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1、第二梯次提升大学基础教育计画第二梯次提昇大學基礎教育計畫九十三年度計畫執行報告通識教育師資培訓暨提昇通識課程學習成效計畫Project on teachers training coursesand learning effects of general education乙91FDE93全 程 計 畫 :自民國91年9月 至民國94年8月 止本年度計畫 :自民國93年9月 至民國94年8月 止執行學校名稱 德霖技術學院報告撰寫日期 94.8.10目錄(一) 學習成效計畫 1(二) 整體計畫中文摘要 2 (三) 整體計畫英文摘要 3 (四) 年度計畫執行成果中文摘要 4(五) 年度計畫執行成果

2、英文摘要 7(六) 年度計畫執行內容及成果說明 11(七) 經費運用情形一覽表 24(八) 年度計畫執行成效 26(九) 所面臨問題與因應措施 66(一)總計畫名稱通識教育師資培訓暨提昇通識課程學習成效計畫總計畫編號乙91FDE 93執行單位通識教育中心計畫總主持人姓名張 校長 裕民計畫聯絡人姓名林 敬 文電話(02)2273-3567轉788電話(02)22733567轉668傳真(02)2273-3995傳真(02)全程計畫核定補助經 費(仟元)經常門6863本 年 度核定補助經

3、 費(仟元)經常門2460資本門1137資本門0合 計8000合 計2460全程計畫學校配合款(仟元)1412本年度學校配合款(仟元)655計畫序號計 畫 名 稱主 持 人職 稱服務單位總 計 畫通識教育師資培訓暨提昇通識課程學習成效計畫張裕民校 長德霖技術學院分項計畫1多媒體教材融入科學教學探討大學生學習效益蘇金豆副教授通識中心分項計畫2網路暨多媒體融入英語教學之效益評估陳慧珠講 師通識中心分項計畫3捕音捉影德霖藝術季陳順築副教授通識中心 註:本表資料及相關數據請依據核定後之詳細計畫書填寫。(二)、整體計畫中文摘要關鍵詞:迷思概念、多媒體、人文意涵、美感經驗本計畫之目標,在培訓通識教育師資暨


5、此注入新思惟、新方法,打破舊思惟藩蘺,提昇英語教學的人文意涵。分項三乃結合靜態的藝術展覽與動態的表演藝術,藉活潑感性的藝術教育與推廣活動,以淨化陶冶學生心靈,提昇藝術鑑賞的能力,培養日常生活中的美感經驗,及未來參與社會各類藝文活動的興趣。(三)、Abstract of Integrate Plan English versionKeywords: misconceptions, multimedia, human concepts, aesthetic experimentsThe goal of the plan is to build up teachers teaching conten

6、ts and skills and raise students learning efficiency in general courses. In addition, students professional knowledge and human conceptions are concerned. Students are expected to be kind and warm caring about people. In order to achieve the goal, there are one integrate plan and three subsections.F

7、irst of all, three general courses conferences are arranged for teachers. Secondly, four serial lectures are held with following topics: Modern Life and Sciences, Literatures and Life, Environments and Developments, Are and Life. Each will be held in sequence in each semester to aim the diversity of

8、 general courses.Section 1, including multimedia materials into the science teaching is to raise students learning efficiency and to generalize students misconceptions in learning. They are expected to be inducted their interests to understand the constructions and backgrounds of sciences. If the do

9、 have basic analysis ability, they probably can handle the problem faced in their daily life.Section 2, computer-assistant teaching system and multimedia are aids to improve English learning effects. In addition, getting new knowledge and acquiring new way to analysize problems are helpful to enrich

10、 the human concepts of English teaching.Section 3, combine art exhibition and dynamic performance. Through art education and continue activities, students increase their ability to art-discrimination, cultivate their aesthetic experience in life and participate in various art activities. (四)年度計畫執行成果

11、中文摘要 總計畫名稱通識教育師資培訓暨提昇通識課程學習成效計畫1、依原計畫書,擬訂九十三學年度第一學期環境與永續發展、第二學期藝術與人生系列師資培訓研討講座計畫。 2、環境與永續發展系列講座共舉辦六場;藝術與人生-樂陶陶研習營共舉辦五場講座、二場參觀及實作。 3、舉辦文學與人生、環境與永續發展、藝術與人生系列師資培訓研習成果發表會。 4、舉辦分項一、分項二、分項三各計畫成果發表會。分項計畫一名稱:多媒體教材融入科學教學探討大學生學習效益 本計畫之目的在改善基礎科學之教學品質,把多媒體教材融入科學教學探討大學生學習效益的提昇,並歸納學生學習的迷思概念,作為啟迪心靈,誘發學習的興趣,從中瞭解科學本

12、質,學習科學精神,培養其基礎思考能力,以應付解決日常生活中的各項問題。後期研究計畫具體成效:(1)學習效益之評量與分析。 (2)撰寫論文發表國際雜誌。 (3)舉辦小組教學研習會。 (4)舉辦學術研讨會發表成果。分項計畫二名稱:網路暨多媒體融入英語教學之效益評估 本計畫之宗旨在於將電腦多媒體功能與網際網路學習資源融入英語任務導向教學課程計劃中,藉以提昇學生英語學習之興趣與善用電腦功能及網路資源增進英語學習方法,而最終提高英語基礎溝通表達能力以應未來職場或進修所需。此外,將電腦多媒體功能與網際網路學習資源融入英與教學之效益評估亦從學習、教學、課程設計面象切入,作為未來融入科技於英語教學最能幫助學生

13、英語能力習得之數位化英語課程。 本年度研究計畫具體成效為:(1) 學習成就成績數據建檔分析。(2) 學習態度評量數據建檔分析。(3) 撰寫論文於成果發表會發表。(4) 舉辦英語數位教學研讨會暨成果發表會。分項計畫三名稱:捕風捉影-德霖藝術季 本次藝術季延續十一和九十二年度精采的藝術展演,並首次邀請海外學者、音樂家參與,使德霖的人文活動不但深耕台灣當代藝術,也能逐步累進國際氣度,而有了這一季豐富多元的視廳響宴。 本年度計畫共舉辦三場音樂會,一檔畫展和兩場音樂學術講座。音樂部份架構在欣賞交流和誇地(國)界的觀摩,邀請來自香港、台北、台南等多處的音樂家與樂團做現場表演,知己也知彼的相互切磋,帶動德霖

14、青年學子從本土放眼他方音樂的視野,同時規劃二場示範講座,希望傾醉旋律時也能輕探學理,當音樂在耳 際迴繞之時,感動也能源源不絕於心。 同時,在美術賞析部份,非常榮幸的邀請了著名畫家劉文煒教授,在圖書館的藝文空間舉辦油畫個展,提供了一個質與量兼備的藝術觀摩。本年度計畫具體成效:(1) 三場音樂會(2) 一檔畫展(3) 兩場音樂學術講座(4) 活動效益問卷分析(5) 舉辦藝術活動策展檢討會(6) 成果影音DVD紀錄片(7) 舉辦年度成果發表會(五)年度計畫執行成果英文摘要Title of the general project: “ Project for the On-the-job Traini

15、ng of the Faculty of General Education and the Enhancement of Learning Efficiency on the Part of Students Receiving General Education”A. Based on the original planning, the goals for the series of seminal lecturing on the cultivation of faculty for the 93th academic year have been set up “Environmen

16、t and Everlasting Development” for the first semester and “Art and Human Life” for the second semester.B. Six seminal lectures have been successfully held for “Environment and Everlasting Development” and five seminal lectures and two first-hand practices have been held for the “studying camp on pot

17、tery” of “Art and Human Life.”C. Seminars on the results of faculty training of “Literature and Human Life,” “Environment and Everlasting Development,” and “Art and Human Life” have been successfully delivered.Subsection (Key words:multimedia texts, learning efficiency, misconceptions) This project

18、aims at teaching characteristic improvements in basic science, incorporates multimedia texts into scientific teaching, evaluates the elevation of graduate learning efficiency, and summarizes misconceptions involved in learning process. As it turns out, this project inspires minds to study, realizes

19、scientific fundamentals and spirits, cultivates basic thinking capacities, and solves various problems in our daily lives. This project makes the following fulfillments:(1) to estimate and analyze the performance of students learning. (2) to write and submit papers for international journals . (3) t

20、o hold the academic seminars of groups.(4) to hold the academic achievement seminars of information technology.Subsection (Key words:computer-assisted English language learning, English digital language center, English digital teaching materials)The design of this language program aims to incorporat

21、e the multi-media computer capabilities, a cooperative learning approach within the project/ task-based syllabus implementation in order to enhance the learning achievements of the target freshmen at De Lin Institute of Technology by exposing them to the modern high-tech language laboratory faciliti

22、es and worldwide Internet online learning resources and opportunities and by engaging them in a well-supported and cooperative learning environment. The new CALL Task-based course syllabus is conducted in order to understand the effects of technology-based language instruction on the English learnin

23、g outcomes of the target freshmen. The objectives of this year include the following:(1) the data of test scores have been tallied and analyzed by SPSS; (2) the works of learning tasks have been documented into CD-Rom and the role plays and song singing have been taped for modeling in new semesters;

24、(3) the evaluation of technology-enhanced English instruction at De Lin has been formalized in a research paper;(4) the seminar on English digital instruction and the project results presentation have been held to deliver the project achievements and the evaluation of the program effects.Subsection

25、3Chinese Abstract on the Result of the Annual ProjectA continuation of the wonderful artistic performance of the 91th and the 92th academic years, the “Artistic Feast” for this academic year, with the honorable participation of overseas scholars and musicians, not only enriches the general education

26、 of De Lin with contemporary arts of Taiwan but pushes De Lin a step forward to the visibility of international arena. Also, the feast adds greatly to the plurality of the wonderful audio-visual feast of De Lin.Totally, there are three concerts, an exhibition of paintings, and two academic seminars

27、on music for this academic year. For the part of music, which was aimed at international and inter-disciplinary exchange and appreciation, we invited musicians and musical troupes from Hongkong, Taipei, and Tainan to do some performances. In this way, we hope to push and encourage students of De Lin

28、 to broaden and extend their horizon of music, to extend from the indigenous to the international sphere. Meanwhile, two demonstration seminars were arranged in the hope that the reverberation and lingering sweet music will softly touch the heartstrings of those listeners.As far as the appreciation

29、of fine arts is concerned, we felt very pleased that we invited the honored and renowned professor Wen-wei Liu (劉文煒) to hold an individual exhibition of his paintings, a valuable demonstration for our teachers and students.The concrete results for the project of this academic year include:(1) Three

30、concerts(2) An exhibition of paintings(3) Two academic seminars on music(4) Questionaire analysis on the effects of activities held(5) Self-critical conference of artistic activities(6) Audio-visual documentary film (7) An issuing conference of annual results(六)年度計畫執行內容及成果 1、計畫目標: 本年度在通識教育師資培訓方面,有環境

31、與永續發展、藝術與人生系列講座,藉此提供本校教師頗佳之學習機會。此外,在提昇通識課程學習成效方面,分項一多媒體教材融入科學探討大學生學習效益、分項二網路暨多媒體融入英語教學之效益評估均按計畫進度作實驗教學及效益之評估。分項三本年度定名為有朋自遠方來-春日琴畫室內樂語,以音樂和繪畫的展演,激起全校師生對美的感受,並增進藝術的欣賞能力。 分項計畫一: 本計畫之目的在改善基礎科學之教學品質,把多媒體教材融入科學教學,探討大學生學習效益的提昇,並歸納學生學習的迷思概念,作為啟迪心靈,誘發學習的興趣,從中瞭解科學本質,學習科學精神,培養其基礎思考能力,以應付解決日常生活中的各項問題。 為提昇基礎科學教育學習效益並與國際接軌,本分項計畫之具體工作目標包括下列三項:(1)學習效益之評量與分析。(2)學習成果國際化。(3)舉辦成果發表會並邀請專家指導。本年度的重點為綜合

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