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1、Zjglux新托福词汇分类突破71100生命是永恒不断的创造,因为在它内部蕴含着过剩的精力,它不断流溢,越出时间和空间的界限,它不停地追求,以形形色色的自我表现的形式表现出来。泰戈尔071Ant colonies have elaborate social structures in which the various activities necessary for the feeding, shelter, and reproduction of the colony are divided among specially adapted individuals. Ants belong

2、to an order of insects called the Hymenoptera, a group that also includes bees, wasps, and sawflies. Some species of wasps and bees resemble ants in that they live in colonies and are therefore said to be social, but ants are the only hymenopterans in which every species is social. Ants are distingu

3、ished from other hymenopterans in that they have bent, or elbowed, antennae and an indented abdomen that forms a narrow waist.o elaborate i5lAbErEt adj. 复杂的 o shelter 5FeltE n. 遮蔽处 o adapted E5dAptid adj. 适合的 o h ymenoptera 7haimi5nCptErE n. 膜翅目 o sawfly 5sR:flai n. 叶蜂 o resemble ri5zembl v. 类似 o in

4、 that in TAtconj. 因为 o distinguish dis5tiNwiF v. 区别 o bent bent adj. 弯曲的 o elbowed 5elbEud adj. 像肘一样弯曲的 o antenna An5tenE n. 触须 o indented in5dentid adj. 锯齿状的 o abdomen 5AbdEmEn n. 腹部 o waist weist n. 昆虫腹部的较窄部位072Members of an ant colony typically fall into categories known as castes, each with a di

5、fferent role. The majority of colony members are female worker ants that are unable to mate. Worker ants do not have wings and perform most of the work of the colony, including searching for food, nursing young, and defending the colony against ants from other colonies. Queens are larger than worker

6、 ants and are the only females of the colony capable of mating. Queens are born with wings, which they break off after mating. They mate with winged male ants, later using the sperm from the mating to produce fertilized eggs, which hatch to produce more worker ants and a new generation of queens.o c

7、aste kB:st n. 有社会组织的昆虫的阶级 o mate meit v. 交配,繁殖 o perform pE5fC:m v. 执行 o nurse nE:s v. 看护 o capable of 5keipEbl Evadj. 有能力 o sperm spE:m n. 精子 o fertilized egg 5fE:tElaizd n. 受精卵 o hatch hAtF v. 孵化 073Insects and diseases are a continuing menace to forests. Various insects, such as the gypsy moth, t

8、he tussock moth, and the spruce budworm, devastate extensive areas by defoliation. Other insects serve as carriers for the causative agents of diseases that destroy trees. Parasitic tree diseases may be caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses, and nematodes, or by such parasitic plants as the mistletoe o

9、r dodder. Noninfectious diseases of trees include sunscald; drought injury; root drowning, or suffocation; nutritional excesses or deficiencies; winter injury; and injury from smoke, gases, and fumes.o menace 5menEs n. 威胁 o gypsy moth 5dVipsi mCWn. 舞毒蛾 o tussock moth 5tQsEk mCWn. 毒蛾 o spruce budworm

10、 spru:s 5bQdwE:mn. 云杉蚜虫 o devastate 5devEsteit v. 糟蹋 o defoliation 7di:fEuli5eiFEn n. 落叶 o causative agent 5kC:zEtiv 5eidVEntn. 病原体 o bacteria bAk5tiEriE n. 细菌 o fungi 5fQndVai n. 真菌 o virus 5vaiErEs n. 病毒 o nematode 5nemEtEud n. 线虫 o mistletoe 5misltEu n. 槲寄生,一种欧亚寄生灌木 o dodder 5dCdE n. 菟丝子 o sunsca

11、ld 5sQnskR:ld n. 日灼病 o drought injury draut n. 旱害 o root drowning ru:t 5drauniNn. 根部溺死 o suffocation 7sQfE5keiFEn n. 窒息 o nutritional njU:5triFEnEl adj. 营养的 o deficiency di5fiFEnsi n. 缺乏 o fume fju:m n. 浓烟 074Birds are the only animals with feathers, collectively called plumage, although some other

12、animals, such as insects and bats, also have wings. Nearly all birds can fly, and even flightless birds, such as ostriches and penguins, evolved from flying ancestors. Many characteristics and behaviors of birds are distinct from all other animals, but there are some similarities. Like mammals, bird

13、s have four-chambered hearts and are warm-blooded having a relatively constant body temperature that enables them to live in a wide variety of environments. Like reptiles, birds develop from embryos in eggs outside of the mothers body.o plumage 5plu:midV n. (鸟的)全身羽毛 o ostrich 5astritF n. 鸵鸟 o pengui

14、n 5peNwin n. 企鹅 o ancestor 5AnsistE n. 祖先 o distinct dis5tiNkt adj. 截然不同的 o similarity 7simE5lArEti n. 相似之处 o chamber 5tFeimbE n. 腔 o warm-blooded wC:m5blQdid adj. 恒温的(动物) o constant 5kCnstEnt adj. 恒定不变的 o reptile 5reptail n. 爬行动物 o embryo 5embriEu n. 胚胎 075The main component of feathers is keratin,

15、 a flexible protein that also forms the hair and fingernails of mammals. Feathers provide the strong yet lightweight surface area needed for powered, aerodynamic flight. They also serve as insulation, trapping pockets of air to help birds conserve their body heat. The varied patterns, colors, textur

16、es, and shapes of feathers help birds to signal their age, sex, social status, and species identity to one another. Some birds have plumage that blends in with their surroundings to provide camouflage, helping these birds escape notice by their predators. Birds use their beaks to preen their feather

17、s, often making use of oil from a gland at the base of their tails. Preening removes dirt and parasites and keeps feathers waterproof and supple. Because feathers are nonliving structures that cannot repair themselves when worn or broken, they must be renewed periodically. Most adult birds molt lose

18、 and replace their feathers at least once a year.o keratin 5kerEtin n. 角质 o flexible 5fleksEbl adj. 柔韧的 o mammal 5mAmEl n. 哺乳动物 o aerodynamic 7eErEudai5nAmik adj. 空气动力学的 o insulation 7insju5leiFEn n. 绝缘,绝热 o trap trAp v. 捕捉 o conserve kEn5sE:v v. 保存 o texture 5tekstFE n. 质地 o social status 5sEuFEl 5

19、steitEs n. 社会地位 o blend in blend inv. 与(环境等)协调 o camouflage 5kAmEflB:V n. 伪装 o predator 5predEtE n. 捕食者 o beak bi:k n. 喙 o preen pri:n v. (鸟)用嘴整理 o gland lAnd n. 腺 o tail teil n. 尾 o parasite 5pArEsait n. 寄生生物 o waterproof 5wC:tEpru:f adj. 防水的 o supple 5sQpl adj. 柔软的 o worn wC:n adj. 用旧了的,磨破了的 o per

20、iodically 7piEri5CdikEli adj. 周期的,定期的 o molt mEult v. 换毛 076Bird wings are highly modified forelimbs with a skeletal structure resembling that of arms. The shape of a birds wings influences its style of flight, which may consist of gliding, soaring, or flapping. Flight muscles are located in the che

21、st and are attached to the wings by large tendons. The breastbone, a large bone shaped like the keel of a boat, supports the flight muscles.o forelimb 5fC:lim n. 前肢 o resemble ri5zembl v. 类似 o glide laid v. 滑行 o soar sC: v. 翱翔 o flap flAp v. 振翅飞行 o chest tFest n. 胸部 o tendon 5tendEn n. 腱 o breastbon

22、e 5brestbEun n. 胸骨 o keel ki:l n. 龙骨:船的主要结构部件077Nearly all birds have a tail, the paired flight feathers of which, called rectrices, extend from the margins of a birds tail. Tails may be square, rounded, pointed, or forked, depending on the lengths of the rectrices and the way they terminate. o tail

23、 teil n. 尾 o rectrix 5rektriks n. (plural: rectirces 5rektrEksiz)舵羽:鸟尾巴上主要几支硬羽毛的一支,用于掌握飞行方向 o square skweE adj. 正方形的 o forked 5fC:kt adj. 叉状的 o terminate 5tE:mineit v. 中止,结束 078Birds have two legs; the lower part of each leg is called the tarsus. Most birds have four toes on each foot, and in many b

24、irds, including all songbirds, the first toe, called a hallux, points backwards. Bird toes are adapted in various species for grasping perches, climbing, swimming, capturing prey, and carrying and manipulating food.o tarsus 5tB:sEs n. 跗骨 o toe tEu n. 趾 o songbird 5sRNbE:dn. 鸣禽 o hallux 5hAlEks n. (鸟

25、)后趾, (人)大拇趾 o adapted E5dAptid adj. 适合的 o perch pE:tF n. 栖木:供鸟栖息的枝条 o manipulate mE5nipjuleit v. 处理 079Instead of heavy jaws with teeth, modern birds have toothless, lightweight jaws, called beaks or bills. The eyes of birds are protected by three eyelids: an upper lid resembling that of humans, a l

26、ower lid that closes when a bird sleeps, and a third lid, called a nictitating membrane, that sweeps across the eye sideways, starting from the side near the beak. This lid is a thin, translucent fold of skin that moistens and cleans the eye and protects it from wind and bright light. o jaw dVC: n.

27、颚 o beak bi:k n. 喙 o bill bil n. 啄 o eyelid 5ailid n. 眼睑 o nictitating membrane 5niktiteitiN 5membrein n. 瞬膜:鸟类、爬行动物和一些哺乳动物的内生透明眼睑,闭上可保护和滋润眼睛 o translucent trAnz5lu:snt adj. 半透明的 o moisten 5mCisn v. 使潮湿 080For breeding, most birds build nests, which help them to incubate, or warm, the developing egg

28、s. Nests sometimes offer camouflage from predators and physical protection from the elements. Nests may be elaborate constructions or a mere scrape on the ground.o breed bri:d v. 繁殖;育种 o nest nest n. 巢 o incubate 5inkjubeit v. 孵化 o camouflage 5kAmEflB:V n. 伪装 o element 5elEmEnt n. 环境 o elaborate i5l

29、AbErEt adj. 精心制作的 o scrape skreip n. 浅坑081Among the best-known birds are the birds of prey. Some, including hawks, eagles, and falcons, are active during the daytime. Others, notably owls, are nocturnal, or active at night. Birds of prey have hooked beaks, strong talons or claws on their feet, and k

30、een eyesight and hearing. Scavengers that feed on dead animals are also considered birds of prey.o bird of prey bE:d Ev prein. 猛禽,食肉鸟 o hawk hC:k n. 鹰 o falcon 5fAlkEn n. 隼 o owl aul n. 猫头鹰 o nocturnal nCk5tE:nl adj. 夜间的 o beak bi:k n. 喙 o talon 5tAlEn n. 爪 o scavenger 5skAvindVE n. 食腐动物 082Migratin

31、g birds use a variety of cues to find their way. These include the positions of the sun during the day and the stars at night; the earths magnetic field; and visual, olfactory, and auditory landmarks.o migrate 5maireit v. 迁徙 o cue kju: n. 提示 o magnetic field mA5netik fi:ldn. 磁场 o olfactory Cl5fAktEri adj. 嗅觉的 o auditory 5C:dEtEri adj. 听觉的 083Except in combinations such as waterfowl and wildfowl, in mode

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