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1、大学英语考试复习资料高等学校英语应用能力考试B级真题 大学英语考试复习资料高等学校英语应用能力考试B级真题2019年06月高等学校英语应用能力考试B级真题2019年06月Part Listening ComprehensionDirections: This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 4 sections.Section ADirections: This section is to test your ability to give proper responses. There are 7 recorded

2、 questions in it. After each question, there is a pause. The questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with

3、a single line through the center. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.A.Yes, I am.B.Dont mention it.C.Sit down, please.D.Lets go now.答案:A 听力原文 Q: Are you here on holiday? 考点 考查一般疑问句的回答。解析 通常情况下,一般疑问句用Yes或No来回答,肯定回答用yes,否定回答用no。此句可理解为“你是在这里度假吗?”A项Yes,I am(是的,我是)为正确答案。 B项Dont mention it(不客气),常用于回应他人的道谢。C项Sit down,

4、 please(请坐),常用于示意他人坐下。D项Lets go now(咱们现在走吧),表示提议出发。 2.A.Never mind.B.All right.C.Sure, I will.D.Yes, it is.答案:D 听力原文 Q: Excuse me, is this seat taken? 考点 考查一般疑问句的回答。解析 通常情况下,一般疑问句用Yes或No来回答,肯定回答用yes,否定回答用no。此句可理解为“不好意思,请问这个座位有人坐吗?”D项Yes,it is(是的,它有)为正确答案。 A项Never Mind(没关系),常用于回应他人的道歉。B项All right(好,行

5、),常用于对他人的意见表示赞同。C项Sure, I will(当然,我会的),常用于表示接受他人的提议。 3.A.Nice.B.I think so.C.Sure.D.Yes, please.答案:C 听力原文 Q: Mr. Wang, could you tell Mary to call me back, please? 考点 考查对“Could you.”请求问句的回答。解析 肯定问答通常可使用Yes./Certainly./Sure. 等表达。否定回答可用Sorry.表示拒绝。此句句意为“王先生,能请您帮我转告玛丽,要她给我回电话吗?”C项Sure(当然)为正确答案。 A项Nice(棒

6、),常用于称赞。B项I think so(我也这么认为),通常是跟别人讨论或对话时做回应用的,so指代对方刚说的话。D项Yes, please(是的,请),常用于礼貌回应他人的请求或询问。 4.A.Take it easy.B.No, thank you.C.Not at all.D.See you later.答案:B 听力原文 Q: May I help you with your luggage? 考点 考查“May I.”请求问句的回答。解析 肯定回答通常可使用Yes./Certainly./Sure等表达。否定回答可用No, thank you./Sorry.表示拒绝。此句可理解为“

7、我可以帮您搬行李吗?”B项(不用了,谢谢)为正确答案。 A项Take it easy(放轻松),常用于安慰他人不要紧张或焦虑。C项Not at all(不客气),常用于对致谢的礼貌回答。D项See you later(再见),常用于道别。 5.A.Take care.B.Go ahead.C.Here you are.D.No problem.答案:D 听力原文 Q: Could I make an appointment with your manager? 考点 考查对“Could I.”请求问句的回答。解析 肯定回答通常可使用Yes./Certainly./Sure./No proble

8、m. 等表达。否定回答可用Sorry.表示拒绝。此句句意可以理解为“我能和你的经理预约吗?”D项No problem(没问题)为正确答案。 A项Take care(保重),常用于道别或叮嘱他人出门要小心。B项Go ahead(开始/可以做某事/先行),口语中常用于给别人许可或让别人先说。C项Here you are(给你),常用于向他人递东西时。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 6.A.Very nice.B.Mind your head.C.Glad to meet you.D.Quite convenient.答案:A 听力原文 Q: What do you think of t

9、he weather here? 考点 考查what引导的特殊疑问句。解析 此句句意为“你觉得这儿的天气怎么样?”A项Very nice(很好)为正确答案。 B项Mind you head(小心碰头),常用于提醒他人注意头部障碍物。C项Glad to meet you(很高兴认识你),常用于见面的寒暄语。D项Quite convenient(非常方便),常用于他人对某事物便捷程度的询问。 7.A.See you again.B.Id love to.C.Dont worry.D.Dont be late.答案:B 听力原文 Q: Would you like to come to our bu

10、siness party? 考点 考查“Would you like.”的问句。解析 此句句意为“你愿意来参加我们的商业聚会吗?”B项Id love to(我愿意)为正确答案。 A项See you again(再见),常用于道别。C项Dont worry(别担心),常用于安慰他人不要担心或焦虑。D项Dont be late(不要迟到),常用于提醒他人不要迟到。 Section BDirections: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 7 recorded dialogue

11、s in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on

12、the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Now listen to the dialogues. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.A.She is an operator.B.She is a nurse.C.She is a doctor.D.She is a driver.答案:B 听力原文 M: Do you have a job right now? W: Yes, I am a nurse in a local hospital. Q: What is the womans job? 解析 男:你现

13、在有工作了吗? 女:是的,我现在在当地的一家医院里当护士。 问:女士的职业是什么? 事实细节题。题目问女士的职业。对话中男士问女士是否有工作,女士给出了肯定回答,并告知男士自己在当地一家医院工作当护士。B项She is a nurse(她是一名护士)为正确答案。 四个选项开头均出现了she,听音时应留意和女士有关的信息。A项She is an operator(她是一名操作员)、C项She is a doctor(她是一名医生)和D项She is a driver(她是一名司机)对话中均未提及。 2.A.To go to study abroad.B.To move to another ci

14、ty.C.To pay for her debt.D.To raise money for her business.答案:C 听力原文 M: Im surprised Mary sold her house. W: She had to pay for her debt. Q: Why did Mary sell her house? 解析 舅:玛丽卖了她的房子,这让我很吃惊。 女:她得还债。 问:为什么玛丽卖了她的房子? 事实细节题。题目问玛丽为什么卖了她的房子。女士在对话中表示,玛丽得还债。C项To pay for her debt(为了还债)为正确答案。 四个选项均为不定式结构,意指“

15、为了”,根据选项可推测,题目可能问某种计划、目的或做法,听录音时应留意相关表达。A项To go to study abroad(为了去留学)、B项To move to another city(为了搬到另外一个城市里去)和D项To raise money for her business(为做生意筹钱)对话中均未提及。 3.A.A new product design.B.After-sales service.C.The pay raise.D.The sales plan.答案:D 听力原文 W: What are we going to discuss at tomorrows meet

16、ing? M: Our sales plan for next year. Q: What will they discuss at tomorrows meeting? 解析 女:我们明天会议上将会讨论什么? 男:明年的销售计划。 问:他们明天会议将讨论的内容是什么? 事实细节题。题目问他们明天会议将讨论的内容是什么。对话中女士问男士他们明天的会议内容,男士回答说是明年的销售计划。D项The sales plan(销售计划)为正确答案。 四个选项都是名词性短语,应留意对话中出现的名词。A项A new product design(新产品设计)、B项After-sales service(售后

17、服务)和C项The pay raise(涨薪问题)对话中均未提及。 4.A.Book a ticket.B.Place an order.C.See a doctor.D.Reserve a room.答案:C 听力原文 M: Dr. Petersons office. How may I help you? W: Id like to make an appointment with the doctor. Q: What does the woman want to do? 解析 男:皮特森医生办公室。有什么可以帮您的吗? 女:我想要预约医生。 问:女士想要做什么? 事实细节题。题目问女士

18、想要做什么。对话中男士问女士有什么可以帮忙的,女士回答说想要预约医生。C项see a doctor(看医生),与女士所说的make an appointment with the doctor(预约医生)为同义替换。故C项为正确答案。 四个选项均为动词短语,听音时应留意对话中出现的动词。A项Book a ticket(订票)、B项Place an order(下单)、D项Reserve a room(预定房间)对话中均未提及。 5.A.Having an interview.B.Doing an experiment.C.Discussing a new design.D.Planning a

19、 budget.答案:A 听力原文 W: Would you please tell us a little bit about your work? M: Sure Ive been working as a salesperson for three years. Q: What are the two speakers most probably doing now? 解析 女:你能给我们简单介绍一下你的工作么? 男:当然可以。我从事销售工作已经三年了。 问:两位说话人现在最可能在做什么? 细节推理题。题目问两位说话人最可能在做什么?对话中男士问女士能否简单介绍一下她的工作,于是女士便介

20、绍了自己的工作情况。这种对话的口吻与人物采访时的情景最为贴切。故可推断A项Having an interview(进行采访)为正确答案。 四个选项均为表示某种活动的动名词短语,听音时应重点留意与此相关的内容。B项Doing an experiment(做实验)、C项Discussing a new design(讨论一项新设计)和D项Planning a budget(计划开支)对话中均未提及。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 6.A.On TV.B.In a job fair.C.From a magazine.D.Online.答案:D 听力原文 W: How did you g

21、et your job? M: I searched the Internet and found the job online. Q: Where did the man find his job? 解析 女:你怎么找到这份工作的? 男:我上网搜索,在网上找到了这份工作。 问:男士在哪找的工作? 事实细节题。题目问男士在哪找的工作。对话中女士问男士是如何找到工作的,男士回答说他通过网络搜索找到的。由此可知,D项Online(网络)为正确答案。 四个选项均为寻找工作的相关途径,提示本题提问可能和相关方法或途径有关,听音时应重点留意相关内容。A项On TV(电视上)、B项In a job fai

22、r(招聘会上)、C项From a magazine(杂志上)对话中均未提及。 7.A.She is over the speed limit.B.She is on the wrong way.C.She is making a phone call.D.She is smoking while driving.答案:B 听力原文 M: Get down. Youre on the wrong way. W: Sir, Im sorry, I didnt see the sign. Q: Why does the man ask the woman to get down? 解析 男:停车。你

23、走错车道了。 女:抱歉,长官,我没看见路标。 问:男士为什么要求女士停车? 事实细节题。题目问男士为什么要求女士停车。对话中男士对女士说:你走错车道了。B项She is on the wrong way(她走错车道了)为正确答案。 四个选项均以She开头,提示问题与女十有关,听音时应重点留意相关信息。A项She is over the speed limit(她超速了)、C项She is making a phone call(她在打电话)和D项She is smoking while driving(她开车的时候抽烟)对话中均未提及。 Section CDirections: In this

24、 section, there are 2 recorded conversations. After each conversation, there are some recorded questions. Both the conversations and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D given in your test paper.

25、 Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Now listen to the conversations. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.A.To change an order.B.To ask for leave.C.To cancel an appointment.D.To apply for a job.答案:A 听力原文 W: ABC Company. How may I help you? M: H

26、ello. This is John Smith of Tel Trading Company. Is it possible to make a change to our order? W: And what kind of change do you want to make? M: Well, we ordered 180 computers, but now we only need 100. W: Whats your order number? M: HCP10098. W: Just a moment, please.Oh, Im sorry, but theyve alrea

27、dy been delivered. Why does the man call the woman? 解析 女:这里是ABC公司。请问有什么可以帮您的吗? 男:您好!我是电话贸易公司的约翰史密斯。我们公司想修改订单,不知道可能吗? 女:你们想修改订单的什么内容呢? 男:我们原先预定了180台电脑,但现在我们只需要100台。 女:你们的订单号是? 男:HCP10098。 女:请稍等噢,抱歉,但是我们已经发货了。 事实细节题。题目问为什么男士给女士打电话。对话中男士问女士有没有可能修改订单。A项To change an order(修改订单)为正确答案。 四个选项均为不定式短语,意指“为了”,提

28、示问题可能问某种计划、目的或做法,听音时应留意相关表述。B项To ask for leave(请假)、C项To cancel an appointment(取消约会)、D项To apply for a job(申请工作)对话均未提及。 2.A.80.B.100.C.118.D.180.答案:B 听力原文 How many computers does the man want now? 解析 事实细节题。题目问男士现在需要电脑台数是多少。对话中男士表示他们原先预定的是180台电脑,但现在只需要100台。由此可知,B项100为正确答案。 四个选项均为数字,提示问题与数字有关,听音时应重点留意数字

29、信息。A项80和C项118对话中均未提及。D项180是原先预定的电脑台数。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 3.A.A sun hat.B.A T-shirt.C.Sports shoes.D.Sun glasses.答案:D 听力原文 M: May I have a look at this pair of sun glasses? W: Sure, here you are. M: How much does it cost? W: Its 300 dollars. M: Oh, its a bit too expensive. W: We can offer you a dis

30、count since youre our regular customer. M: So how much exactly should I pay you? W: 240 dollars. M: How about 200? W: Alright. What does the man want to buy? 解析 男:我能看看这副太阳眼镜吗? 女:当然可以,给你。 男:多少钱? 女:300美元。 男:哦,这有点太贵了。 女:你是我们的老顾客,可以享受折扣优惠。 男:所以我到底应该付多少钱? 女:240美元。 男:200美元,怎么样? 女:成交! 事实细节题。题目问男士想要买什么。对话中男士问女士太阳眼镜多少钱一副,由此可以推测男士要买的是太阳眼镜。故D项Sun glasses(太阳眼镜)为正确答案。 四个选项均为表示某物品的名同性短语,听音时要注意留意相关信息。A项A sun hat(太阳帽)、B项A T-shirt(衬衫)和C项Sports shoes(运动鞋)对话中均未提及。 4.A.He is the manager of the store.B.He is one of her friends.C.He is a regular customer.D.He

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