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1、将。送出地球引力之外 lift the heavyout of the earths gravity组装和配备宇宙飞船 the spacecraft assembled and provisioned 开发测试新方法新科技 develop and test new approaches technologies and systems 适应更富有挑战性的环境 function in more challenging environment 是进一步发展和成功的台阶 a logical step toward progress and achievement准备下一步 be ready to t

2、ake next steps P2 Our first goal is to complete the International Space Station in the following 5 years. We will finish what we have started, well meet our obligation to our 15 partners on this project. Well focus our future research aboard the station on the long-term effects of space travel on hu

3、man biology. The space environment is hostile to human beings. Radiation and weightlessness pose danger to human health, and we have much to learn about their long-term effects before human crews can venture though the vast voids of space for months at a time. Research on board the station and here

4、on earth will help us better understand and overcome obstacles that limit exploration. Through these efforts we will develop the skills and techniques necessary to sustain further space exploration 完成国际空间站 complete the international space station完成职责 meet the obligation 未来研究的重点将放在 our future researc

5、h will focus on 对。的长期效果 long-term effects of on环境对。不利 the environment is hostile to .辐射和失重对人类健康造成危险Radiation and weightlessness pose danger to.人类遨游太空 venture through the voids of space 帮助更好的理解/克服困难 help us to better understand and overcome obstacles发展进一步太空探索的必要技术 develop the skills and techniques ne

6、cessary to sustain further维持进一步的。 to sustain furtherTo meet this goal, well return to the space shuttle to flight as soon as possible, consistent with safety concerns. The shuttles chief purposes over the next several years will be to help finish assembly of the International Space Station 为了实现这一目标

7、to meet this goal恢复宇宙飞船的飞行 return to the space shuttle to flight安全飞行 consistent with safety concerns be consistent with.与。一致What zou conduct should be consistent with what you say主要任务是 the chief purpose is / the main mission isP3 Mr. President Thank you for your warm welcome. I feel honored to be wi

8、th the men and women of National Aeronautic and Space Administration(NASA). I thank those who have come in person ,and those who are listening by video. This agency and those professionals, who serve it, have always reflected the finest values of our country daring discipline, ingenuity and unity in

9、 the pursuit of great goals 国家航空航天局 NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration亲自来到的 come in person 服务于该机构的专业人士 体现我国人民最优秀品质 always reflect the finest values of our country勇敢/纪律/机敏/团结 daring discipline ingenuitz unity追求伟大目标的过程中 in the pursuit of great goalsAmerica is always proud of our Space

10、Program. The risk takers and visionaries of this agency have expanded human knowledge and revolutionized our understanding of universe and produced technical advances that have benefited all of humanity一直以。为荣 be always proud of sth冒险者和幻想家 the risk takers and visionaries扩展了人类知识 expand the human knowl

11、edge彻底改变了对宇宙的认识 revolutionized the understanding of universe带来科技创新 produce technical advances造福于全人类 benefit all of humanityInspired by all that has come before and guided by clear objectives, today we have set new course for America Space Program. We will give NASA a new focus and vision for future

12、explorationWe will build new ships to carry man forward into the universe to gain new foothold on the moon , and to prepare for new journeys beyond our own受到过往的激励和如今目标的引导 Inspired by and guided by clear objectives制定新的发展方向 set new course for.制定新重点和视野 give a new focus and vision for 将人类送往宇宙 carry huma

13、n forward into universe获得新的立足点 gain new foothold 为太空航行准备新的航行 prepare for new journeys beyondour own太空世界 the world beyond our ownI appreciate the joint efforts of the Russians with our country to explore, I want to thank the astronauts who are with us, the courageous special entrepreneurs who set a w

14、onderful example for the young of our country. And weve got some veterans with us today. II appreciate the astronauts of yesterday who are with us, as well, who inspired the astronauts of today to serve our country感谢。的共同努力 appreciate the joints efforts 勇敢的特殊企业家 courageous special enterpreneur树立光辉榜样

15、set wonderful examples Two centuries ago,.left St. Louis to explore the new lands acquired in the Louisana Purchase. They made that journey in the spirit of discovery , to learn the potentials of the new vast territory, and to chart a way for others to follow.America has ventured forth into space fo

16、r the same reasons. We have undertaken space travel because the desire to explore and understand to part of our character. And that quest has brought us tangible benefits that improve our lives in countless way. The exploration of space has led to advances in weather forecasting, in communications,

17、in computing, search and rescue technology, robotics and electronics. Our investment in space exploration helped to create our satellite telecommunication network and the Global Positioning System(GPS). Medical technologies that prolong our life such as the image processing used in CAT scanners and

18、MRI machines trace their origins to technology engineered for the use in space在。交易中购置的土地 the lands acquired in the .purchase对探索和理解的热望 the desire to explore and understand带来的显著的效益,在很多方面改善了生活 Bring tangible benefits and improve our lives in countless way天气预报,通信,计算,搜救技术,机器人技术和电子技术Weather forecasting co

19、mmunication computing search and rescue technologyRobotics and electronics卫星通讯网络 Satellite telecommunication Network全球定位系统 GPS Global Positioning System可以追溯到 can be dated back to./ trace their origins to为太空开发的技术 technologies engineered for the use in spaceOur current programs and vehicles for explor

20、ing space have brought us far and served us well. The Space Shuttle has flown more than a hundred missions. It has been used to conduct important researches and to increase the sum of human knowledge. Shuttle crews and scientists and engineers who support them , have helped to build the Internationa

21、l Space Station.运行良好 serve well 被应用于科学研究 be used to conducted research扩展人类知识范畴 increase the sum of human knowledge/expand human knowledgeTelescopes, including those in the space, have revealed us more than 100 planets in the last decade alone. Probes have shown us the stunning image of rings of Satu

22、rn and the outer planets of our solar system Robotic explorers have found evidence of water, the key ingredients of life. At this very hour, the Mar exploration Rover Spirit is searching for evidence of life beyond the Earth发现行星 reveal planets 单单在过去十年中 in the past decade alone土星和太阳系外层行星的艳丽光环图象 show

23、the stunning images of ring of Saturn and outer Planets of solar system 太阳系 the solar system机器人探索仪 Robotic explorer 发现生命的迹象 find evidences of life火星探索勇气号 Mars Exploration Rover Spirit 漫步者/流浪者/探索器 Rover Lunar Rover 月球探索车As our knowledge improves, we will develop new power generation propulsion and li

24、fe support and other systems that can help us to support more distant travels, We do not know where this journey will end, yet we know this, human beings are headed into cosmosAnd along this journey, we will make many technological breakthroughs. We dont know yet what those breakthroughs will be, bu

25、t we can be certain theyll come, and that our efforts will be repaid many times over. We may discover new resources on moon or Mars that will boggle the imagination and test the limits of exploration. And the fascination generated by exploration will inspire our young people to study math science an

26、d engineering, so to create a new generation of innovator and pioneers取得科技突破 make technological breakthroughs 我们的努力在多年后会得到回报 our efforts will be repaid many times over探索的魔力 the fascination generated by exploration造就新一代的创新者和先驱 create a new generation of innovators and pioneersWe began our exploration

27、 knowing that the space travel will bring great risks. Since the beginning of the space program , America has lost many Astronauts. Men and Women who believe in the missions and accept the danger. Just as one of the family members said The legacy of Columbias must carry on , for the benefits of our

28、children and yours. The Columbias crew didnt turn away from the challenges, and neither will we.坚信使命 be firmly believe in the missions必须将。的事业/传奇进行到底 the legacy of. must carry on为了。的利益 for the benefits of.不在挑战面前退却 dont turn away from the challengesMankind is drawn to the heavens for the same reason we were once drawn to unknown lands and across the open sea. We choose to explore the space because doing so imp

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