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1、曲靖一中高考冲刺卷英语一曲靖一中高考冲刺卷英语(一) 本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分,共150分,考试时间120分钟。第卷(选择题,共115分)第一部分:听力(30分略)第二部分:英语知识运用的(共两节,满分45)第一节:单项填空(共15小题:每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21How about going to Beijing to visit the Water Cubic and Bird Nest in the coming holiday? Thats what I am considering AMy pleasu

2、re BLet me see CFantastic DIt depends22He cant have caught the early train because the train when he there Aleft;had arrived Bhas left;arrivesCleft;arrived Dhad left;arrived23While staying in UK last year,I think of my family and school Awwould Bshould Cminght Dcould24 puzzles teachers is students a

3、lways make the same mistakes about come common kowledge AWhat;that BIt;thatCWhatever;whether DWhat;whether25He has just erad two novels, was written by Lu Xun Athe thinner of whech Bthe thinner of them Cthinner of them Dthinner of which26The 2009 Chinese National Days Celebration held successfully i

4、n Beijing makes China Known throughout the worldAmore Bwell Cbetter Dbest27 H1N1 spreading quickly and widely,more and more people are infected,which has drawn the governments special attention to itAFor BAs CWith DBecause28With lots of measures taken and through peoples effort,now the economy is AP

5、ivkinh up Btaking up Cbreaking up Dlooking up29Here came the word that Mahmud Ahmadinejad was elected presindent of Iran for second time in lune,2009 Aa;a Bthe;the C/;a Dthe;a30Whichever country is in trouble,China always a lot of help to itAsupplies Blends Cprovides Doffers31We teachers cant unders

6、tand that makes so many teenagers adddicted to playing computer games Awhat is it Bwhat it is Cwhat that is Dthat it is32 handsome and charming,Zhou Jielun is quite popular with young people ALooked BLooking CTo Look DBeing looked33Whoever has henn to London prefers the weather in Yunnan to in Londo

7、n Athose Bthat Cit Done34Who would you rather have to your birthday party?Ato go Bgone Cgoing Dgo35The successful military parade held on Oct1,2009 for the 60th anniversary of founding of PRC sug-gests that China a strong and powerful country Awas Bwill be Cshould be Dhas been第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,

8、满分30分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。 I will never forget that Tuesday afternoon in the doctors officeI had been feeling sick for a long timeMy mum took me to hospital to have me 36 Two weeks ago,DrRichards took 37 of my bloodNow he tole me that I was suffering from a 38 diseasecanc

9、ercancer 39 I didnt know much about cancer then,I had heard that it was a/am 40 diseaseHearing it,mum held my hand,crying and I 41 that my life was going to end The next year was 42 and diffieult for me and my familyLike many people with cancer,I had to be 43 with radiation followed by tretment with

10、 chemicals,which made me very sickBut my family and friends helped me find the 44 and kept me from feeling sad and 45 The treatment was so successful that I went home after exactly 14 months Two vears have passed and my 46 has not yet ended 47 ,now I feel as if that was when my life really beganI pl

11、an to live 48 if for a long timeNow the cancer in my body has been 49 for the mo-mentbut I 50 that I will never be completely free from it and my 51 against it will never end I now 52 my cancer as a giftIt tanght me an important 53 about lifeLiving with cancer has made me understand how precious lif

12、e is and how important is is to 54 every chance to live life to the ful-lestEvery day is a new opportunity,and I have learnt to 55 every minute of each day(269words)36Aexamined Bchecked Ctested Doperated37Amodels Bsamnples Ctypes Dsorts38Acommon Bslight Cserious Dheavy39ASince BBecause CAs DAlthough

13、40Aeasy Bincurable Cordinary Dunbelievable42Ahoped Bfound Cthought Dsaw43Atreated Bcured Cpleased Dsatisfied44Aresource Benergy Cstrength Dpower45Asingle Balone Clone Dlonely46Alife Bdream Chope Dbelief47AAs a whole BOn the contrary CIn general DIn all48Ain Bby Cfor Dwith49Adefeated Bcured Cbeaten D

14、recovered50Afear Bknow Crealize Dguess51Awar Bargument Cstruggle Dcampaign52Alook on Blook up Clook at Dlook into53Amemory Blesson Cimpression Dthing54Aseize Bhold Ctake Dlose55Aspend Bkill Cwaste Dsppreciate第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)A As credit cartl usage continues to rise,the Uk credit card mar

15、ket is becoming extremely competitive and crowdedA large numher of UK credit card companies offer attractive deals and low interest ratersThus,choosing the best credit card deal can be difficultIf you are planning to switeh to a new credit card company or get a new one,there are some imporlant thing

16、s you should consider to help you make the best decision There are three kinds ot redit card companiesDo your research first on the various UK credit card companies,online credit card companies and supermarket credit card companiesDo your research first on the various UK credit card deals offeredThe

17、 best guaranteed UK credit card is one that will complement your needs and your spending habitsThis isone of the factors you should considerAssess your needs and find the credit card deal that will go well with your requirementsCheck out the various options that these companies offer Take the time t

18、o study and compare the different credit card optionsThese include loyalty schemes(忠实旅客(顾客)奖励计划(活动)) and rewards,interest free introduetory periods and othersThese loyalty points are earned through credit card spending and can be redeemed as rewards on free air miles,discounts and other freebiesChoo

19、se a card that charges a low annual pereentage rate after the initial introductory periodthe lower the better Ouite a number of financial institutions offer the best guaranteed credit cardsTo help you in finding the right credit card,you can make use of credit card comparison services that can help

20、you see which service is betterThis can simplify your research,so that you can find the best deal quicklyEnsure that you have selected the best option from among the many various choices available befor you sing on the dotted line(305 words)56The best title for this passage is AThe importance of the

21、 credi card BThree kinds of credit card companies CHow to choose the best credit card DUK credit card market57Choosing the best credit card deal can be difficult because Athere are lots of usages about credit cards Bfew of UK crdit card deals are attractive and practical Cthere are three kinds of cr

22、edit card companies Dvarious kinds of attractve credit card deals are offerd58The underlined word complement in the second paragraph probably means Ago with Bgo for Cgo against Dgo on59From the passage we can learn that Athere are three kinds of credit cards in UK Bcomparing services can help find t

23、he right credit card Cif you use credit cards you can get discounts Dpeople cant live without credit cards in UKB Heart Mueller,who has been awarded the Nobel Prize for literature,is the 12th woman to win the award Mueller was born in 1953 in the German-speaking town of Nitzkydor in RomaniaHer paren

24、ts were mem-bers of the German-speaking minority in Romania Mueller studied German and Romanian literature at university and became involved with the Aktions-gruppe Banat, a group of German speaking writers who opposed Ceaucescus dictatorship(专政)and sought freedom of speechAfter university she worke

25、d as a translator but lost her job after refusing to cooperate with the secret police ,the Securitate Mueller made her writing debut with the collection of short stories Niederungen in 1982It was censored(审查)in Romanis but was smuggled out of the country to be published in Germany two years laterTha

26、t year she also published her first novel Druckender TangoHer books focused on the tough daily life under Ceausescus regimen(政体)and the harsh treatment of Romanian GermansCorruption,intolerance and repression are major themes in her writing She was criticised by the Romanian press but her books did

27、well in CennanyBecause Mueller had publicly criticized the dictatorship in Romania,she was banned from publishing in the country It was when she emigrated in 1987 that she became known to wider literary worldShe moved to Berlin with her husband,the author Richard Wagner Communist-era leader,Nicolae

28、Ceausecu,was leader of Romania from 1965 until he was overthrown(推翻) and killed in a revolution in 1989Romania suffered extreme shortages of food,fuel,energy and medi cines under his dictatorshipHe used the feared secret police to control his people Her 1996 novel,The Land of Green Plums,won the Ger

29、man Kleist and the Irish IMPAC award,the ric-hest liteary prize in the worldThe book is about a group of friends who become trgets of th secret policeMueller wrote the book after the death of two of her friends,in which she suspected the secret polices in-volvementThe writer has said she felt it was

30、 her “duty”to write it “in memory of my Romanian friends who were killed under th Ceausescu regiime” She has wrtten 19 books mostly in German but some works have been translated in to English,French and Spanish Mueller has also lectured at Universitties in Europe and the US(381 words)60From the Passage we can know that AMueller was born in Germany but grew up in Romania BMuellers first novel Druckender Tango was publisbed in 1984 CMueller worked

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