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1、stepbystep3000第二册Unit7unit12原文及答案leave our school,” his teacher said. Louiss music was jazz and he loved it. He remembered all the music he heard. He didnt learn to read music until he was a man. When he left school, he played in many bands. He loved his work and people loved him. They knew that he

2、had a wonderful talent. Louis played in little towns and in big cities. Satchmos horn had as many sounds as ten hornssometimes slow and sweet? Sometimes fast and hot, high and low. His music was always strong and exciting. “He does make wonderful music,” said the man who listened happily. “Yes,” sai

3、d another man, “he makes that horn speak.” Then the music ended and the crowd cheered. Louis Armstrong spoke with tears in his eyes, “I think, my friends, you can listen to as much jazz as I can play. I thought jazz was my music, but now I understand it is ours. Isnt it beautiful how music brings us

4、 together!” Questions:1. Where was Louis from?2. What kind of family was he born into?3. Who knew Louis?4. What music did he play?5. When did he learn to read music?6. What is Louis Armstrong most famous for?7. What brings Louis and other people together?8.What does the story “The man with the horn”

5、 mainly tell us?Part IV Bank Holiday DIY1.(F) 2. (F) 3. (T) 4. (T) 5. (T) 6. (F)Whenever theres a Rank Holiday weekend in Britain, a certain kind of shop always gets very busy, and its not what you might think clothes shops or music shops. The British flock to DIY stores and garden centres and huge

6、numbers of people spend their days off doing home improvements instead of relaxing!Doing DIY is very popular in Britain, and there are lots of TV programmes which show people how to improve their homes.Some people stick to simple decorating putting up wall-paper and painting walls. But there arc all

7、 sorts of DIY projects that some people decide to take on, from laying new flooring, to plumbing, such as putting in a new shower, or tiling walls.Unfortunately, some people bite oil more than they can chew, and start doing a job which ends in DIY disaster. For example, its recommended that anything

8、 electrical should be done by a qualified electrician, but many people ignore this warning and put themselves in danger.There is also a huge market for flat-pack furniture which you put together yourself with a few basic tools. Often people who are not very savvy about DIY find the supposedly simple

9、 instructions impossible to follow, and its easy to build a piece of furniture which is unstable or just not very attractive!Gardening is also popular, and a good way to enjoy the weather on a sunny Bank Holiday. But its not as simple as planting plants and doing some weeding. More complicated work

10、such as building a new patio or some decking can cause some stress and backache!So why do people do it? Who knows, maybe we are so used to working that we arent very good at relaxing. One things for sure, though a lot of DIY or gardening projects will be started with the best intentions during the B

11、ank Holiday weekend, many of them may not get finished!Statements:1. Many British people go to clothes shops, music shops or relax at home on a Bank Holiday weekend.2. DIY projects are very easy to finish because there are many TV programmes showing people how to do them.3. Pulling in a new shower i

12、s more difficult than putting up wall-paper.4. Non-electricians are not supposed to do anything electrical because they might put themselves in danger.5. Hat-pack furniture is furniture that can be put together with a few basic tools.6. Gardening can cause stress and backache.Unit 8 Everybody can he

13、lp the environmentPart I Warming upA1. Greenpeace, attitudes and behavior, environment, peace2. World Wildlife Foundation, 1961, future, nature3. Live Earth, climate crisis4. Green School Project, schools, waste, landfill5. Climate Change, knowledge, measures6. Friends of the Earth, network, activis

14、t groups, urgent7. Environmental Bureau, 143,31, sustainable8. Foundation, oceans, waves and beaches, 500009. Green Building Council, designed, built and operated, responsible, healthy10. the Alliance to Save Energy, costs, greenhouse gas emissions11. the Earth Organization, conservation, rehabilita

15、tion, pant and animal 12. Trees, Water and People, natural resources, well-being 13. American Forests, restore and enhance, filter, remove, homes 14. The Global Amphibian Assessment, status, 5918, 600, 60 15. Solar Energy Society, technologiesB1. food, doesnt, packaging 2. vegetables, dont, chemical

16、s 3. Save, water 4. wont, forever, earth or sea 5. bottles, once, bank 6. paper, recycled 7. Avoid 8. unleaded petrol9. made from, protected 10. public transportation11. wood, rainforests 12. aerosols, havent 13. Dont, plastic boxes 14. batteries, little, 50, energy 15. lights, using 16. conservatio

17、n, danger 17. 25%, rubbish 18. old people, homes, energy 19. visit, zoosPart II Campaign California Re-LeafA1. the atmosphere, the climate, irreversible, 2. everybodys life, activities, real simple, accessible to, everyday people, do a lot3. one step, conscious about, energy, fuel efficient, light b

18、ulbs, recyclingB1. planting single tree2. deflate Greenhouse Effect/ take CO23. real simple activities/ accessible to people/ citizens/ do a lot4. clean up CO2/ improve environment/ neighborhoods attractive5. a variety of personal actionsCampaign California Re-Leaf as in L-E-A-F was kicked off recen

19、tly with a party in San Franciscos Washington Square Park thrown by a coalition of seven urban forestry groups. The focus of the party was the planting of a single tree, the first of 20 million to be planted in 40 Californian cities over the next decade. The tree planting campaign is an attempt to d

20、eflate whats been called the Greenhouse Effect. Scientists believe that the earth is getting warmer because of an accumulation of carbon dioxide in the air. Trees take carbon dioxide out of the air.Martin Rosen is the director of the Trust for Public Land, the organization that is coordination the s

21、tat-wide tree plating effort. “Time is not neutral. We are so rapidly depleting the atmosphere, we are so rapidly changing the climate, that unless we start now the situation may well become irreversible.”Some movie stars were on hand for the tree planting ceremony. Actor Peter Cyote served as the m

22、aster of ceremonies. “Unless the environmental movement comes into everybodys life, in real simple activities, its not going to work. Planting a tree is real simple. So I wanted to participate in something that was really accessible to the citizen, just to everyday people, to children. So that as ci

23、tizens we can do a lot.”After Peter Cyote introduced a few speakers and a couple of songs were sung, the ceremony moved over to a corner of the park where a group of youngsters planted a Copper Beech tree.Isobel Wade is the state coordinator for Campaign California Re-Leaf. Wade says the tree planti

24、ngs are important because they will help clean up the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, improve the environment and make neighborhoods more attractive, but Isobel Wade cautions it isnt enough. “Its one step in a combination of things. The other kinds of things that we can all be doing are being much

25、 more conscious about how we use energy in our home, whether were buyingahfuel efficient cars and products, whether were using Styrofoam when we dont have to be, -ahwhether were turning off light bulbs when weahleave the roomumand just a variety of personal actions like recycling that we need to sta

26、rt thinking about and doing more.”Isobel Wade also says shed love to see everyone in Californias urban arrears take the time to plant one tree and take care of the ones that are already growing.Part III PBS a biodegradable plastic productOutlineI. headachenot easily bread downII. PBSA: contact/ micr

27、oorganisms/ enzymes/ smaller pieces/ into water & CO2B: 1. safer 90%/ degraded/ in 90 days/ shorter/ in a dump2. more heat resistant a. melt at 60 b. shape retained up to 100C. disadvantage more expensive than ordinary plastic/ price 20% higher III. ApplicationA. already startedB. to be popularizedC

28、. role plastic food containers & tableware/ road signs/ team cheering equipment (e.g. horns/ mini flags/ trash bags/ umbrellas/ eyeglass frames)When you go to the supermarket, can you resist using plastic bags? For lot of us, probably wont. What you eat out? Can you guarantee not to use any plastic

29、tableware? And how about if someone asks you; can you recommend a replacement for plastic products? Dont say paper! Here is a new solution; biodegradable plastic!As everyone knows, plastic is a big environmental headache although it brings us much convenience. Like plastic bags, plastic food contain

30、ers, and plastic tableware. But it is perhaps the most harmful of all our garbage because it does not easily break down in nature.A researcher form the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ji Junhui says he and his colleagues have found a better solution.“When the PBS in the biodegradable plastic comes in c

31、ontact with microorganisms or enzymes, the plastic structure will degrade into smaller pieces, and finally it turns into water and carbon dioxide. This is how the break-down process works.”PBS is a chemical component that is the key to this new biodegradable plastic. It can help the plastic degrade

32、into non-polluting elements, so the broken-down plastic fragments can be absorbed by soil and water.PBS is not an entirely new product, however, this China-made biodegradable plastic is safer and more heat-resistant. According to Ji Jun-hui, testing has shown that 90% of this new biodegradable plastic can be degraded within 90 days. And it even takes a shorter period of time if it is buried in a dump rather than exposed to th

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