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本文(外文资料翻译基于GPRS远程监控系统数据终端的研究.docx)为本站会员(b****0)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、外文资料翻译基于GPRS远程监控系统数据终端的研究 毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译系 (院):电子信息工程系专 业:电气工程及其自动化姓 名:学 号:外文出处:Mobile Networks and Application(用外文写)附 件:1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。指导教师评语: 年月日签名: 注:请将该封面与附件装订成册。附件1:外文资料翻译译文基于GPRS远程监控系统数据终端的研究引言随着计算机技术的发展,特别是Internet技术广泛应用到人们生活的各个方面,使人们的生活发生了巨大的变化,从工业控制领域来讲,由于需要监控的区域广、监控的对象种类多,因而需要花费大量的人力、物力和

2、财力进行设备的维护,而且有许多环境恶劣、人们不易到达或不能时刻停留的地方不经常的采集一些现场数据,如果进行大量的拉线工作则是不经济、不合理的,这就推动了无线通信的技术在远程监控领域的发展。GPRS(通用分组无线业务),作为当前的GSM网络向第三代移动通信技术转换的过渡技术(2.5G)具有接入快速、时刻在线、按流量计费等优点,在远程突发性数据及时传输中有不可比拟的优势。2 GPRS技术GPRS(General Packet Radio Service)通用分组无线业务,是在GSM系统的基础上建立的移动网络系统,他使用分组交换技术,能兼容GSM,并且能在网络上传输高速数据,GPRS在传统的GSM网

3、络中引入了3个新的器件:PCU(Packet Control Unit,分组控制单元)、SGSN(Serving GPRS Support Node,GPRS服务支持节点)和GGSN(Gateway GPRS Support Node,GPRS网关支持节点),GPRS通信具有以下特点:资源利用率高 GPRS引进了分组交换的传输模式,用户只有在发送或接收数据期间才占用资源,这就是说多个用户可高效率地共享同一无线通信,从而提高了资源的利用率,而GSM传输数据方式为电路交换模式,在整个连接时期内,用户无论是否传送数据都将独自占用无线信道。GPRS用户的计费按通信的数据流量为计费标准。传输速度高 GP

4、RS数据传输速度可达57.6KB/s,最高可达到115-117.2kb/s,完全可以满足用户应用的需求。接入时间短 GPRS接入等待时间短,可快速建立连接,平均为2s。提供实时在线功能 用户将初始处于连线和在线状态,这将使访问服务变得非常简单、快速。支持IP协议和X.25协议 GPRS支持Internet上应用最广泛的IP协议和X.25协议,而且由于GSM网络覆盖面广,使得GPRS能提供Internet和其它分组网络的全球性无线接入。从上述的GPRS特点可以看出,GPRS网络特别适合于频发小数据量的实时传输。工业的远程数据采集系统就是一个比较典型的频发小数据量的实时传输系统。3 系统设计3.1

5、 系统结构整个系统的结构如图1所示。 系统结构用户终端设备通过串行接口或无线通讯方式连接到GPRS数据终端上,然后将数据打成IP包,再通过GPRS空中接口接入到GPRS网络,最终通过各种网关和路由到达系统数据中心。3.2 终端硬件设计GPRS数据终端的硬件结构采用模块化设计,共包含数据处理模块,远程通信模块,模数转换模块和显示模块四部分,系统结构如图2所示。通信模块串行接口模块中央处理模块AT89C55AD0832显示模块E2PROMX25045GPRS终端硬件结构数据处理模块主要包含AT89C55,X25045两个芯片,AT89C55用于处理与远程通信模块、模/数转换模块和显示模块间的数据传

6、输,为了保证数据不会因为掉电而丢失,采用串行E2PROM器件X25045对数据进行存储。远程通信模块主要包含GPRS无线模块、SIM卡和串口模块MAX3238三部分,SIEMENS GPRS无线模块采用MC35GPRS模块,其功能是将数据或命令通过与其连接天线发射出去,或接收远端监控中心发送的数据,再将接收到的数据或命令进行相应的协议处理后,通过MAX3238送入单片机进行处理,MX3238起电平转换和串行通信的功能,由于传输数据的承载方式是GPRS网络,所以SIM卡是不可缺少的,功能是存储数据和在安全条件下完成客户身份鉴定和客户信息加密计算的全过程。模数转换模块的功能将采集到的模拟信号转换成

7、数字量,它被看作是单片机处理信息源,电路设计时采用了AD0832芯片作为模数转换芯片,先将模拟信号送入AD0832转换成数字量,再送入T89C55芯片进行计算和处理。显示模块主要是考虑到当现场有管理人员巡视时,可以方便实时地了解现场情况,系统使用了一种管理键盘和LED显示器的专用智能控制芯片HD7279A,HD7279A与处理器之间采用串行接口,其接口电路和外围电路电简单,占用的接口线数目少,只需4条,具有较高的性价比。3.3 终端软件设计数据终端必须具备以下基本功能:自动登录GPRS网络,自动向数据中心注册动态IP地址和SIM卡的IMSI号,进行数据传输。3.3.1 串口驱动由于数据终端是用

8、单片机实现的,必须从底层的串口通信开始逐渐实现GPRS登录,最终实现数据的传输,串口驱动实现打开串口(OpenComm)、关闭串口(CloseComm)、读串口数据(ReadComm)、向串口写数据(WriteComm)、串口中断(Interrupt UartRxISR)等。3.3.2 登录GPRS网络通过GPRS Modem支持的AT命令集对其进行初始化设置,初始化设置成功后即可进行拨号连接,GPRS Modem的初始化及拨号过程如下: AT+IPR=38400; /把波特率设置为38400b/s,默认值为9600b/s。AT+CGCLASS=“B”;/设置移动终端的类别为B类,即具有GPR

9、S上网和GSM语音功能,但二者不能同时使用,可自动切换。AT+CGDCONT=1,“IP”,“CMNET”;/设置GPRS接入网关,如果Modem返回“310D”则表示初始化成功。发送“ATDT*99*1#”若Modem返回“310D”则表示成功接通GPRS网络。3.3.3 网络协商GGSN 和Modem通信时遵循PPP协议,Modem拨号后首先要与GGSN进行通信链路的协商,即进行点到点的各种通信链路的参数配置,协商过程遵循LCP、PAP、CHAP、IPCP等协议,其中LCP用于建立、构造、测试链路连接,PAP或CHAP用于处理密码验证部分;IPCP协议用于设置网络协议环境,并分配IP地址。

10、Modem接收到IP后将其存入数据终端的配置地址域,数据终端向数据中心发送配置后的数据帧,告知其动态IP地址和IMSI号,数据中心存储收到的信息,作为下传数据的联络信息。3.3.4 传输数据网络协商之后即可进行数据传送,GPRS网络支持TCP/IP协议,所以通过收发IP数据包来传送数据,此时,终端系统向GGSN发送的所有包含IP报文的PPP报文都会被传送给Internet网中相应的IP地址,从而完成终端系统向远程监控中心通过互联网传输数据的过程。系统实现的一个难点是登录GGSN的过程,即终端系统登录GPRS网关(GGSN)并与网关通过LCP,PAP,IPCP协议进行协商的过程。网络协商过程是一

11、个复杂的过程,协商过程大致如下,在拨号成功连接后GPRS网关首先会返回一个PAP REQ帧,我们发送一个空LCP REQ帧,以强迫进行协议协商阶段,随后,GPRS网关发送LCP设置帧,我们拒绝所有的设置并请求验证模式,GPRR网关选择CHAP或PAP方式验证,我们只接受PAP方式,然后进行PAP验证用户名或密码过程,如果成功,GPRS网关会返回IPCP报文分配动态IP地址。此时就完成了GPRS网关的协商过程。4 结论远程监控技术在工业控制领域中的应用非常广泛,在电力系统、燃气管道管网、石油勘测、水利、交通运输等领域有着非常重要的作用,采用GPRS无线技术使得监控系统的实时性、可靠性有了很大的提

12、高,进一步促进了工业监控系统的智能化和信息化。附件2:外文原文 Long-distance supervisory system data terminal research Based on GPRS1 introduction With the development of computer technology, Internet technology is particularly extensive and in-depth various aspects of peoples lives. make peoples lives has undergone a profound ch

13、ange.As industrial areas, because of the need to control areas, monitoring of a wide range of objects, hence the need to spend a lot of manpower, material and financial resources for equipment maintenance. Moreover, there are many adverse conditions, it is not easy to stay the occasional moment of a

14、rrival or not some field data collection. If the amount of wiring work it is not the economy, is unreasonable. This has helped wireless communications technology development in the field of remote monitoring. GPRS (General Packet Radio Service), as the existing GSM network evolution of the transitio

15、n to the third generation mobile communication technology for (2.5G), with rapid access, always online, so by the flowmeter features Remote real-time data transmission in a sudden unmatched advantages. 2 GPRS technologyGPRS (General Packet Radio Service) is based on the GSM mobile network systems, t

16、he use of packet switching technology, compatible with GSM, and high-speed data transmission networks, GPRS in the GSM network to introduce a traditional three new components : PCU (Packet Control Unit, a control unit). SGSN (Serving GPRS Support Node. GPRS service node support) and GGSN (Gateway GP

17、RS Support Node. Gateway GPRS support node) with the following characteristics :The high utilization rate of resources to the introduction of the GPRS packet switching mode of transmission, Only users send or receive data only during the occupation of resources This means that many users share the s

18、ame wireless communications and high efficiency, thereby increasing the utilization of resources. GSM circuit switched data transmission methods and models for the entire link period, Whether users transmit data alone will occupy Channel. GPRS用户的计费按通信的数据流量为计费标准。GPRS Billing users by the flow of data

19、 communications for the accounting standards.GPRS data transmission speed of high-speed transmission 57.6KB/s. the highest attainable 115-117.2kb/s fully meet user needs.Access to wait for a short time GPRS access time is short, fast connectivity, the average 2s.Online users will provide real-time l

20、ine and on-line at the initial state, which will visit service is very simple and rapid.GPRS supports IP and X.25 support of the most widely used Internet IP and X . 25 agreement, but because of GSM network coverage, makes GPRS will provide Internet and other wireless access to a global network.GPRS

21、 features can be seen from the above, the GPRS network is particularly suited to the frequent small-volume data transmission.Industry Remote Data Acquisition System is a relatively small volume of data typical of the real-time frequency transmission system. 3 System Design3.1 system structureOverall

22、 system structure like chart 1 shows.InternetDataCenterEquipmentDataTerminalEquipmentGPRSDataTerminalGPRS network System structureSerial or user terminal equipment to connect to GPRS wireless data terminals, and then labeled asIP packet data. GPRS air interface to access through GPRS network Gateway

23、 Routing and eventually arrived at through various data centers.3.2 terminals hardware designGPRS data terminal hardware modular design, include the data-processing module, remote communication module. analog-digital conversion module and display module,the system structure is shown in figure 2. Ser

24、ial InterfacemoduleCommunicationCPU MODULEAT89C55ADO8032E2PROMX25045Show moduleterminals hardwareData processing module contains AT89C553, X25045 two chips, AT89C55 for dealing with long-range communication modules, analog / digital converter module and the module data transmission. To ensure that d

25、ata will not be lost restart. Serial E2PROM X25045 device used for data storage. Remote Communication module includes GPRS module and SIM Serial Module MAX3238 three parts. SIEMENS GPRS wireless module using the MC354GPRS module Its function is to connect the data with an antenna or through an order

26、 to launch, the data transmission or reception Remote Monitoring Center. to receive further information or to order corresponding to the agreement, sent through MAX3238 single chip processor, MX3238 starting level conversion and serial communication function Due to the absorption method is the GPRS

27、network, data transmission, it is indispensable to the SIM. function is to store data in a safe condition and complete customer information and customer identification authentication encryption algorithm as a whole. Analog-digital conversion module of the analog signal processing functions will be c

28、onverted to digital, microprocessor as information sources AD0832 chip circuit design using the chip as the analog-digital conversion. AD0832 first converted into analog signals into digital, and then sent T89C55 chips and handling.When the module is mainly on account management staff to inspect the

29、 scene, they can facilitate real-time understanding of the situation. management system using a special keyboard and LED display, intelligent control HD7279A. HD7279A processor uses serial interface, the interface circuit and the external circuit - simple. I occupied lines, only 4, with low cost and

30、 high performance. 3.3 Terminal Software DesignData terminals must possess the following basic functions : automatic download the GPRS network. Automatic data centers to the SIM IMSI and its dynamic IP address for data transmission. 3.3.1 Serial DriverData terminal is due to the MCU. Serial communic

31、ation must begin from the bottom GPRS download and eventually achieve data transmission. Serial opened Serial Driver (Open Comm) closed Serial (Close Comm) Reading serial data (Read Comm), wrote to the serial data (Write Comm) interrupt (Interrupt UartRxISR). 3.3.2 download GPRS networkAT command se

32、t to support GPRS Modem its initialization, initialization can be successful for dial-up connections. GPRS and dial-up modem initialization process is as follows : AT+IPR=38400; /把波特率设置为38400b/s,默认值为9600b/s。4003rd regard for the Baud Rate Setting 38400b/s, default values for 9600b/s. AT+CGCLASS=“B”;AT+CGCLASS= B; /设置移动终端的类别为

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