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高中英语 Module4 知识点整理 外研版必修4.docx

1、高中英语 Module4 知识点整理 外研版必修4外研版必修四Module4 知识点整理基础落实.高频单词思忆1.This company is more concerned with quality than with _(数量).2.He was the outstanding political _(人物) of his time.3.The _(受害者) of the explosion were buried last week.4._ (农业) plays a very important part in the world.5.The soldier _(逃脱)from the

2、enemys prison on a snowy night.6.The car should be returned to its _ (原来的,最初的) owner.7.Scientists have made a major _(突破) in the treatment of cancer.8.Weve _(改变;转换) from coal to gas central heating.9.It is reported that the terrorists _ (爆炸) a bomb in a store, causing five deaths and twenty injuries

3、.10._ (个人的) cleanliness is important to health as well as to appearance. .重点短语再现1.bring _ 培养;培育bring _导致;引起; 造成bring _ 使恢复;使记起 a _ of因为;由于_ to因为result 导致;引起3._ brief简洁地in _详细地4._ a living谋生_ a(n).life过着生活live up _符合;不辜负live _忍受,容忍 e to _掌权;上台_ office上任,就职_ power夺权 every _ 朝四面八方_ of direction

4、方向感in _ direction of朝方向7.send.into _ 把发射到太空_ space在太空8.throw _ 投身于throw _ 抛弃;扔掉throw sth. _ 呕出(食物);使显眼9.convert _ .转变为10._!干得好! .典型句式运用1. He thought that the key to feeding people was to have more rice.他认为,解决人们吃饭问题的关键在于拥有更多的稻米the key to doing sth.做某事的关键 e.g. 读书是打开知识宝库的关键。Reading is the key to the tr

5、easure house of knowledge.2.First Yuan Longping experimented with different types of rice. 首先,袁隆平对不同品种的水稻进行试验。experiment with.对进行试验 小型企业都急于试用计算机。Small businesses are anxious to experiment with computers. 3.Researchers were brought in from all over China to develop the new system. 全国的研究者都被召集来开发这个新的体系

6、。 动词短语bring in表示“召来;召集” 更多的著名科学家被召来以找到解决这个问题的方法。 More famous scientists were brought in to find out a solution to this problem. 4.Moving in a wheelchair and speaking through a special computer, he has become the voice of science. 在轮椅上移动,通过特殊的计算机说话,他已经成了科学的代言人。 v.-ing短语作方式状语 我们已经乘车游览了许多地方。Travelling

7、by car, we have been to many places of interest. 5.But not everybody wanted to use rockets in battles. 但是并非所有的人都想在战争中使用火箭。 部分否定 并非每一个人都赞成这一计划。Not everyone is for the plan. 导练互动重点单词1.quantity n.数量 观察思考 The printing firm buys papers in quantities. 那家印刷公司成批买纸。 Great quantities of fish are caught at thi

8、s time every year.= A great quantity of fish is caught at this time every year. 每年这个时候都捕获大量的鱼。It was a bad year for films, in terms of both quantity and quality.今年的电影无论从数量上还是质量上都说不上好。 归纳拓展a quantity of 许多;大量 quantities of许多;大量 in large quantities 大量地 in quantity大量地in large amount大量地注意 a quantity of和

9、quantities of既可修饰可数名词复数,也可修饰不可数名词;其作主语时,a quantity of+名词,谓语动词应视名词的具体情况而定,即:跟可数复数应用复数动词,跟不可数时应用单数动词;后者用复数,即和quantity一致。 活学活用As a result of the earthquake, a large _ of earth _ blocked several rivers there.A.number;has B.quantity;has C.number;have D.quantity;have解析 a number of 只修饰可数名词复数形式,而earth是不可数名词

10、,故选B项。 2.brief adj.简短的;简洁的;短暂的 His book A Brief History of Time was published in 1988 and is still a best seller.他的书时间发展简史于1988年出版, 而且现在还是畅销书。 (回归课本P37) 观察思考 Could I have a brief word with you, sir? 先生,我能和你说几句话吗? In brief, we should invest heavily in digital system. 简而言之,我们应该对数字化系统大量投资。 归纳拓展in brief

11、简单地说 to be brief简单地说,一句话(用作插入语) be brief with sb.简单地和某人说几句话易混辨异in brief/in short(1)in brief “简单地说”,着重于重点突出,不拖泥带水。(2)in short“总之”,多用来指在较长的叙述后,长话短说,带有“综上所述”的意思。活学活用He stood up and made a _ speech, short but to the point.A. simple B. brief C. easy D. dull解析 根据句中的short but to the point知应用 brief表示“简短的”。

12、3.escape n.& v.逃跑;逃脱;逃避 The Chinese discovered that the gas escaping from the tube could lift it into the air.中国人发现从竹筒里漏出的气体可以使其飞向空中。 (回归课本P39) 观察思考The party was boringwe couldnt wait to make our escape. 聚会很无聊,我们迫不及待地要溜走。Four prisoners who escaped from the jail in Mongolia have been caught. 从内蒙古监狱逃出

13、的四名罪犯已经被抓住。The dog escaped through/from the back window of the bus. 狗从公共汽车的后窗逃走了。归纳拓展make ones escape逃跑 have a narrow escape九死一生 a fire escape紧急出口;安全门have ones escape cut off被切断逃路 escape (doing) sth.逃脱(做)某事 escape from (out of)+sp.从逃脱/逃走escape from reality逃避现实 escape后常接动名词作宾语。 易混辨异escape/escape from

14、/flee三者都含有“逃,逃跑”的意思,但侧重点有所不同。(1)escape强调“逃避,逃脱(不愉快的事)”,含有成功逃脱的意味,这个意义不用被动式。(2)escape from指“从(监禁,管制中)逃脱,逃走”或是指“(气体,液体等)漏出,泄漏”,也含有成功逃脱的意味。(3)flee“逃离”,不表示逃跑的结果成功与否。 活学活用How did your father deal with you? We were lucky to _ being punished.A.admit B.escape C.consider D.stop解析 根据语境知是“幸运地逃过了惩罚”,故用escape do

15、ing sth.。 4.clear v.(烟雾等)消散;清除;adj.易懂的;明白的 When the smoke cleared Wan Hu and his chair had disappeared.当烟散去时,万虎和椅子都不见了。(回归课本P39)观察思考After supper, my younger brother often helps mother clear away the dishes. 晚饭后,弟弟经常帮母亲收拾碟子。They cleared up the misunderstanding and made up. 他们消除了误会,和好了。I made it clear

16、 to him that I rejected his proposal. 我清楚地告诉他我拒绝了他的建议。We spent all Saturday morning cleaning up. 我们整个星期六上午都在打扫卫生。 归纳拓展clear away把清除掉;收拾 clear up整理,收拾;天气放晴;消除(疑虑,误会等) clear off迅速逃离clear out除掉;整理 clear ones throat清嗓子 make.clear讲清楚;弄明白 易混辨异clear/clean二者都含有“使干净”的意思,为同义词。(1)clear adj. clear water清澈的水;v.

17、clear the table收拾桌子(除去不必要的东西)。(2)clean adj. clean water干净的水;v. clean the table擦干净桌子。活学活用The mystery was _ when he admitted he had been there all the time.A.cleared out B.cleared away C.cleared up D.cleared off解析 clear up消除(疑虑,误会等);clear out除掉;整理;clear away把清除掉;clear off迅速逃离。 重点短语与句型5.bring in请来;引进;赚

18、钱;收割庄稼 (回归课本P32) Researchers were brought in from all over China to develop the new system.全国的研究者都被召集来开发这个新的体系。观察思考Theyve brought in experts to advise on the project. 他们已请来专家对该项目提供意见。They have brought in some advanced equipment. 他们引进了一些先进设备。He was out all day in the rain yesterday and this brought o

19、n/about a bad cold. 他昨天一整天都在外面淋雨,因此患了重感冒。 归纳拓展bring on导致,促成;使发展/进步 bring out阐释;出版(书籍等);发挥 bring up教育;养育;提出;呕吐bring about引起;导致 bring back归还;使记起;使恢复 bring down使落下 活学活用(1)His idea of having weekly family meals together, which seemed difficult at first, has _ many good changes in their lives.A. got thro

20、ugh B. resulted from C. turned into D. brought about解析 句意为:他的每周一次的家庭团聚的主意,一开始似乎困难,但现在已给他们的生活带来了巨大变 化。get through通过,完成;result from (作为原因)产生,发生;turn into变成;bring about导致。 (2)The policeman _ a thief caught _ in the supermarket.A.brought up;stealing B.brought in;stealing C.brought out;stolen D.brought o

21、n;stolen解析 bring in带进来;catch sb.doing sth.抓住某人在做某事。 e to/into power (开始)掌权;上台 Albert Einstein left Germany when Hitler came to power and went to work in the US.当希特勒上台后,爱因斯坦离开德国到美国工作。(回归课本P37)观察思考The masses put the Labor Party into power. 群众让工党上台执政。The communists seized/took power in 1962. 在1962年共产党取

22、得政权。 归纳拓展in ones power为某人力所能及 in power当权的,掌权的 beyond ones power力所不能及within ones power力所能及 do all in ones power尽力,竭尽全力 fall from power下野,下台take/seize power夺取政权 put.into power使执政;使上台活学活用Which political party _ in France currently?A. came to power B. comes into power C. is in power D. was put into powe

23、r解析 由时间状语currently知表示“目前,法国哪个政党当权?”,故C项正确。 7.Its yield is much greater than the yield of other types of rice grown in Pakistan.它的产量比巴基斯坦所种植的其他水稻的产量都要高很多。句式分析本句是一个用much修饰比较级的句型。much修饰比较级,意为“得多”。修饰比较级的常见词还有:a little, a bit, a lot, rather, by far, far, even, still, any, no等。She is feeling a lot better

24、today. 今天她感觉好多了。The patient looked still worse today than yesterday. 病人看上去比昨天状态更差。She speaks English far better than her classmates. 她比她的同学们英语说得好。 活学活用(1)What did you think of your visit to the museum? I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was _ than I expected. A. some more interesting B. a lot interesting C

25、. far more interesting D. even much interesting 解析 由空后的than知应用比较级,而some不能用来修饰比较级,far则可以。 (2)After several yearsresearch, scientists now have a _ better understanding of the HIV. A.very B.far C.fairly D.quite 解析 far better understanding更好的理解。 8.Or was he carried miles into space, becoming the worlds

26、first astronaut? 或者他被带到数英里的太空,成为世界上第一个宇航员?句式分析句中的becoming the worlds first astronaut是现在分词短语作结果状语。现在分词作结果状语常表示一种自然结果或意料之中的结果。He beat all the other players, winning the first award. 他击败了所有其他的选手,获得了一等奖。The fire lasted nearly a week, leaving nothing valuable. 大火持续了近一周,没剩下什么值钱的东西。 归纳拓展不定式也可以充当结果状语,往往指意料之

27、外的或偶然的结果,特别是和only连用时。He lifted a rock only to drop it on his own feet.他搬起了石头,结果砸了自己的脚。 活学活用Oil prices have risen by 32 percent since the start of the year,_ record US $57.65 a barrel on April 4.A.have reached B.reaching reach be reaching解析 reaching短语作结果状语。 9.2/3 of the worlds population re

28、gularly eat rice.世界人口中有三分之二的人经常吃大米。观察思考Three quarters of the workers are young. 工人中的四分之三都是青年人。Two thirds of the earths surface is covered by water. 地球表面的三分之二被水覆盖。 归纳拓展(1)分数或百分数修饰名词作主语时,谓语动词的单复数由名词决定。若是不可数名词作主语时,谓语动词要用单数;若主语是可数名词复数,则谓语动词要用复数。(2)表达分数时,分子用基数词,分母用序数词。分子大于一时,分母的序数词加s。one/a half二分之一 one f

29、ourth/a quarter四分之一 one fifth五分之一four fifths五分之四 three fourths/three quarters四分之三 活学活用Dr.Smith,together with his wifeand daughters, _ visit Beijing this going to B.are going to C.was going to D.were going to解析 当主语后出现together with/as well as等介词短语时,谓语动词的数与介词短语前的主语保持一致,故可排除B、D两项;根据时间状语this

30、summer可知应用一般将来时态。 考题回扣【例1】A great man shows his greatness _ the way he treats little men. (福建高考) A.under B.with C.on D.by解析 句意为:伟人通过他对待小人物的方式显出其伟大。四个选项中,只有by能表示“通过方式”。 课文原文 He thought there was only one way to do this by crossing different species of rice plant,.【例2】Did the book give the information you needed? Yes. But _ it, I had to read the entire book. (北京高考) find B.find be finding D.finding 解析 空格处所在的句子句意为:是的,但是为了找到它,我不得不阅读了整本书。表示目的要用动词不定式形式。由于不表示正在进行,故不用进行时态。 课文原文 Resea

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