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1、高起本英语补全对话能力训练及答案补全对话能力训练1Archer与Sam Bay在一次晚会上初次见面。他们互相做了自我介绍。他们互相做了自我介绍,并互致问候。介绍中Sam没听轻清Archer的名字,Archer重复一遍。问Sam喝什么,Archer想喝茶加点牛奶,但Sam说没有牛奶。Archer认为没关系,他们可以喝无奶茶。 Sam: Great party, isnt it?Archer: Yeah, really.Sam: By the way. 1 Archer: 2 .Im Bev. Archer.Sam: Sorry, whats 3 ,please?Archer: Bevely, b

2、ut please call me Bev.Sam: Would you like tea or coffee?Archer: 4 Sam: I am afraid 5 . Im very sorry.Archer: It doesnt matter. I often drink tea without milk.2 Tom和jane初次见面,聊天中Tom让Jane讲一讲有关她家庭的一些情况。Jane有三个姐妹,没有兄弟。老大25岁,已婚并有两个孩子;老二22岁,在大学里学计算机;最小的17岁,念高中,父亲是律师,母亲是记者。Tom: So, tell me about your family

3、. Have you got any brothers or sisters?Jane: Yeah. 1 .Tom: Three sisters. How old are they?Jane: Well, 2 . The second oldest is twenty-two, and the youngest is Seventeen.Tom: And what do they do?Jane: The oldest one-thats Ellen-is married and has two children, and they keep her pretty busy. Janice,

4、3 .Shes studying computer science, And the other one , Cindy, is still in high school.Tom: 4 .Jane: Oh, hes a lawyer.Tom: Oh, really? And your mom? 1 ?Jane: Yeah, shes a journalist. She works for a travel magazine.3小明问他的同学Sam 美国有多少个节日, Sam 说不准。 但他列举了一些节日。小明还从 Sam 那里了解到谁是美国之父。Sam还告诉小明除了华盛顿,林肯也被认为是美国伟

5、大的总统。小明: M; Sam: SM: How many holidays 1 in the U.S.?S: Er, 2 . I just know some.M: For example?S: Mmm, Mothers Day, National Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas, New Years Day, and Valentines Day.M: Not bad, 3 ? And the Valentines Day?S: The National Day comes on july 4th and the latter on February 14.

6、M: Talking of the National Day, who is 4 Benjamin Franklin or George Washington?S: George Washingwon of course.M: Besides Washington, who else is regarded as 1 ?S: Abraham Linoln, Im one hundred percent sure.4Tony 刚搬到一个地方。一天他要去。的诊所去看牙,事先打电话预约。护士给他约定下周四,并问他上午还是下午,他觉得上午为好,最后他预约下周四上午10:30去诊所。Tony向护士表示了

7、感谢。(生词:recommend介绍)Nurse: Dr. Browns office. 1 ?Tony: Yes. Id like to make an appointment for a tooth checkup.Nurse: Are you one of the doctors regular patients?Tony: 2 .I have recently moved to this area and a friend of mine recommended Dr. Brown.Nurse: I see. 3 . Do you prefer morning or afternoon

8、?Tony: 4 .Nurse: Would 10:30 be all right?Tony: That would be fine.Nurse: Good. Well expect you then at 10:30 on Thursday.Tony: 5 .5Jimmy在街上偶然碰到Jerry, 他约 周末去游泳。Jerry因答应周六帮姐姐搬家,所以去不成。周日能否去,待她决定后今晚给Jimmy打电话。Jimmy: Hi, 1 .Jerry: Im glad to see you , too. whats up?Jimmy: Would you like to 2 ?Jerry: All

9、weekend?Jimmy: Well, just Saturday and Sunday.Jerry: Im not sure I can go all weekend. 3 .Jimmy: 4 ? We could start early on Sunday.Jerry: I might be able to do that. Let me check. 5 .Jimmy: Great! Ill talk to you later.Jerry: so long.6Alice向Adam打听他们的朋David的情况,从David处获悉David三个月前搬到西部(West指密西西比地区),并且结

10、了婚。Alice听说David已结婚,十分惊讶,他想要David的地址给他写信。Adam只知道David婚前的地址。Alice: Whatever happened to David Jackson?Adam: Oh. Didnt you hear? 1 .Alice: I didnt know that. 2 .Adam: I dont remember exactly, but I think it was about three months ago.Alice: Well, thats certainly news to me.Adam: I heard just last week

11、that 3 .Alice: David married? 4 ! Remember how he always said that marriage wasnt for him?Adam: I do, but now he did marry.Alice: 5 ? Id like to write him.Adam: I have his old address-the place where he lived before he got married.Alice: Good. Can I borrow it?7提示: Jack 去图书馆借书,但没有借书证(library card). 图

12、书管理员为他办了借书证,并告诉他每本书可以借两个星期,如果需要,可以续借。Linda : Good morning. _1 ?Jack : Yes. I want to borrow a book.Linda : _2?Jack : No, I dont have one now. _3?Linda : Well, please fill in this form first.Jack : OK ( A few minutes later) Heres the completed form.Linda : Thanks. The card will be ready in thirty min

13、utes. And you can take it later.Jack :Thank you. By the way _ 4_?Linda : well , two weeks. But then you can renew the book if you still need itJack : I see. Thanks a lot.Linda : _5_.8 Mr. Harris 是位国际商用机器公司推销员(salesman),他去银行办理储蓄户头。办事员要他填几张表,询问他的姓名、地址、邮编、电话以及职业等,他都一一做了回答。Clerk: 1 , sir?Harris: Yes, Id

14、 like to open a savings account.Clerk: Certainly, sir. Well have to fill out some forms. 2 ?Harris: Its Harris, John Harris.Clerk: How do you spell your last name, Mr. Harris?Harris: Its H-A-R-R-I-SClerk: And 3 ?Harris: 2418 Greystone Road.Clerk: Is that in Chicago?Harris: Yes, thats right.Clerk: An

15、d your Zip code?Harris: 60602.Clerk: 4 , Mr. Harris?Harris: 364-9758.Clerk: 364-9758.And your job?Harris: 5 Clerk: I see. Whats the name of your employer?Harris: I work for IBM.Clerk: Fine. just a minute, please.9Mike给Susan打电话,问她周六晚上是否有事情,他想约她去一个新开的迪斯科舞厅看看。Susan周六晚没什么特别的事并认为这是一个好主意。Mike建议去舞厅跳舞之前吃意大利

16、馅饼(pizza)。最后Mike告诉Susan他七点去她家接他。Susan: Hello.Mike: Hi, Susan. Its me, Mike.Susan: Oh, hi, mike. 1 ?Mike: Oh, not bad. Say, are you doing anything Saturday night?Susan: No, 2 .Why?Mike: Well, do you feel like going to that new disco?Susan: Oh, thats 3 .Mike: Great. What about having a pizza first?Sus

17、an: Sure, why not? Where do you want to meet?Mike: Ill 4 .Susan: OK. What time?Mike: 5 ?Susan: Fine. Well, see you at seven.Mike: OK. See you.10Anne和Kevin在饭店里吃饭,Anne问Kevin想吃什么,Kevin说想吃奶酪汉堡和炸薯条(cheeseburger and French fries),Kevin又问Anne想吃什么,Anne想要一份凉菜(salad)。他们招呼服务员点菜,当服务员问她们喝什么时,Anne想和冰镇茶,饭店没有,她们只好改

18、喝咖啡。Anne: What are you going to have, Kevin?Kevin: Just a cheeseburger and French fries. 1 Anne: I think 2 . I guess were ready to order ,then. Waitress, excuse me, waitress.Waitress: Yes, maam. May I help you?Anne: Yes, wed like to order please.Waitress: Fine. And 3 ?Kevin: Ill have a cheeseburger

19、with French fries.Anne: Could I have a salad, please?Waitress: One salad and a cheeseburger. 4 ?Anne: Do you have any iced tea?Waitress: 5 .Anne: Well, Ill have a coffee, then.Kevin: Make that two.Waitress: Yea, maam. Would you like anything else?Anne: Not right now, thank you.11Tony问他的朋友Sam晚上喜欢干些什么

20、。Sam喜欢看电视。每天晚上都要看2-3小时,最喜欢的节目有新闻、连续剧、经典片,但体育节目中最喜欢的是足球。Tony: 1 ?Do you watch much TV, for example?Sam:Yes, quite a lot of television.Tony: 2 ?Sam:Er, about 2 to 3 hours.Tony:Every evening?Sam: 3 .Tony:Huh. 4 ?Sam:Um, newsserials, classics.Tony:Do you watch much sport on TV?Sam: 5 .12Vera问Peter隔多长时间锻

21、炼一次身体,吃什么、喝什么。Peter告诉她每天游泳、跑步,不吃肉,喜欢鱼、蛋蔬菜,不喝酒,不喝咖啡,不喝茶,他认为这些饮料对身体有害。但他天天喝奶。Vera: Peter, how often do you exercise?Peter: Well, 1 .Vera: Now. tell me, what do you eat?Peter: Er, 2 any meat, but I do eat fish and eggs.Vera: 3 ?Peter: Oh yes, I love vegetables.Vera: What do you drink?Peter: Well, I nev

22、er drink wine, office or tea. 4 .Vera: 5 ?Peter: I drink a lot of milk. Its very good for our health.13Alison找到一份新工作,Rick来向她表示祝贺,但Alison对自己的新工作并不十分满意,她十分忙,每天接待许多人。她喜欢接电话,但不喜欢打字Rick建议她去上大学,然后找一份自己喜欢的工作。Alison认为这是个好主意。Rick: Good luck, Alison! How is the new job?Alison: well, 1 ! Every day I meet lots

23、of people. I do lots of typing, too.Rick: Dont you like your new job?Alison: Oh, I enjoy meeting people, And 2 . But 3 .Rick: You can go to college, you know. Why dont you study for a year?Alison: 4 ?Rick: I mean you can do a course in business studies. The you can apply for lots of different jobs.A

24、lison: 5 . I like studying.14Jane的父亲病了,她不知道父亲到底怎么啦。他对来做客的朋友Peter讲述情况,Peter为她感到难过,并建议Jane领她父亲去看病。但Jane说父亲不喜欢去医院,后来他们商量请医生来Jane家。Jane: Dad was badly ill last night.Peter: 1 . Whats the matter with him?Jane: 2 . He hasnt been feeling very well lately.Peter: 3 ?Jane: No, 4 .Peter: Well, let me go to cal

25、l for the doctor.Jane: Thank you, Peter.Peter: 5 .15Pamela准备租一套公寓。她打电话询问要出租的公寓在什么地方,是否离商店和地铁近,每月房租是多少,房子有多大。房主告诉她公寓离商店和地铁不愿,每月租金360镑,总共两个卧室和一个大客厅。他们约定当日下午四点去看房(生词:flat;underground地铁)Owner: Hello, 2248818.Pamela: Hello, 1 .Owner: Of course. What would you like to know?Pamela: Well, first, can you tel

26、l me where it is please? Is it 2 ?Owner: Well, the flat is in the centre. Were only 100 metres from the shops and a five-minute walk from the underground.Pamela: And 3 ?Owner: Three hundred and sixty pounds a month.Pamela: I see, and is it a big flat? How many square metres is it?Owner: Oh, I dont k

27、now. There are 4 . Would you like to see it?Pamela: Yes, when can I come, please?Owner: Hm. 5 ? About four? Its number 2, Canbury Road.Pamela: Yes, thats fine, Ill see you then. Goodbye.参考答案11. My name is Sam Bay/ Im Sam Bay2. Nice to meet/see you3. Your first name 4. Id like tea with milk/ Id like

28、to have tea with milk5. We havent got any milk /we have no milk now2.1. Ive got /have three sisters( but no brothers)2. The oldest is twenty-five(years old)3. The second oldest is (studying in college/ the second oldest is a college student4. What is your father?/what does your father do/ whats your

29、 fathers job?5. Does she work, too/ Is she working , too?3.1. Do you have2. Im not quite sure/ I dont know exactly3. When does the National Day come/ When is the National Day?4. The Father of the States5. . a great president4.1. May / Can I help you2. . No, /no, Im not3. Dr. Brown can see you next T

30、hursday4. Morning is ( will be) best/ OK/All right for me.5. Thank you very much/ Thanks a lot5.1. Im glad to meet/see you/Im glad I ran into you.2. go swimming this weekend/ have a swim this weekend3. I promised to help my sister move on Saturday4. How /What about Sunday, then?5. Ill call /ring you

31、 tonight.6.1. Hes moved out West/ He moved West2. When did he leave /move/When did that happen?3. He got married/he was married4. I cant believe it. /I dont believe it.5. Do you have /know his address71. Can I help you/ What can I do for you?2. Do you have a library card? / Have you got a library card?3. How can I get one( a library card)/ What should I do t

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