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学年度高二英语人教版必修5课时提升作业 八 Unit 3 Learning about Language.docx

1、学年度高二英语人教版必修5课时提升作业 八 Unit 3 Learning about Language 课时提升作业 Unit 3Learning about Language. 用所给词的适当形式填空1. (2015重庆高考) _ (raise)in the poorest area of Glasgow,he had a long,hard road to becoming a football star. 2. _ (accompany) by her friend,she went to the shop this afternoon. 3. Film has a much shor

2、ter history,especially when _ (compare)to such art forms as music and painting. 4. _ (translate)into English,the sentence was found to have an entirely different word order. 5. When first _ (introduce)to the market,these new products in their company enjoyed a great success. 6. _ (locate) in the cen

3、tral district,the hotel offers the best service with the lowest price. 7. The park _ (surround) by a river had a central pond with flowers floating in it. 8. _ (disappoint)at failing in the math exam,John wouldnt like to talk about it to his parents. 答案:1. Raised 2. Accompanied 3. compared 4. Transl

4、ated5. introduced 6. Located 7. surrounded 8. Disappointed. 完成句子1. _,Andy has got a chance to become famous.因为安迪在一部新电影中被分给一个重要角色, 他得到了一个成名的机会。2. _,I would make donations to orphans eager to gain future success through learning.如果有机会, 我想向通过学习渴望成功的孤儿提供捐助。3. _ of whether or not to return to his country

5、,the soldier didnt know what to do next.面对是否回国的两难境地, 这个士兵不知下一步要做什么。4. The dictionary _ has been popular with the readers ever since it came out two years ago.由于被三位语言专家编辑, 这本词典自从两年前上市以来就一直受到读者欢迎。5. _,he sat there without moving for a long time. 陷入沉思, 他坐在那儿很长时间一动不动。6. _,such a chance might never come

6、again.一旦失去, 这样的机会就永远不会再来了。7. _,some of the passengers were sent to the nearest hospital at once.因受伤严重, 其中有些乘客被立刻送到最近的医院。8. There is clear evidence that children who take music lessons develop a better memory _ who have no musical training.有明显的证据, 与那些没受过音乐训练的孩子相比, 上音乐课的孩子有更好的记忆力。9. _,in whatever form

7、,all of us react both chemically and physically.当暴露在压力之下时, 不管以什么形式, 我们所有的人都会从化学和物理上作出反应。10. _,people present didnt know what to say at first.惊异于Berry所做的事情, 在场的人起初都不知要说什么。答案:1. Offered an important role in a new movie2. Given the chance3. Faced with the dilemma4. edited by three language experts 5. L

8、ost in thought6.Once lost7.Seriously injured8. compared with those 9. When exposed to stress10.Surprised at what Berry had done. 语法填空 阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Wood-block printing first appeared in the early Tang period. During the Song dynasty, the technique of block printing was very advanc

9、ed. Books were 1. _(beautiful) printed. Even today the books 2. _(print) at the time are valuable and treasured by libraries and book collectors.However, block printing 3. _ (be) not very convenient. Every two pages of a book had to be carved on a wood block, and a big book would require many blocks

10、. Besides, there had to be large places for storing the books. 4. _(get) rid of these shortcomings, Bi Sheng invented the movable type during the years between 1041 and 1048. One word was carved on one piece of clay(黏土), 5. _ was hardened with fire. Then clay characters were set on 6. _ iron plate a

11、ccording to the text of a book. Then ink 7. _ (apply)to them and sheets of paper spread over them, and the printing was done. Bi Shengs invention made printing faster and easier than before. Later, movable type of metal and wood was made and widely used.The technique of printing was gradually known

12、to other Asian 8. _(country) and Europe. The great influence printing had 9. _ the advance of civilization is too clear to need any 10. _ (explain).1. 【解析】beautifully。此处需要副词修饰后面的动词printed。2. 【解析】printed。printed at the time是过去分词短语作定语, 修饰books。books和print之间是被动关系, 且已发生, 所以用过去分词。 3. 【解析】was。 主语是block pr

13、inting, 表示单数概念, 且此处讲过去的事情, 所以用was。4. 【解析】To get。动词不定式表示目的。5. 【解析】which。which引导非限制性定语从句, 指代前面的one piece of clay。which在从句中作主语。6. 【解析】an。此处指一块铁板。plate是可数名词, iron是以元音音素开头, 所以填不定冠词an, 泛指数量一。7. 【解析】was applied。此处指墨被涂。apply和ink之间是被动关系, 且此处指过去的事情, 所以用一般过去时的被动语态。8. 【解析】countries。亚洲其他国家, 要用复数形式。9. 【解析】on。根据句中

14、的influence可知, 此处考查have an influence on。10. 【解析】explanation。根据空前面的any可知此处需要名词。. 完形填空 “Mum, can I invite my classmate Brett over to stay tomorrow night, please? Its Friday, and we dont have any 1. Can I, please?” Mum was sitting at the kitchen table. Dad was 2 next to her, resting his head on his arms

15、. Mum could 3 that James wanted so badly to have his friend over. “Im so sorry, James, ” she said. “Im never allowed to have friends come to the house.Why, Mum?” James asked sadly, almost in 4. “I know its 5 for you, ” Mum said softly. “But Im just worried other people might think were a little. . .

16、strange. And then they would make fun of you. ” “No, they wouldnt, Mum, ”James protested. “Were not 6 at all. Were just ordinary people. ” Mum sighed heavily. “To tell you the truth, James, my neck has been so painful that its given me a heavy 7. And your poor fatherhe doesnt feel 8. He really needs

17、 a rest. ” “I can help, Mum!” James said. “9 I can make you and Dad feel better, can Brett come over? Please?” “Well. . . ”Mum began. “Great!Thanks, Mum!” James almost shouted. “Just sit there, dont move. ” He rushed over to the kitchen drawer and 10 what he neededtwo spanners. “Hang on, Mum, ” he s

18、aid. “This wont take a second. ” After some 11, James was finished. With a smile of 12 on his face he said, “There!How does that feel?”“Oh, James, ”Mum said. “Thats much better!How did you do it?” “Easy, ”James said 13. ”Dad had tightened your neck bolts (螺栓) too much!I just 14 them slightly!I learn

19、ed that in robotic science at school. ” “What about your father? Can you 15 him?” asked Mum. “Ill try, ”James replied. He 16 up Dads hair at the back of his neck and plugged the electric wire into Dads head. Then he turned the 17 on. Dad opened his eyes and 18 immediately. “He just let his 19 run to

20、o low, thats all, ”James said, “Shall I tell Brett to come over straight after school tomorrow?” “I guess so, ”replied Mum. “Your friends will just have to 20 that we are a very unusual family. Thanks, son!”【文章大意】 詹姆斯恳求他妈妈让朋友Brett周六到他们家里玩。妈妈说他们的家与别人的家不同, 爸妈是机器人并且身体都不好。为了能够获得妈妈的同意, 詹姆斯运用在学校里学到的机器人知识对

21、他的爸妈进行了修理。最终, 詹姆斯得到了妈妈的同意。1. A. chance B. message C. homework D. difficulty【解析】选C。逻辑推理题。根据上文Its Friday可知没作业。2. A. asleep B. reading C. alone D. standing【解析】选A。逻辑推理题。根据下文的resting his head on his arms可知爸爸正在休息睡觉。3. A. explain B. see C. agree D. doubt【解析】选B。逻辑推理题。根据上文詹姆斯的Can I, please?的语气, 妈妈可以“看出”詹姆斯迫切

22、想让他的朋友过来。4. A. terror B. tears C. surprise D. silence【解析】选B。逻辑推理题。根据上文Im so sorry, James可知妈妈拒绝了詹姆斯的请求, 所以他很伤心, 几乎都哭了。5. A. fair B. easy C. good D. hard【解析】选D。词语辨析题。根据上文可知此处表达: 这对你来说比较难。6. A. strange B. normal C. popular D. anxious【解析】选A。词汇复现题。根据上文But Im just worried other people might think were a l

23、ittle. . .strange可知选A。7. A. headache B. lossC. task D. day【解析】选A。逻辑推理题。根据语境可知妈妈的脖子疼以至于引发了头疼。8. A. ill B. funny C. sorry D. well【解析】选D。逻辑推理题。根据下文詹姆斯对他爸爸也进行了“修理”可知爸爸也感觉不舒服。9. A. As B. If C. Since D. Before【解析】选B。逻辑推理题。句意: 如果我能让你和爸爸感觉好点, 能让Brett来吗?10. A. kept B. controlled C. found D. returned【解析】选C。逻辑

24、推理题。找到了他需要的东西两把扳手。11. A. requests B. thoughts C. repairs D. instructions【解析】选C。逻辑推理题。根据下文可知, 詹姆斯对妈妈进行了修理。12. A. sympathy B. satisfaction C. sadness D. politeness【解析】选B。逻辑推理题。干完了活, 詹姆斯带有满意的表情。13. A. embarrassedly B. gratefullyC. impatiently D. proudly【解析】选D。背景常识题。妈妈感觉好多了, 对詹姆斯进行了夸奖, 他当然感到很自豪。14. A. a

25、djusted B. collected C. produced D. covered【解析】选A。逻辑推理题。螺栓太紧了, 詹姆斯对它们进行了调节。15. A. greet B. accompany C. help D. ask【解析】选C。逻辑推理题。妈妈问他能帮帮爸爸吗。16. A. lifted B. caught C. gave D. filled【解析】选A。词语辨析题。詹姆斯掀起爸爸脖子后面的头发, 把电线插入爸爸的脑中。17. A. television B. power C. light D. gas【解析】选B。词语辨析题。把电线插入爸爸的脑中, 之后要打开电源。18. A

26、. grew up B. lay down C. broke down D. sat up【解析】选D。逻辑推理题。刚才爸爸在睡觉, 现在他坐起来了。19. A. food B. temperatureC. battery D. blood【解析】选C。逻辑推理题。爸爸电池的电量太低了。20. A. prove B. expect C. suspect D. accept【解析】选D。逻辑推理题。你的朋友要接受我们是不同寻常的家庭。. 阅读理解 Shopping centers, stadiums and universities may soon have a new tool to hel

27、p fight crime. A California company called Knightscope says its robots can predict and prevent crime. Knightscope says the goal is to reduce crime by half in areas the robots guard. William Santana Li is the chief executive officer of Knightscope. He says, “These robot security guards will change th

28、e world. Our planet has seven billion people on it. Its going to quickly get to nine billion people. The security equipment that we have globally is just not going to develop that fast. The companys Autonomous Data Machines can become the eyes and ears of law enforcement (执行). ”“You want it to be ma

29、chines plus humans. Let the machines do the heavy and sometimes dangerous work and let the humans do the strategic decision-making work, so its always working all together. ”The machines are one and a half meters tall and weigh 136 kilograms. They do not carry weapons but they have day and night tim

30、e video cameras which are able to turn 360 degrees and can also sense chemical and biological weapons. Some people may become concerned about their privacy, especially in connection with the video recordings. Some people may worry that such recordings will appear on the Internet. Eugene Volokh, a law professor at the University of California, says the machines have to be used in the right way and it will be i

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