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全新版大学听力第三册UNIT 10.docx

1、全新版大学听力第三册UNIT 10 全新版第二版听说B3U10-A Part I Listening Comprehension ( 30 minutes ) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear several conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversations and the questions will be spoke

2、n only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. 1. A) On the 6th. B) On Saturday. C) On the 17th. D) On Sunday. Script: Man: I am very happy to give you information about the next

3、workshop. On Saturday the 16th theres Building Castles. Woman: Oh, sounds great! Question: What is the day for the workshop of building castles? 正确答案: B 2. A) The Central Station. B) London Station. C) The National Services. D) The King Street Station. Script: Man: Can you please tell me about train

4、s to London? Ill need to go there on business for one day. Woman: Then you need to go to the Central Station thats for national services. The King Street Station here is for local commuter lines. Question: Which station should those local commuters go to? 正确答案: D 3. A) She has finished her writing a

5、ssignment. B) She has not started with the writing assignment yet. C) She forgot about the assignment. D) She is doing some schedule. Script: Man: Hello, Sandy. How have you been getting on with your writing assignment? Woman: Well, my schedule is now messed up with another assignment from the Theat

6、er and Drama course. Question: What does the woman mean? 正确答案: B 4. A) Employer and employee. B) Co-workers. C) Professor and student. D) Father and daughter. Script: Man: Lets talk about your paper. Ive very much enjoyed reading it. Your written style is very clear and you have included lots of int

7、eresting descriptions of education in your target area. I have just got a couple of suggestions for additional work. Say, a few more statistics about the schools in the different zones. Woman: All right. I will try. Question: What is the possible relation between these two speakers? 正确答案: C 5. A) 50

8、 euros. B) 2,000 euros. C) 125 pounds. D) 75 euros. Script: Woman: How much would you like to open your account with? We usually ask for a minimum sum of 50 pounds. Thats about 75 euros. Man: well, I am going to transfer 2,000 euro from my Dutch account, just till I get paid. Question: How much mone

9、y should the man have at least to open his account? 正确答案: D Questions 6 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard. Script: Woman: Did you see the new movie, The McQuillan Story? Im writing a movie review for the school paper. Man: I went to see it last week. What did you think of it? Wo

10、man: I liked it. I thought it was entertaining, although it wasnt groundbreaking, by any means. Man: You thought it was entertaining? I thought it was awful. I almost walked out. The acting was dull and uninspired, and the direction was unprofessional. Woman: Arent you being too critical? It was the

11、 directors first movie and I thought his directorial debut wasnt bad. If there was a problem, it was with the script. Man: Dont get me started on the script! The story was so predictable and the dialogue was pretentious. This movie is going to be unsuccessful for sure. Woman: Oh, I dont know. I thin

12、k some people may enjoy it. Man: If you want to do your readers a favor, youd tell them to skip this movie and save their money! 6. A) He thought it was entertaining. B) He thought it was groundbreaking. C) He considered it terrible. D) He considered it professional. Script: How did the man feel abo

13、ut the movie? 正确答案: C 7. A) She liked it but she did not like the script. B) She thought it was not entertaining. C) She thought it was groundbreaking. D) She thought the director was a very experienced one. Script: What was the womans attitude towards the movie? 正确答案: A 8. A) He thought the woman s

14、hould recommend the movie to the public. B) He told the woman to ask the public to skip the movie. C) He thought the woman should ask the public to read the screenplay first. D) He told the woman to compliment on the story. Script: What did the man suggest for the womans review? 正确答案: B Questions 9

15、to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard. Script: Woman: I have to return these movies today or Ill have late fees. Can I get you anything while Im out? Man: Are you still renting movies from the video store? I use a service that delivers the movies to my mailbox. There are never any

16、late fees. Woman: Ive thought about subscribing to one of those services, but I think I would really miss browsing at the video store. I like checking out the new releases, and you never know what youll find to buy in the bargain bins. Man: Renting movies online is so much quicker and easier. I can

17、browse the titles quickly, read the descriptions, read reviews, and sometimes even watch a trailer. Then, all I need to do is put the movie in my queue, and as soon as I mail one movie back, they send me another one. Its that simple. Woman: It does sound easy, but not everything thats easy is better

18、. Some of us like to take our time to make our selections. Man: Whatever. If you want to spend your time looking for movies rather than watching them. 9. A) From the bookstore. B) From Internet. C) From a rent store. D) From his friends. Script: Where did the man get his movie videos? 正确答案: B 10. A)

19、 She did not like it anymore because it was less convenient as compared with online renting. B) She didnt go shopping very often. C) She enjoyed browsing in the store and selected her favorite or a bargain as she walked around. D) She preferred the delivery services from the internet renting. Script

20、: How did the woman feel about movies renting from a video store? 正确答案: C 11. A) The videos are all authentic copies. B) The renting is quick and easy. C) The queuing takes less time. D) There is a large collection of the movies. Script: What did the man mention as an advantage of online renting of

21、movies? 正确答案: B Section B Direstions:Listen to three short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. All the recordings will be played once only. After you hear a question, please choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Passage One Questions 1

22、2 to 14 are based on the passage you have just heard. Script: Reality shows (shows about real people or real events) have become very popular in the U.S. and worldwide. There are competition shows, shows that follow celebrities around in their daily life, and many others. Even for those of us who wa

23、tch reality shows, it seems that TV producers are getting more and more desperate and outrageous with show ideas. Then again, maybe Im just old-fashioned and these shows arent over the top. Here are a few reality shows that are considered to be among the very worst ever on American television. Which

24、 do you think is the worst? Are there others past or present that you think are worse than these? 1. Whos Your Daddy? A young woman who gave up a child for adoption tries to pick the long-lost biological father of that child. She has to pick from a group that includes several impostors. If she guess

25、es correctly, she wins $100,000. 2. The Will A very wealthy land developer puts his large house, land, and valuables up as a prize. His friends and members of his family competed. The winner will be put in the mans will and will get the estate when he dies. 12. A) Competition shows. B) Celebrities d

26、aily life. C) Travelling around the world. D) A woman trying to find out who is the biological father of her son. Script: What is not mentioned as one type of reality shows? 正确答案: C 13. A) He thinks the reality shows are very popular. B) He thinks the reality shows are the worst type of TV shows. C)

27、 He regards the reality shows as very realistic. D) He regards the reality shows as not true of life. Script: What is the speakers attitude towards these shows? 正确答案: B 14. A) $100,000. B) $10,000. C) $1,000,000. D) $10,000,000. Script: How much can the young woman win if she succeeds in guessing wh

28、o the biological father is? 正确答案: A Passage Two Questions 15 to 17 are based on the passage you have just heard. Script: Many actors dream of coming to Hollywood to make it big, and a few are probably surprised to learn that there is no city of Hollywood in California. Hollywood is actually just a n

29、eighborhood of Los Angeles. Moreover, many of the film studios are not even in that neighborhood, so the term Hollywood really describes the larger entertainment industry in this city. Now comes a new surprise: Most movies and TV shows arent even made in Hollywood (or even Los Angeles) anymore! Acco

30、rding to a recent Los Angeles Times article, only about 30% of movies are now made in California, down from more than 60% just five years ago. Only 57% of all TV shows first episodes are filmed in Los Angeles, down from more than 80% in 2004. So why is everyone leaving? The reason is simple: Other c

31、ities and states are giving filmmakers motivation to do film in their locations. Incentives are things you are given to motivate you to want to do something. These incentives are mostly financial, including lower taxes and fees for filming. Los Angeles, however, doesnt have any organized program of incentives, and has therefore been losing jobs to other cities and states, such as New York, Connecticut, and elsewhere. Los Angeles is trying to create its own incentive plan to keep the studios from moving their business to other states. But some think

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