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1、纸牌屋第1季第2集字幕对白纯英文看美剧学英语打印word版You know what I like about people?They stack so well.Let me get this for you.- Want the paper? - No.This is too much.Its not half enough.Thanks for opening up for me.Any time, day or night. You know that.In a town where everyones so carefully reinventing themselves,what

2、I like about Freddyis that he doesnt even pretend to change.Ooh. Im late.Every Tuesday I sit down with the speaker and the majority leaderto discuss the weeks agenda.Well, discuss is probably the wrong word.They talk while I sit quietlyand imaging their lightly salted faces frying in a skillet.Vasqu

3、ez must be shitting herself.Shitting herself, when Walker is shitting himselfand shoveling his shit on her shit.Bob, Im planning on eating.Do we have a backup on the docket?Youre on that, right, Frank?Yeah, Im working with my staff-Republicans are gonna ram this up our ass.I would if I was them.Why,

4、 even if we squeak it through the house,watch them mangle it in the senate.使法案不能进入投票 从而阻止一个法案通过Or filibuster.Why, sure, if it looks anything like this.I dont know why Walkerstrying to tackle a charging elephant.Its madness.Congressmen, sorry to interrupt,but I saw you sitting over here-Remy. Gentlem

5、en, this is Remy Danton.Remy, this is Speaker Birch and Congress-Im well aware. Mr. Speaker, Congressman.Remy just made partner at Glendon Hill.Glendon Hill? Great team over there.- Congratulations. - Thank you.When was the last time they added a partner?Its been a while.Well, they know a winner whe

6、n they see one.Remy was the best press secretary I ever had.Why did you let him go?I didnt. They stole him away.What accounts do you have?San Corp Industries is my main one.I run that account now.Anyhow, Ill let you get back to it.Sorry again to interrupt.No problem.Very nice to meet you both.- Nice

7、. - Lobbyists keep getting younger and younger.Hes probably making more than all of us combined.Gentlemen, this ones on me.Im gonna track down that check.Glendon Hill fronts San Corp Industries.San Corp is deep into natural gas.I dont give a hoot about natural gas,but I have 67 deputy whips,and they

8、 all need cash to win races.San Corp helps me purchase loyalty,and in return they expect mine.Its degrading, I know,but when the tits that big,everybody gets in line.Tell them Im on top of it.I need more than that.You are well aware that I do not drop the ball on things like this, Remy.Promises, Fra

9、nk.Secretary of State, Argentine and off shore drilling contracts-Talk to me when Ive solved the problem.Dont waste my time when Im working on solving the problem.When theres billions on the line,You cant not call me back.I cant not show up.Fine. Thank you for your diligence.Eight figures to you and

10、 the D triple C.6 million to build that library of yours in your name.I know.Dont make them throw money at your challenger next cycle.Youve made your point.Have I? I hope so.Such a waste of talent.He chose money over power-In this town, a mistake nearly everyone makes.In this town, a mistake nearly

11、everyone makes.Money is the McMansion in Sarasotathat starts falling apart after ten years.Power is the old stone buildingthat stands for centuries.I cannot respect someone who doesnt see the difference.What am I looking at?The Williams register.- Williams? - College.September 78.And why am I lookin

12、g at it?The editorial.Not that interesting.Michael Kern went to Williams.Check out the masthead.And then theres this.Its thin.The guys a unicorn. He pisses rainbows.- You think we can get traction with this? - I think you could.Linda Vasquez is on the phone.Ah, Im surprised it took her this long.Its

13、 only 6 past 9:00.Which means she read the Herald 3 hours agoand spent the past 2 1/2 getting reamed by the president.Tell her Im on my way.You were supposed to keep Donald in line.You assured me that you-25 years hes been pushing this particular agenda.We got between the mother bear and her cub.Its

14、 a setback. Thats all.On our first day in office.Linda, Ive worked with four presidents.Setbacks are a dime a dozen with a bill of this size.Frank, if you cant control this-I dont take well to being micromanaged, Linda.You want to do my job for me and run the White House?Good luck. I wont stand in y

15、our way.Okay, Frank. Fine. This is yours now.If this thing cant make it to the floor in the first 100 days,then Ill let you explain to the presidentwhy he lied to the American people.Im gonna get back to work.Please do.Well, we really should be doing this on a Fridayinstead of a Wednesday.If we do i

16、t on a Friday,- people have the weekend- - Fine. Well do it on Friday.Is all the paperwork ready?Some of the more senior people are trickier.Theres severance.But we shouldnt run into any legal issues.No, no. We use at-will employment contracts across the board.Well, get started first thing Friday.I

17、want all of the exit interviews done by lunch.Claire, I just cant help but think that this is a mistake.Weve discussed this already, Evelyn.I know, I know, but I just have to say itfor the sake of my conscience.I think that you are dismantlingwhat we have built over the past ten years,and I-and I th

18、ink the way youre handling this cruel.Its not easy, Evelyn.But its necessary.You have always asked me to be honest with you.Its how we work together.I disagree with something, I say it.Well, I disagree 100%.Please, Claire, dont do this.I respect your opinion, Evelyn,and I appreciate you sharin

19、g it with me,but Im not going to change my mind.Friday, then.If thats what you want.This is major reform, a complete overhaul.That would usually take months.Well, we only have days, not months.But think about the process. We cant just change-When I ask my colleagues, your bosses,who are the smartest

20、 minds in education,out of hundreds, we arrived at you-the six of you in this room.Now, I realize it is a difficult task,but we have the opportunity to make history here.And I want all of us to make it together.So good luck. Were counting on you.Page 1.These bullet points reflectthe key planks at th

21、e center of our bill.Get comfy.This is your home until we have a presentable first draft.Donald, what a morning.I have no idea how they got this.I specifically told my staff to destroy everything.- I cant imagine- - It doesnt matter how it happened.We cant make it unhappen, so we have to adapt.Dont

22、they realize that this is a first draft?All we have here really is a perception problem.We dont get a second chance at a first impression, Donald.You know that. Now, look, Im on your side,but Linda is furious.Whats she saying?They want to point fingers.At me?I told her we cannot do that.I mean, you

23、are vital to this process.Im up to here with them, Donald-for lying, for turning their back on you.You know, Im of a mind to say screw it.Ill fall on this grenade myself,just to piss them off.Give me John King at CNN.Wait, Frank. This is not your fault.No, we have to protect your reputation.But your

24、e the man that needs to get the bill through the house.I will- hang on. I will assign it to one of my deputies,quietly manage it, and Ill help guide you through the process.I am not comfortable with this.Well, then what do you suggest we do?What a martyr craves more than anythingis a sword to fall o

25、n,so you sharpen the blade,hold it at just the right angle,and then 3, 2, 1-It should be me.It was my bill.No. Impossible. Donald,education has been your lifes work.The truth is my heart is not in this fight.You know me. Im not a wheeler dealer.I can put my mind to policy,but Im no good at this bran

26、d of politics.Well, if not you, then who?It should be you, Frank.Youre formidable. People respect you.They will follow your lead. Let me-let me be on the sidelines for this.Well, I could only consider that as an optionif I knew that I could still come to you for counsel.Of course. Whatever you need.

27、Part of me is glad this got leaked.Well, it would have been better if it hadnt,but at least people know where I stand.Thank you, Donald.Happy to do it, Frank.He has no idea weve got six kids in the next roomalready working on a new draft.Stamper! But why dampen his mood by telling him?We just gave h

28、im a great gift-a chance to fulfill his destiny.Write up a statement for Blythe-Write up a statement for Blythe-stepping aside, fresh ideas,et cetera, et cetera, and make it dignified.Hes a good man.Oh. And bring me that Williams editorial.Oh. And bring me that Williams editorial.After careful thoug

29、ht and discussion with my staff,I am relinquishing my management of the education reform act.I hope to remain a part of the process,but I wont be working-Why did you leak the draft?Im not exactly sure how it got leaked,but, uh, it does represent-It came from your office, though, correct?Uh, we wrote

30、 it, but I dont-Wholl be managing the bill now?Frank Underwood.Was that your choice,or did the administration-or did the administration-I feel very confidentplacing the bill in Franks capable hands.Ms. Barnes.Ms. Barnes.How very deep throat of you.Well, I cant help you dispatch a president.How about

31、 a senator?How about a senator?The editorial on the Camp David Accords.It is the opinion of this newspaperthat President Carter demand Israelwithdraw all its citizensfrom the Gaza Strip and West Bank.Which it has illegally occupied since 1967.Illegally occupied.Thats quite an incendiary quote, dont you think?For an adminis

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