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1、研究生英语系列教程多维教程探索课后练习答案完整版Unit One KeyComprehensionA1. D2. It contrasts the attitudes of the French and the English-speaking people toward keeping their mother tongue pure.3. The author does not appreciate the French attitude. He believes that they have gone to the extreme, because he says that the mi

2、nd boggles at what the world might face. That means the French are so sensitive that it is difficult to imagine what they will do to keep French pure in the future.4. B5. It refers to the differences between British and American English with regard to pronunciation and spelling of English. The autho

3、r seems to agree with the Americans viewpoint.6. C7. The Kings English refers to English in its most proper and formal use. However, as it is used in foreign places, it is often used improperly. Here lingo mocks the formality of English that no longer exists in these foreign Usages8. Foreign varieti

4、es of English are very different from the original standard British English, sometimes they are barely recognizable.9. B10. The author thinks that communication is more important than the purification of the English language.B1. fast delivery (of the product)/rapid killing (of the customer)2. Please

5、 hang your own coat and hat here/die by hanging yourself3. revolutionary ideas are being sold/disgusting new ideas are being sold4. best bakers/idle, lazy persons5. the latest rnethod/a Christian denomination6. a doctor for womens diseases/regard women as a disease or womanizer (vulgar meaning)7. pr

6、ess the button of the lift to move it/inefficiency of the lift8. how to get service/open the door and call out the words “Room service”. (rude)9. in an European atmosphere/a car that rushes a person to the hospital10. serve the best wine/our wine is very bad; hopeless11. from 12 14 oclock chamber ma

7、ids are not busy/treat chambermaids unfairly (with possible sexual meaning)12. the pictures were painted in the last ten years/the painters were put to death13. leave your laundry/be naked or take off your clothes14. dancing is going on/very vulgar language (a reference to male sex organs)15. moral

8、requirement for who can share the same room/implies that men and women must marry in order to live togetherVocabulary and StructureA 1-b 2-d 3-f 4j 5I 6-hB1. sensitive 2. list 3. prevalent4. deficiency 5. withheld 6. certainty7. functional 8. confronte 9. courtesy10. spared 11. stroke 12. ambitious1

9、3. purified 14. highlights 15. noveltyC1. A. sensitive B. sense C. sensitivity2. A. compulsory B. compulsion C. compulsory3. A. Lease B. lease C. leasing4. A. deviate B. deviantly C. deviation5. A. prevalence B. prevalent C. prevalent6. A. deficient B. deficiency C.deficient7. A. extracts B. extract

10、ing C. extracted8. A, confronted B. confrontation C. confronted9. A, spare B. spare C. spare10. A. stroke B. stroking C. strokeD1. C. make alternative 2. B. of taking advantage3. C. of a head injury 4. D. remains5. A. accepted 6. A. as much energy as7. C. would end up 8. C. has been9. B. or 10. D. w

11、ith whichE1. language 2. associates 3. in-laws 4. total5. responds 6. swell 7. Hardly 8. lives9. dreams 10. aloud 11. ourselves 12. so13. distinguishes 14. humanity 15. makes 16. expressed17. source 18. newborn 19. act 20. traditionSpeaking(Open)103fTranslation and Writing在过去,当探险者或商人们走出家园到外面的世界去寻找新的


13、的人的交际工具。B1. One theory refers to the sensitivity to the target language as being one of the most important factors in language learning.2. In order to help students in their study of English, the library has decided to lease the original editions of English films.3. On weekends, if one shop puts up

14、discount notices, other shops, big or small, will come up with more discount notices.4. When ungrammatical expressions of a language become prevalent in society, they will gradually become accepted by the public.5. The closing of the company was not caused by a shortage of capital but by management

15、deficiency.6. Advertisements usually highlight the product or service they advertise to attract customers.7. It is argued that we should withhold the speed of language change; otherwise we may have to learn a new language every twenty years.8. I feel gratitude / I am grateful to him because every ti

16、me I encountered difficulties in my study he would help me.9. It will take great pains to improve/change the financial situation of the factory.10.Those who advocate the purification of a language protect the language for the sake of their culture.Reading Practice1.F 2.T 3. F 4.T5.T 6.F 7. F 8.TUnit

17、 Two KeyComprehensionA1. i People have different opinions about lies but they dont differ much in defining what truth is. ii Lying is usually regarded as evil but in reality many people lie. This is worthy of our attention.2. i Lies are intentionally told untruths/an unintentionally told untruth is

18、not a lie. ii Almost everyone lies.3. i All lies are evil and harmful so they should be avoided. ii Many lies are not evil but are necessary and beneficial to society.4. Open.(But according to the writer,) standards regarding when lies are ac- ceptable vary not only with individuals but aJso with di

19、fferent cultures.5. The statement means that when one grows up, one may have the painful experience of realizing that other people may not hold the same opinion about honesty as one does. This is because the reality often runs counter to what is taught to children.6. 2) those that are told with inte

20、ntion to harm the listener or a third party and to benefit the liar 3) those that dont tell the whole truth (Some information may be left unsaid.) 4) those that are told with no intention of being kept 5) those that are told to deceive oneself7. (Open)8. B9. Because it prevents one from realizing on

21、es shortcomings and improving oneself.10. Different cultures may have different standards regarding when lies are acceptable. (e.g. People in some cultures feel it is more important not to hurt others than to tell the truth). It may be hard to change these culturally based beliefs.B1. People cannot

22、make sound judgement about .because we have not told them the truth. We should try to avoid lying because in a society where lying is common, trust becomes impossible, and without trust, cooperation cannot exist.2. Your parents and your culture may teach you that liars will suffer, but in reality yo

23、u find that they often dont, (This is what ones moral beliefs are compared with.)This realizati&n may make you take a skeptical attitude towards your moral beliefs. It refers to the realization and them refers to moral beliefs. Because they dont appear to be true.3. Many of the lies are told within

24、government circles. For example, a person may lie to the government, or a government official may lie to the public, which falls into the category oflittle white lie. Here, the author is critical of the government because he thinks one personslittle white lieis another persons dirty lie4. In the Uni

25、ted States, people do not often tell all the truth in their income tax reports, which is considered an unquestionable lie by the government. Because people feel the government already takes too much of their earnigns.5. Some advertisers and politicians often make false promises, which ruin the reput

26、ation of other advertisers and politicians. It is implied here that some false promises are fairly harmless, but others are taken more seriously and can hurt the listener/receiver.6. We have to be realistic about our dreams and ambitions on one hand and deceiving/tricking ourselves on the other. If

27、we are not, we cant recognize the need for change, make the necessary changes, and achieve success.7. The author suggests that ifwe have not looked at our faults, we should honestly examine ourselves closely to see what we really are like. Be realistic.8. Ideas about lying vary from culture to cultu

28、re. One culture may have a high opinion of truth even if it hurts, while another culture may consider that other peoples feelings are more important.Vocabulary and StructureA1. C 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. C6. C 7. D 8. D 9. D 10. BB1. going through 2. goes with3. in response to 4. grew up5. be having an aff

29、air with/have had an affair with 6. turn a blind eye to7. hold . together 8. watching for9. in comparison 10. draw a line betweenC1. A. what is 2. A. than have3. D. it 4. D. ignored5. C. go 6. D. would he be7. C. objected to 8. C. though9. D. to say something 10. C. to his feetD1. to 2. than 3. expr

30、essing 4. always5. relief 6. But 7. persuaded 8. cracked9. accident 10. in turn 11. recalJ 12. the13. times 14. exchanged 15. uncovered 16. solution17. nor 18. others 19. mind 20. leaveSpeaking(Open)Translation and WritingA 那些常常说谎又没有充足理由的人被称为病态说谎者。他们会对任何事情说谎。他们似乎无法控制说谎的;中动。对这些人的研究表明,他们中很多人小时候受过虐待或者来

31、自有酗酒或有精神病家属史的家庭;也有不少人在他们生长的家庭里,真话得不到尊重,没有人说真话。他们似乎比常人更加强烈地需要得到别人的爱不口别人的尊重。但事实上,他们中并非每个人都无法控制自己说谎的欲望。没人能说清为什么有些人能克制说谎而有些入却无法克制说谎。病态的说谎者往往没有亲近的或长期维持的私人关系。他们非常谨慎,通常不介绍自己的熟人相互认识以免他们将听到的东西进行比较。 * * * * * * * * * * * * 通常,北美国家的父母告诫他们的孩子说谎是坏事,他们不应该说谎。如果说谎,他们应该感到内疚。在欧美文化中,对一个说谎孩子的传统惩罚是用肥皂清洗他的嘴巴。然而通过他们自己的行为,

32、父母也会告诉孩子,在某些情况下,大多数人确实也会说谎。因此孩子在这种双重教育下长大他们偶尔也会说谎,但是他们会感到内疚,并且不想让别人知道他们已说了谎。B1. Different people have different opinions about whether lying is always bad and whether it should be avoided.2. The tallest buildings in London are small in comparison with the skyscrapers of New York.3. The point at which people draw the line between an acceptable lie and a

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