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3、就是一座堡垒,一名党员就是一面旗帜。江西大余县各级党组织扎实开展“我是党员我带头”示范行动,一名名党员冲锋在第一线、战斗在最前沿,党旗在防控疫情斗争第一线高高飘扬。广大党员干警舍小家、为大家,坚守一线、筑牢防线,用实际行动践行初心和使命,涌现了一个个感人故事、暖心画面,汇聚成联防联控、群防群控战胜疫情的精神力量。Im a party member, let me go first! A branch is a fortress, and a party member is a flag. The party organizations at all levels in Dayu County,

4、 Jiangxi province carried out the demonstration action of I am a party member and I take the lead. A party member stormed the front line and fought at the forefront, and the party flag was flying high in the front line of the fight against the epidemic. The majority of Party members, cadres and poli

5、ce, who live in small homes for all, stick to the front line, build a strong defense line, and practice their original intention and mission with practical actions, have emerged touching stories and warm-hearted pictures, which have converged into the spiritual strength of joint prevention and contr

6、ol, group prevention and control to overcome the epidemic.致千千万万中的你一名警嫂的家书To you in the thousands of thousands - the family letter of a police sister-in-law“我知道,你是千千万万中的你,我是千千万万中的我,我们的孩子也是千千万万中的孩子,千千万万中的你,挺住!因为我们与你同在!因为无数个你的负重前行,因为有了你、我、他们,我相信我们一定能胜利”I know that you are the one in the thousands, I am

7、 the one in the thousands, our children are also the children in the thousands, you in the thousands, hold on! Because we are with you! Because countless of your burden, because with you, me and them, I believe we can win.这是一封家书,一位丈夫正在抗“疫”一线的警嫂的家书。这名警嫂叫胡桂香,一位正怀有身孕的三岁孩子的母亲,丈夫是县公安局新城派出所民警肖贱,由于长时间未能和丈夫

8、见面,胡桂香通过微信公众号文章留言的形式写下了这封家书。This is a letter from a husband who is fighting against the epidemic. The police sister was called Hu Guixiang, a mother of three year old pregnant child who was pregnant with the official account of Xiao Hu, a new town police station of the County Public Security Bureau.

9、 Long time he failed to meet her husband, Hu Guixiang wrote the letter through the message of WeChat public.“我是党员我带头”示范行动开展以来,作为一名党员民警,肖贱主动放弃休假,积极投身抗“疫”一线。短短十余天,肖贱和同事共处理警情50余起,其中处理冲卡、不执行政府命令等,涉“疫”警情近10起。Since the demonstration of I am a party member and I take the lead, Xiao Jian, as a party member

10、and police officer, has given up his vacation and actively participated in the front line of anti epidemic. In just over ten days, Xiao Jian and his colleagues handled more than 50 police cases, including dealing with card punching, not executing government orders, and nearly 10 cases involving epid

11、emic police cases.在这场战“疫”中,肖贱深知自己是一名丈夫,也是一名父亲,但更是一名守护群众生命安全和身体健康的人民警察。面对妻子的声声抱怨和关心,肖贱说“我是党员,我不上谁上!我是警察,我不守谁守!”In the epidemic of the war, Xiao Jian knew that he was a husband and a father, but also a peoples policeman who protected the safety and health of the masses. In the face of his wifes compla

12、ints and concerns, Xiao Jian said, Im a party member, I dont go up to anyone! Im a policeman, I dont guard anyone!“我坚信,举家团圆定有时,春暖花开总回春!”胡桂香在家书中写道。I firmly believe that when the family is reunited, it will always come back when the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming! Hu Guixiang wrote in his

13、 family letter.“半夜风大天冷,多穿点衣服!”双警夫妻的关怀In the middle of the night, its windy and cold. Wear more clothes! - the care of the couple1月23日,过年前一天,同为县公安局特巡警大队队员的夫妻李灵飞、赵倩接到疫情防控命令,毫不犹豫地将2个孩子托付给外婆,他们主动请缨,丈夫坚守在梅关高速出口执勤卡点,妻子坚守在大余车站执勤卡点。On January 23, the day before New Years Eve, Li Lingfei and Zhao Qian, who w

14、ere members of the special patrol brigade of the County Public Security Bureau, received the order of epidemic prevention and control, and they did not hesitate to entrust their two children to their grandmother. They volunteered. Their husband stuck to the duty card point at the exit of Meiguan exp

15、ressway, and their wife stuck to the duty card point at Dayu station.大年三十除夕夜,妻子赵倩马上要赶往车站换岗通宵班,给同样奔赴一线的丈夫李灵飞发了一条微信:“半夜风大天冷,多穿点衣服!”“你也是,注意保暖。”On the eve of the new years Eve, Zhao Qian, his wife, is going to the station to change jobs all night. She sends a wechat to Li Lingfei, her husband who is als

16、o on the front line: its windy and cold in the middle of the night, so do you. keep warm, too疫情发生以来,在各疫情防控卡点,夫妻两人坚守岗位、各守一方,常常只能通过微信视频见面。“赶紧休息,少说话,养好精神站岗”“安排工作,八点到岗”“外面天冷,注意保暖”简单的提醒,是夫妻俩每天的主要交流内容,也是齐心协力战“疫”最朴实的宣言。Since the outbreak of the epidemic, at each epidemic prevention and control card point,

17、the two husband and wife stick to their posts and each side, often only through wechat video to meet. Take a rest, talk less, keep your mind on guard, arrange work, arrive at the post at eight oclock, keep warm when its cold outside Simple reminders are the main contents of daily communication betwe

18、en husband and wife, and also the most simple declaration of working together to fight epidemic.“我是党员,我先上!关键时刻,我要站出来,守护人民群众健康!”李灵飞主动申请值通宵班,到最艰苦的岗位去。2月5日,他又主动申请前往隔离区执勤,守护着最“危险”的地方。Im a party member. Ill go first! At the critical moment, Ill stand up and protect the peoples health! Li Lingfei took the

19、 initiative to apply for the overnight shift and went to the hardest post. On February 5, he took the initiative to apply for duty in the isolation area, guarding the most dangerous places.从火车站、汽车站到高速路口,从防疫监测卡点到隔离观察区,哪里有需要,就出现在哪里,哪里越危险,就守护在哪里,胸前的党徽熠熠闪光。From the railway station and bus station to the

20、 high-speed intersection, from the epidemic prevention monitoring card point to the isolation observation area, wherever there is a need, it will appear, where the more dangerous it is, it will guard where it is, and the party emblem on the chest is shining.“爸爸,你什么时候回家陪我”一位女儿的期盼Dad, when will you go

21、 home with me - the expectation of a daughter“爸爸,我想你了!你什么时候回家陪我,在家里好无聊”“宝贝,爸爸也想你,你要听妈妈的话,待在家里好好做功课,疫情过后,我就回家陪你”Dad, I miss you! When are you going home to accompany me? Its so boring at home. Baby, my father also wants you. You should listen to my mother, stay at home and do your homework. After the

22、 epidemic, I will go home with you.这是新城派出所教导员钟志榕和他女儿的对话。在这个特殊的春节假期里,钟志榕又一次在单位过春节,这是他参加公安工作15年来的第10次。连日来,钟志榕在防疫一线连续值守多个夜班,忘我工作,已经二十余天没有回家,全身心投入在疫情防控战斗中。This is a dialogue between Zhong Zhirong, a teacher of Xincheng police station, and his daughter. In this special Spring Festival holiday, Zhong Zhir

23、ong once again spent the Spring Festival in his unit, which is the 10th time in 15 years since he took part in public security work. Over the past few days, Zhong Zhirong has been on duty for several night shifts in the front line of epidemic prevention. He has not returned home for more than 20 day

24、s and devoted himself to the battle of epidemic prevention and control.和女儿通话是他每天最开心也是最难过的时候。“每次在视频中看到妻子和女儿,心里都很开心,但同时又觉得很歉疚。”钟志榕坦言,“在他们最需要我陪伴的时候我却不在身边,我不是一个称职的父亲。”Talking to his daughter is the happiest and saddest time of his day. Every time I see my wife and daughter in the video, I feel very happ

25、y, but at the same time I feel very sorry. Zhong Zhirong said frankly, when they need my company most, I am not around. I am not a competent father.但是想到自己身为党员,就要不辞辛苦,挺身而上,他安慰妻子和女儿,告诉他们自己必须坚持在岗位上,有了妻子和女儿的理解和支持,钟志榕更加坚定了战胜疫情的信心。“疫情不消除,我就不撤岗!”钟志榕说。But thinking of himself as a party member, he had to wor

26、k hard and stand up. He comforted his wife and daughter and told them that he must stick to his post. With the understanding and support of his wife and daughter, Zhong Zhirong strengthened his confidence in overcoming the epidemic. If the epidemic situation is not eliminated, I will not leave the post! said Zhong Zhirong.

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