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ted中英文演讲视频doc
ted中英文演讲视频
TED国际会议于1984年第一次召开,由里查德沃曼和哈里马克思共同创办,从1990年开始每年在美国加州的蒙特利举办一次,而如今也会选择其他城市每年举办一次。
它邀请世界上的思想领袖与实干家来分享他们最热衷从事的事业。
TED由科技、娱乐以及设计三个英文单词首字母组成,这三个广泛的领域共同塑造着我们的未来。
事实上,这场盛会涉及的领域还在不断扩展,展现着涉及几乎各个领域的各种见解。
参加者们称它为超级大脑SPA和四日游未来。
大会观众往往是企业的CEO、科学家、创造者、慈善家等等,他们几乎和演讲嘉宾一样优秀。
比尔克林顿、比尔盖茨、英国动物学家珍妮古道尔、美国建筑大师弗兰克盖里、歌手保罗西蒙、维珍品牌创始人理查德布兰森爵士、国际设计大师菲利普斯达克以及U2乐队主唱Bono都曾经担任过演讲嘉宾。
TED环球会议是TED大会的子会议。
2005年,第一届TED环球会议在英国召开。
2007年,TED环球会议在坦桑尼亚召开。
从2006年起,TED演讲的视频被上传到网上。
创始人
克里斯安德森是TED演讲大会的创始人,他曾经说过曾经,知识经济中的人说,你要保护如黄金般的知识,这是你唯一的价值。
但是,当全球都联系在一起时,游戏规则改变了,每个人都互相关联,一切都会快速发展。
当知识传播出去后,会以最快速度到达全球各地,得到反馈,得以传播,而它的潜在价值是无形的。
2001年,安德森买下了TED会议,把这个会议变成非营利机构。
每年举行一次大会,大会演讲做成视频放在互联网上,供全球观众免费分享。
对于自己的义举,安德森解释道:
我是学哲学的,总是生活在自己的想法中。
我之前就隐约地觉得,有很多好的想法如果能进行全球传播,是很好的事情。
我当时有一点钱,很想做出一些贡献。
我发现,TED是很好的工具。
历史
参会的诺贝尔获奖者、类似比尔盖茨之类的大腕,往往和魔术师、杂技演员混在一起。
尽管每年有上万人申请参加TED,但只有1000人能得到邀请,他们要有好奇心、创造力,思维开放,有改造世界的热情,还要付得起7500美元一张的门票。
2001年,媒体大亨克里斯安德森买下了TED,他自称TED的守护人,并将TED演讲者的领域从原先的技术、娱乐、设计三个领域扩展到了各行各业,邀请了科学家、哲学家、艺术家、探险家、心理学家、语言学家、宗教领袖、慈善家等人加入,致力于使TED成为超越会议性质的世界品牌。
在1984年的第一次TED大会上,有人带来了日后风靡全球的CD光盘,第一台苹果电脑也被带到了讲台上。
今天,新版的MacbookAir让全世界无数的粉丝为之疯狂。
在改变世界的同时,TED自身也在26年后(至2010)由与会成员不过千人的晚宴,成长为每天50万人观看其视频的社区。
自1990年起,参会的精英们每年三月相聚于美国加州长滩,享受这一场超级大脑SPA。
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6.杨澜英文演讲视频下载
The
Similar
And
Different
Regulations
On
Indu_公众演讲
mprovement
of
an
existing
invention.
So
that
industrial
designs
have
the
equal
statues
to
patents,
as
one
of
the
subdivisions
of
intellectual
property.
1.3
Why
protect
industrial
designs?
Industrial
designs
are
what
make
an
article
attractive
and
appealing;
hence,
they
add
to
the
commercial
value
of
a
product
and
increase
its
marketability.
When
an
industrial
design
is
protected,
the
owner-the
person
or
entity
that
has
registered
the
design-is
assured
an
exclusive
right
against
unauthorized
copying
or
imitation
of
the
design
by
third
parties.
This
helps
to
ensure
a
fair
return
on
investment.
An
effective
system
of
protection
also
benefits
consumers
and
the
public
at
large,
by
promoting
fair
competition
and
honest
trade
practices,
encouraging
creativity,
and
promoting
more
aesthetically
attractive
product.
Protecting
industrial
designs
helps
economic
development,
by
encouraging
creativity
in
the
industrial
and
manufacturing
sectors,
as
well
as
in
the
traditional
arts
and
crafts.
They
contribute
to
the
expansion
of
commercial
activities
and
the
export
of
national
products.
Industrial
designs
can
be
relatively
simple
and
inexpensive
to
develop
and
protect.
They
are
reasonably
accessible
to
small
and
medium-sized
enterprises
as
well
as
to
individual
artists
and
craftsmen,
in
both
industrialized
and
developing
countries.
1.4
How
can
industrial
designs
be
protected?
In
most
countries,
an
industrial
design
must
be
registered
in
order
to
be
protected
under
Industrial
Design
Law.
As
for
China,
the
regulations
on
design
are
under
the
Patent
Law
of
People’s
Republic
of
China
and
its
implementing
regulations;
As
for
Canada,
The
Industrial
Design
Act
and
Industrial
Design
Regulations
details
the
regulations
that
govern
design
rights.
As
a
general
rule,
to
be
registerable,
the
design
must
be
“new”
or
“original”.
Different
countries
have
varying
definitions
of
such
terms,
as
well
as
variations
in
the
registration
process
itself.
Generally,
“new”
means
that
no
identical
or
very
similar
design
is
known
to
have
existed
before.
Depending
on
the
particular
national
law
and
the
kind
of
design,
an
industrial
design
may
also
be
protected
as
a
work
of
art
under
copyright.
2.The
main
difference
concerning
registration
2.1
When
to
file
an
application