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1、全国职称英语等级考试理工类A级试题及答案 【经典资料,文档,可编辑修改】 【经典考试资料,答案附后,看后必过,文档,可修改】2015年全国职称英语等级考试理工类(A级)试题及答案第1部分:词汇选项(第15题,每题l分,共15分) 下面每个句子中均有1个词或短语画有底横线,请为每处画线部分确定1个意义最为接近的选项。1With immense relief. I stopped running. A some B、enormous C little D extensive2The scientists began to accumulate data. A collect B handle C

2、analyze D investigate3Jack eventually overtook the last truck. A hit. B passed C reached D led4Sometimes it is advisable to book hotels in advance. A possible B profitable C easy D wise5The reason for their unusual behavior remains a puzzle. A fact B mystery C statement D game6That guy is really wit

3、ty. A smart B ugly C honorable D popular7The world champion suffered a sensational defeat. A reasonable B dramatic C humiliating D horrifying8It seems that only Mary is eligible for the job. A prepared B trained C qualified D guided9This poem depicts the beautiful scenery of a town in the South. A p

4、raises B writes C imitates D describes10 The meaning is still obscure. A vague B transparent C alien D significant11 Dumped waste might contaminate Water supplies. A destroy B decrease C delay D pollute12 One theory postulates that the ancient Filipinos came from India and Persia. A assumes B expect

5、s C predicts D considers13 It is very difficult for a child to adhere to rules. A remember B follow C understand D learn14 I hope that I didnt do anything absurd last night. A awkward B strange C stupid D awful15 There should be laws that prohibit smoking around children. A forbid B advocate C inher

6、it D withdraw第2部分:阅读判断(第1622垒题,每题1分,共7分)下面的短文后列出了7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断:如果该句提供的是正确信息,请选择A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,请选择B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,请选择C.Green Roof Research The concept of green roofs is basically about growing plants on roofs,thus helping to replace the green footprint that had been destroyed due to the cons

7、truction of the building. Green roofs are the most prevalent(流行)in Germany,which is widely regarded as the leader in green roof research. The green roofs that are used these days can be classified as extensive andintensive systems. Extensive green roofs use mosses,grasses and herbs,which are toleran

8、t to droughts. These plants do not Reed much maintenance. can be grown in a layer of substrate(土层)that can be as shallow as l.5 inches,and generally are inaccessible to the public. In contrast, a wide range of species of plants are grown on intensive green roofs,such as shrubs(灌木)and even trees,whic

9、h require deeper substrate layers,and are usually grown on flat roofs. They need intensive maintenance, and are usually areas that resemble parks which are accessible to people. There are several benefits of adopting green roof technologies. Apart from the obvious psychological and aesthetic(美学的)ben

10、efits of garden-like environments surrounding you,some of the common economic and ecological benefits are:a reduction in the consumption of energy;air and water purification;recovering green spaces;and the mitigation(缓解)of the heat island effect in urban areas. The green roof research that is curren

11、tly ongoing is focused on evaluating the species of plants that are suitable to be grown on roofs,the methods of propagation(繁殖)as well as establishment,nutrient(养料)and water requirement,substrates,and the quantity and quality of water runoff. The evaluation criteria of plant species are:at what rat

12、e they can be established:their capacity to withstand invasive weeds:tolerance of cold and heat: tolerance of drought conditions: capacity of persistence and survival. A number of experiments are being conducted on roof platform simulations at various research centers. These sites are generally outf

13、itted with equipment,which are used to measure temperatures at different depths of the growing substrates, and the rate and volume of the runoff of stormwaters from each of the platforms. Green roof technology is representative of a completely new market for landscape contractors. And all roofs that

14、 currently exist and the future ones to be constructed are the potential market-a market that is too huge to be overlooked.16It is estimated that around 10 percent of the flat roofs in Germany are green. A Right BWrong C Not mentioned17German people prefer extensive green roof systems to intensive o

15、nes. A Right BWrong C Not mentioned18Small plants like grasses and herbs are grown widely on intensive green roofs. A Right BWrong C Not mentioned19Green roof is an ecologically sound strategy of spreading green in urban areas. A Right BWrong C Not mentioned200ne of the benefits of green roofs is th

16、e reduction of the heat island effect in cities. A Right BWrong C Not mentioned21 0ne focus;n the green roof research is the evaluation of suitable plant species. A Right BWrong C Not mentioned22 Although green roof technology can create a garden-like environment,its potential market is rather small

17、. A Right BWrong C Not mentioned第3部分:概括大意与完成句子(第2330题,每题l分,共8分) 下面的短文后有2项测试任务:(1)第2326题要求从所给的6个选项中为第25段每段选择1个最佳标题;(2)第2730题要求从所给的6个选项中为每个句子确定1个最佳选项。The Supercomputer Network1Recently. ten laboratories run by governments in different parts of the world have become linked。Their computers have been con

18、nected so they can talk to each other. This may not seem Mery dramatic news,but it is the beginning of a development that will increase the power of the Internet tremendously:2The Internet is an interconnected(互联)system of networks that, connects computers round the world and facilitates the transmi

19、ssion and exchange of information. The way that you use the internet is by accessing this network. This depends on the power that your system allows you to use. The power of your computer is responsible for how fast you can download(下载)files,how much data you can store,etc. If your computer is old a

20、nd slow, accessing the information can be very difficult.3The new development in information technology has been called the grid(网格技术),and it will be a network of computers that are linked together, The grid will work in a different way from the Internet,enabling you to get the power of the biggest

21、computers in the world on your computer. Accessing the information will no longer depend on the power of your computer. The idea is that while you access information, you will also have access to the power of the bigger computer stations.40ne advantage of this revolutionary idea is that geographical

22、 location will become irrelevant. The grid will decide which are the best parts of a worldwide network to do the lob you want. This means that you may be accessing a computer in Japan to solve a problem in Alaska.5The grid can be compared to having an efficient personal assistant. You can give your

23、assistant a task and he will do it for you. The assistant will do the preliminary research, collect the data. Compare them and decide on the best course of action by accessing any of the computer centres in the grid that happen to have the relevant information. All you have to do is assign the task,

24、 sit back and wait.6At present,possible applications of the grid in scientific research are being explored. While it has taken about fifteen years for Internet use to become widespread, experts believe that the grid could be up and running for private individuals far more quickly. Scientists working

25、 on grid Projects are convinced that it will be as widely used as the web in the next ten years.23 Paragraph 2 24 Paragraph 3 25 Paragraph 4 26 Paragraph 5 A How does the grid work?B Power sharedC Just make a requestD Limitations of present Internet useE Distance is not a problemF A new era for the

26、Internet27 Traditionally the power of your computer determines how fast you can access .28 The grid will enable you to get on your computer the power of in the world。29 The grid would be like ,who can perform your tasks efficiently.30 It is believed that the widespread use of the grid will become po

27、ssible in the next 。A the bigger computer stationsB the advantageC ten yearsD informationE your personal assistantF fifteen years第4部分:阅读理解(第3145题,每题3分,45分) 下面有3篇短文,每篇短文后有5道题。请根据短文内容,为每题确定1个最佳选项。第一篇Centers of the Great European Cities The centers of the great cities of Europe are meeting places by tr

28、adition. People gather there to drink coffee and chat late into the night. A mixture of locals and tourists make for an exciting,metropolitan atmosphere. Squares,plazas(广场)and arcades(拱廊)form the heart of Europes cities. Venice in ltaly has the Piazza San Marcoa beautiful square surrounded by shops,

29、 churches, restaurants and cafes. In Barcelona,Spain,La Bosqueria is a lively market with hundreds of stalls selling all kinds of goods. Londons Covent Garden is filled with fruit and vegetable stalls by day and musicians,acrobats(杂技演员)and artists by night. The government buildings at the center of

30、many cities often are architecturally impressive. In London,they serve as a beautiful backdrop(背景)to the coffee tables that line the streets and the banks of the Thames. These vibrant(有活力的)hearts are the product of centuries of evolution,social historian Joel Garreau told US News and World Report re

31、cently. The reason people think Venice is so great today is you dont see all the mistakes. said Garreau. Those have all been removed. Most European cities were laid out before the invention of the car, so bars, restaurants and cafs were near to peoples homes. Today, the focus of many Europeans life

32、has moved away from the centers. They live in the suburbs and outskirts. driving to supermarkets to get their supplies. But on a continent where people treasure convention, there are still those who hold onto traditional ways, living and shopping locally. These people, together with tourists,provide the city centers with their reason for existence. Coffee culture plays a part in keep

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