aunt, and out of fear, I never called her that to her face.As a young woman, my mother had worked in the _1_of a large Victorian farm house owned by Fannie Cratty and her twin brother, Farnsworth. During those years, my mother_2_ Aunt Fannie make th

13、e_3_blueberry jam ever tasted by anyone in Glenfield. She was_4_for her jam and for never_5_ the recipe (烹饪法) with another living soul. _6_my mother knew the recipe by_7_, as long as Aunt Fannie was alive,she_8_made the jam without Aunt Fannie in our kitchen to direct the process and preserve the_9_

14、.Each August, when blueberry season would roll around, my mother would prepare me for Aunt Fannies _10_.Whenever she was at the house, I didnt need to be reminded to_11_my thoughts and watch my tongue._12_, the woman was old, wealthy, and serious.One year, after I had been_13_helpful with the jam pr

15、ocess, Aunt Fannie gave me a quarter (a coin worth 25 cents) and then made me promise that I would never _14_it. “Hold onto this quarter,” she said. “Someday you will be _15_. I still have my very first you quarter,given to me by my grandfather.” It had worked for her.So, I put the quarter in a smal

16、l box and_16_to become rich.I now have the blueberry cobbler jam recipe and the quarter from Aunt Fannie. Neither have significantly contributed to my_17_, but I keep them as reminders to hold onto the_18_things in life. Money can make you feel rich for a white, but it is the relationships and the _

17、19_of time spent with friends and family that truly leave you wealthy. And that is a_20_that anyone can BcornerCdining room Dsitting room答案:A根据下文作者的母亲协助Aunt Fannie做蓝莓酱可知,她在一座庄园的“厨房”里干活。2A.watched BtaughtCmade Dhelped答案:D根据上文可知,作者的母亲在Aunt Fannie家帮工,她要“帮助”Aunt Fannie做蓝莓酱。3A.most Bbest

18、Cworst Dleast答案:B由下文Glenfield的所有人都尝过她的蓝莓酱且她有独特的制作蓝莓酱的方法可推知,Aunt Fannie做的蓝莓酱在当地是最好的(best)。4A.reported BpraisedCknown Dpunished答案:C根据上下文可知,Aunt Fannie做的蓝莓酱在当地赫赫有名。be known for.“以闻名”。5A.making BtestingCdiscussing Dsharing答案:D此处指Aunt Fannie从来不与人分享(share)制作蓝莓酱的方法。Aunt Fannie对保护制作方法的重视在下一句中有所体现。6A.Event h

19、ough BIn caseCNow that DOnly if答案:A“尽管”作者的母亲知道制作蓝莓酱的方法,但没有Aunt Fannie在场,她从来不制作蓝莓酱。此处用even though引导让步状语从句。7A.note BheartChand Dmouth答案:B此处说明作者的母亲已牢记制作蓝莓酱的方法。learn by heart表示“牢记”。8A.ever BalwaysCnever Dstill答案:C此处强调作者的母亲对Aunt Fannie的忠诚。没有她在场,母亲永远不会制作蓝莓酱,故用never。9A.secret BqualityCcontent Dfreshness答案:

20、A联系上文可知,Aunt Fannie很重视保护蓝莓酱制作方法这一“秘密”。10A.return BgreetingCcheck Dvisit答案:D根据下文可知,当蓝莓成熟的季节到来时,母亲就准备迎接Aunt Fannie的到来,一同制作蓝莓酱。visit“拜访”。11A.spare BguardCcalm Dexpress答案:B根据文章第一段可知,作者对Aunt Fannie怀有畏惧心理,因此当她在场时,作者不用提醒,便会十分小心自己的一言一行,故guard符合语境。由下文的serious也可推知答案。12A.At last BAbove allCAfter all DIn genera

21、l答案:C作者解释了自己这么谨慎小心的原因:Aunt Fannie有钱,又很严厉。after all“毕竟”,用于强调某种事实。13A.particularly BpossiblyChardly Dspecially答案:A根据下文Aunt Fannie给作者一枚硬币可知,作者帮助制作蓝莓酱时表现很好。particularly“特别,尤其”。 BlendCsell Dspend答案:D根据下文Aunt Fannie说的话可知,她想让作者好好保留这枚硬币,不要把它花掉,故选spend。15A.famous BrichCpretty Dlucky答案:B根据下文可知,Aunt Fa

22、nnie认为自己祖父给的第一枚硬币让她后来有了钱,所以她要作者保留这枚硬币,以后就也可以变得富有(rich)了。第16空后的to become rich也是提示。16A.managed BfailedCwaited Ddecided答案:C作者也天真地认为,保留这枚硬币就能发财,因此此处说明作者“等待”着发财。17A.worth BlossCcontent Dregret答案:A根据上下文可知,作者保留了Aunt Fannie的蓝莓酱制作方法和她给的硬币,但两者都没有使作者的身价(worth)增加。18A.personal BpleasantCcommon Dvaluable答案:D作者由以上

23、两样东西感悟到,要珍惜生活中有价值的(valuable)东西。19A.amount BmemoriesCmoments Dlack答案:B作者意识到,金钱只能让你短暂地感觉到富有,但你跟亲人和朋友的关系以及与他们待在一起的美好时光的“记忆”会真正让你富有。 BfriendshipCfortune Drelation答案:C联系上文可知,作者认为,跟金钱相比,与亲人和朋友的亲密关系以及一起度过的美好时光的记忆是每个人都可以积聚的一种财富,故用fortune。.阅读理解Tommy is trying to sit still in class. His face is grey

24、and sweaty from trying not to keep moving his body. His fingers and feet are moving, his knees jumping. The other kids wont sit beside Tommy because hes too strange.One day Red Bird appeared suddenly while Tommy was eating breakfast. Red Bird made a very loud sound and cracked his food all over the

25、table. Tommy had no way of controlling his temper and understanding it. He cried when his mum told him to go to his room.Tommy was unhappy about this for a long time. He always sat alone, and the more he tried to ignore Red Bird, the worse he felt. His life was in a mess. Until one day, Tommy decide

26、d to talk to Red Bird without getting angry,being frightened, or shouting. “I know youre there, Red Bird. Even though I cant see you.” Just saying that made Yommy feel better but Red Bird grew slightly bigger and more visible.“Mum, why does Red Bird get bigger when I feel better?” said Tommy, frowni

27、ng.His mum frowned too, and then she jumped up, ran towards the bookshelf and held a book. “There you go,Fommy!” she said. “Did you know that some birds puff out (鼓起) their chests when theyre frightened? They do it to make themselves look bigger! All bullies are scaredycats (胆小鬼). As soon as you sta

28、nd up to them feeling sure about your own abilities, they will get frightened.”Hearing these, Tommy went quiet and silent. Tommy didnt want Red Bird to be frightened of him. He knew what it was like to be frightened. It didnt matter what Red Bird had done to him. Tommy wasnt going to do that to anyo

29、ne.Later, Red Bird flew away, leaving one bright red feather. Now Tommy is happy and in school the other kids whisper, “Tommys not strange anymore.”1Whats the purpose of the authors writing the first paragraph?ATo list some of Tommys unusual behaviors.BTo describe unfriendly atmosphere of Tommys cla

30、ss.CTo indicate Tommys state of being frightened.DTo show the importance of keeping the balance of nature.答案:C写作意图题。文章第一段的内容主要说的是汤米在课堂上所表现出的状态,再结合下文内容可知,汤米是被红鸟吓成这样的,所以选C项。2What change did Red Bird cause to Tommy?ATommy lost interest in watching birds.BTommy got angry easily.CTommy did not have enough food for breakfast.DTommy had a bad relationshi

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