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1、A. conclusion B. decision C. alternative D. description2. We should emphasize our strength in order to convey a of security for them. A. sign B. guarantee C. design D. proof3. Microsoft has clearly seen the that arises because toolbars represent the frequently used functions for all users, but at le

2、ast a few of those functions are different for each other. A. survival B. endeavor C. fault D. dilemma4. There is no to this problem other than to provide additional idioms to accomplish the same task. A. result B. answer C. solution D. reflection第 3 题 同义或近义动词的辨析1. The chairman only the list of the

3、persons who would give speeches, for there was little time left before the meeting began.A. stared B. glared C. scanned D. glanced2. These examples serve to us how greatly each of us can expand our own horizons by standing in the others shoes. A. remind B. recall C. warn D. inform3. It is impossible

4、 not to make mistakes, but we should try to avoid serious ones and modify the programme if problems .A. rise B. raise C. arouse D. arise4. The World Bank has its focus to providing technical assistance and long-term loans for developing countries to stop poverty. A. transported B. switched C. exchan

5、ged D. transferred第 4 题 形容词的辨析1. Environmentalists and philosophers point out that GNP is not a(n) measure of the quality of life in a nation-it only measures the market value of the goods and services.A. accurate B. adequate C. consistent D. considerate2. Some overseas reports are quite about the e

6、conomies of the United States and other major Western countries, saying they are likely to recover or have already begun to. A. grateful B. pessimistic C. curious D. optimistic3. We should develop a healthy eating habit-choose organic food products made of natural ingredients and refuse those with f

7、lavors added. A. critical B. official C. artificial D. creative4. What makes the space shuttle is that it takes off like a rocket but lands like an airplane. A. skeptical B. exceptional C. unique D. strange5. Although many critics think highly of his novels, his essays, however, are more to readers.

8、 A. available B. accessible C. relevant D. satisfactory第 5 题 动词的语境辨析1. It is my hope that our companions from Hong Kong and Macao will visit more places and see more of our country to the changes.A. witness B. glare C. swallow D. accuse2. The global consequence is that different national economies w

9、ill increasingly grow to . each other, both in productivity and in social structure. A. strengthen B. shape C. reflect D. resemble3. He to get together with his friends, lying that he wasnt feeling well. A. avoided B. declined C. tended D. approve4. In the dark, only after he looked around nervously

10、 to that there was nobody following him did he relax a little. A. insist B. doubt C. confirm D. defend第 6 题 动词短语辨析1. I wondered and worried. I was certain we would have to the presentation or else show the clothes unfinished.A. call for B. call off C. call in D. call up2. A dog in New York has been

11、taking a bus regularly. The driver even knows where to . this special passenger. A. pick out B. leave behind C. drop out D. put down3. Doing regular exercise and going on a diet, which seemed difficult to carry on at first, have finally many good effects on his health. A. brought about B. got throug

12、h C. resulted from D. turned into4. The generous donation from China to the sufferers in the Japans quake-hit areas has . the Chinese peoples unselfishness and internationalism. A. taken out B. given out C. brought out D. put out第 7 题 副词的辨析1. He accordingly departed somewhat , and went home to consi

13、der whether he would seek to bring about a meeting with her.A. practically B. abruptly C. apparently D. occasionally2. She wants her daughters love and also wants to help her become a whole person who can more fully relate to others. A. absolutely B. accidentally C. socially D. desperately3. It will

14、 be recorded that distance of Hawaii from Japan makes it obvious that the attack was . planned, many days, or even weeks ago. A. separately B. unconsciously C. deliberately D. splendidly4. The English spoken in the Unite States is only different from that spoken in Britain. A. constantly B. slightly

15、 C. awfully D. abundantly第 8 题 介词短语的辨析1. Vitamin D helps our bodies make a special chemical, and this special chemical, , affects our brains, making us feel happy.A. in turn B. in short C. in particular D. in advance2. Our development over the past forty years, and especially over the last decade, h

16、as increased our strength. China will never collapse. , it will grow stronger. A. By the way B. In the end C. On the contrary D. As a whole3. If the experiment is successful two years later, interferon(干扰素) may be to becoming one of the best wonder drugs yet-a natural one. A. in a way B. on the way

17、C. by the way D. in no way4. Its widely acknowledged that at present most of the traffic accidents are largely the drivers carelessness or drunk driving. A. as a result of B. due to C. thanks to D. because of第 9 题 时态的运用1. By the time the firefighters arrived at the cinema, the nearby citizens the bi

18、g fire. (put)当消防战士们赶到电影院时,附近的居民已经把大火扑灭了.2. Lucy going back to school, but she hasnt made a decision yet.(consider)Lucy一直在考虑回学校学习,但她还没有做出决定.3. The villagers suffered a lot loss in the flood and they . (live)这些村民在洪灾中遭受了惨重的损失,他们没有房子居住了.4. Did you notice what when she first gave us a lecture? (wear)你注意到

19、她第一次给我们讲课时穿着什么吗?5. is why the dinosaurs suddenly disappeared 6.5 millions ago. (remain)为什么恐龙在650万年前突然消失,这仍然是一个谜.6. With the development of science and technology, nobody can imagine in one hundred years, or even fifty years. (like)随着科技的发展,没有人能想象在一百年之后或是五十年之后的生活是什么样子.7. E-commerce or other business o

20、ver the Internet , as people find online shopping convenient and quick. (become) 随着人们发现网上购物的方便和快捷,电子贸易或其他网上业务正变得越来越流行.8. Karl in France for several years, but he is now working in a big hospital in Shanghai. (work)Karl在法国当了好几年医生,但是他现在正在上海的一家大型医院工作. 9. By the time you get home tomorrow afternoon, we

21、from top to bottom. (clean) 明天下午你到家的时候,我们将已经彻底地打扫了房子.10. As I was still very young, my mother, a primary school teacher, told me . (go) 当我还很小的时候,我的当小学教师的母亲就告诉我月亮绕着地球转.第 10 题 特殊句型中的时态1. It is the first time that such an American novel, whose plot is so attractive that I love it soon. (read)这是我第一次看这样的

22、美国小说,其情节如此吸引人以至于我很快就喜欢上了它.2. Scarcely in his room downstairs when his daughter appeared carrying a crocodile handbag, as if she was just going out.(sit)他一到楼下房间坐下,他女儿就拿着鳄鱼皮手提包来了,好像是要出门的样子.3. before the chemicals start to escape from the containers buried under-g round.(be) 要经过许多年之后,这些化学品才开始从埋在地下的容器中渗

23、出来.4. Yesterday morning a thief a female passengers handbag on the bus when a policeman appeared in front of him and caught him. (about) 昨天上午在公交车上一个小偷正要偷一名女性乘客的手提包时,突然一名警察出现在他面前并抓住了他.第11题 语态1. It is predicted that if , as many as 8 million might be infected with AIDS in the near future. (action)人们预计

24、如果不立即采取行动,在不久的将来将会有多达八百万人染上艾滋病.2. Yao Ming, the former famous basketball player of NBA, at the moment about why he retired from basketball. (interview)姚明, 这位NBA前篮球明星, 此时此刻正就为什么退出篮球运动接受采访.3. Nowadays a good number of people keep cats as pets because cats loyal friends to them next to dogs. (refer)如今,

25、很多人把猫当宠物养,因为猫被认为是仅次于狗的对人忠实的朋友.4. The expensive houses because the prices of them were so high that few people could afford them. (sell)这些昂贵的房子卖得不好,因为它们的价格如此高以至于很少有人买得起.5. The flight attendants suggest that we should when the aircraft is shaking in the sky. (remain)空中乘务员建议: 当飞机在空中摇动时,我们应该坐着不动.6. I wo

26、uld have come to help you, but that you were needing my help. (tell)我本来可以来帮助你的,但是我并不知道你需要我的帮助啊.7. Education is the focus of everything in our times, so more attention to the development of education in our national policies in the future. (pay)在我们这个时代,教育是万物之焦点,因此我国未来的国策应更多地关注教育的发展.8. I feel it is yo

27、ur childs grandparents who the accident. (blame)我认为你孩子的祖父母应该对这个事故负责.第12题 名词性从句1. Those who are intending to learn smoke must know .(harmful)那些正想要学抽烟的人必须知道吸烟有害健康.2. Wonderful as what you said is, it fades next to in helping those poor and disabled children achieve their goals.(do)尽管你说得很好,但它比起你帮助那些贫穷,

28、残疾的孩子实现他们的目标所做的事情就逊色了.3. I think may have been due to her parents influence. (become)我认为她成为音乐家可能是受到了她父母的影响. 4. Three months later, word came from the press in a national magazine-Readers. (publish) 三个月之后,来自出版社的消息说他的文章在一家国内杂志-上发表了5. is that he failed in the examination again. (expectation) 出乎我们意料之外的事情是:他考试又没有通过.6. Our monitor requests that everyone present should donate the same amount of money for the poor students, and this is .(disagree) 我们的班长要求在场的每一个人为那些贫困生捐出同样数额的钱,这正是我不同意的地方.7. It concerns all of us a lot

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