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高二英语Module5 The Conquest of the Universe知识精讲 外研社.docx

1、高二英语Module5 The Conquest of the Universe知识精讲 外研社高二英语Module5 The Conquest of the Universe知识精讲 外研社一. 本周教学内容:Module 5 The Conquest of the Universe二. 教学目标:本模块的主题是太空探索,阅读课文介绍了人类首次登月,人类首次航天飞机飞行和“挑战者”号的爆炸等事件。要求学生掌握相关词汇,培养相关语言技能。单词、短语:leap joint Mars Jupiter Aldebaran probe Saturn accustomed shuttle histori

2、c tune witness assume patience in spite of advanced at the very beginning of burst depend planet view ultraviolet Phoebe Titan decade a series of acknowledge random backwards deed knight tension autonomous defeat authority accuse accuse sb. of swear avenge sorrow latter grasp relief glory division a

3、irspace motherland abstract foresee destiny aid broad sympathy commitment ought consistent faith rational dignity devotion pray pray for holy acute be similar to stable human being supreme scholar consult whilst arguably dramatic invasion alien impact observation inescapable assumption vanguard set

4、in motion underway hysteria newsflash mounting deliberately set out重点词汇和短语:leap joint accustomed witness assume patience in spite of advanced at the very beginning of burst depend view decade a series of acknowledge random backwards autonomous defeat accuse sb of swear avenge sorrow latter grasp for

5、esee aid sympathy ought devotion pray for holy be similar to impact underway set out词语要点归纳:【课文例句】1. Ever since Neil Armstrong first setfooton the moon back on 21st July,1969,people have become accustomed to the idea of space travel.自从尼尔阿姆斯特朗在1969年7月21日首次踏上月球以来,人们对太空旅行这一概念已经非常熟悉。【知识探究】(1)set foot oni

6、n踏上,进入,到达Ill never set foot in Tokyo again.我再也不会踏进东京一步。The invaders set foot on the soil of ancient Rome.入侵者踏上了古罗马的国土。(2)accustomed用作形容词,义项有二:习惯于的;惯常的,常用搭配:bebecome accustomed tonv-ing同义短语:beget used tonv-ingIm not accustomed to getting up so early.我不习惯于这样早起来。She sat in her accustomed place reading.

7、她坐在她惯常坐的地方读书。accustom 用作及物动词,“使习惯于”。常用搭配:accustom oneself tonv-ing“使自己习惯”He accustomed himself to the new job as soon as possible.他使自己尽可能快地习惯于新的工作。【名题欣赏】Accustomed to _ the steep mountains,he had no difficulty reaching the top. (上海2020春)A. climbing B. climbC. having climbed D. have climbed【解析】答案选A。b

8、e accustomed to doing sth. 表示“习惯于做某事”。to是介词,后接v-ing形式做宾语。【课文例句】2. Millions of people watched that first moon landing on television, their hearts in their mouths,aware of how difficult and dangerous an adventure it was,and what risks had to be taken.数以百万计的人们从电视上观看了首次登月,他们的心提到嗓子眼,因为他们十分清楚这次是多么艰难多么危险,以

9、及要冒多么大的风险。【知识探究】(1)句中含有一个独立主格结构:their hearts in their mouths作伴随状语。分词的独立主格结构是由“名词或主格代词分词、形容词、副词或介词短语等”构成的,在句中多用作状语。如:Weather permitting,well go and play golf this afternoon.天气许可的话,我们下午去打高尔夫。He sat there,his arms crossed in front of his chest.他坐在那里,双臂交叉在胸前。He entered the room,his nose red with cold.他走

10、进屋来,鼻子冻得红红的。Dinner over,we decided to play bridge.吃过饭后,我们决定打桥牌。Half an hour later Delia came,her right hand in a bandage.半小时后,迪莉娅回来了,她右手缠着绷带。(2)形容词短语:(be)aware of how difficultand what risks作状语表原因。其中“how”和“what”引导的从句作介词“of”的宾语,构成宾语从句。形容词短语作状语是英语中较常见的语法现象,一般作原因或伴随状语。如:He looked back now and then,afra

11、id of being followed.由于担心被跟踪,他不时地回头看。He arrived home,hungry and tired.他又饿又累地回到家中。(3)(be)aware ofthat意识到,察觉到,明白(be)unaware ofthat没意识到。Smokers are well aware of the dangers to their own health.吸烟者很清楚吸烟对他们的健康造成的种种危害。He must have been aware that his parents marriage was breaking up.他清楚地意识到父母的婚姻已无可挽救。【名题

12、欣赏】(1)Our teacher came in, _.A. a book was in his handB. with a book in handC. he took a book in handD. with a book being in hand【解析】答案选B。此题考查独立主格作状语的用法,选项A、C是两个完整的句子;没有引导词不可独立作状语;选项D为错误选项,其正确形式应为with a book in hand. 故选B。名词介词短语构成独立主格、作伴随状语。(2)Im well _ of his honesty.A. known B. famous C. aware D. w

13、orried【解析】答案选C。此题考查固定短语(be)aware of的用法。其句意为:我很清楚他的诚实。【课文例句】3. All three astronauts made it safely back to Earth,using a spaceship computer that was much less powerful than the ones used by the average school students today.三位宇航员借助着远不如如今一般学生使用的计算机控制系统安全返回到地球。【知识探究】(1)“using a spaceship computer that”

14、是现在分词短语作状语表方式;“that”引导定语从句修饰“spaceship computer”。(2)make it成功,做到Work hard, and youll make it. 努力干,你会成功的。Where is Li Lei? 李磊呢?He cant make it today. He has to stay at home.他今天来不成了,他得呆在家里。表示走完一段路程,或及时赶到。He is too tired to make it to his house.他太累了,走不到家了。The train leaves at 6:30,so well make it.火车6点半开,

15、因此我们能及时赶到。表示约定时间或估计I make it 30 people in the room.我估计房间里有30人。Lets make it half past nine.让我们把时间定在9点半吧。【课文例句】4. The world was in shock-maybe they assume his space flight would be no more dangerous than getting on an aeroplane.全世界都震惊了也许他们原来都认为这次太空飞行跟乘坐飞机一样没什么危险。【知识探究】(1)in shock处于极度震惊状态。(2)assume用作及物

16、动词,意为“假定、假设;认为”。assuming(that)相当于连词if或supposing(that)意为“如果、假如”。I assume that you have heard the news.我想你已听到了这个消息。Let us assume for a moment that the plan succeeds.咱们暂时假设计划成功。Farmers will have a good harvest,assuming(that)the weather is favorable.假如风调雨顺,今年农民将获丰收。【名题欣赏】_ it rains tomorrow,what should

17、we do?A. Though B. Since C. Even though D. Assuming【解析】答案选D。根据语意须选择表示假设的连词,其中选项A、C表让步,意为“尽管、即使”;B项表原因,不符;D项assuming即if表示“假如”。【课文例句】5. In spite of all our advanced technology,the world is still only at the very beginning of its voyage into space.即便我们掌握了现在的全部先进技术,我们这个世界依然只是处于太空旅行的起步阶段。【知识探究】(1)in spit

18、e of后接名词构成介词短语作让步状语,意为“尽管,不顾”。She rushed out in spite of the heavy rain.她不顾大雨冲出家门。(2)advanced用作形容词,“先进的,高级的;现代的”。-studies高深研究the industrial nations先进的工业国家-ideas现代思想advance用作名词,“前进”、“提前”常见短语in advance预先,提前同义词组:ahead of timeThe rent must be paid in advance.租金须预付。【名题欣赏】_ all the difficulties,he continu

19、ed with the project with determination.A. Though B. Although C. In spite of D. In case of【解析】答案选C。in spite of后接名词构成介词短语作让步状语;选项A、B是连词须引导句子作让步状语;选项D“以防、万一”语意不通。【课文例句】6. The CassiniHuygens space probe,which reached Saturn last week,has sent back amazing photographs of the planets famous rings viewed i

20、n ultraviolet light.航空探测器于上周抵达土星,已发回所观察到的行星有名的紫外线彩色光环的图片。【知识探究】view v. 看、观察view the pictures看图仔细观察、观察;检查Several possible buyers have come to view the house.已经有好几个想买房子的人来看过这幢房子。考虑,认为同义词:consider,regardI view his action as a breach of trust.我认为他的行为是背信弃义。n. 视力、视野、视界、视线My view of the stage was blocked b

21、y the hat of the woman in front of me.我前面那个女人的帽子挡住了我的视线,使我看不见舞台。(从某处看到的)景色,景The only view from my bedroom window is of some factory chimneys.从我卧室的窗户看到的唯一景色是一些工厂烟囱。观察某人或事物的特定机会If we stand at this window. well get a better view of the procession.我们如果站在这个窗口,就能把游行队伍看得更清楚。看法、意见、想法、观念In my view, hes a foo

22、l.依我看,他是个傻瓜。【课文例句】7. The probe has sent back pictures of some of Saturns moons,including tiny Phoebe, which has a strange shape like other planets and their moons. It is not perfectly round and Saturns biggest moon, Titan, which is believed to be the only body in the solar system other than the Eart

23、h with liquid on the surface.控测器还发回了土星的几颗卫星的照片,其中包括形状奇特的小个子土卫九跟其他行星和卫星不同的是它没有那么圆还有土星最大的卫星,土卫六,我们都认为是太阳系中除了地球以外唯一表面有液体的星体。【知识探究】(1)Sb. is believed to据信,相当于It is believed that是一常见句型。例如:He is believed to be the first person to go to the moon by spaceship.据信他是乘坐宇宙飞船到达月球的第一个人。注意:如果to后面的动词所表达的动作发生在believe

24、之前,则不定式用完成式。如:She is believed to have invented the useful tool.据信是她发明了这种有用的工具。联想Sb. is said to据说Sb. is thought to据认为Sb. is reported to据报道【名题欣赏】_ in the newspaper that many people have been cheated by a man _ Li Hongzhi.A. It is reported;calledB. We are reported;who is calledC. It reports;callingD. A

25、s is reported;called【解析】Its reported that从句,据报道第二空可用who is called或called;选项D则为As is reported in the newspaper,many people答案为A。(2)Other than(except)除了(表示所说的不包括在内),不同于,而不(different from;not)Linda has no close friend at school other than me.琳达在学校除了我没有其他密友。【课文例句】8. They are so clear that is easy to forg

26、et they are coming from a distance of one-and-a-half-billion kilometers.图像如此清晰以致于很容易忘记他们是来自于十五亿公里外的地方。【知识探究】distance -U-n. 距离;远处What is the distance from Washington to Miami?从华盛顿到迈阿密有多远?The school is some distance away.学校离这远。One can see the ancient ruins at a distance of 20 miles.人们可以看到20英里以外的古代遗迹。a

27、t a distance意为“从远处;隔开一段距离”Dogs that bark at a distance never bite.在远处叫的狗不咬人。The sound of the waterfall can be heard at a distance of 2 miles.在2英里外就能听到瀑布声。【短语拓展】from a distance从远处keep ones distance保持距离;不亲近go the full distance走完全程by distance按里程in the distance在远处,远方的keep sb. at a distance冷待某人work out d

28、istance计算出距离within hearing distance在能听到的地方【课文例句】9. It is now acknowledged by the movie industry as the move successful film ever.它现在已被电影业公认为最成功的影片【知识探究】acknowledge是动词,主要有四个义项:承认,公认;对表示感谢;告知收到(某物);对打招呼。后面可接名词、代词、动名词,从句或复合结构(acknowledge sb tobeas)He was generally acknowledged to be the finest poet in

29、the country.他是公认的全国最优秀的诗人。His services to the country were never officially acknowledged.他对国家所做的贡献从未受到正式的表彰。The director wishes to acknowledge the help of the police in the making of this film.导演希望对警察在本片拍摄过程中所给予的协助表示感谢。We must acknowledge receipt of his letter.我们必须向他表明已收到了他的来信。She walked right past

30、me without even acknowledging me.我就那样迎面走过,连个招呼也不和我打。I was standing right next to her,but she didnt even acknowledge me.我就站在她旁边,可是她连个招呼都不跟我打。【课文例句】10. For example,Luke sky walker is ever told that his condiment ought to be to finish his training rather than rescue his friends.有人曾告诉卢克天行者他的责任应该是完成他的训练而

31、不是拯救他的朋友。【知识探究】rather than是一个常用的句型,意思是:不愿(要),而不是。rather than常用于平行结构中,即前后所跟成份通常一致。也常用于wouldhad rather do sth. than结构当中。例如:I think Ill have a cold drink rather than coffee.我想喝冷饮,不想喝咖啡。Rather than get rich in such a way, I would beg in the streets.我宁可在街上乞讨,也不愿以那种方式致富。I would rather walk than take a bus.我宁愿走路而不愿意乘公共汽车。【名题欣赏】I want

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