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1、高二英语模块四11单元练习册Unit 11 Warm-up &Lesson 1检测题基础知识 I.根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. The m_ such as TV, radio and newspapers have huge power in advertising today.2. How relaxing it is to c_ with a good friend by a warm fire in cold weather! 3. We must cut down expenses or well be getting into d_4.

2、 Hearing that the prisoner had escaped, the officer d_to take action at once.5. Those who want to apply for the posts should fill out the a_ forms first.6. Electric lights and fires work by e_.7. A scientist must produce e_in support of theory.8. Little Johnny had a strong _ (信念) that one day he wou

3、ld be a novelist.9. According to the conference _ (议程), a discussion has been arranged for after the presidents speech.10. Were looking for someone with experience in _ (管理).11. _(改革) in the school system are very necessary to the new situation.12. The salesman gave us a detailed _ (解释) on how to us

4、e that tool.13. I get fed up with television _(问答比赛) shows.14. karl Marx was forced to leave his homeland for p_reasons. 用括号内的词的正确形式填空。 1 .This _(announce)of the government greatly excited the local people.2.His_(explain) are always difficult to believe.3 I was _-(delight) at the thought of seeing y

5、ou again.4. Their_(believe) is that only in this way can they improve their English.5. The childs death left a _(pain)memory in his parents lives.6.The _(apply) of new sientific discoveries to industrial peoduction methods usually makes jobs easier to do.III. 用方框内的短语的适当形式填空stand for, in detail, be r

6、emembered as,be made up of, come down to, look forward to, react to 1 A dog _kindness by wagging its tail.2 We will be at the Baker Street at six sharp, and _seeing you.3. It_two choices: you can either stay here and obey me, or leave and never return.4. The police asked her to desribe the accident

7、_-.5.A car _many different parts.6. What does G8 _? 7. Lincoln _ the liberator of blacks. 语法小结:被动语态(II)形式:be+done请完成下列表格时态(do)主动被动一般现在 Do, doesAm/is/are+done一般过去did现在进行Am/is/are doing过去进行Was/were doing现在完成Has/have done过去完成Had done一般将来Will/shall do过去将来Would/should do含情态动词的被动情态动词+do被动语态练习I 用括号内的词的适当形式

8、填空1. Come over and look at these beautiful flowers; they _(smell) so good.2. Youd better not leave the classroom until your homework_(finish).3. A child_(report) as missing by her family late last night.4. The earthwuake _(last) 20 to 30 seconds。In that short time everthing _(destroy)5. The woman wh

9、o_(seat) behind me is eating popcorn.6. Alcatraze island _(locate) in San Franisco Bay and _(serve) as a Fedral prison from 1934 to 1963.7. Do you think that a person smoking around children in public _ (should criticise)?8. Good news ! The missing child _(find)!II.句型操练。 1. Eleven players form a foo

10、tball team. ( 改为同义句)A football team _ _ _ _ eleven players.2. Laziness prevents one from winning. (改为同义句)One _ _ _ _ by _.3. The mother bird escaped from being killed. (改为同义句)The mother bird _ _ _ being killed.4. move, local people, now, to a safe zone (用所给词组成正确句子,使用被动语态)_5. the island, measuring 6.

11、2 magnitude, hit, a huge earthquake, last October, by(用所给词组成正确句子)_6. 30 people, catch, by now, in the building (用所给词组成正确句子)_III选择正确答案1【2012安徽】35. After school we went to the reading-room to do some reading, only to be told that it .A. was decorated B. had decorated C. had been decorating D. was bein

12、g decorated 2【2012重庆】27. Food supplies in the flood-stricken area _.We must act immediately before theres none left.A. have run out B. are running out C. have been run out D. are being run out3【2012北京】29. Have you heard about that fire in the market? Yes, fortunately no one _.A. hurt B. was hurt C.

13、has hurt D. had been hurt4【2012北京】35. Dont handle the vase as if it _ made of steel.A. is B. Has been C. were D. had been5【2012湖南】22. Dont worry. The hard work that you do now _ later in life.A. will be repaid B. was being repaid C. has been repaid D. was repaid6【2012天津】2. The letters for the boss _

14、 on his desk but he didnt read them until three days later.A. were put B. was put C. put D. has put 7【2012辽宁】35. Mum, I was wondering if you could lend me a few dollars until I _ on Friday.A. have paid B. got paid C. get paid D. had been paid8【2012四川】11. They are living with their parents for the mo

15、ment because their own house _.A. has rebuilt B. has been rebuilt C. is rebuilt D. is being rebuilt9【2012浙江】13. Peter had intended to take a job in business, but _ that plan after the unpleasant experience in Canada in 2010.A. had abandoned B. abandoned C. abandon D. will abandon10【2012江西】26. Look!

16、Somebody _ the sofa. Well, it wasnt me. I didnt do it.A. is cleaning B. was cleaning C. has cleaned D. had cleaned 能力提升一 单项填空 (从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项)1. The rule demands that everyone _ quiet in the school library. A. keeps B. keep C. will keep D. should be kept2. Peter was lucky and escaped _

17、 because he was the one nearest to the door.A. to be caught B. catching C. to catch D. being caught 3. Our dog was missing for days but eventually it _, looking a bit thinner than before.A. turned up B. turned to C. turned on D. turned down 4. George had come down _ when his parents found him in a s

18、mall village.A. to beg B. begging C. being begged D. to begging 5. Neil Armstrong had the _ of being the first man to walk on the moon. A. administration B. distinction C. application D. explanation6. There were not any track and field _ for women in the Olympic Games until 1928.A. incidents B. acci

19、dents C. events D. affairs7. He arrived at Washington D.C., where he _ by one of his best friends.A. met B. has met C. was met D. is met8. Hearing about World War II again brought back _ memories for many people.A. peaceful B. painful C. cheerful D. skilful9. To our great surprise, the seven-year-ol

20、d girl _ a story about a trip to the moon.A. was made up of B. made up C. was made from D. made for10. Excuse me, could you give me some paper _?Certainly. Here you are.A. to write B. writing C. to write on D. written二 完形填空 I never believed in Santa Claus. None of us kids did. Mom and Dad 1 to let u

21、s believe in him. They couldnt afford expensive 2, and they didnt want us to think we werent as good as other kids who, on Christmas morning, 3 all kinds of toys under the tree that were supposedly (据说) left by Santa Claus. Dad lost his 4 after getting in an argument with his boss, and when Christma

22、s came that year, we had no 5 at all. On Christmas Eve, Dad 6 us kids out into the 7 night one by one. I had a blanket wrapped (缠绕) around me, and when it was my turn, I 8 to share it with Dad, but he said “No, thanks.” The 9 never bothered him. I sat next to Dad and we looked up at the sky. “10 you

23、r favorite star,” Dad said. He told me I could have it for ever. He said it was my 11 present. “You cant give me a star!” I said. “No one 12 the stars.” “Thats right,” Dad said. “No one else owns them. You just have to claim (认领) it 13 anyone else does, like the fellow Columbus claimed America for Q

24、ueen Isabella.” I thought about it and realized Dad was 14. “I want that one,” I said. “Thats Venus (金星). It is only a planet. It 15 only from reflected (反射的) light.” “I like it anyway,” I said. “Its Christmas. You can have a(n) 16 if you want.” That evening over Christmas dinner, we all discussed o

25、uter space. We all 17 about the other kids who believed in Santa Claus and got 18 for Christmas but some cheap plastic toys. “19 from now, when all the junk they got is broken and long 20,” Dad said, “youll still have your stars.”1. A. encouraged B. refused C. allowed D. followed2. A. stars B. meals

26、 C. presents D. clothes3. A. found B. bought C. brought D. sent4. A. order B. job C. memory D. way5. A. money B. dinner C. time D. chance6. A. took B. pushed C. carried D. worked7. A. cloudy B. noisy C. deserted D. warm8. A. hated B. afforded C. decided D. offered9. A. cold B. night C. problem D. di

27、fficulty10. A. Watch out B. Leave out C. Look out D. Pick out11. A. birthday B. Christmas C. wedding D. graduation12. A. wishes B. wants C. likes D. owns13. A. when B. as C. after D. before14. A. right B. wrong C. sad D. sorry 15. A. rises B. shines C. moves D. comes16. A. earth B. sun C. planet D.

28、moon17. A. laughed B. worried C. thought D. admired18. A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing19. A. Hours B. Seconds C. Minutes D. Years20. A. remembered B. forgotten C. missed D. left三 阅读理解 Thirty workers at a Turkmenistan television network have been fired after a cockroach (蟑螂) was see

29、n crawling (爬行) across the newsreaders desk during a live broadcast, it has been reported. As the newsreader began the 9 pm news program, Vatan, viewers across the Central Asian country spotted something unusual crawling slowly across the studio table: a large brown cockroach. The program, complete with (连同) cockroach, was aired again at 11 pm that night. The national station was bombarded(炮轰) with calls from a large number of viewers, who said the cockroachs guest appearance had put them

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