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1、英文的问候语英文的问候语篇一:英语问候语英语问候语 (Greetings)1 问候语 (Greetings)How do you do?( 初次见面通常用语 )How are you?( 比较熟悉的人之间用语 )How are you getting along with.?( 你近来 . 可好 ?)How are you doing?( 您工作还顺利吧 ?)How is everything?( 一切还好吧 ?)Howis your vacation/holiday(s)/Christmas Day/weekend?( 假期怎么样 ?) What s up?( 近来可忙 ?)Hello?Hi

2、?What s going on?( 近来可好 ?)How is life?How is it going?anything new?Pleased to meet you again!2. 告别类 (Farewell)直接的告别话语有:Good bye! (Bye bye! Bye!)See you (tomorrow)! See you later!So long! Farewell!土跟沏畀塑魁毎 )“eu 0eiu eonpojiui noA ueo ” ieje6je|/|(wraS?WWWM )cl|B noA 0 II!日 JIAI eonpojui | Ae|A|(翳 匸申互凹

3、物需淙豊累耳占准 ) jeqio qoee 0 noA eonpojui 0 ainsee|d Auu s | oq qono u! dee” 0 ie6joj y ( |!| noA euuiiAue ui dojQ ueBe noA ees 0 edon uieBe leeuu | e/v edoq s 问 uoos noA 6uiees 0 pje/vuoj ”oo| | |eAqpoo6 Aes 0 6u!|eo hi j mou 6uio6 eq snuu | piejje uu j euoAjeAe o eAqpoo6 Aes 0 e p |Bill, this is Tom.这是

4、我的名片 )4. 邀请和拜访 (Invitation and dropping in)我们的小聚会吗 ?) If you ever in Beijing, please do look meup.( 如果你来北京,请一定来看我 ) Would you like to join us?( 喜欢和我们一起吗 ?)Shall we go for a walk?( 去散步,好吗 ?)可否赏光来我们这儿 ?)ceremony.( 如果你能参加婚 礼,我们将感到非常的荣幸。 )Would you honor us with a visit?(I d like to invite you to attend

5、 our graduation ceremony.( 我希望你能参加 我们的毕业典礼。 )I m very sorry , but can we make it another time?( 很对不起,下次可以吗 ?) Welcome to our city!( 欢迎光临我们的城市 !)Are you free this evening?I want to pay you a visit.(上有时间吗 ?我想去看 你。 )I really can t thank you enough for the invitation.( 得到你的邀请,我感激 涕零。 )It s my great hono

6、r to attend this grand graduation ceremony.( 能参加这次 盛大的毕业典礼,我感到非常的荣幸。 )5.道歉和应答 (Apology and response)I do apologize for the inconvenience I brought to you last night.( 对于昨晚带给 你的不便,我感到非常的惭愧。 )I ve got to say sorry for what I said rudely just now.( 我 很抱歉刚才对你说 的那些无礼的话。 )I m awfully sorry about the delay

7、.( 对这次耽误,我感到 非常的抱歉。 )It was me to blame.( 这是我的错。 )I do beg your pardon.( 求你原谅我。 )I am sorry to bumpsintosyou. ( 对不起,撞着您了。 )I m afraid I ve taken you up too much for your time.( 花您那么多时间,实 在对不起。 )It was all my fault to have done.( 这都是我的错 )We really didn t mean that at all.( 我们真的没有那样的请原谅)意思。 )Please fo

8、rgive me for.(That s all right, don?t think any more about it.(什么大不了的,别想的 太多。 )It s nothing serious. You don t have to upset yourself. ( 没有那么严重, 不必太自责。 )It s not as bad as that. There is no point to gettingupset.( 没那么糟,不 要为此而不安。 )That s okay. Don t let it bother you.( 没事,别想的太多了。 )6.责备与抱怨 (Blame and

9、complaint) 英语中责备与抱怨的话通常有: What on earth is the matter here?( 到底发生了什么 事 ?)I m afraid I have a complaint to make about the service.( 我对你们的服务有 意见。 )You ought to be ashamed of what you ve done on me.( 你 应为你对我所做的事感 到羞愧。 )Why on earth did you say such a silly thing to me?( 你对我说这种蠢话究竟是 什么意思 ?)You?ve no rig

10、ht to help yourself.( 你无权自己动手 !)I m not a bit satisfied with such a result.( 我对这样的结果一点也不满意 !) You ought to be careful enough next time.( 你下次再不能这样粗心了。 ) I got very annoyed about it.( 我 对此烦透了。 )Can t you be serious for once?( 你就不能严肃一次 ?)Don t interfere in my business, please.( 请别干涉我的私事。)It s no nice o

11、f you to behave like that.( 你那样做太不像话。 )7.对,关于此问题,here. I have no意见与判断 (Views and adjudgement ) 语中常用的句子以供大家参考:Yes, I quite agree with you about that.(我与你意见相同。 ) You are quite right objection.( 这次你非常正确,我没别的意 见。 )I?m with you there. That?s a fine idea. ( 我支持你,这 个主意不错。 ) There is no doubt about it. I th

12、ink this one will do.( 没什么可怀疑的,我认 为就这样。 )I rather doubt that.( 我非常怀疑。 )I beg differ with you.( 请允许我表示异议。 )I don t quite agree with you. I?m against it. ( 我不 十分同意你的意见,我 反对。 )Many people have different ideas. ( 许多人有不同的想法。 )That sswheresI disagree with you.( 这就是我不同意你的地方。)My own view exactly.( 这正好是我的观点。

13、 )I don t think it s very practical.( 我不认为这很实 际。)8.祝愿与祝福 (Wishes and congratulations)Every success in your study! Here s to a happy marriage.( 祝你工作顺利,婚姻美 满。 )Wish you success! May you success!( 祝你成功 !) Please convey my best wishes to Bill.( 请向比尔传达我最好的祝愿。 )The best of luck! Best wishes! Best regards!

14、( 好运! 祝福!) Idrink to your promotion.( 我为你的提升干杯 !) Allow meto offer my heartiest wishes.( 请允许我向你表示衷心的问候。 ) I d like to be the first to congratulate you.( 我想第一个向你表示祝贺。 ) Enjoy your vacation!( 假日愉快 !)篇二:英语问候语大全英语问候语大全How are you? 你好吗 ?Nice to meet you( 适用于第一次见面 ) 很高兴见到你。Nice to see you again( 适用于曾经见过,但

15、不太熟的人 ) 很高 兴再见到你。 How have you been?( 适用于有一阵子没见面的朋友 ) 你过得怎么样 ? Long time no see( 适用于很久没见的朋友 ) 好久不见How is it going? 近况如何。Hows everything with you? 你的一切如何 ?Hi! Are you having fun? 嗨,你过得愉快吗 ?How have you been (feeling)? 你近来如何 ?So far so good 到目前还好。Greetings with People Met Often 问候常见面的人Hi, there! 嗨,哈罗

16、!How are you doing? I can t complain too much 你好吗 ?我 不能太抱怨。 (还不错)。 How is your businegoing? 你生意做得 ?How are things going? 事情进行得怎样 ?How is your day going? 过得如何 ?How are you doing these days? Well, about the same 最近好吗?嗯,差不多一样。 What s new?近况如何。How do you feel today? 你今天觉得怎样 ?I feel like a new man 我觉得好像脱

17、胎换骨了。Are you ma-ki-ng progress? 你有进展吗 ?Have gotten over your cold? 你感冒好了吗 ?Did you sleep soundly last night? 你昨晚睡得好吗 ?What s the matter? Don t you feel well? 怎么了 ?你不舒服吗?Why are you so crotoday? 你今天怎么这么容易生气 ?You look tiredHad a big night? 你看起来很疲倦。昨晚刺激吗 ?How come you look so tired? 你怎么看起来这么疲倦 ?Why are

18、 you in such a good mood? 你怎么心情这么好 ?You look under the weather today 你今天好像不舒服。Is anything wrong? 有不对劲吗 ?Where are you headed? 你去哪里 ?I m on my way to the library 我要去图书馆。Where have you been? 你去哪里了 ?。一、 Basic Expressions 问候基本用语morning afternoon ,evening ,John . 早安(午安,晚安 ) ,约翰。, John. 嗨,约翰。, Mark .how a

19、re you doing? 嗨,马克。你好吗 ?And you? 不错。你呢 ?5.Hello ,Jane. how are you? 哈罗,珍。你好吗 ?6.Pretty good. Thanks. And you? 很不错,谢谢。你呢 ?7.What s upheld? Nothing much. 怎么了 ?没什么。8.What s happening? 近来好吗 ?much .I m just taking one day at a time. 没什么。我只是过一天算一天。are you feeling today? 你今天觉得怎样 ?so so. 普通。12.How is it goi

20、ng? 近况如何。13.How s everything with you? 你的一切如何 ?! Are you having fun? 嗨,你过得愉快吗 ?have you been (feeling)? 你近来如何 ?16. So far so good. 到目前还好。did you do last weekend? 上个周末你做些什么 ? went to a baseball game. 我去看棒球赛。did you go over the weekend? 你在哪里度周末 ?you manage all right? 你都处理好了吗 ? s good to see you again.

21、 再见到你真好。haven t seen much of you lately. 我近来不常见到你。 re a sight for sore eyes. 你真是稀客。brought you here? 是什么风把你吹来的 ?didn t expect to see you here. 我没想到会在这里看见你。seem to run into each other often lately. 我们最近好像经常碰面。paths have finally crossed. 我们终于碰面了。just stopped by to say hello. 我只是顺道过来打个招呼。二 Greetings wi

22、th People Met Less Often 问候较少见面的人have you been upheld to lately? 你最近都在做些什么 ?have you been getting through the dog days? 你怎么熬过这些大热天 ?have you been fooling around? 你最近在哪里鬼混 ?! Yours is the last face I would have expected to see here. 强尼 ! 你是我在这里最没有料想到会看见的人。meeting you here! 真想不到在这里见到你 !, Jane! I haven

23、 t seen you for a long time . 哈罗,珍 !好久不见了7. It s a long time since a saw you last. 好久不见了。haven t seen you in years. 多年不见了。haven t seen you for ages. 好久不见了。, long time no see. 嗨,好久不见。, tom, I m glad I bumped into you. 嗨,汤姆,很高兴碰见你。a pleasant surprise! I haven t seen you for a long time.真叫人惊喜 ! 我好久没看到你

24、了。 re just the man I want to see. 你真是我想见的人。happened to Bill? 比尔怎么了 ?15. No news. But I bet he s . 没什么,我敢说他很好。haven t heard from him for 10years. 我已经十年没有他的消often do you hear from him ? 你多久有他的消息 ?is he getting along? 他近况如何 ? s in the pink. 他很健康。was your trip to Hong Kong? 你到香港玩得怎样 ?hardly know you. 我几

25、乎不认识你。name just doesn t come to me. 我就是想不起你的名字。 has kept you so busy? 是什么让你这么忙 ?24. How s everybody at your house? 你的家人好吗 ?hope your family are all well. 我希望你的家人都好。Park sends his regards. 巴克先生问候你。so happens that I met him on the train just yesterday. 刚巧,我昨天在火车上碰见他。三、 First Greetings 初次问候Basic Expres

26、sions 初次问候基本用语do you do? I m glad to meet you. 你好,很高兴认识你。do you do? Glad to meet you, too. 你好,我也很高兴认识你。 m pleased do meet you. 我很高兴认识你。pleasure is mine. 这是我的荣幸。I introduce myself? 我可自我介绍吗 ?me introduce myself. 让我自我介绍。n ame is Chi ng - mi ng m a junior at BeiJi ng Un iversity. 我叫王庆铭,我是北大三年级的学生。hope w

27、e will become good friends. 我希望我们能成为好朋友。work for Chinese Petroleum Corporation. 我在中国石油公司 工作。10. May I have your name, please? 请问尊姓大名 ?large is your family? 你家有多少人 ?12.Where are you from? 你是哪里人 ?13.What s your nationality? 你是哪一国人 ?14.Let me introduce my friend, Mr. Yang. 让我介绍我的朋友,杨先生Brown, this is Mr

28、. Lin. 布朗先生,这是林先生。think I ve seen you before. 我想我以前见过你。 篇三:英语问候语大全英语问候语大全How are you? 你好吗 ?Nice to meet you( 适用于第一次见面 ) 很高兴见到你。 Nice to see you again( 适用于曾经见过,但不太熟的人 ) 很高兴再见到你。How have you been?( 适用于有一阵子没见面的朋友 ) 你过得怎 么样?Long time no see( 适用于很久没见的朋友 ) 好久不见 How is it going? 近况如何。How s everything with

29、you?你的一切如何? Hi! Are you having fun? 嗨,你过得愉快吗 ? Howhave you been (feeling)? 你近来如何 ? So far so good 到目前还好。Greetings with People Met Often 问候常见面的人 Hi, there! 嗨,哈罗 !How are you doing? I can t complain too much 你好吗 ?我不能太抱怨。 (还不错 ) 。Howis your businegoing? 你生意做得 ? Howare things going? 事情进行得怎样 ? How is you

30、r day going? 过得如何 ?How are you doing these days? Well, about the same 最近 好吗?嗯,差不多一样。 What s new?近况如何。How do you feel today? 你今天觉得怎样 ?I feel like a new man 我觉得好像脱胎换骨了。 Are you ma-ki-ng progress? 你有进展吗 ? Have gotten over your cold? 你 感冒好了吗 ?Did you sleep soundly last night? 你昨晚睡得好吗 ?What s the matter? Don t you feel well? 怎么了 ?你不舒服 吗?Why are you so crotoday? 你今天怎么这么容易生气 ?You look tiredHad a big night? 你看起来很疲倦。昨晚刺激吗 ?How come you look so

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