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1、文书科行政英语角日常英语会话文书科“行政英语角”日常英语会话(一)党政办副主任岗位英语十句话1.请跟我来!Please come with me!/ Just follow me!2.请坐,我给你倒一杯水!Please sit down, I will get you a cup of water!3.你最近怎么样?How are you doing/How are things with you?4.我给你联系一下相关部门负责人后给你回复。I will contact some heads of related departments ,and then reply to you.5.我今天

2、要加班!I need to work overtime today.6.对不起!失陪了,我要去开会。Sorry! Excuse me,Ill have to go to a meeting now.7.如果有什么问题的话,请给我发电子邮件。 Please send me an email if you have any questions.8.谁来做会议纪要?Who will take the minutes?9.我正想和你谈这个问题呢。Im just thinking to discuss this matter with you.10.我们一定会尽最大努力。We will try our

3、best.(二)院长秘书岗位英语口语十句话1.您好!这里是院长办公室,请问有什么事情可以帮您?Hello!This is the school presidents office.Can I help you?2.侯院长因公出差,预计三日后返回。Mr. Hou is out on business.He will be back in three days.3.侯院长在开会(在午休),您可在会客厅坐等一会儿。Mr. Hou is having a meeting now(a noon break).Would you please sit down in the parlour and wai

4、t for a moment?4.您好,我是院长秘书李博,请问您怎么称呼?Hello,I am Mr. Hous secretary. May I have your name?5.我很荣幸的向您介绍一下,这是我们学院院长-侯长林教授。I am honored to introduce Professor Hou Changlin, the president of our school, to you.6.您的文件我会帮您转交给院长,请放心。No worry, I will deliver your documents to the President.7.您的文件院长尚未审签,待审签后我会

5、电话通知您。 The president have not reviewed and signed your document yet.I will inform you on the phone as soon as it is done.8.您的文件院长已经审签,请及时取回。Your document has been reviewed and signed.Please come and get it back as soon as possible.9.关于事情,我先请示下领导,过会给您回复。I must ask the leader about first,then will con

6、tact you in a while.10.侯院长请您于上午九点到一会客厅开会。Mr.t Hou,please come to the first parlour to have a meeting at nine this morning.(三)党委书记秘书岗位英语口语十句话1.您好,这位是我们铜仁职业技术学院的党委书记杨春光。 Hello,This is Mr. Yang Chunguang,the Secretary of Party Committee of Tongren Polytechnic College.2.杨书记不在,请问我有什么可以帮你的吗?Sorry, Mr. Yan

7、g ist in the office. What can I do for you?3.请稍等,杨书记马上就到。Wait for a moment, Mr.Yang is comeing soon.4.请放心,我会转告杨书记的。Take it easy. I will tell Mr. Yang about it.5.请稍等,让我拿纸和笔记一下。Just a moment. Ill make a note of it.6.杨书记正在开会,请您稍等,我去通报一声。Mr. Yang is in the meeting. One moment,please.Ill report to him fo

8、r you.7.再见,欢迎您下次来我们学院指导工作!See you. Welcome to our college to guide our work next time.8.平时喜欢吃什么,我来帮您点吧?What would you like? Can I help you?9.洗手间在这里,让我带您去吧? The washroom is over there. let me show you the way.10.今天天有点冷,请您注意保暖!It is a little cold today. Please keep warm!(四)机要室岗位英语口语十句话1.请签上您的名字和日期。Ple

9、ase sign your name and the date.2.请问您要查阅哪一份文件。 Which document do you want to check?3.请问您在哪里,我拿一份紧急文件给您。May I ask where you are? I need to show you an urgent document.4.我已经将文件扫描发送到您的CRP邮箱里了,请查收!I have scanned the documents and sent them to your CRP mailbox. Please check it!5.请您按文件要求,及时上报材料。Please rep

10、ort the materials in time according to the requirements in the document.6.对不起,这是秘密文件不能复印。Im sorry. This is the secret documents and is not allowed to be copied.7.您好,请您来机要室阅读一份机密文件。Hello, please come to the confidential room to check a confidential file.8.对不起,这是机密文件,您不能看。Im sorry, these are confident

11、ial documents, and you cant see.9.好的,我立即处理这些紧急文件。Well, I will deal with these urgent documents immediately.10.这些文件已经处理完,并存档了。These documents have been finished, and already archived.(五)复印室岗位英语口语十句话1.你好,请问有文件要复印吗?Hello, do you have some files to copy?2.这份文件需要复印多少份?How many copies of this document are

12、 wanted to be copied?3.这份文件要印单面还是双面?Do you want the document to be printed in single-sided or double-sided?4.印量较大,请问是否有相关证明?The amount of printing is large. Can you show me some relevant proofs?5.请在登记表上填写一下相关信息。Please fill the relevant informations in the registration form.6.麻烦取出一下文件中的订书针。Please rem

13、ove staples in the files.7.你好,这份是原件,这份是复印件。Hello, this is the original document, and this is a piece of photocopy.8.复印机正在维修,请明天再来!The duplicator is repairing now. Please come tomorrow!9.复印的资料较多,请稍等!There are too many materials to be copied. Please wait for a moment!10.请带好你的资料前来!Please come and take

14、all the files with you!(六)档案室管理人员岗位英语口语十句话1、您好,请问您需要查找什么文件?Hello, Which file do you need to find?2、请问您查找的文件是哪一年的?Which year of the file do you want to find?3、请稍等,我去档案室给您查找。Please wait, I will go to the Archive room to find it for you.4、这是您需要的文件吗?Is this the file you want?5、翻看时请您注意一下保护好文件。Please keep

15、 files well when you looking up.6、您用完后,请尽早归还给我存档。Please return the file to me for archiving as soon as possible after using.7、好的,文件放这里就可以,我会整理存档的。Well, put the file here, I will manage and archive.。你可以去复印室复印这个文件,我带您去。You can copy this document in the copy room.Ill show you the way.9.请您在这里签名登记。Please

16、 sign your name and register here.10.这些做好的文件可以拿上去存档了吗?Can I take these completed file up to archive?(七)文书科科长岗位英语口语十句话1.马老师,请给这个文件排一下版。Ms Ma, please set type for this file.2.这是文件最新稿,请替换存盘。This is the latest draft of this file. Please replace and save it.3.罗主任,这是要做的文件。Ms. Luo, this is the file to be d

17、one.4.您的文件什么时候要?When do you want the file to be compiled?5.麻烦将文件电子稿发给我一份。Please send me a copy of electronic file.6.文件正在等领导签字,我会尽快做出来。We are waiting for the leaders signature, I will finish it as soon as possible.7.这份文件用行字更适合。This document is more suitable to make with the Administrative.8.你好,请问有什么事

18、?Hello. Can I help you?9.盖章在综合科,请随我来。You can get a Stamp in the General Management Department. Please come with me.10.这里只能打印,对面文印室可以复印。It provides printing service only. you can go to the opposite room to make a copy.(八)文书科排版岗位英语口语十句话1.您这份文件是需要上报的吗?Should this document need to be reported?2.这份是以学院文件

19、下发吗?Is this document issued in the name of the College document?3.资料打印好了,我给您送去。The information documents is already printed. Ill send them to you.4.这份文件领导签字了吗?Is the document signed by the leader?5.文件做好后你们需要拿走几份。How many files do you want to take away after they are finished?6.你的文件已经做好了,请您派人过来取。Your

20、 file is ready. Please ask someone to take it.7.我已经把学院下发文件扫描上传到CRP上了。 I have scanned and sent the document issued by our school to the CRP.8.麻烦您在文件处理笺上签字。Please sign your name on the document handling memo.9.文件待领导签发后,就可以下发了。After the leader signs the documents, they can be issued.10.请稍等,我马上给您查找所需文件。

21、Please wait for a moment, Ill find the files you need.(九)文书科文件处理工作人员岗位英语十句话1.请抬头看镜头,保持微笑,非常好!Please raise your head to see the lens, and keep smiling, well done!2.这是您需要的相片,需要我帮你美化一下吗?This is the photo you need.Would you like me to do enhancement for you?3.您需要的图片已经发至您的CRP邮箱!I have sent the picture yo

22、u need to your CRP mailbox!4.您好,您有一份传真到了,请速来取!Hello, theres a fax for you,please come and get it back as quickly as possible!5.您的文件已经审好,请速来取!Your files have been reviewed and signed.Please come and fetch it as quickly as possible!6.我觉得这句话有点歧义,需要再斟酌一下,您有什么看法?I think this sentence is a little ambiguou

23、s, please think about it again, whats your opinion?7.您今天看起来好美,祝天天开心!You look so beautiful today. Wish you happy every day!8.您这个文件该用哪个发文字号呢?Which word size of the outgoing documents should be used in your document?9.我们的发文字号主要有“党字、行字、行呈字、行办字、人字、函字、办字”。Our word sizes of the outgoing documents include:Party words, Administrative words, Administrative offer words, Administrative manage words, Personnel words, Letter words, Manage words.10.这么快就下班了,我带回去弄吧,明天和您联系,再见。It is so fast to finish job today,I need to take it back home to do. I will contact you tomorrow, goodbye!

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