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1、广州六年级英语下册短语汇总六年级下学期英语短语Unit 1 1. 匆忙 in a hurry 2. 如此匆忙 in such a hurry 3. 你什么意思 What do you mean ? 4. 像.一样 be like 5. 进行跑步比赛 have a race 6. 休息一下 have /take a rest 7. 赢得比赛 win the race 8. 慢而稳,稳打稳扎 slow and steady 9.更努力地工作/学习 work harder 10.耐心点 be patient 11.小心点 be careful 12. 别骄傲 dont be proud 13. 讲电

2、话 talk on the phone 14.骑单车 ride a bike 15. 背/提很重的包carry a heave bag 16. 割到手指 cut a finger Unit 2 1.撞到. crash into 2. 倒在地上fall to the ground 3. 捡起 pick up 4. 把它拿回家 take it bace home 5.美餐一顿 have a delicious meal 6. 艰苦地工作 hard work 7.自言自语 say to one self 8. 从那时起 from then on 9.停止工作stop working 10. 一整天

3、all day long 11.等待. wait for 12. 跑走 run away 13. 没东西吃 have nothing to eat 14. 加油! Go for it ! Unit 3 1. 玩个游戏 play a game 2. 后腿 back legs 3. 看起来像. look like 4. 动物之王 King of the Animals Unit 4 1.其他很多的. many other 2. 处于危险当中in danger 3.濒危动物 animals in danger 4. 永远消失disappear forever 5.砍伐森林cut down fores

4、ts 6. 污染海洋 pollute oceans 7.没有地方生活 have no place to live in 8. 动物制成品 things made from animals 9.为此做些什么 do something about it 10. 栽种树木plant trees 11.共同努力;合作work together 12. 挽救动物save the animals Unit 5 1.在中国的历史上 in Chinas history 2.给某人讲关于.的事 tell someone something about 3.给人民自由 free the people 4.改善他们

5、的生活 make their lives better 5.发明电灯泡 invent the light bulb 6.制作滑稽电影make funny movies Unit 6 1.玩某样东西play with. 2. 卡通电影cartoon movies 3.使.成为现实 makecome true 4. 完成学业finish school 5.担任.工作 worke as 6.变得厌烦 get bored 7.赚钱 make money 8.再次once again 9.把.变成. turninto. Unit 7 1 多不礼貌啊 How impolite! 2. 有需要的人 peop

6、le in need 3.排队等候 wait in line 4. 插队 push in 5.轮候wait for ones turn 6. 等到 wait until 7.讲话时满嘴食物 talk with the mouth full 8.与别人分享share with others 9.拿盘子里所有的食物 take all the food from the dish 10.嘲笑 laugh at 11.有麻烦有困难 in trouble Unit 8 1.很久以前long ago 2. 穿过公园 walk through a park 3. 在中间 in the middle of 4

7、. 更多其他的many more 5.一棵挂着牌子的树 a tree with a sign on it 6.没有一个 none of them 7.喊出声 cry out 8. 在的底部 at the bottom of 9.继续 carry on 10. 明亮起来 light up 11.通向lead to. 12. 这就是原因 this is why 13.最好的派对 the best party ever 14.满是 full of. 15.除了except for Unit 9 1.世界上的任何国家 any country in the world 2. 南非 South Afric

8、a 3.我想. Id like to . 4. 购物很棒的地方 a great place to go shopping travel abroad 6. 世界美食之都 the food capital of the world 7.到时见See you then. Unit 10 1.为感谢某人 thankfor learn about 别担心Dont worry. 6. 以.著称 以.闻名 be famous natural beauty 8. 到达机场 arrive at the airport 小学六年级毕业班英语科考试卷 (考试时间: 80分钟)题号一二三四五六七八九十十一十二十三十

9、四十五总分占分5分 7分8分5分5分4分6分12分15分8分5分5分5分5分5分100得分评卷人核分人I. 听力部分 (30%) 一、听对话三次, 把对话的阿拉伯数字编号写在相应图的括号内。(5%) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、听句子三次, 选出最佳答语, 并把答案的编号写在括号内。(7%)( ) 1. A. Its Tuesday. B. Its summer. C. Its June. ( ) 2. A. Its May Day. B. Its hot and sunny. C. Its June 26th. ( ) 3. A. No, you arent. B. No,

10、you didnt. C. No, you neednt.( ) 4. A. I was a doctor. B. Im a doctor. C. I want to be a doctor. ( ) 5. A. Christmas. B. Easter. C. Halloween. ( ) 6. A. They usually eat mooncakes. B. They eat zongzi and row dragon boats. C. They go from door to door and ask for sweets and cakes. ( ) 7. A. I go shop

11、ping every day. B. Yes, I do. C. No, I dont.三、听句子三次, 写出句子所缺的单词。(8%)1. I hope I can the . 2. I a every day. 3. Lets to the broken tree.4. My brother in Beijing. 四、听对话和问题三次, 根据对话的内容选出问题的正确答案, 把所选答案的编号写在括号内。 (5%)( ) 1. A. 86753192. B. 86571392. C. 86573192.( ) 2. A. In 1997. B. In 1998. C. In 1999. ( )

12、 3. A. The day before yesterday. B. Yesterday. C. Three days ago. ( ) 4. A. He was old and weak. B. He was fit and strong. C. He was short and heavy. ( ) 5. A. He should eat more food. B. He should take some medicine. C. He should eat less food. 五、听一封信三次,判断下列句子是否与信的内容一致,如一致,在括号内写“T”, 否则写“F”。(5%)( )

13、1.On Monday Yongxian and his classmates planted trees and had a picnic. ( ) 2. On Tuesday Yongxian and his classmates sang and danced in the school.( ) 3. On Wednesday Yongxian and his classmates played football.( ) 4. On Thursday Yongxian and his classmates took many photos on Baiyun Hill. ( ) 5. O

14、n Friday Yongxian and his classmates visited the Dr Sun Yatsen Memorial Hall. II. 笔试部分 (70%) 六、判断单词划线部分的发音是否相同, 如相同, 在括号内写“S”,否则写“D”。(4%)( ) 1. brave sad ( ) 2. me seed ( ) 3. dig bike ( ) 4. pot clock七、把下列单词按类别填入相应的表格内。(6%)worker, footballer, Italy, Christmas, painter, Rome, Paris, musician, Easter

15、, Tokyo, China, Halloween, Russia, Jobs 例:worker, Capitals Countries Festivals 八、选择适当的词填空, 使对话完整通顺。(12%)about, forget, doing, lot of, do, hard-working, whos, helped, more, ago, lend, soldierA: What are you _, Li Ming? B: Im reading a story-book _ Lei Feng. A: _ Lei Feng?B: He was a great _. There ar

16、e a _ stories about him. People began to know him and learn from him forty years _. A: What did he _?B: He was kind and _. He always _ people when they were in trouble. He loved the people and the people loved him. A: Can you tell me _ about him? B: I can _ you this story-book when I finish it. A: T

17、hank you very much. Dont _. 九、选择正确答案填空,把所选答案的编号写在括号内。(15%)( ) 1. Look! There is _ egg under the tree. A. a B. an C. some ( ) 2. Welcome _ our school. A. on B. in C. to ( ) 3. _ mother is planting a tree in the garden. A. His B. Hes C. Him ( ) 4. My brother will come to see me _ May 15th. A. at B. on

18、 C. in ( ) 5. The criminal _ come last night. A. didnt B. dont C. doesnt ( ) 6. The _ fall down from the trees when autumn comes. A. leafs B. leaf C. leaves ( ) 7. Miss Li is _ teacher in our school. Everyone likes her. A. good B. better C. the best ( ) 8. Look! Your cat _ the tree. A. is climbing B

19、. is climb C. climb ( ) 9. I hope the flowers will grow _. A. nice B. well C. good ( ) 10. _ the old man angry when someone killed wild animals? A. Was B. Are C. Will( ) 11. This bed is _ than mine. A. comfortable B. more comfortable C. most comfortable( ) 12. I _ lunch at one oclock yesterday. A. h

20、ave B. has C. had ( ) 13. My father usually _ to work by bike. A. go B. goes C. is going ( ) 14. The living room was clean and nice before, but now its _. A. messy B. surprised C. excited ( ) 15. May I _ your new bike? A. borrowing B. borrows C. borrow十、选择正确的单词填空, 把所选答案的编号写在括号内。(8%) Dear Xiaoling, I

21、d like to tell you (1) about last Christmas. It was very cold, and there was (2) snow. We (3) a big Christmas tree and put it in the living room. There (4) little coloured lights and bells on the tree. Under it were our Christmas presents. We got (5) Christmas cards from our friends. On the night of

22、 December 24th, some of (6) went from house to house. We sang songs. We (7) lots of food. Christmas is the biggest day here! What did you do on New Years Day? Did you (8) a good time too?Well fly back to Guangzhou in a week.Yours,Sally( ) (1) A. something B. anything C. nothing ( ) (2) A. many B. mu

23、ch C. one ( ) (3) A. buys B. buyed C. bought ( ) (4) A. are B. was C. were ( ) (5) A. a lot of B. much C. lots ( ) (6) A. we B. us C. ours ( ) (7) A. eating B. eats C. ate ( ) (8) A. has B. have C. had 十一、读短文,根据短文内容选择正确的答案,把所选答案的编号写在括号里。(5%)New Words: brought 拿来(bring的过去式) moment 一会Jiamin went to th

24、e library with Yongxian yesterday. He wanted to borrow a book from the library. There werent any assistants in the library, but they saw some robots standing there. Jiamin said to one of the robots, “Hey, give me a book on music.” But the robot didnt move. Yongxian told Jiamin, “You must sayExcuse m

25、eandpleasefirst when you want some help.” Jiamin did so and the robot brought him the book. But Jiamin couldnt get the book from the robots hand. He thought for a moment, then he said a word to the robot. The robot gave him the book. Jiamin got the book and went home happily. ( ) 1. What did Jiamin

26、do yesterday? A. He went to see a film. B. He went to the library. C. He went to a bookstore. ( ) 2. Who worked in the library? A.Some robots. B. Some students. C. Some teachers.( ) 3. Why didnt the robot move when Jiamin said,“Hey,give me a book on music”? A. Because its broken. B. Because Jiamin w

27、as not a teacher. C. Because Jiamin didnt say“Excuse me”and“please”. ( ) 4. What did Jiamin say when he wanted to get the book from the robot? A.“Thanks.” B.“And you?” C. “How old are you?”( ) 5. What kind of book did Jiamin borrow? A. A new book. B. A music book. C. An English book. 十二、阅读短文,根据短文内容完

28、成下面的句子,每道横线只填一个单词。(5%)Mr Smith is a Canadian man. He can speak French and English. He came to China in _ He teaches English in a language school in Beijing. He works hard. His students like him very much. They often teach him Chinese after school. Mr Smith likes kung fu very much. His favourite film

29、 star is Li Xiaolong. He practises kung fu every day. He hopes he can be a kung fu star some day. 1. Mr Smith is from . 2. He can two languages very well. 3. He came to last year. 4. Hes a in a language school. 5. He Chinese kung fu very much.十三、写出单词所缺的字母,使对话成立, 单词首字母不要重写。(5%) ( A and B are on the phone.) A: Hello. This i_ Mrs White speaking. B: May I s_ to Miss White? A: S_ not here, Im afraid. B: W_ will she come back? A: At lunch time, I think. Can I take a message f_ her? B: No, thanks

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