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1、听力理解练习参考答案和听力原文15四级分项练习答案详解 - 听 力听力理解练习参考答案和听力原文Exercise 1【参考答案】Section A1. D2. C3. C4. C5. B6. A7. C8. D 9. A10. C11. C12.D13. B14. B15. ASection B16. B17. D18. A19. D20. B21. A22. C23. C24. A25. CSection C26 manage 27 single 28 abilities 29 suspected30 geographical 31 recognized 32 straightforward

2、 33 guide 34 navigate by the stars for on cloudy nights they tend to get lost35 If they are to do so, they must have a precise sense of time36 many birds must carry in their brains a clock, a compass and the memory of a map【听力原文】Section A1. M: Have you seen Sarah recently?W: Yes, I ran into her at t

3、he downtown supermarket recently. She said her mother was going to Paris to see her elder brother. Q: What can we learn from the conversation?2. M: Darling, the doorbell is ringing. W: Im washing the dishes. Q: What does the man want the woman to do?3. M: Can I help you?W: Is there a post office nea

4、r here?M: Yes, you go down this street and take the second turning on the right. The post office is at the corner, you cant miss it.Q: What is the probable relationship between the two people?4. W: Id like to sit near the window if itspossible. M: Ah, Im afraid all the tables there are taken. Would

5、you mind sitting near the bar? Q: Where is the woman probably in?5. W: I cant decide what to do about that party tonight. M: Mary, you dont have to go if you dont want to. But if you should decide to go, Ill be glad to drive you over at 7 oclock. Q: What will Mary be doing this evening?6. M: Can I h

6、ave an appointment with Mr. Johnson tomorrow?W: Let me see. He usually gets here at nine in the morning, and hes free for ten minutes then. Otherwise, itll have to be ten twenty. M: In that case, Ill be waiting for him as soon as he arrives. Q: At what time does the man want to see Mr. Johnson?7. W:

7、 I see from your application form you have worked as a salesman for two years, why do you wish to change your job now? M: I found the job too dull. Q: Does the man like his job as a salesman?8. M: I say, Julia, this is Tom. How are the children?W: They are fine. Jack is doing his homework. Mary is w

8、atching TV. Dick is ringing his girlfriend, and Ben is playing with his dog. Q: What is Dick doing now?Conversation OneW: What a day! Im exhausted. M: Well, its not over yet. W: Yeah, but its over for me. I have to go back home and be there when the kids get home. M: Oh, thats right. I have to go ba

9、ck to the office. My lawyer is waiting there to talk about a contract dispute we have with one of our clients. How long does it usually take you to get home from here? W: It depends on traffic. Sometimes I can get home within half an hour. I should be home today around 5 p.m. M: Its so convenient th

10、at your office is close to the fourth ring road. I sometimes have to fight traffic for an hour just to get to the third ring. W: I know. Hey, will you get home tonight in time to watch “ThatsIncredible!”? M: I hope so. Thats my favorite program. I love all those weird things people do. W: Ill be wat

11、ching it too. Well, if your meeting goes too late, give me a call and Ill record it.M: Thanks. I may do that. I might have to miss it tonight if my boss decides on our business trip to Shanghai tomorrow. Then Ill have to stay later to get ready. W: Oh, I hate going to Shanghai. M: Itsnot that bad. I

12、 would like to know earlier, however. Questions 9 to 12 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 9. Why was the woman anxious to go back home? 10. What did the man think of the womanstrip between office and home? 11. What do you know about the program “ThatsIncredible!”? 12. Why might the

13、man miss the program? Conversation TwoW: Here we have a wonderful little three bedroom house, perfect for a young family. M: Really? Can you give me a tour? W: Absolutely, thatsmy job. Here we are. OK. We enter into the living room. Theresalso another entrance from the garage into the kitchen, but t

14、his is the main door. M: Nice. Where are the bathrooms? W: Just down the hall to your left there. Itsthe first door on your right. The master bedroom even has a bath of its own. M: Thatsnice. Im sure my wife would like that. W: She would. Now if youll come back out into the living room, I can show y

15、ou the dining area and the kitchen. The dining area actually is part of the living room. It makes the place feel larger. Isnt that nice? M: Yes. And I see that the kitchen is right there in the corner of the house. Is this the door to the garage? W: Yes. Letswalk out there. Here you can see the form

16、er resident also built a work area at the back of the garage. What do you think of the house? M: It is quite to my taste. I will discuss it with my wife. We will let you know once we decide. Thank you. Questions 13 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 13. What is the probable pro

17、fession of the woman? 14. How many entrances does the house have? 15. Which part of the house might the speakerswife like most? Section BPassage OneThe people of Tibet call it a Yeti. Yeti means Wild Man of the Mountains. A Yeti is an animal that is part man and part bear. People who live in Tibet b

18、elieve in the Yeti. They tell strange stories about it. There are even those who say they have seen a Yeti. They say it is about the size of a tall man. It is covered with reddish brown hair. The face is flat like a monkeys. The head comes to a point. Most often the Yeti walks on two legs. When it i

19、s frightened, it runs on all fours. Its voice is loud and is often heard in the evening. So far no one has been lucky enough to capture a Yeti. But footprints have been found. The footprints are large. Pictures of the tracks have been taken. They show that the Yeti has four toes and walks with bare

20、feet in the cold mountain snow. Some people say these footprints are the tracks of a bear. Still others say they are the tracks of a monkey. The people of Tibet say the tracks are made by the Yeti. Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.16. What does Yeti mean?17. When does

21、a Yeti run on all fours, according to what people say?18. What do people think of the pictures of the tracks that have been taken? Passage TwoIn America, the first aim of education was to prepare children to read the Scripture and its intent was religious. Later on the purpose was to enable people t

22、o read and write, and take part in the democratic process. Still later, the purpose became to prepare young people for jobs in a modern society. At no time was the aim of education to prepare students to become individuals or complete human beings. This aspect of education was left to the home, chur

23、ch, mass media, and the city streets. To a certain large extent, it still remains there. Yet in a society that can easily be foreseen, one in which mechanization will reduce the human factors in industrial production, the purpose of education must once again change. It must begin to educate people t

24、o live full and meaningful lives in which “jobs” are at best only incidental, or at least for jobs that are oriented toward human service rather than physical productivity. Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.19. Who controlled education in the early days of America?20. W

25、hatsthe aim of education in a modern society?21. Whatsthe educational aim in the view of the author? Passage ThreeOn August 27, 1783, the people of the village of Gonesse in France looked up into the sky and saw a strange and terrible animal. It was huge and round and it was floating down from the s

26、ky. It landed in a field just outside the village. It was clear to the people that they had to defend themselves. The animal was clearly some kind of terrible “monster”. They were afraid of the monster, but they were also very brave. They rushed out into the field and attacked the animal with knives

27、 and sticks and farming tools. The monster made terrible noises, like an animal that can breathe only with great difficulty. But that was not the worst thing. When the villagers cut into the monstersskin, it gave off a horrible smell. And even after the villagers had cut the thing open, it still mov

28、ed. Finally, the villagers tied it to a horse. The horse ran through the fields and the monster was torn to pieces. What was this terrible monster? The answer is that it was one of the first hot air balloons. Its skin was made of silk and a kind of rubber. The terrible smell was the hot air inside t

29、he balloon. When the hot air escaped through the cuts in the skin, it also caused the horrible noises. Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard. 22. What happened in a French village in 1783?23. What did the so called “monster” do first when the villagers cut into its skin?24.

30、 What was this terrible monster?25. What can you infer from this passage?Section CHow do the birds (26) manage to find their way? There seems to be no (27) single answer: they use many methods. Some we are beginning to understand; and there may be some that depend on (28) abilities we have not yet (

31、29) suspected. Many birds certainly follow major (30) geographical features. They follow (31) recognized land, fly over familiar sea and arrive at their summer homes. But all birds cannot use such (32) straightforward methods. An Arctic sea bird, for example, has to fly at least 3,000 kilometers acr

32、oss the Antarctic Ocean with no land to(33) guide it. We know that some birds, flying at night, (34) navigate by the stars for on cloudy nights they tend to get lost.Day flying birds may use the sun. (35) If they are to do so, they must have a precise sense of time. Still others appear to be able to use the earthsmagnetic field as a guide. So it seems that (36) many birds must carry in their brains a clock, a compass and the memory of a map.Exercise 2【参考答案】Section A1. D2

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