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1、生活大爆炸第12季第5集字幕对白纯英文看电影学英语打印word版Recently, 12 new moons were discovered orbiting Jupiter,bringing the total up to 79.As a middle child myself, Id like to extendmy sympathies to moons two through 78.Your grandpa will never learn your name.Id like to thank you for joining me on this journeythrough the

2、stars.If you enjoyed this lecture,please come back Thursday for the exact same one.Do I look like I just woke up?- No. - Great. Im gonna go say hey to Raj.What were you guys giggling about?They were passing notes to each other.Oh-ho, love notes?If you love math.And we do.Its for our super-asymmetry

3、theory.Yeah, Amy and I have been having so much funcollaborating together.Well, you know what they say, you never collaborateas much as your first year of marriage.- Hey, great show. - Thanks.Oh, Howard, uh, this is Andrea.- Shes the director of the planetarium. - Hi.Nice to meet you. Im Howard Wolo

4、witz.Engineer, husband, father.astronaut.Really? Youre an astronaut?Well, I dont like to brag.Hmm, yeah, but somehow, you manage.Raj, you should have Howard join you for one of your shows.Oh, that might be fun.But- it might be, but with two small children at homeand a full-time job, Im sure youre to

5、o busy.No, I could find the time.- Well, you dont have to decide right now. - Its okay, I.He cant do it.Hey, hurry up, guys.The gift shops closing, and Amy saidI can get one big thing or two little things.So Im gonna place the sensory isolation helmet on youfor about five minutes.All you need to do

6、is sit still and relax.What do I do if I start to get claustrophobic?Oh, the helmet will sense that and stop the experiment.- Really? - No, but that would be cool, wouldnt it?Amy, are you busy?Ive got a subject wired up for a sensory study.So.Yes, Im busy.Im tracking a subjects brain activityin real

7、 time as we introduce olfactory stimuli.Im smelling baby powder.Thats just my husband.Well, I had a thought about our super-asymmetry theory.Let me show you this one thing.Well, I-I want to see it,but not when Im in the middle of an experiment.Still baby powder!Boy, he is annoying. Do any of those b

8、uttons shock him?Look, Im really excited about our paper, too,but Ive got a lot of my own workto catch up on, so lets talk later.Okay, Ill just say one more thing: lambda calculus.And if that wets your whistle, you know where to find me.You okay? You seem distracted.Im-Im just thinking about Raj.Im

9、thinking about Chris Hemsworth. Lets go.He sort of hurt my feelings.Biceps, hammer, abs. Still in it.Why wouldnt he want me to be in his planetarium show?And its gone.Sorry, its just the director of the planetarium thoughtitd be fun for me to join Raj for one of his shows,and he made it clear that h

10、e didnt want me to.Of course he wouldnt want you to.I mean, think about it. If you were him,would you want to share the stage with a sexy-ass astronaut?I dont know. How sexy are we talking?Oh, you know, tight pants, huge biceps, magic hammer.Wait, w-who are we talk. Shh, Im back in it.The fundamenta

11、l problemwith elementary quantum mechanical formalismis that the Fourier transformextends to minus infinity in time.Hey, dont dumb this down for me.Penny, Im.Late for that thing. See you.Leonard!Oh, Sheldon.Didnt see you there. Whats up?Well, uh, he was excited to talk science with Amy,but she was w

12、orking late,so he decided to come over and share it with me.With me, Leonard.With me.Sheldon, weve talked about this.You cant go around boring other peoples wives.Yeah.I already got a man for that.- Yeah, you do. - Yeah.Its just, Ive just been enjoying my collaboration with Amy,but ever since we got

13、 back from our honeymoon,she has so little time.Well, she does have her own job.Yeah, but its so dull.Trying to understand how the braintranslates the five senses into biochemical information.Id rather wait in line without my phone.Okay, well, Leonards here now. You can talk science with him.Where y

14、ou going?Oh, that thing you were late for.One of us should really be there.Hey. Got a sec?Sure. Whats up?I just want to let you know I getwhy you dont want me to be a part of the planetarium show.Oh, great. Thanks for stopping by.You dont want to talk about the starsnext to an actual astronaut.That

15、would be like doing karaoke with a rock star.First of all, Ive totally done karaoke with a rock star.Or are you forgetting when the Spin Doctorshanded me the mic at the Orange County Fair?Listen, I understand you being intimidated,but I cant help that Im proud of being an astronaut.Its a big deal.Oh

16、, it certainly is, but I also happen to bevery accomplished in my field.Great. So you have no reasonto be scared of sharing the spotlight.Please. I may be scared of heights and spidersand showing up at a costume partythat turns out to be a regular party,but I am not scared of sharing the spotlight w

17、ith you!Whats happening?I just stormed out for dramatic effect.I. Actually, I-I dont have anywhere to go.President Siebert, how much do you know about physics?Im a physicist.Huh. I would not have guessed that.I have a doctorate from Indiana University.Oh, that makes more sense.Well, dont worry, Ill

18、go slow.Thank you.Dr. Fowler and I have been working ona theory of super-asymmetrythat could reconcile the lack of observation of supersymmetryin a world still governed by string theory.Interesting. So youre taking the paradigms of supersymmetry,but removing the limitations of obeying the Poincare a

19、lgebra.but removing the limitations of obeying the Poincare algebra.Well, arent you just the pride of Bloomington?What do you want, Sheldon?Dr. Fowler has found herself distractedby the commitments in her own lab.It would be a great help to both of usif you could free her up from her other projects.

20、- Im confused. - Yeah, well, theres that Indiana.This is physics research. Dr. Fowlers a neuroscientist.Y-Yes,but her insights into the very wayswe conceptualize symmetry and asymmetry have been invaluable.Dr. Cooper.L-Look, I know what youre thinking, that Theyre newlyweds,how are they gonna keep t

21、heir hands off of each other?Let me assure you, we will not engage in workplace coitus.Okay, if I wont put a bagel on my desk,Im certainly not putting Amys bare bottom.I-I must say, I do not enjoy our talks.Dr. Park, may I help you?Actually, yes, do you have any better notes on this project?Im havin

22、g a hard time reading your handwriting.Oh, uh, allow me to rephrase that.What the hell are you doing in my lab?Im sorry, I was reassigned to this project.I was told you were taking a temporary sabbaticalto focus on other work.N-No, that-thats crazy.This is my research.- Oh, Amy, there you are. - No,

23、 not.Not now, Sheldon, Im dealing with an epic screwup,and when I find out whos responsible,theyre gonna get an earful.All right, well, when youre done, let me know,Ive got some exciting news.Im sorry, Im confused. President Siebert saidyou were focusing on some important physics workand I should ta

24、ke over your lab in the interim.Uh, hey, that was my exciting news.All right, Im gonna tell you again.Pretend you havent heard it.You got me removed from my own project?Yeah, and it wasnt easy.Apparently, youre very difficult to replace.Hey, just between you and me,they consider Dr. Park quite the s

25、tep down.I was trying to pick my moment to leave. This seems like it.Wow. Bankers hours.No wonder youre not on the tenure track.Sheldon, you had no right.What- I thought you said you were spread too thin.You said that you wished you had more time to focus on our research.- I thought I was helping. -

26、 Well, youre not.I mean, I have years invested in this work,and now someones gonna come in and take it over?I mean, how would you feel if I let Leonard take overyour super-asymmetry project?Thats funny.Oh, hed be like a puppy with a microscope.If I had a nickel for every time a charity sent me a nic

27、kel.那我早就暴富了是一个英语笑话老哏Really? Thats gonna be our whole life, huh?If my fathers any guide, around 50,I start to lose my hearing and get two new jokes.I brought Chinese.Oh, thats a nice surprise. Whats the occasion?Please, I dont need a reason to bring food to my friends.But you have one, dont you?Yeah,

28、 I need your help.All right, lay it on us.So, I folded,and I told Howard he could be a part of my planetarium show.And now Im worried hes just gonnamake the whole thing about himself.So just tell him you changed your mindand you dont want him to do it.No, no, then hes gonna think Im too insecureto s

29、hare the spotlight with him.And hed be right.I came here for your support.Well, then, you just walked upthree flights of stairs for nothing.Wait, dont you mean four flights?No, its actually three.But were on the fourth floor.I mean, you have the lobby, first floor,second, third, fourth.The lobbys th

30、e first floor,so lobby, second, third, fourth.That does not seem right.Hello.Sorry, Raj, who cares if Howard tries to steal the show?All right? Youre great at what you do.Just be the bigger man.And if it makes you feel better, Penny and I will comeso youll have a couple of friendly faces in the audi

31、ence.Thank you. That would be nice.Can you just. Sorry, give me a minute?Hey, Raj, if I had a nickel for every timea charity sent me a nickel.Thats hilarious!I know.Its three, right?Just shut up.Oh, good, we caught you.Yes, good.You had no right to reassign my project.Yeah, no right at all.Dr. Fowler, I dont understand.D

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