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1、必修五第二单元单词教学案高一英语第五模块第一单元单词教学案制作人:刘善辉审核人:李洪燕使用时间:2014-9-10年级签字:编号:4课前预习案单词拼写请根据汉语提示或首字母写出单词的正确形式1We have _(完成) all we set out to do.2Please come at your _ (方便)3The old man has a large _ (收集) of old china.4What he wrote is not _(一致) with what he told us5F_ the paper along the dotted line.6She was t_ w

2、ith terror when she saw the scene of the murder.7I was d_ to be invited to her party.8We are going to Mount Tai for s_.课中探究案一、检查反馈,导入新课。Check the pronunciation of the new words. 二、目标定位,确定重点。1. 会读本单元单词,力求读得更流利。2. 记住本单元的重点单词并能用其造句。3. 能运用这些词汇解决相关练习题。三、自主探究,教师点拨。【单词学习】1consist vi. 组成,一致 consistent adj.

3、协调的,一致的consist of 由组成,包括(无进行时态和被动语态)consist in 在于,存在于 consist with 符合,一致be consistent with. 和一致;相符be made up of 由组成 be composed of 由组成【拓展练习】(1)This club _ more than 200 members.这个俱乐部由200多个会员组成。(2)The beauty of the plan _ its simplicity. 这个计划妙就妙在简明扼要。(3)Theory should _ practice. 理论应与实践相一致。(4)What you

4、 say _ not _ what you do. 你言行不一。2attract vt.吸引;引诱 attraction n吸引;吸引力;吸引人的事物attractive adj.有魅力的;吸引人的;引人注目的attract sb./sth. to.把某人/物吸引到 be attracted to 对有兴趣/好感attract sb.s attention/interest/criticism吸引某人的注意/兴趣/招致某人的批评have attraction for 对有吸引力 be an attraction to sb.对来说很吸引人【拓展练习】(1)What do you think _

5、 people _ big cities?你认为把人吸引到大城市的原因是什么?(2)Babies _ bright colors. 婴儿喜欢鲜艳的颜色。(3)The new play has _ a good deal of criticism. 这出新剧招致很多批评。(4)One of the main _ of the job is the high salary.这份工作最吸引人的是薪水高。3convenience n. 便利;方便;便利的事物;便利设施convenient adj. 方便的,便利的for the convenience of. 为了方便for (the sake of)

6、 convenience 为了方便起见at ones convenience 在方便时;在适宜的地点be convenient for sb./sth. 对于是方便的【拓展练习】(1)I keep my reference books near my desk _.我把参考书放在书桌旁以便用着方便。(2)Come to my office _. 你方便时来我办公室一趟。(3)It was _ to have the doctor living near us. 有医生住在我们附近真是太方便了。(4)When would it _ you to start work?你什么时候始方便开始工作呢?

7、提示:convenience 意为“方便;便利”时,为不可数名词;作“便利的事物;便利设施”讲时为可数名词。convenient 为其形容词形式,用做表语时,主语不能是人,常用于 It is convenient for sb. to do sth.这一句型。4arrange v. 筹备;安排;整理;布置;排列arrangement n. 安排,筹备arrange sth. 整理,布置,排列;安排,筹备 arrange sth. for sb. 为某人安排某事arrange for sb. to do sth. 安排某人做某事 arrange (with sb.) to do sth. (与某

8、人)约定干某事arrange that. 商定;安排make arrangements for 安排好 come to an arrangement 达成协议【拓展练习】(1)Ill _ a car _ pick you up.我将安排车去接你。(2)_ they should leave the following spring. 已安排他们第二年春天离开。(3)The local newspaper _ an interview with Professor Stein.当地报纸安排对斯坦教授进行专访。5delight vt. 使高兴/欣喜n.高兴,快乐,喜悦;令人愉快的事(much) t

9、o ones delightto ones (great) delight使某人(大为)高兴的是take/find/have delight in (doing) sth. 喜爱,以为乐be delighted at/by/with sth. 因/对感到高兴be delighted to do sth./thatclause 高兴地去做It is a delight to do sth. 做某事是一件令人愉快的事【拓展练习】(1)_, everything goes well.使我们高兴的是,一切进展顺利。(2)The boy always _ finding others errors in

10、 class.这个孩子在课堂上总是以发现别人的错误为乐。(3)Im _ meet you here. 在这儿碰到你我真高兴。6thrill vt.使激动;使胆战心惊n.兴奋;紧张thrilled adj.兴奋的,激动的 thrilling adj.令人感到兴奋的give sb. a thrill to do sth./of doing sth. 做某事让某人感到激动be thrilled at/about/with sth.对感到兴奋【拓展练习】(1)The film _ the audience. 那部电影对观众很有刺激性。(2)It was _ meet Yao Ming. 能见到姚明的确

11、是令人兴奋的事。(3)He _ the sight of her. 见到她,他很兴奋。(4)I had a _ experience on the lake last Sunday.上周日在湖上我有一次激动人心的经历。7divide.into. 把分成divide.between/among/with. 和分担/分配/分享 用除以 half (two)/into halves 把分成两部分【拓展练习】(1)The train _ at York. 这列火车在约克市调动车厢分途行驶。(2)We _ the work _ us. 我们分担这项工作。(3)30

12、_ 6 is 5.30 除以6等于5。8break away (from) 挣脱;脱离break down 机器出故障;(讨论、谈判、希望、计划等)失败;打破;(化)分解;身体垮掉break in 破门而入;打断 break into 闯入;突然起来(后接 tears, laughter等)break out 战争爆发;(火灾)发生 break off 折断,打断;突然停止讲话;休息;断绝;结束break through 突围;突破;冲垮;克服 break up 拆开,结束;解散【拓展练习】(1)It was wrong for him to _ all his good friends. 他

13、和他的好朋友决裂是错误的。(2)The students were encouraged to _ the bad habits. 学生们被鼓励改掉坏习惯。(3)The elevators in the building are always _. 这幢楼里的电梯总出故障。 (4)Peace talks have _ over the question of reparations. 和谈因战后赔款问题而中止。(5)Bacteria _ the animal waste to form methane.细菌使动物粪便分解成沼气。(6)If Tim carries on working like

14、 this, hell _ sooner or later.如果蒂姆继续这样工作,身体迟早会垮掉。9leave out 省去;遗漏;不考虑 leave about 乱放(东西) leave aside 搁置leave alone 别管;别惹;不打扰 leave off 停止;中断leave behind 留在后面;没带走 leave for (go off to) 动身去【拓展练习】(1)In copying this paper, be careful not to _ any word.抄这个文件时,注意不要漏掉任何一个字。Dont _ our teachers _ from the in

15、vitations.请不要忘记邀请我们的老师们。(2)用适当的介、副词或形容词填空I think we should leave _ now and have a cup of tea.Can you tell me the time? Ive left my watch _.She left _ an important detail in her account.Dont you think well leave _ the concert now?A railway station is no place for a child to be left _ at night.10take

16、the place of (replace) 代替;取代take place (事情)发生,产生;举办,举行take ones place 代替,接替in place of 代替 in place 在适当的位置in the first place 最初,首先,第一【拓展练习】(1)Ill _ my father to run the company._ to run the company. 我将代替我父亲管理公司。(2)I cant go to the meeting myself, so Mary will _.我不能亲自出席会议,因此玛丽将替代我。(3)Their weddings wi

17、ll _ next month. 他们下个月举行婚礼。(4)Please put the book _. 请把书放在原处。四、尝试演练,合作解疑。见课本12页五、当堂检测,拓展延伸。见同步练习册六、课堂小结,布置作业。背过本节课所学的单词及用法。课后巩固案1. Would it be for you to pick me up at 4:00 and take me to the airport?A. free B. vacant C. handy D. convenient2. Mother for me to show the guests around our city.A. asked

18、 B. wanted C. arranged D. let3. at the good news, she couldnt help crying.A. Delighting B. Delighted C. Delightful D. Being delighted4. She showed us the whole dance first, and then so that we could learn it more easily.A. got it through B. carried it out C. took it off D. broke it down 5. I tell To

19、m that I visited the National Stadium in Beijing, but he forgot it. A. do B. does C. did D. doing6. As we all know, the Group of Eight is an organization the richest countries in the world.A. is consisted of B. consisting of C. consists of D. consisted of7. While copying these papers, be careful not

20、 to any words.A. leave behind B. leave off C. leave aside D. leave out8. The teacher stressed again that the students should not any important details while retelling the story.A. bring out B. let out C. leave out D. make out9. it is to enjoy a free afternoon! A. What great delight B. How great deli

21、ght C. What a great delight D. How a great delight10. The natural beauty of Jiuzhaigou millions of tourists from all over the world every year. A. attracts B. catches C. reminds D. seizes11. Our new house is very for me as I can get to the office in five minutes. In fact, this is the reason why I de

22、cided to buy it a week ago.A. proper B. comfortable C. convenient D. available12. Its unwise for parents to everything for their children.A. show B. arrange C. give D. offer13. How about your journey to Mount Tai?Everything was wonderful except that our car twice on the way.A. slowed down B. broke d

23、own C. got down D. put down14. Can you believe it? Glass can steel in many ways of life.A. in place of B. take place of C. take its place D. replace15. While we were listening to the speech attentively, a voice to announce the result of the election.A. broke in B. broke up C. broke off D. broke down

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