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1、河北省正定中学届高三第五次月考英语河北正定中学高三年级第五次考试英语试题第一部分 第一节 语音知识(共5小题,每小题1分;满分5分)1. agriculture A. graduate B. match C. disappoint D. relative2. furniture A. prefer B. modern C. labor D. murder3. match A. machine B. chemistry C. charge D. character4. meant A. mean B. heat C. create D. feather5. belong A. demand B.

2、 hunt C. condition D. anxious第二节 单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分;满分15分)6. While he was at _ college, he took part in political activities, and was soon thrown into _ prison.A. the; / B. /; the C. /; / D. the; the7. - Look! Youve made the same mistake again!- Oh! no, not again! _ such a mistake.A. I always make B.

3、Im always making C. Ive always made D. I always made8. _, she is becoming more and more homesick.A. She havent received letters from homeB. Having not hearing from homeC. Having not heard any letters from homeD. Not having received any letters from home9.-Ill tell Mary about the new job tomorrow. -

4、You _ her last week.A. ought to tell B. may tell C. would have told D. ought to have told 10. The machine has been used much too long. _ it doesnt work well sometimes.A. Its no wonder that B. There is no doubt ifC. Its unlikely D. Thats because11. He received much _ from reading good novels, and his

5、 fluency in the English language gives him_ the other candidates for the job.A. advantage; an advantage to B. benefit; an advantage overC. benefit; the benefit of D. advantage; a benefit to12. -How to get the employer to do something well for you? -You should find a way to make it easy for him to sa

6、y yes to _ you suggest. A. however B. whenever C. whatever D. whichever 13. _ in his book, he didnt notice me _ I entered the room.A. Devoted; when B. Absorbed; while C. Absorbed; when D. Devoted; while14. The pond has been _ a terrible smell for a month but nothing has been done. A. calling in B. s

7、etting up C. giving off D. giving in15. -_ you have an accident, who will look after you? -Cant you look after me, dear?A. Talk B. Say C. Speak D. Discuss16. Some plants are so sensitive _ pollution that they can only survive in a perfectly clean environment.A. from B. with C. against D. to17. _ no

8、need for us to discuss the problem again _ it has been settled.A. It has; once B. It is; because C. There had; for D. There is ; since18. _ change your mind, do let me know.A. If should you B. Should if you C. Should you D. You should19. -Shall I give you a ride as it is so late? - Thank you. _ . A.

9、 Its up to you B. It couldnt be better C. It all depends D. If you prefer20. I dont think he could have slept well last night,_? A. do I B. could he C. has he D. did he第三节 完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分;满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 I was 15 when my mother died. As I walk out

10、of the church after the funeral, it 21 me: we never got to have one of those heart-to-heart mother-daughter 22 . At that moment, I believe, God had a plan for us: 23 Mom so much, wed learn to know Dad. Our father had always been loving us, working hard as a high school teacher. He always had Mom tal

11、k to us about 24 things. Hed get embarrassed to talk themit was his upbringing, I guess. Now here he was with three teenage girls 25. Suddenly he had to 26 things like dating(约会)and bra(胸衣). The man who 27 showed his emotions became a man whod listen to all our deepest heartaches.When I was in colle

12、ge, my boyfriend, Paul, 28 with me. I thought it was the end of the world. When I came home for the weekend, Dad saw something was wrong 29 I walked in the door. I 30 him, and everything spilled out. He didnt have a lot of answers, but he was there to listen. I never felt that 31 could done better.

13、Dads support helped me get things through: Paul and I decided to 32. And when it came time, dad insisted on doing the reception. I was so 33 to be getting married that I never thought Id be a nervous bride. But 34 Dad walked me down the passageway of the church, tears rolled down my checks. When I l

14、ooked over at him, he was 35 too.V Paul and I now have three kids, and Grandpa is part of their life too. Every Thanksgiving and Christmas we go back to 36. Then recently we decided with my brothers and sisters to take a camping trip the way we used to 37 Mom. We camped out for a week12 of us- Dad a

15、nd all his kids and grandchildren. Dad helped me 38 that every person is here for a reason, affecting 39 in ways we cannot see. We all miss Mom 40 words can express, but we were given the best mom a dad could be.21. A. injured B. harmed C. hurt D. hit22. A. reports B. talks C. lectures D. meetings23

16、. A. missing B. losing C. touching D. owning24. A. public B. valuable C. free D. personal25. A. on his hands B. off his hands C. on all hands D. out of hand26. A. get along with B. deal with C. escape from D. keep away from27. A. often B. always C. frequently D. seldom28. A. broke away B. broke out

17、C. broke up D. broke down 29. A. the minute B. before C. while D. in the meanwhile30. A. referred to B. turned to C. pointed to D. applied to 31. A. a friend B. a man C. a mom D. a dad32. A. get married B. be separated C. make friends D. keep in touch33. A. anxious B. uncomfortable C. hopeless D. ha

18、ppy34. A. long before B. ever since C. right after D. shortly after35. A. thinking B. talking C. laughing D. crying36. A. friends B. Dads C. brothers D. sisters37. A. with B. without C. within D. beside38. A. examine B. observe C. see D. watch39. A. either B. another C. others D. the other40. A. mor

19、e than B. other than C. better than D. rather than第二部分 第一节 阅读理解(共20小题; 每小题2分. 第二节每小题1分;满分45分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A Whatever you call him, American swimmer Michael Phelps becomes a household name across the world after breaking the Olympic record for most gold medals in

20、a single Games. Phelps total of eight gold medals in Beijing put him one ahead of the competitor Mark Spitzs record in 1972. Michael Phelps dominated(支配)the field in seven of his races and set an amazing seven world records in the process. He did, however, have one close shave in the 100m butterfly

21、which he won by just0.01 seconds, and in another he had to compete with a faulty pair of glasses. Now people are already calling him the greatest Olympian of all time. But whether he is or not, what is it that makes Michael Phelps so good? A good place to start might be his physique. Phelps has the

22、perfect body shape for a swimmer. His arm span is longer than his height, he has very flexible joints, huge lungs, and hisincredibly large feet(size 14 in the US, size 49 in China)act like flippers in the water. To feed his huge swimmers body, Phelps eats an astonishing 12,00 calories a day, six tim

23、es the average for a man of his age. According to his coach, Phelps starts with a breakfast of champions:Three fried egg sandwiches with cheese, tomatoes, fried onions, five egg pies, a bowl of grits, three slices of French toast and three pancakes with chocolate chips. He then puts on a swimsuit wh

24、ich has been making waves in the world of swimming. Designed by NASA, the American space agency, the suit is made of a special material which is said to help athletes swim 2faster. Michael Phelps should spare a thought for his mum, who first pushed him into swimming as a way of making friends, and w

25、ho believed in him when one teacher said he would never be a success. Whatever the reason for his SUCCESS, Phelps admits there was perhaps also a bit of luck involving in winning his eight medals. “I guess eight is a lucky number for me, too, now. The opening ceremony started on 8808. Maybe it was m

26、eant to be,” he said. 41. The passage is written mainly about . A. Phelps achievement in the 29th Olympics B. a life story of Phelps C. the struggle of Phelps D. the secrets of Phelps success42. Which of the following statements is NOT true? A. Phelps arm span is longer than his height. B. Mark Spit

27、z won seven gold medals in thel972 Olympics. C. Phelps mother said he would never be a success. D. Phelps won the 100 m butterfly just by 0. 01 seconds. 43. Phelps is said to . A. be called the flying fish all over the world B. have set up the new record for most gold medals in the Olympics C. have

28、broken the world records of till the games he competed in D. have a large amount of food every day 44. According to the passage, we may draw a conclusion about Phelps that”. A. Success=physique +huge diet +faulty glasses +family B. Success=huge diet +swimsuit +family +practice C. Success=physique +s

29、wimsuit +huge diet +luck D. Success=huge diet +family +practice +large feetBOne of Britains bravest women told yesterday how she helped to catch suspected (可疑的) police killer David Bieber - and was thanked with flowers by the police. It was also said that she could be in line for a share of up to 30

30、,000 reward money.Vicki Brown, 30, played a very important role in ending the nationwide manhunt. Vicki, who has worked at the Royal Hotel for four years, told of her terrible experience when she had to steal into Biebers bedroom and to watch him secretly. Then she waited alone for three hours while

31、 armed police prepared to storm the building. She said: “I was very nervous. But when I opened the hotel door and saw 20 armed policemen lined up in the car park I was so glad they were there.”The alarm had been raised because Vicki became suspicious (怀疑) of the guest who checked in at 3 pm the day before New Years

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