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本文(新版人教版小学英语三年级下册Unit4-第4课时-B-Let's-talk.ppt)为本站会员(wj)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、Unit 4 Where is my car?B Lets talk,cap,a blue cap,Game,火眼金睛小侦探,Where is my cap?老师的帽子丢了,聪明的你能像小侦探一样帮老师找到吗?,火眼金睛小侦探,Where is my cap?老师的帽子丢了,聪明的你能像小侦探一样帮老师找到吗?,Is it in/on/under the?,No,it isnt.,Yes,it is.,Where is the?,cap,Is it?,on the desk,No,it isnt,under the desk,No,it isnt,in the desk,Yes,it is.,

2、Lets chant,Where is the cap?Where is the cap?Is it on the desk?On the desk?Isnt,isnt,No,it isnt.Where is the cap?Where is the cap?Is it in the desk?in the desk?Is,is,Yes,it is.,一般疑问句:Is it in your bag?肯定回答:Yes,it is.(是的)否定回答:No,it isnt.(不是),(它在你的包里吗?),Where is the?,book,Is it?,under the chair,No,it

3、isnt.,on the chair,Yes,it is.,Lets chant,Where is the book?Where is the book?Is it under the desk?Under the desk?,.Where is the book?Where is the book?Is it on the desk?On the desk?Is,is,Yes,it is.,Isnt,isnt,No,it isnt,Is it _ your desk?,Is it _ your desk?,on,in,under,Is it _ your pencil-box?,Is it

4、_ your pencil-box?,on,in,under,Where is the?,bag,1,2,3,4,5,Is it?,No,it isnt.,Yes,it is.,boy,toy,toys,one,toy,two,toy,toy,box,Have a good time!玩得开心!,May Day,A Its in the bag.B Its in the toy box.C Its under the chair.,我们的好朋友 的cap也丢了,他最终找到了吗?看卡通并回答下面的问题吧!(Watch and answer),Learning tips 看卡通时注意带着问题去看,

5、并抓住问题的关键词。,Where is Mikes cap?,Mum,where is my?,cap,Is it in your bag?,No,it isnt.,Is it in your toy box?,Yes,it is.Thanks,Mum.,Bye!Have a good time.,Lets talk,Mum,where is my cap?,Is it in your bag?,No,it isnt.,Is it in your toy box?,Yes,it is.Thanks,Mum.,Bye.,Bye!Have a good time!,Role-play Time!角

6、色扮演,Show Time!展示时间,Mum,where is my _?,No,it isnt.,Yes,it is.Thanks,Mum.Bye!,Is it _ your _?,Is it _ your _?,Bye!Have a good time!,Complete the dialogue.(补全对话),cap,in,bag,in,toy box,A:XXX,where is my_?,A:No,it isnt.,A:Yes,it is.Thanks,XXX.Bye!,B:Is it _ your _?,B:Is it _ your _?,B:Bye!Have a good tim

7、e!,Make a new dialogue.,bag,cap,desk,chair,toy box,ball,car,map,boat.,In,on,under,The boy is going to play football,but he cant find his football.Where is it?小男孩要去踢足球,但是足球不见了。请你 根据图片提示,和同桌编一个对话。,A.,B.,C.,D.,Game:Hide and seek(捉迷藏),Rules(规则):找一个孩子上台,闭上眼睛,老师把玩具藏起来,台上的孩子睁开眼睛,问台下学生:Is it in/on/under/the?大家回答Yes,it is.或者No,it isnt.帮助台上孩子找到玩具!,What do you see?,I see,three,books,three,books,three,pens,six,rulers,four,bags,two,pencil-boxes,on the desk,on,the,desk,in,the,desk,under,the,desk,on,the,chair,cap,one,two,caps,I see,four,caps,chair,under,the,Goodbye!,

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