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1、中小学资料吉林省长春市届高三英语质量监测试题四扫描版吉林省长春市2017届高三英语质量监测试题(四)(扫描版)长春市普通高中2017届高三质量监测(四)英语答案及评分参考说明:本试题满分150分。其中听力30分,笔试120分。第I卷第一部分听力(共两节,共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)听力原文:Text 1W: If I were you, I would take a plane instead of a bus. It will take you forever to get there otherwise.M: But flying makes me so nervous. We

2、ll, this time Ill try the fast train.Text 2M: What can I do for you, Madam?W: Im going to the University to see my daughter, but I dont know the way now.M: Oh, go across the street and take a NO.9 bus. It will take you right there.Text 3M: Did you attend yesterdays lecture?W: Yes. But what?M: The le

3、cture was supposed to start at 9:00 a.m. in the lab, but the professor was an hour late.W: He would have arrived on time, but an accident jammed the main road for an hour.Text 4M: The taxi is waiting downstairs. Lets hurry.W: Wait a minute. Ill take some food with us. I dont like the food they serve

4、 on trains.M: Oh, come on. We dont have much time left.W: Relax! The train isnt going to leave without us.Text 5M: This is really the first time Im in business for myself. W: I think you will do fine. The store has always done good business. It has a great location, and its a nice store.Text 6W: So

5、whats your schedule for tomorrow, Dave?M: Well, first I have to do the accounts on the new computers. Then Im meeting Tony.W: I thought you had already finished that.M: Yeah, but we have to check the final reports. W: So you wont have any time left?M: Not until in the evening, I am afraid. Do you ha

6、ve anything particular tomorrow evening?W: Not really. I think I have a lot of time to kill.M: Well, then. Wont you come over to my place to have dinner with me?W: With pleasure.M: Let me do the cooking this time.W: In that case, I will do some shopping tomorrow.Text 7M: Hi. My name is Josh. Its ple

7、asure to meet you.W: Hi Josh. Im glad to be here.M: Did you have any problems finding this place?W: I didnt have any problems. I found directions on the Internet so it was pretty easy to find. However, the traffic was not that great.M: Traffic is never good around here.W: I agree. It would be great

8、if there was a train or a subway line that went through here.M: That would be so great. I would definitely take the train if they had it.W: Trains are great because you can read a book or get a little rest instead of having to fight the traffic.M: Very true. Well, let me begin by telling you about o

9、ur company.Text 8M: Hi Mary. W: Oh, hi.M: How are you doing?W: Im doing alright. How about you?M: Not too bad. The weather is great, isnt it?W: Yes. Its absolutely beautiful today.M: I wish it was like this more frequently.W: Me too.M: So where are you going now?W: Im going to meet a friend of mine

10、at the department store.M: Going to do a little shopping? W: Yeah, I have to buy some presents for my parents.M: Whats the occasion?W: Its their anniversary.M: Thats great. Well, youd better get going. You dont want to be late.W: Ill see you next time.M: Sure, bye.Text 9W: Whats the matter, Zhang?M:

11、 My vacation is nearly over, and I havent done anything.W: Nothing at all?M: Well, Ive read some interesting articles in magazines. Ive read a few stories in simple English and I have played computer games.W: You certainly have done other things, havent you?M: Yes, I have gone over my lessons, I hav

12、e written some letters and I have given my room a thorough cleaning.W: That sounds quite a lot to me. What do you mean by saying you havent done anything?M: I still feel a little bit sad. I havent visited my friends. I havent taken a trip. I havent had a picnic. I havent seen any new movies. I just

13、havent done much.W: I dont agree. You just havent had any outdoor activities. You have actually done quite a lot at home. Hey, shall we go swimming this afternoon?M: That sounds like a good idea. Text 10What is the most precious and endless thing in the world? When you are far away from your family

14、and feel especially lonely, who will you think of? When you stand on the cross road in your life and dont know which way to choose, who will you think of? When you encounter greater difficulties than ever and need others encouragement. Who will you think of? When you decide to make the greatest deci

15、sion in your favorite course, who shed cheerful tears when seeing you get achievements? Whose whole hearted blessing will be always with you no matter how far you will go? The answers are the same: MOTHERS LOVE. I once heard a moving story about a mother. Two children were drawn into the flood and t

16、he situations were very dangerous. Their mother jumped into the water without hesitation. But the mother couldnt swim at all. Jumping into the water means she might lose her life. But at that time she had no time to think about herself. She just wanted to try all means to save her children. Maybe he

17、r courage touched the God. The miracle happened. She finally succeeded in saving both her children. And she, of course, felt extremely exhausted. Mothers love is the greatest love. Mothers love is the safest love. No matter you are happy or depressed, rich or poor, mothers love will always stay with

18、 you. 【参考答案】1.B 【命题立意】考查学生对所听内容简单推断的能力。 【试题解析】由对话中男士所说的“this time Ill try the fast train”可知答案为B。2.B 【命题立意】考查学生对所听内容获取事实性具体信息的理解能力。【试题解析】由对话中女士所说的“Im going to the University to see my daughter,”可知答案为B。3.C 【命题立意】考查学生对所听内容简单推断的能力。 【试题解析】由对话中男士所说的“The lecture was supposed to start at 9:00 a.m. in the la

19、b, but the professor was an hour late.”可知答案为C。4.A 【命题立意】考查学生对所听内容简单推断的能力。【试题解析】由对话中女士所说的“Wait a minute. Ill take some food with us. I dont like the food they serve on the trains.” 可知答案为A。5.C 【命题立意】考查学生对所听内容简单推断的能力。 【试题解析】由对话中女士所说的“I think you will do fine”可知答案为C。6.C 【命题立意】考查学生对所听内容获取事实性具体信息的理解能力。【试题

20、解析】由对话中男士所说的“Not until in the evening, I am afraid.”可知答案为C。7.C 【命题立意】考查学生对所听内容获取事实性具体信息的理解能力。【试题解析】由对话中男士所说的“Wont you come over to my place to have dinner with me.”可知答案为C。8.A 【命题立意】考查学生对所听内容简单推断的能力。 【试题解析】由对话中男士所说的“with pleasure”可知答案为A。9.B 【命题立意】考查学生对所听内容简单推断的能力。 【试题解析】由对话中男士所说的“Very true. Well, let

21、 me begin by telling you about our company.”可知答案为B。 10.A【命题立意】考查学生对所听内容获取事实性具体信息的理解能力。 【试题解析】由对话中女士所说的“I found directions on the Internet so it was pretty easy to find.”可知答案为A。11.B【命题立意】考查学生对所听内容简单推断的能力。 【试题解析】由对话中女双方所说的“Trains are great because you can read a book or get a little rest instead of ha

22、ving to fight the traffic.”可知答案为B。12.C【命题立意】考查学生对所听内容获取事实性具体信息的理解能力。【试题解析】由对话中女士所说的 “Its absolutely beautiful today.”可知答案为C。13.B【命题立意】考查学生对所听内容简单推断的能力。【试题解析】由对话中男士和女士所说的“W: Im going to meet a friend of mine at the department store. M: Going to do a little shopping? W: Yeah, I have to buy some presen

23、ts for my parents.” 可知答案为B。14.A【命题立意】考查学生对所听内容获取事实性具体信息的理解能力。【试题解析】由对话中女士所说的“Its their anniversary.”可知答案为A。15.C【命题立意】考查学生对所听内容简单推断的能力。 【试题解析】由对话中男士所说的“”可知答案为C。My vacation is nearly over, and I havent done anything.16.A【命题立意】考查学生对所听内容简单推断的能力。 【试题解析】由对话中男士所说的“I have gone over my lessons, I have writte

24、n some letters and I have given my room a thorough cleaning.”可知答案为A。17.B【命题立意】考查学生对所听内容简单推断的能力。【试题解析】由女士所说“Hey, shall we go swimming this afternoon?”及男士回答“That sounds like a good idea.”可知答案为B。18.C【命题立意】考查学生对所听内容获取事实性具体信息的理解能力。【试题解析】由独白中“The answers are the same : MOTHERS LOVE.”可知答案C。19.A【命题立意】考查学生对所

25、听内容简单推断的能力。 【试题解析】由独白中“Two children were drawn into the flood and the situations were very dangerous. Their mother jumped into the water without hesitation.”可知答案为A。20.C【命题立意】考查学生对所听内容获取事实性具体信息的理解能力。【试题解析】由独白中“The miracle happened. She finally succeeded in saving both her children.”可知答案为C。第二部分 阅读理解(共

26、两节, 满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)【参考答案】 【语篇解读】本文是一篇新闻报道,介绍了“Funny”这一源于中国的网络表情在国内外市场的影响。21.C【命题立意】细节理解题。考查考生对具体信息的理解和提取能力。【试题解析】根据第二段“And every time I see them, my mood just brightenssuddenly”,可知答案为C。22.C【命题立意】细节理解题。考查考生对具体信息的理解和提取能力。【试题解析】 根据文章第五段,In a city in Egypt, Yaos smiling emoji has appeared i

27、n local traffic signs to remind people the road ahead is one-way.可知答案为C。23.C【命题立意】推理判断题。考查考生推理判断的能力。【试题解析】根据最后一段it can help foreigners learn about Chinese culture.可知答案为C。24.D【命题立意】观点态度题。考查考生理解作者观点和态度的能力。【试题解析】人们对“Funny”这一表情的喜欢和不喜欢之情在文中均有客观体现,可知答案为D。B篇: 【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了近期在中国流行的动感单车的受欢迎原因、所遇到的问题及解决问

28、题的办法。25.B【命题立意】猜测词义题。考查考生根据上下文推断单词含义的能力。【试题解析】根据第一段和第二段前两句可以判断出“revival”表示复苏的含义。第一段最后一句,popularity began to fade, with many bikes soon replaced by their fuel powered competitors。第二段前两句,But recent months have seen a revival, with an increasing number of people choosing cycling,看出自行车的受欢迎程度呈现“复苏”的态势。26

29、.D【命题立意】细节理解题。考查考生对具体信息的理解和提取能力。【试题解析】根据文章第三段的细节,Theyre popular among many Chinese people as they provide an effective solution to the “last mile” problem。动感单车受欢迎是因为它有效地解决了人们最后一英里的问题。27.D【命题立意】推理判断题。考查考生推理判断的能力。【试题解析】根据文章第五段,Operators are usually strong in online services, but lack offline business

30、experience, which causes problems,可以推断出导致动感单车系统出现问题的原因是lack offline business experience,所以解决这个问题就需要增加线下运营经验。C篇:【语篇解读】本文是一篇议论性说明文,以Erika与Jane的友谊为着手点,以美剧Friends 为例,讲述并论证友情无价且甚至高于一切的观点。28.B【命题立意】细节理解题。考查考生对具体信息的理解和提取能力。【试题解析】根据第一段中“An agency Probably not at that time of night. Much more probably it is

31、a close friend”,可知答案为B。29.C【命题立意】猜测词义题。考查考生根据上下文推断短语含义的能力。 【试题解析】 根据第一段中,“she is heartbroken”可推断出和男朋友之间发生不愉快的事情,而break up表示“分手”,可知答案为C。30.B【命题立意】推理判断题。考查考生推理判断的能力。【试题解析】根据文章最后一段My friends have more to do with my life than my parents and, therefore, I dont have to spend a lot of time explaining things to them.可知答案为B。31.A【命题立意】主旨大意题。考查考生根据全文把握文章主旨能力。【试题解析】整篇文章作者强调的主题就是友谊的不可或缺以及其在生活中扮演的角色与地位,可知答案为A。D篇:【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了源自于古希腊且一直沿用至今的说服他人的艺术,其中包括ethos、pathos、logos三种方式以及用这三种方式说服他人在各个领域应用的可能性。32.B【命题立意】细节理解题。考查考生对具体信息的理解和提取能力。【试题解析】根据第一段第一句话“Persuasion is to convince someon

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