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1、高三上海市华东师大二附中高三上英语第一次月考华东师大二附中2017届高三月考(2016.10)英语.Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections:In section A,you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only

2、 once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers in your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. She can come on another day. B.She has an appointment with the man tomorrow. C.She doesnt know how to help the ma

3、n. D.She can see the man in three days.2. A.She majors in mathematics. B.She has just begun to learn to ride the bike. C.She couldnt go to class because of her leg injury. D.She was injured in a road accident.3. A.The mans mother is a music teacher. B.The woman cant play the piano as well as the man

4、. C.The man has learned to play the piano for a long time.D.The man has taught himself to play the piano.4. A.Find more people to help her. B.Visit her roommates.C.Ask her roommates to help her,but not him. D.Move to another apartment.5. A.Work in the lab. B.Rest at home. C.Relax a while in the lab.

5、 D.Help the woman with the experiment.6. A.The meeting has been put off because the students are going to visit the history museum. B.The students arent going to visit the history museum this afternoon. C.The students will be attending a meeting together with their teacher. D.The students will visit

6、 the history museum this afternoon without their teacher.7. A.In the street. B.In a theater. C.On a plane. D.On a train.8. A.Alan isnt in the office right now. B.Alan cant come to the phone right now. C.Alan doesnt want to speak to the caller. D.The caller has dialed a wrong number.9. A.Looking at p

7、ictures. B.Watching TV. C.Attending a class. D.Working on computers.10. A.John doesnt have to study French.B.John will graduate from the university soon.C.John doesnt like to study French.D.John doesnt have to take the exam on French for entering the university.Section BDirections: In section B,you

8、will hear one short passage,and you will be asked four questions on the passage. The passage will be read twice but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers in your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have he

9、ard.Questions 11 through 14 are based on the following passage.11. A.Theyaretryingtouseitasanewwaytotreatdiseases.B.Theyaretryingtouseitasananesthesia(麻醉)inoperations.C.Theyaretryingtouseittorelievepain.D.Theyaretryingtouseitasameanstounderstandthecentralnervoussystem12. A.Toobservehowacupunctureisu

10、sedinanoperation.B.Totalktoapatientwhohasanoperationwithacupunctureasanesthesia.C.Tolearnhowacupuncturecanrelievepain.D.Toseewhattheacupunctureneedlesarelike.13. A.Theystillfinditentirelyamystery.B.Theyareabletoexplainhowandwhyitworksintheory.C.Theyareratherskepticalaboutit.D.Theyhaventfoundsatisfac

11、toryanswersastohowitworks.14. A.Acupunctureisnowpractisedallovertheworld. B.Whatmakesacupunctureworkcanneverbeexplained. C.WesterndoctorsareinterestedintraditionalChinesemedicalpractices.D.Acupunctureisusedaswidelyasitwasinancienttimes.Section CDirections: In section C,you will hear two longer conve

12、rsations and you will be asked three questions on each of the conversations. The conversations will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers in your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have

13、 heard.Questions 15 through 17 are based on the following conversation.15. A. They are having a friendly chat. B. One is interviewing the other. C. They are talking about each others family. D. One is asking about the others family background. 16. A.He did not like to study. B.He had to work to supp

14、ort his family. C. A friend of his fathers offered him a job. D.His father did not like him to study Art. 17. A. He was the bread earner in the family. B. He was the eldest son in the family. C. He was the youngest son in the family. D. He was his fathers favorite son.Questions 18 through 20 are bas

15、ed on the following conversation.18. A. He was very sick and was taken to the hospital. B. He fell and hurt himself badly. C. He broke his leg in a traffic accident. D. He was working when something suddenly fell onto his head.19. A.Better. B.Not too well yet. C.Much better. D.Even worse.20. A.His l

16、eg is broken and his ribs hurt very much. B.He has a chest pain and can hardly breathe.C.He can hardly remember anything that has happened.D.He feels too weak to talk.Grammar and vocabularySection ADirections: After reading the passage below,fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and gramma

17、tically correct.For the blanks with a given word,fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word;for the other blanks,use one word that best fits each blank.City PlanningCity planners are the people who guide the development of cities and towns. They advise local governments on ways to imp

18、rove communities,and they design entirely new communities. In South Florida, for example, city planners are working to improve existing communities. The population of the area (21)_ (expect) to increase from 5.5 million to 7.5 million by 2020. The growth is headed to the west, (22)_ there is still o

19、pen land. But western growth creates a costly need for new roads, and is a threat (23)_ the ecological system of the Florida Everglades(沼泽地). City planners are trying to lure(诱惑) people back into the older, (24)_ (developed) eastern section of the region by funneling growth in that direction and awa

20、y from the western section. City planners also plan and develop new communities. These communities, called new cities or new towns,(25)_( include) both places to live and places to work. New cities, such as Brazils capital Brasilia, a community founded in 1900,(26) _ be constructed far from existing

21、 cities. Such cities are designed with enough facilities and job opportunities for all residents. (27)_(build) completely new cities is very costly, however, Brasilia and Canberra, Australia, are two examples of the few new cities that have ever been completed. New towns are different from new citie

22、s (28)_ _ they are built within commuting distance of large cities. They may also be planned communities within a city. New towns provide jobs for many of their residents, but they also rely on neighboring cities for jobs. Two of the first new towns (29)_(build) in the United States were Columbia, M

23、aryland, and Reston, Virginia. At the end of the 20th century, (30)_ estimated 100 new towns were planned or under construction in the United States.Section BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box.Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more tha

24、n you need.A. active B.address C.applications D.solvingAB.availability AC.mainly AD.monitoring BC.predictableBD.initial CD.currently ABC.labThe agricultural sector is going to face enormous challenges in order to feed the 9.6 billion people that the FAO(Food and Agriculture Organization) predicts ar

25、e going to inhabit the planet by 2050: Food production must increase by 70% by 2050, and this has to be achieved in spite of the limited (31)_ of arable(适合耕种的)lands, the increasing need for fresh water (agriculture consumes 70 per cent of the worlds fresh water supply) and other less (32)_ factors,

26、such as the impact of climate change, which, according to a recent report by the UN could lead, among other things, to changes to seasonal events in the life cycle of plants and animals.One way to (33) _ these issues and increase the quality and quantity of agricultural production is using sensing t

27、echnology to make farms more “intelligent” and more connected through the so-called“precision agriculture” also known as“smart farming” .Precision agriculture is not new. In the beginning, it was about position technologies (34) _,but it is becoming more complex moving towards all the aspects of agr

28、iculture.Its something thats already happening, as corporations and farmoffices collect vast amounts of information from crop yields, soil-mapping, fertilizer (35) _, weather data, machinery, and animal health. In a subset of smart farming, Precision Livestock Farming (PLF),sensors are used for (36)

29、 _ and early detection of reproduction events and health disorders in animals.The European Union has sponsored several projects on the topic.The (37) _ running EU-PLF project, for instance, is designedto look at the feasibility of bringing proven and cost-effective Precision Livestock Farming tools

30、from the (38) _ to the farm.Several private companies are also starting to be (39) _ in this eld, such as Anemon (Switzerland), eCow (UK), Connected Cow (Medria Technologies and Deutsche Telekom). Smart fishing is at (40) _ stage with some projects in Europe, South Korea, North America and Japan.Rea

31、ding ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A,B,C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.I do not speak only to parent groups. I spend a lot of time with students, such as those I encountered not long ago on a memorable visit to Wendell Phillips High School, a

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