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1、典范英语613TheGhostShip2up打印- 典范英语 6-13 典范英语 2up 打印版,打印前请将版面分页设置为“2up”,即可在一张A4 纸上打印两页。 The Ghost Ship The ghost ship1 One day Ernie was late for school. He ran up School Hill and slipped through the hole in the fence. He hoped the Head wouldn t see him. Ernie gasped. There was a ghostpshi Wow! floating

2、about in the playground. It was much like an ordinary ship, but white and see-through. He knew that it couldn t be real. The ghost ship was tied to one of the netball posts. A strange glow came from it, and it rocked up and down as if it was riding invisible waves. A ghost seagull flew around it. Ah

3、oy there, gho Ernie cried bravely. ship! A ghosts head popped fromout a window. Who said that? the ghost asked. I did! Ernie. But you re not supposed to be able to see me! the ghost gasped. Then the ghost thought again. Are you sure you can see me? the gh Ernie said. Quite sure,asked. 1页共8第页 - 典范英语

4、6-13 The window slammed shut. I spoke to a ghost! Ernie shouted. Mrs Wiggins, the caretaker, heard Ernie shout. She came running out to the playground. I-sp-spoke to a ghost! Ernie saidt tell anyone, Shhh! Don stuttered. Ernie asked. Why not? Wiggins. I don t want you upsetting the small ones in Cla

5、ss One! Mrs Wiggins said. But the ghost shipins theparked ll see it when They playground, Ernie said. Not everyone can see it,come out at break. Mrs Wiggins. Ernie told her.Then t Well, I can, sighed Mrs Wiggins. two of us, Mrs Wiggins marched up to the ghost ship. called Mrs Wiggins. Ship ahoy! The

6、 window popped open, and out looked the same ghost as before. Ahoy, there, Mrs Wiggins, the ghost said, politely. Mrs Wiggins scolded. Captain Pegleg!promised that no one else but me could see you. 2页共8第页 - 典范英语 6-13 But one of the children from Class Four just has! t you, Ernie?Haven I just have.Ye

7、s, Ernie said, the Cap Well, it can happen, you know, said, sounding upset. Not often, but sometimes it happens. You can t keep sailing in here if people can see you! Mrs Wiggins said, firmly. I can t help sailing in here, the Cap Ernie asked. her. Why not? said the Capt There s just me on board! I

8、can t sail her alone, so I have to go where she blows. I just wish she d blow in here more often. The CaptThen I could hunt for my treasure. went on, I m doomed to sail the seas forever until I find my lost treasure. I know it s here bec s what it says on my map.that d better find it this time, or e

9、lse! You warned Mrs Wiggins. The window snapped shut. Wait said Ernietill. I tell Ghost treasure! this to Class Four! 3页共8第页 - 典范英语 6-13 t see it!2 We can Everyone had to wait until break time to see the ghost ship. They rushed out of class and into Ernie shouted, the playground.There it is! pointin

10、g at the ghost ship. Everyone took a good look. They saw the bins and the fence, but they t see it, couldn t see any ship. We can Ernie said, lookingBut there IS a ghost ship! and through it, both at the same time. The ghost ship was see-through and fuzzy. said Louies no ghost ship here! There ghost

11、 seagull flew down and landed on Louie A ghost seagull just landed on your head!head. Ernie told Louie. see it, or Oh no it didn t! said Louie, who couldn feel it. OH NErnie shouted. OH YES IT DID! edroareveryone else. T! IT DIDN They laughed at Ernie for making up stories about ghost seagulls and s

12、hips. Then they ran off to play. Along came Jade, the smallest and cleverest s that ghost ship doin girl in Class Four. What 4页8第页共 - 典范英语 6-13 here? she asked Ernie. You can se it too! said Jade.Of course I can, gasped. No one else can, but me and Mrs Wiggins, s ship and s Captain PeglegErnie said.

13、 It doomed to sail the sea forever, until he finds his lost treasure. He thinks he left it around here. said little Jade.could help him to find it, Ernie asked. My dad has books about treasure hunting, ll look in his books and find out said Jade. We Ghost treasure hunt starts right now! what to do.

14、shouted Ernie. oked Ghost treasure hunt starts when weve said Jade. s books! at Dad The bell went for the start of lessons. After school, and noJade told him. school! mucking about! 3The treasure hunt After school, they went to Jade s house a got out her dad s books about treasure hunting. That s ho

15、w we ll do it! said Jade, showing a page in one of the books. 5页共8第页 - 典范英语 6-13 But we haven t got one of those, Ern pointing at the metal detector. He uses it whe Jade said. My dad has, hunts for old coins and things on the beach. That why he has all these books about treasure hunting. They ran ba

16、ck up School Hill to the school. Ernie was carrying a spade and Jade had a big bag, with the metal detector in it. Captain Pegleg! Ernie called. The Captain was on deck.ainsaidPeglegCapt. You again! Ernie said.Yes, Can you still see me? We know you can t stop sailing till you find your ghost treasur

17、e, Jade told the Captain. Ernie addeWe want to help you find it, But first we want to look at your map, sa The map was ripped and torn, with lots of holes in it. Captain PThe ghost seagull got at it! said. It says: X Marks the treasure on the map, t see any X.said Jade, but I don The ghost seagull p

18、ecked out my X. I can remember where it was, sighed CaptainPegleg. I 6页共8第页 - 典范英语 6-13 can t even find Treasure Island? But I m is where it used to be. It is! said little Jade, and she grinned. Treasure Island is here, where we re standi How do you know? asked Ernie. Look! Jade said, and she drew o

19、n the back of the The bit sticking up is School Hill! s map.Captain Where our houses are now, used tshe told Ernie. be under the sea, years ago. My dad told me. We still don t know where to look! E We could dig all day and never find thesaid. treasure. We ll use my dad s metal detector, ll go ping w

20、hen we Itexplained Jade. re treasure. If metal detectors workon ghost gold! muttered Ernie. said Jade. Well, it might work, At can try. hey ? But tSo they looked for the treasure so they looked again? t find itdidn a? They looked again? and again? ?again Then PING PING PING went the metal detector.

21、It was the treasure! 7页共8第页 - 典范英语 6-13 They dug up Captain Pegleg s ghost treasure chest filled with gold. It was ghost gold, so it as heavy as real gold. They started to carrywasnt it back to the ship. s what they started to do. But asAt least, that they were walking back towards the school, the g

22、host treasure chest began fading away. Captain Pegleg began fading, too. Goodbye, Captain Pegleg, Jade whispered The ghost ship faded away because we found Ernie told Class Fos treasure, Captain Pegleg the next day. There never was a ghost ship, Louie. Oh yes, there WAS! shouted Ernie. there WASN T! shouted everyone. else Somewhere else, somewhere far away, a ghost seagull cried. But nobody heard it, except Ernie and Jade and Mrs Wiggins. 8页共8第页

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