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1、托福TPO40听力Lecture真题解析TPO,即toefl Practice Online的首写字母,就是托福在线练习的意思,TPO可以为考生提供全真的模拟考试环境和过往真题,而TPO题库也是有着不断的更新。在托福听力备考中,想要快速提升自己的托福听力能力,选择好适合的练习材料是个非常重要的环节。而对于很多备考托福的学生来说,TPO往往就是一个首先的备考材料。托福TPO40听力Lecture1 1. What point does the professor make about the writing of a formal analysis in art history?a. Its o

2、bjective is to identify common features of several works of art.b. Its most important part is the explanation of an artworks significance.c. Several styles of writing a formal analysis are used by art historians.d. A particular approach is required to present Information about an artwork.答案:D破题关键词汇:

3、formal analysis in art history解析:(从第22秒开始,原文重现:I gave you a list of appropriate works of art for you to write about, so your next step in this process needs to be, to go look at the work you selected as your topic, and bring a pencil and a notepad with you, because I dont mean you should just drop b

4、y at the museum, and glance at it, so you can say you see it in real life, you need to go and sit in front of the work, and really look at it, carefully, slowly, and keep careful notes about what you see, you need them for the kind of art history paper you are going to be writing, its what we call a

5、 formal analysis. A formal analysis of a work of art, any kind of art, is based on its formal qualities, which means qualities related to the form, things like color, texture, line, shapes, proportion, and composition.)教授在开篇就对formal analysis进行了介绍,它是用一种特殊的方式用来呈现一件艺术品的信息,比如需要基于它的一些属性,如颜色,质地,线条,形状,比例,组

6、成等等,所以D选项正确。2. According to the professor, what will students need to do before writing the art history paper?a. Look at examples of formal analysis in textbooksb. Take notes on the artwork they will write aboutc. Go to different museums before selecting a topic for the paperd. Study the historical

7、context of the artwork they will write about答案:B破题关键词汇:before writing the art history paper解析:(从第41秒开始,原文重现:you need to go and sit in front of the work, and really look at it, carefully, slowly, and keep careful notes about what you see)所以B选项正确,需要仔细的对艺术品进行记录。3. Why does the professor mention an Engl

8、ish class?a. To explain the difference between visual language and written languageb. To explain that students need good writing skills for their assignmentc. To point out similarities between a poetry paper and the students assignmentd. To point out that many art historians become writers答案:C破题关键词汇

9、:an English class解析:(从第1分32秒开始,原文重现:A formal analysis paper in art history is very similar.)由此可见,作者之所以提及英语课,是因为写analysis poem和写艺术历史的analysis paper之间是很类似的,所以C选项正确。4. What does the professor recommend as a way to understand the relationship between different parts of an artwork?a. Looking for lines th

10、at connect different parts of the workb. Examining the artwork from several different anglesc. Looking for similar colors the artist used throughout the workd. Determining how the viewers eyes move around the work答案:D破题关键词汇:the relationship between different parts of an artwork解析:(从第2分44秒开始,原文重现:And

11、 if you dont know where to begin, take note of where your eye goes first. Then describe things in the order in which your eye moves around the work.)根据原文,教授说如果不知道从何入手,那么可以首先记录一下自己的眼睛第一眼会看哪里,然后根据眼睛移动的顺序来对艺术品进行描述,所以D选项正确。5. Why does the professor talk about his own experience analyzing the painting of

12、 a little boy?a. To point out a common misconception about formal analysisb. To stress the importance of looking at an artwork thoroughlyc. To show why a formal analysis should not emphasize small detailsd. To provide an example of an artwork that is easy to analyze答案:B破题关键词汇:own experience, a littl

13、e boy解析:(从第3分33秒开始,原文重现:In the painting, the little boy was standing in his nursery, and he was holding a toy bird in his hand, and there were more toys around him in the background of the painting, because of the bird he was holding, I assumed at first that the painting was about the innocence of c

14、hildren, but as I looked the painting longer, I realized that the boys eyes look sad, even though there was no discern of the expression on his face, and then it domed on me that even though he was surround by toys, he was all alone in his nursery, the boys eyes were significant detail in the painti

15、ng that I didnt notice at first. )根据原文,教授说刚开始看时,以为这幅画只是在讲孩子的无辜,但是仔细看后,发现是在讲这个孩子的孤独,所以B选项正确,教授想要强调仔细彻底的看一幅画的重要性。6. The professor describes three sections the art history paper should contain. Place them in the order in which they should appear in the paper.Click on a phrase. Then drag it to the space

16、 where it belongs.1.2.3.Answer Choicesa.Analysis of the design elements the artist usesb.Discussion of the meaning of the artworkc.Summary of the appearance of the artwork答案:C, A, B破题关键词汇:the art history paper should contain, in the order解析:(从第2分01秒开始,原文重现:This will give your reader an overview of w

17、hat the work looks like before you analysis it. )根据原文可知C 选项的把艺术品的外观总结呈现给大家,是排在第一位的,然后是再进一步的A选项的对艺术品的设计元素进行分析,最后是B选项的对艺术品的含义进行讨论。托福TPO40听力Lecture21. What is the discussion mainly about?a. Results of privatization in the cod-fishing industryb. Laws that regulate the cod-fishing industryc. A recent stu

18、dy on cod-fishing techniquesd. Problems related to the overfishing of cod答案:D破题关键词汇:mainly about解析:(从第45秒开始,原文重现:There were simply too many fishing vessels, sophisticated vessels.)由此可知本文将围绕鳕鱼的过度捕捞展开叙述,因此D选项正确。2. Why does the professor compare Cape Cod to Newfoundland?a. To explain how some of Cape C

19、ods waters first became privatizedb. To illustrate the enormous size of Cape Cods seventeenth-century cod populationc. To explain why large-scale cod fishing began later in Cape Cod than elsewhered. To highlight the results of two different evolutionary pressures on cod答案:B破题关键词汇:compare to解析:(从第14秒

20、开始,原文重现:The area was named Cape Cod because there were so many cod fish in the water just off its shores. So many that the first Europeans who fish there in the seventeenth century reported it was better than Newfoundland Canada.)由此可知教授之所以将科德角和纽芬兰进行对比,是为了突出科德角的鳕鱼数量非常多。所以B选项正确。3. What change did scie

21、ntists notice around Cape Cod after the 1940s?a. The amount of pollutants dumped into the ocean increased dramatically.b. Trawling ships violated fishing regulations more often.c. The cod populations diet became less diverse.d. Cod began to mature at a younger age.答案:D破题关键词汇:after the 1940s解析:(从第1分4

22、5秒开始,原文重现:biologists noticed that around Cape Cod, the cod were beginning to mature at an earlier age than normal.)由此可知D选项为同义替换,生物学家观察到鳕鱼开始在更早的年龄发育成熟。4. What point does the professor make about reproduction among small cod fish as compared to larger cod fish?a. Eggs produced by smaller cod are less

23、likely to survive.b. Smaller cod produce fewer eggs.c. The offspring of smaller cod do not live as longd. Smaller cod produce eggs fewer times per year答案:B破题关键词汇:reproduction解析:(从第2分36秒开始,原文重现:And when youre a small cod reproducing, you produce fewer eggs than a large cod.)由此可知B选项正确,相比较于大的鳕鱼,小的鳕鱼在繁殖

24、时会排出更少的卵。5. What is the professors opinion of privatization for the management of an environmental resource?a. Privatization is an imperfect tool.b. Privatization should be tried more often.c. Privatization usually results in political conflicts.d. Privatization usually results in the best outcome.答

25、案:A破题关键词汇:privatization解析:(从第3分16秒开始,原文重现:Ok, but the problem is, privatization doesnt necessarily resolve in better management of an environmental resource.)由此可知私有化并不能有效的解决环境资源的管理问题。所以A选项正确。6. According to the professor, what was the result of the 200-mile exclusive economic zone declared by the Un

26、ited States and Canada?a. The cod population moved further out to sea.b. The cod population began to recover.c. More trawlers began fishing around Cape Cod.d. Penalties for overfishing were toughened.答案:C破题关键词汇:result , 200-mile exclusive economic zone解析:(从第4分31秒开始,原文重现:The total number of fishing t

27、rawlers actually increased.)由此可知在美国和加拿大宣布了200海里专属经济区之后,渔船数量反而增多了。所以C选项正确。托福TPO40听力Lecture31. What is the main purpose of the lecture?a. To argue that carbon emissions today are not the only factor responsible for global warmingb. To provide evidence that rates of global carbon emissions fluctuate ov

28、er timec. To show the importance of distinguishing between different types of carbon emissionsd. To describe different ways carbon is removed from the atmosphere答案: C破题关键词汇:purpose解析:(从第54秒开始,原文重现:So we are gonna focus today on the difference between good, bad and well the not so bad, the potentiall

29、y OK carbon burning.)教授说今天将会主要研究有利碳燃烧,无利碳燃烧,潜在有利碳燃烧之间的区别,所以C选项正确。2. What aspects of outer space does the professor emphasize?Click on 2 answers.a. Its vastnessb. Its cold temperaturesc. The absence of life thered. Its role as the ultimate source of energy on Earth答案: B, C破题关键词汇:outer space解析:(从第1分50

30、秒开始,原文重现:Because without carbon and other greenhouse gases, our planet will be the same temperature as outer space, around four degrees above absolute zero. And theres nothing going on at that temperature, no possibility of life of any sort.)教授说如果没有碳或者其他温室气体,我们的星球就会和外太空有着一样的温度,在绝对零度之上四度左右,所以B选项正确。也不

31、会有其他的生命体,所以C选项正确。3. According to the professor, how do the oceans remove carbon from the atmosphere?Click on 2 answers.a. By dissolving itb. Through a process of condensation and precipitationc. By storing the remains of marine animalsd. Through the regulation of air temperatures答案: A, C破题关键词汇:ocean

32、s remove carbon解析:(从第2分24秒开始,原文重现:Also, it dissolves in the oceans. Or get stored, deep in the ocean. You have shellfish that use the CO2 dissolve in the water to make carbon in shells, and when they die, they fall to the ocean floor.)根据原文,海洋移除二氧化碳的方式有两种,一种是使其溶解,即A选项。另外一种是被贝类生物储存在其贝壳中,即C选项。4. Why does the professor mention mining?a. To explain why the price of fossil fuels is continual

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