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1、江苏省泰州市泰兴市中考一模英语试题2019年江苏省泰州市泰兴市中考一模英语试题请注意:1. 本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分。2. 所有试题的答案写在答题纸上, 写在试卷上无效。第一部分 选择题单项选择题 从下列每题所给的选项中, 选出一个最佳答案。1.Switzerland, _ European country, is _ great success in reducing pollution.A. an; a B. a; C. a; a D. an;2.Listen! Theres someone knocking at the door. Oh, _ must be Jim. Its t

2、ime for him to get home now.A. he B. this C. it D. that3.An explosion(爆炸)happened at Yancheng chemical plant _ the afternoon of March 21, 2019. More than 70 people died _ the explosion.Im sorry to hear that. We should always remember: Safety first.A. on; of B. on; from C. in; for D. in; in4.Its nice

3、 of you to offer us so much help during our stay here.Oh _.A. with pleasure B. it doesnt matter C. dont mention it D. have a good time5.There was little rain in your hometown last summer,_ there?_. Plenty of plants died in the field.A. wasnt; Yes B. wasnt; No C. was; Yes D. was; No6.What action will

4、 you take to find out the truth?We are going to _ more surveys in different areas.A. run out B. turn out C. carry out D. put out7.I guess that _ you _ Joan enjoys skiing. Exactly. We are crazy about skiing and we often go skiing together.A. neither; nor B. either; or C. both; and D. not only; but al

5、so8.Before we travel to foreign countries, we should read the _ to local tourist attractions first.A. inventions B. introductions C. information D. invitations9.Jim, I didnt see you when I came last time.I was in Shanghai. I _ an important meeting at that time.A. attend B. was attending C. attended

6、D. have attended10.Would you please tell me more about manners in the West? No problem. People in the West _ exchange gifts at any time, and they exchange gifts only among good friends.A. wouldnt B. mustnt C. cant D. neednt11.Mum, I promise that I wont play computer games any more and Ill work hard

7、from now on. Really? _.A. Every dog has its day B. Practice makes perfectC. Many hands make light work. D. Actions speak louder than sounds.12.Would you mind my sitting here? _. The bench is _ for three people to sit on.A. Better not; too long B. Not at all; long enoughC. Certainly not; so long D. O

8、f course; long enough13.During the Spring Festival, we Chinese people _ door gods on gates, but now few families do so.A. used to put up B. used to put inC. were used to put up D. were used to putting in14.What do you think of our monitor, Sam?He is a hard-working student, _, he is willing to help t

9、he people in need.A. however B. moreover C. otherwise D. anyway15.David, could you tell me _?To visit my grandparents.A. why did you go to Taizhou last week B. what you will do to Taizhou for next monthC. who you will visit tomorrow D. how you will go to Taizhou soon完形填空 阅读短文, 从每题所给选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项

10、。Once when I was a young boy, I boasted (吹嘘) that I determined(下决心)to win first place at the coming piano competition, yet I knew this goal was _16_ impossible. Every year, the best players from all over the state took part in this competition. It was a huge deal, especially for a beginner like me.B

11、ut my mom was my number one _17_. Every day after school, she would sit down right next to me _18_ Miss Green was giving me piano lessons or I was _19_ my piano piece. When I couldnt and wouldnt play any longer, she would always say, if you determine to win, then act like it. Dont _20_. After every

12、practice, my whole body was in pain for numb(麻木的)fingers and stiff(僵硬的)back. However, I didnt want to disappoint my mom, so I kept on practicing _21_ I finally slept on the piano keys.Finally, the big day _22_. Right before my _23_ to perform, my mom said, I know you want to win, so listen to me: Be

13、 there for the _24_ not for the success, okay? I managed to nod.When I walked onto the stage, I was afraid that the judges would hear the _25_ of my heart instead of the music. Carefully, I took a _26_ before the piano and began to play. Slowly, I began to _27_ the world around me. I just let myself

14、 fall deeper and deeper into the music._28_ I really won first place. The experience made me realize that determination is not just saying that you will win. When you have solved difficulties and kept going, you can truly say youre determined, _29_ my mom always said, Its _30_ to beat the person who

15、 is the best, but it is harder to beat the person who never gives up.16. A. nearly B. mainly C. hardly D. exactly17. A. teacher B. supporter C. listener D. reader18. A. during B. because C. while D. if19. A. writing B. practicing C. singing D. making20. A. worry about B. give away C. give up D. chee

16、r up21. A. until B. since C. after D. though22. A. followed B. arrived C. reached D. left23. A. way B. duty C. turn D. task24. A. praise B. record C. experience D. purpose25. A. jumping B. moving C. nodding D. beating26. A. look B. seat C. rest D. break27. A. understand B. love C. forget D. visit28.

17、 A. Naturally B. Surprisingly C. Clearly D. Suddenly29. A. Like B. As C. Or D. But30. A. easy B. certain C. hard D. impossible阅读理解 阅读下列短文, 根据短文内容选择最佳答案。AChris GardnerNet Worth(净身家):Over US $60 millionHe is the owner of a stock(股票)business in Chicago. His family was poor when he was a child. He built

18、 the business with his own hands. At the same time, he also did a good job as a father.Oprah WinfreyNet Worth: Over US $3.1 billion(十亿)She is the queen of American television. Her childhood was painful. At 13, she ran away from her mother and lived with her father. Under the strict teaching of her f

19、ather, she got a full scholarship(奖学金)to college. When she finished college, she got a job at a radio station. Then she worked very hard and became successful.Mark ZuckerbergNet Worth: $56.4 BillionHe was born into a well-to-do and well-educated family in New York. He showed an early interest in the

20、 world of computers. He is an American computer scientist, but best known for creating the social networking website, Facebook. He is the youngest billionaire. He is also famous for giving away 99% of the Facebook shares to charity in his lifetime.31. According to the passage, we can know that they

21、are all _.A. young and beautiful B. rich and curiousC. successful and encouraging D. popular and strict32. Chris Gardner is a businessman and _.A. is the richest of the three people B. is a good fatherC. runs a famous networking website D. was born into a rich family33. Mark Zuckerberg is famous bec

22、ause of _.A. his well-to-do and well-educated familyB. his early interest in the world of computersC. his full scholarship to collegeD. his creating the website Facebook and his contribution to the charity34. According to the passage, which statement is TURE?A. Chris Gardner had a painful childhood.

23、B. It is OK to be poor and it is easy to be rich.C. Everyone has a chance to challenge his/her life.D. Oprah Winfrey has lived with her father since she was born35. Where can we probably read this passage?A. In a newspaper. B. In a science book. C. In a storybook. D. In a diary.BWould you pay thousa

24、nds of dollars for a painting with a face so unclear that youre not even sure its a face? Or a picture by unknown artist? What if the artist was a computer?A piece of artwork created mainly by a computer programme has been sold at the price 432500 about ten times more than people expected. This pain

25、ting, named Edmond de Belamy, was created by artificial intelligence (AI)(人工智能). This means the computer now doesnt just follow us, but makes some decisions and thinks itself.15,000 real paintings were used by some French students to train the computer programme with two parts. One part tries to cre

26、ate paintings that look real, while the other part decides if it is good. If the painting doesnt look real enough, the first part will change its decisions until it comes up with a better work.This is not the first AI artwork, just the first piece on sale. In fact, many people are not impressed with

27、 the painting. The work isnt interesting or creative, says Robbie Barrat, who helped create the painting but doesnt like the idea of selling it. He thinks its too simple and gives a bad idea of what real AI artists are doing. He adds that he created many pictures like it much earlier.In some other p

28、eoples opinion, however, AI art is already very unusual. They hope it will be more common in the future.Still, people who look down upon AI art shouldnt worry. Just as an AI artist, Theo Triantafyllidis says, he usually thinks of AI as a tool and not the artist. Even the best AI today is somewhere b

29、etween a stupid child and a smart pet. It will grow up.36. Edmond de Belamy was mainly created by _.A. a computer programme B. some French studentsC. several unknown artists D. a man called Edmond37. What does the third paragraph mainly talk about?A. What the computer programme can do.B. Whom the co

30、mputer programme was trained by.C. How French students train the computer programme.D. Why the painting Edmond de Belamy was created.38 The writer mentions Robbie Barrat in Paragraph 4 to show _.A. many people are impressed with the paintingB. lots of people took part in creating the paintingC. some people didnt expect the painting to be soldD. most people hope Al art will be common in the future39. What does the writer probably think of AI?A. it creates better art than humans. B. It has not been well-developed yet.C. It will never be popular with art-lovers. D

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