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1、中英文浅析圣索菲亚大教堂的设计风格讲解 浅谈圣索菲亚大教堂的设计风格 目录目录.3引言.41.介绍教堂.4 1.1时代背景.4 1.2产生原因.52.对圣索菲亚大教堂风格分析.5 2.1整体设计特点.5 2.2色彩应用特点.7 2.3装潢特点.9 2.4教堂特色.93.教堂存在地位及对其它地区影响.10小结.10引用.11参考文献.11 摘要我们生活的世界里,每处都布满了建筑,许多建筑凭借其雄伟壮丽的外观,充满意义的历史故事,岁月的沉淀及特色的建筑风格令世人叹为观止,从而载入史册。渡过历史的洪涛,它们中的许多成为了建筑史上的标杆,也为人们研究不同时代文化背景提供了生动详尽的资料。其中罗马是众多

2、经典建筑诞生之地,以始建于东罗马皇帝统治时期圣索菲亚大教堂最为闻名。本文将浅析圣索菲亚大教堂的设计风格,探索它带给人类在建筑方面的启发和意义。关键字 圣索菲亚大教堂 影响 风格 引言 在建筑构造中,设计风格是其最重要的标志,通常我们只要知晓这座建筑的设计风格,即便没见过该建筑,对其大致形象也能显于脑海,甚至是当地整个城市的人文,更远至涉及到当地历史背景,可见明确建筑风格对建筑物的重要性。圣索菲亚大教堂是典型的拜占庭风格代表作,本文将通过对其风格的分析,研究其设计风格的具体特点及影响。1.介绍教堂 圣索菲亚大教堂位于土耳其伊斯坦布尔,可以说是改变了建筑史的拜占庭式建筑典范,巨大的圆顶使其闻名世界


4、拜占庭式建筑的一大杰作,整体设计风格充满了浓浓的拜占庭之风,具有浓厚的宗教色彩。圣菲亚大教堂整体规模宏大,整体气质大气,庄严,光是教堂内的柱子就使用了107根,最高的圆柱高19米至20米,直径约1.5米,构成了教堂内部整体宏伟高大的空间(见图1);图1且每根柱头都采用了华丽的科林斯柱式,稳固且坚实;穹顶直径达43.3米,顶端高度也是43.3米,一眼望上去,非常的阔气,且穹顶中央还开了一个直径为8.9米的圆洞(见图2), 图2意味着人类的某种联系,当外面光线从该洞投射进来后,会发生漫反射,顿时整个空阔的内部都会发光,形成一种宁谧的宗教气息,与其宗教背景相吻合。圣菲亚大教堂设计特点之大气还体现在门

5、廊上,隶属于圣菲亚大教堂的万神庙门廊高达雄伟,面阔33米,正面有长方形柱廊,深15.5米,柱高14.18米,地径为1.43米,迎面给人形成了强烈的视觉冲击感跟震撼感,顶天立地,大气磅礴之感。 (见图3)图3 “圣菲亚大教堂是古代晚期建筑的伟大成就,它的特别之处还在于采用了希腊十字架的造型,且在空间上,创造了巨型的圆顶,凌空而建,无柱子支撑,为后期人类设计出拱门、扶壁提供了参考。”【1】2.2色彩应用特点建筑一般通过形式、质感和色彩来表达,而其中最具表现力和视觉冲击力的因素就是色彩了。色彩的运用反映了一个城市的风貌,人文特征,也是历史发展的见证。建筑的色彩与众多元素相互作用,影响建筑的表现形式,

6、使建筑产生更高层次的美感。圣索菲亚大教堂主要应用白黄红三色彩,主题外观多为白色,内部墙面多为黄色和红色。白色的白墙跟立柱表现出建筑的庄重、高雅、纯洁的气息,与其宗教背景相呼应;内部的墙面多采用黄色和红色两种暖色,在教堂内部形成饱满、融合的气息,让参观者感觉到温暖和舒适,且黄色多用于勾画“神”,意味崇高,神圣,表现出该教堂是为智慧之神索菲亚而生的特点。 彩色玻璃马赛克装饰着天使和圣徒像(图4),不仅丰富了人们的视觉,还烘托了建筑本身的神圣感。在中世纪时,天空的蓝色象征着天国和神性,意味着无穷,信念真实等。金色则象征着太阳,爱情,永恒,智慧,在宗教中是主权者的意思。整个教堂上下左右相互辉映,整个空

7、间都金碧辉煌,有着宗教的庄严与神圣感,让每一位教徒都感受到宗教的光环。图42.3装潢特点圣索菲亚大教堂内部地面上铺上了多色的大理石,及绿白带紫的斑岩还有金色的马赛克。“在砖块之上形成了外壳,通过这些覆盖物来遮掩墩柱,无形中使得外观看上去更为宽敞,明亮。”【2】内部的穹窿顶部和四周幕墙上都绘满了大量精美的壁画和雕塑,色彩绚丽,还运用了大量的大理石镶嵌而成的马赛克拼图,用这些马赛克拼绘出饿了圣母玛利亚、耶稣、圣人、帝王和皇后,使得整个内部装潢充满了宗教气氛,美丽庄严,充满神圣气息。2.4教堂特色 圣索菲亚大教堂极富有拜占庭风格特色,主要表现在他的穹顶设计和雕花的一些细节上,其圆顶巨大,由穷隅支撑和

8、四条矩形柱子支撑,通过穷隅实现美学效果,同时也能稳定圆顶的侧面,让圆顶的重量可以顺势向下,看上去好像是在由四大圆柱之间浮起来的感觉。17世纪时,效仿公元前腓尼基人昂地帕特提出的“七大奇迹”的说法,提出现代世界“七大奇迹”,圣索菲亚大教堂就是其中之一;在雕刻上,运用浮雕,技艺精细,纹理清晰,骨络分明,人物跟图像栩栩如生。3.教堂存在地位及对其它地区影响(如俄罗斯建筑和伊斯兰教建筑) 拜占廷虽然衰落以至灭亡了,但正教和以集中式构图为特征的正教教堂,在受拜占廷文化影响的地区并没有消亡,得到了继承并有了一定发展。圣索菲亚大教堂的存在对其他地域建筑的设计形成了重大的影响,首先受到影响的就是俄罗斯建筑,像


10、战乱,数次易主后,保留下来的最能代表拜占庭建筑风格的伟大建筑之一,是经过历史残酷考验的,它承载着厚重的历史和文化,是人类历史文明宝贵的遗产,它的存在,见证了历史的进程跟变革,政治的兴衰,宗教的斗争,时代的变迁,同时也影响了俄罗斯及伊斯兰教建筑。它见证了一个时代的兴盛,同时也见证了一个时代的衰弱。建筑如同史册般记录下了这些历史的进程,也对后人发展研究历史文化有着重要的意义。 引用【1】刘婷浅谈行为与空间互动设计,2012,P267P269【2】LLJROY12简述圣索菲亚大教堂建筑特点,2011 参考文献1.西里尔曼戈. 拜占庭建筑/世界建筑史丛书M. 中国工业出版社,20132.亨特.世界建筑

11、风格漫游M.机械工业出版社,20133.张日元.公元4至9世纪拜占廷帝国基督教化研究D.南开大学,20104.LLJROY12.简述圣索菲亚大教堂建筑特点OL.XX知道,20115.王群.当前我国的宗教政策现状及其法治化探讨J.喀什师范学院学报,2014,P7P116.晓黎.横跨欧亚的无冕之都-伊斯坦布尔J,20067.LLJROY12.简述圣索菲亚大教堂建筑特点OL.XX知道,20118.文健.建筑与室内设计的风格与流派M.清华大学出版社,20139.朱芸.埃舍尔平面镶嵌图形研究D.江苏大学,201010.张伟 张宠.中外城镇文化遗产保护和利用的启示J.前沿,2011,P169P171A b

12、rief analysis of the designing styleofHagia Sophia ChurchAbstract 2Introduction 31. Introduction of the Church 41.1Background of Times 41.2 The Reason of its Production 42. The Analysis of the Designing Style of Hagia Sophia 52.1The OverallDesigning Features 52.2 The Features of the Application of t

13、he Color 62.3The Features of Decoration 72.4The Features of the Church 83. The Status of the Churchand its Influenceon OtherRegions 9Conclusion 10Quote 11Reference 11AbstractThe world we live in is full of buildings. Many buildings with its magnificent appearance, meaningful historical story, the ye

14、ars of precipitation and special architectural style make the people feel amazed after watching them, and thus were written in the annals of the history.Going through the waves of history, many of them have become the benchmark of the architectural history, and provide detailed and vivid information

15、 for people who research on the different ages and cultural background. Rome is the place where a lot of classic architectures were born, in which Hagia Sophia is the most famous building which was built during the reign of the emperor of the east Rome.This paper willexplorethe designing styleof Hag

16、ia Sophia Church,and theinspiration andsignificancein the construction it brings to human.Key words: Hagia Sophia Church; effect; styleIntroductionIn the construction of building, the designing style is the most important symbol. Generally, as long as we know the designing style of the building, we

17、could get a vague image in our mind even if we have never seen the building, even the local culture of the whole city, even further to the local historical background. Seeing from that, determining the designing style of a building is very important to the architecture.Hagia Sophia Church is the typ

18、ical representative of Byzantine style. This paper will study its style, the specific characteristics and the influence of its designing style.1. Introduction of the ChurchHagia Sophia locates in Istanbul, Turkey, and it can be said that it has changed the Byzantine architecture model in the archite

19、ctural history. The huge dome makes it famous in the world and it is the worlds largest church before the advent of Seville Cathedral in 1520.1.1Background of TimesHagia Sophia Cathedral was first built in the year 335 by Constantine Emperor, and the built was continued in Justinian in 532. It bring

20、s together the crystallization of the wisdom during the period of Rome, and it is the symbol of the Byzantine period.In 1453, it was occupied by the Ottoman Empire, and the church building was converted to Islam mosque. Now, it has become a museum, with a magnificent overall appearance, becoming the

21、 symbol of the excellent architectural art. 1.2 The Reason of its ProductionHagia Sophia was born in the peak period of the Byzantine Empire, and it was built for the worshiping the God of wisdom Sophia by Constantine Emperor. The purpose is to promote the importance of the light of wisdom to human

22、life, causing peoples worship to the God of wisdom Sophia, and establishing the faith of wisdom.Because of thisreason,the designing style of Hagia Sophiais veryserious and solemn.2. The Analysis of the Designing Style of Hagia Sophia2.1The OverallDesigning FeaturesHagia Sophia is a masterpiece of By

23、zantine architecture, and the overall designing style is full of thick Byzantine style, with a strong religious color.Hagia Sophia Cathedral with a grand overall scale and a great momentum is very solemn. The number of the pillars in the church is 107, the height of the highest pillar ranges from 19

24、 meters to 20 meters. The diameter is about 1.5 meters, and those pillars constitute the overall tall and magnificent space within the church. (See picture one);And every piece of stigma has adopted the gorgeous Corinthian style, firm and solid. The diameter of the dome is 43.3 meters, and the heigh

25、t of the top is 43.3 meters. Looking up, the dome is very lavish and central dome also opened a round hole with a diameter of 8.9 meters. (See picture two): The round hole means a contact with human. When the outside light is projected inside from the hole, the light will be reflected, and suddenly

26、the spacious interior will be luminous, forming a tranquil religious atmosphere which conforms to its religious background.The great momentum in designing characteristics of Hagia Sophia Cathedral is also reflected on the porch. Pantheon, belonging to the Hagia Sophia Cathedral, its porch is high an

27、d majestic, with a width 33 meters. There are rectangular colonnades in its facade, with a depth of 15.5 meters. The column is 14.18 meters high, with a diameter of 1.43 meters. Its facade can give people a strong visual impact and shock, and a majestic feeling. (See picture three):Hagia Sophia cathedral is the great achievements of the late antique buildings. It has adopted

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