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东财萨里旅游经济学 复习资料.docx

1、东财萨里旅游经济学 复习资料旅游经济学Chapter 11什么是机会成本? 举例2 经济学是社会科学还是人文科学?背Opportunity costthe alternatives or other opportunities that have to be foregone to achieve a particular thing.TourismVisiting for at least one night for leisure and holiday, business and professional or other tourism purposes. Visiting means

2、 a temporary movement to destinations outside the normal home and workplace.Tourists Excursionists(时间上的区别前者停留时间多余24小时)Free and scare resources (无限和有限资源)后者包括 natural labor capitalZero opportunity costChapter 21In the eighteenth century, Grand Tour Who and what purpose 2 allocentric, mid-centric, or p

3、sychocentric 区分3 Why do we (or suppliers) have to study the tourist types?(旅游提高者研究旅游者分类的必要性)4 Why do suppliers attempt to maximize repeat visiting?Grand tour(18世纪上等欧洲人在政府或者公司资助的情况下以商业或贸易为出行目的的学习旅行)18th century: the European Grand Tour became fashionable as it was an educational but also recreational

4、 period for many upper-class young people. The majority of tourism was for trade or commerce, including trips of exploration throughout Africa, the Americas, and Australia. These were normally paid for governments or merchant companies in attempts to establish commercial trading ventures. Venturesom

5、eness(冒险主义)- the degree of“risk” tourist wantHedonism(享乐主义)- the degree of comfort required on a tripChangeability(劝说改变)- the extent to which a tourist is impulsive or seeking something newDogmatism(教条,独断)- the extent to which a tourist can not be persuaded to change ideasIntellectualism(理性主义)- the

6、degree of culture tourists want背旅游者的心理分类:Allocentric- highly venturesome(热爱冒险) Make own travel arrangements Visit remote destinations Board with local residents Learn local culture Rarely repeat visitMid-centric- like to explore, but with home comforts(探索,家的舒适) Use travel destinations but make own p

7、ackage Travel reasonably afar but to recognized tourism destinations Balance novelty with home comfortsPsychocentric - disliking the unfamiliar or risky(不喜欢不熟悉事物或是冒险 保守的旅行) Use organized inclusive tours Travel often en masse Seek destinations culturally similar to home Board in mass accommodation or

8、 self-catering Often repeat visit背旅行者的分类:Explorer small in numbers, virtually no consumption of tourism products, negligible economic impactElite Relatively small in number, price-inelastic demand for very high quality travel and tourism products, may cause investment to follow into destinationsHost

9、ed or second homers 1 Constant travel demand, but boarded by hosts or in own accommodation 2 Low consumption of destination tourism products, but cause increase in general local expenditureIndividual or incipient mass1 Numerous, wide ranging travel 2 Demand may be rather price-elastic, significant d

10、emand for tourism products produced/owned by the destinationMass or charter1 Very numerous between specific generators and destinations2 Sectors of the travel industry wholly dependent on them3 Major impact and costs at destination, may cause significant investment in destination by generator-owned

11、businesses旅行研究的三个方面:Length of stay 旅途的长短 VFR visitors(visiting friends and relatives 探访亲友)Overall and seasonal demand stability 季节需求的稳定性Repeat visitation and marketing costs 反复旅游及营销成本 psychocentricRepeating visiting Repeat visiting has a significant effect on tourism marketing costs, that is the cos

12、ts of developing, promoting and delivering tourism products. Suppliers attempt to maximize repeat visiting, as the costs of promoting and delivering tourism products to repeat visitors are far lower than when products have to be introduced to first-time buyers.(花费跟吸引第一次旅行者比要低)背Suppliers 研究旅游者种类的必要性:

13、to identify discrete(分离的) tourist market segmentsto assess(评估) the stability(稳定性) and demand patterns of each segmentto evaluate the returns, or profit contribution realized from each segmentto allocate(分类) resources to attracting each segment in such a way that the marginal returns obtained from ea

14、ch segment are equal (the supplier can supply tourism products suited to identified market segments).Chapter 3(1)1 What is demand?2 List the unique characteristics of tourism products.3 Describe “Effective Demand”.4 Explain the “Cognitive Dissonance” theory and provide an example of tourist behavior

15、.背Demand:The driving force of need in the economy, which stimulates entrepreneurial activity in producing the goods and services required to satisfy that need, in exchange for the appropriate reward.Effective demand:willing and able to buy at any potential price over some specified period of time.Un

16、ique characteristics of tourism products:Non-tradeable(不可交易 intangibility无形的)Demand exists under constraints(限制:季节,价格等)Cognitive Dissonance:Tension that arises when one is simultaneously aware of two inconsistent cognitions(维基百科:Cognitive dissonance is a discomfort caused by holding conflicting cogn

17、itions. An example of this would be the conflict between wanting to smoke and knowing that smoking is unhealthy例如想抽烟但是知道抽烟有害)Chapter 3(2)1 Describe four major factors, other than price, likely to influence demand for a resort hotel in Cancun, Mexico. 2 Identify the major constraints on tourism deman

18、d amongst different groups (for example, students, businesspeople, retirees) in your locality.背Constraints on Tourism Demand 1 Scarce resources2 Money (disposable income; savings) income elasticity of demand3 Political Controls (passport or visa systems; drugs, alcohol, entertainment, & housing) gov

19、ernment intervention in the economic marketplace through price or fare regulation and travel and tourism taxes4 Time the possession of a stock of disposable time(空余时间), and the allocation of that stock to different tourism and non-tourism activities, constrains the ability of the tourist to do all t

20、he things desired, even if money is available. 其他影响旅游需求的因素: trends and fashion(趋势和时尚)An airlines safety recordpolitical stability and reliability of essential servicesSeasonalityClimate; festivals; school vacationsChapter 41 What really constitutes a monopoly in tourism?examples.2 Find examples of b

21、usinesses offering similar or identical travel and tourism products. Are they price-competitive?3 Find local examples of monopolistic competition. Minimize their costs and maximize their revenuePerfect competition (厂商是市场价格的接受者) many buyers, many sellers identical products(相同的产品) freedom of entry and

22、 exit in the marketperfect knowledge about prices and products in the market.Monopoly one sellerbarriers to entry into the industry (进入市场的障碍)monopolist is in a position to be a price maker.price shapers Oligopoly(求大于供的时候)monopolistic competition(垄断竞争)(The competitive features are freedom of entry an

23、d exit and the existence of a large number of firms. However products are not identical E.g. hotels)垄断竞争中企业要想成功的三个要点: product differentiation acquisitions and mergerscost and price leadership背 上图是重点Perfect competition = many buyers and sellers, homogeneous products, freedom of entry and exit to mark

24、et.Monopoly = one seller, barriers to entry.Oligopoly = a small number of powerful sellers.Monopolistic competition = many buyers and sellers, freedom of entry and exit, products differentiated.Product differentiation = real or notional differences between products of competing firms.Price discrimin

25、ation = selling the same product at different prices to different market segments.Chapter 51 four factors of production.2 Explain what “Economies of Scale” is. Example3 Distinguish between potential and effective supply of historic attractions for tourism. Provide an example.背Supply:requires the wil

26、lingness and ability of an enterprise to acquire resources, including goods and services produced by other enterprises, and to process those resources into output of products for sale to consumers. 影响旅游供给的因素:time periodthe longer the time period allowed, the easier it is for supply to be changed.ava

27、ilability of stocksthe availability of stocks of goods in warehouses will enable supply to be more flexible and more elastic. spare capacityThe existence of spare capacity either in terms of service or manufacturing will make supply more elastic.flexibility of capacity / resource mobilityflexible sp

28、ort halls enable capacity to be shifted from one leisure service to another to respond to changes in demand and thus make supply more elastic. 背Four factors of production(产品投入四要素)Land This includes natural resources such as minerals, and land itself.Labor This includes skilled and unskilled human ef

29、fort.Capital This includes buildings, machines and tools.Enterprise This is the factor which brings together the other factors of production to produce goods and services.背Economics of scale 规模经济 the cost advantages that an enterprise obtains(获得) due to expansion.(a long run concept and refers to re

30、ductions in unit cost as the size of a facility and the usage levels of other inputs increase.)Internal: reduce the cost External: marketing benefitsSocial and private costsPrivate costs of production are those costs which an organization has to pay for its inputs. They are also known as accounting

31、costs since they appear in an organizations accounts. (为生产服务 出现在会计账目中)Social costs do not appear in an organizations accounts and do not affect its profitability, although they may well affect the well-being of society at large. (为社会福利 不出现在会计账目中)Potential attractions to effective attraction: 1 Be wi

32、lling to provide them for tourist use 2 Provide a use-management system potential supply to effective supplyFor most managers of historic and natural attractions the major costs are labor. Labor inputs may include direct visitor services (such as guiding), attraction maintenance, and conservatorsChapter 7 The size and val

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