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1、 2. Tom will say “Yes” to me. Tom will _ _ me. 3. The boy turns on the TV now. The TV _ _ _ now. 4. What do you use the computer for? What do you use the computer _ _? 5. I use the computer to search for information.The computer is _ _ search for information.展示探究:Step One : Lead-inQuestions: do you

2、usually do when you are free? you have a computer at home? you like playing a computer? do you use a computer for?Discussion:Part a: Let the Ss tell more uses of computers. Ask: What do you know about computers? 完成35页A部分的练习,并适当扩充电脑的其他部件的名称。Step Two: Presentation partB :1. Ask: What can you do if you

3、 have got a computer at home? How often do you use your computer for this?谈谈自己使用电脑的用途和频率。重点词组:search for information, send and receive e-mails, word processing, write computer programs, use sth. to do2. Simon is good at computers. Now Daniel is asking him questions. Listen to the tape and answerthe

4、questions:1) what does Simon use his computer for?2) How often does he use his computer to do this?3. 分角色朗读对话,并用课本提供的六个用途进行替换,来操练句型:sb. Uses a computer to do sth. T: It is a computer. What do you use your computer for? S1: I usually use it to play games. Why? Because it is interesting. How often do

5、you use your computer play games? I use my computer to play games once a week. Make dialogues about other five pictures in pairs.Step Three: Practicing学生模仿B部分的对话练习,鼓励学生说出更多的电脑用途:learn English, listen to music, read e-books, shop online, surf the internet, draw pictures.Step Four :Presentation 2 Ther

6、es a story happening between our old friends Eddie and have no ideas about computers. Lets listen to the tape and answer: 1. Do Eddie and Hobo know well about computers? nothing 2. What does Eddie regard the mouse as? A remote control. 3. Why does Eddie think the mouse is a remote control? Because w

7、hen Eddie moves the mouse, something appears on the screen. They think the computer is a television. Step Five: 1. Read the dialogue after the tape. 2. Practise the dialogue in pairs. 3. Act out the dialogue .当堂反馈: Finish the Exercises in Ex Book(当堂检测题) (一)根据句意、首字母或汉语提示完成下列句子。 1. People often use co

8、mputers to s_(look for ) for information on the Internet. 2. That machine looks like a t_ . bring me the _ control (遥控器). -OK. _ (频道)do you like best? - Sports. 5. I think it is fast and e_. (simple) (二) 句型转换 1. I dont know how old she is. I have _ _ how old she is. 2. He uses his computer for drawi

9、ng and designing. His computer is _ to _ and _. 3. I think this programme is boring. I _ think this programme is _. 4. We usually use our computers to send and receive e-mails. _ _ you usually use your computers _? 5. I use my computer to search for information every Saturday evening. _ _ do you use

10、 your computer to search for information?课后作业: a. Read the comic strips and try to recite it. b. Try to revise the phrases and sentences in this period. c. Finish the Exercises in Ex Book.(课时配套练习)预习作业: 预习Reading 1.熟读课文,注意文中生词2.整体理解课文,划短语教后反思:Reading 1 Period 2 学习目标:1. 通过阅读了解纽约市的几个著名景点。2. 根据上下文猜测单词意思

11、。3. 鼓励学生通过网络来获得信息,激发学生了解世界的热情。教学重难点:教学准备:1. 教学挂图2. 师生所在城市著名景点的图片。3. 配套磁带或光盘教学过程:预习交流:1. 熟读课文中的生词。2. 检测学生的生词情况。交流展示:Step 1: lead in We use computers in our daily lives.回忆电脑的部件名称和主要用途Have you ever used computers to search for travel information? What wedsite have you visited?Step 2: presentation1. Now

12、 Ill take you to a new city, but in a different way. Open your books and turn to page 36. read the article quickly and answer the questions:What is the name of the website?How many places of interest are mentioned?What are they?2.Look at the chart in Part B2 on page 38. can you help Millie find oput

13、 what people can see in New York? Read the article againand write down the answers. 完成B2 ,校对答案。3.Lets read after the tape. Pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation.4.Kitty also wants to learn something about the online tour, shes asking Danile about it. Complete their conversation in Part

14、B4. 学生朗读这段对话。当堂检测:高校课堂第二课时第一二部分Homework:1. 完成学评第二课时2. 熟读课文3. 预习课文的词组,查找用法。教后感:Reading 2 Period 3 翻译词组:1. 一个导游2. 在这一页的顶部3. 贸易中心4. 在最南端5. 在.的中心6. 一天的辛苦工作7. 因为而出名8. 在20世纪早期9. 听说10. .到此为止11. 在.的底部reviewCan you tell me something about these famous places in New York? 回忆上课内容。 practice学习本课的语言点:1. At the to

15、p of : do you like writing notes at the top of the page?2. In the center of : In the center of the park3. A hard days work: I feel tired after a hard days work4. Be famous for: china is famous for the Great Wall.5. Hear of: Have you ever heard of the news.6. At the bottom: find the key at the bottom

16、 of the bag7. Gather: some students gathered to see what had happened.8. Guide: you need a guide to show you around the city.9. Pick: the students have to pick three courses from a list of 15.10. Relax: the music will help us relax.11. Several: I have been to this park several times.12. Southern: sh

17、e lives in the southern part of the city.13. Trade: these countries have got lots of money from international trade.练习:高校课堂第二课时第三四部分1. 完成学评第三课时2. 背词组3. 预习语法,现在完成时和一般过去式的区别。Grammar Period 41. 了解一般过去时和现在完成时的区别2. 能组织含有一般过去时和现在完成时的句子。2. 能阻止含有一般过去时和现在完成时的句子。教学步骤:1. 现在:2. 在那儿待一个星期:3. 借一些有趣的书:4. 在寒假期间:5. 看

18、这些照片:6. 在沙滩上玩:7. 去乡下拜访我的祖母:8. 与某人结婚:9. 足球俱乐部的一员:10. 帮助我更了解香港:Step1:1. 用含有一般过去时和现在完成时的句子提问:Have you ever been to Beijing?How many times have you been to Beijing?Have you ever bought a computer?When and where did you buy it?How many times have you used it for an online tour?2. 总结实践状语的特征:一般过去式:yesterda

19、y, theother day, last, ago, just now现在完成时:already, ever, just, recently, yet, so far, up to now, till now, for,since, in the last/past ten years3. now read page 40 and find out the differences between the simple past tense and the present perfect tense. practice 1. 完成A部分的练习:Now, complete Part A on p

20、age 41 and underline the different time expressions.2. 完成B部分的练习3. 完成D部分的练习:now youve learnt a lot about the two tenses. Look at part Dand help Millie complete her diary ebtry with the correct forms of the verbs in the box.4. 完成C部分的练习,并模仿编一个类似的对话。高效课堂第四五课时的四五部分。:1. 完成高效课堂第四五课时的部分2. 完成学评第四课时3. 背书中划到的短

21、语4. 预习听力部分。Integrated skills Period 5教学目标:1. 了解更多旅游信息。2. 能够从听力材料中获取有用的、准确的信息。3. 进一步了解如何利用网络获取有用的信息。教学重点:翻译短语:1. 计划一次在线旅行:2. 如何使用网站:3. 带你去全世界不同的国家:4. 在菜单中找到它:5. 点击“旅游”图标:6. 继续往下:7. 找到关于这座城市的其他信息:8. 在澳大利亚的东南岸:9. 像一艘有着许多帆的船:10. 与我们的相反:1. if you are planning an online trip, what city would you like to v

22、isit?回答中,引出澳大利亚和悉尼2. ask:1) how much do you know about Sydney?2) Where did you get the information?3) Do you want to visit Sydney in the future?Step two: listening 1. Daniel and Peter are ueing the website “around the world in Eight Hours” to plan an online to to page 43 and red Part A1.2. the notes

23、 about how to use the website havent been completed. Guess the answers and fill in the blanks.预测答案。3. 播放A1录音,完成A1内容。4. 核对答案,再放一遍。5. 通过问题检测学生听的效果:What can we use the websit to do?How do we use the website to learn about a city?Can we see any pictures of the city?Where can we find other information ab

24、out the city?Step 3: activity 1. I wantto use the wensite to get some information about Sydeny. Can anyone tell me how to use the website?结合Reading组织回答。2. 学生介绍悉尼。Step 4:Part A2 : Thanks for your useful advice. Now lets listen to Daniel and Peters second conversation and complete Part A2. Before list

25、ening, read the sentences and guess wheather they are true or false.1. 播放录音,学生适当记录有用的信息。2. 完成A2的练习,并改正错误。3. 核对答案。4. 复述:can anyone tell us something about Sydney?Step 5:Part A3 : Peter has learnt something about Sydney from the website. Hes writing about the online tour. Listen to the second conversation again and help Peter complete his article.1. 完成A32. 语言点:1) Take an online tour 2) The opposite of 3. 朗读文章高效课堂第二三部分Homework :1. 高效课堂剩下

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