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Unit1Friendship 学案 2.docx

1、Unit1 Friendship 学案 2Unit1 Friendship Warming Up 导学案单词练习 1.词汇识记根据给出的英文释义写出相应的单词:_not inside a building_feeling disturbed_to beworried about_free, not tied up_to experience something_to take no notice of_staying close to and looking at somebody_to become quiet after nervous activity_piece of material

2、 hung to cover a window_number of thing that happen one afternoon2.选择下列合适的词组填空:calm down suffer from have got to face to facebe concerned about/for join in no longer be/get tied ofgo through fall in love set down get along withon purpose In order to1. The heavy rain made his business _ a great loss.

3、2.When I came _ with the teenager hidden in the cave, I was surprised to find him entirely covered with dust. 3. The engine of the ship was out of order and the bad weather _ the helplessness of the crew at sea.4. The village is _what it looked like when they settled their homes there 20 years ago.5

4、. I am tired _ the partner I have been working with; he is too hard a person_.6. They became good friends during the war, and since then their lifelong friendship has_ tests of life and death7. _see better in the dark cave, they made a fire given light重点单词用法及拓展:(查出每个单词,短语的词性,词义,)1.“good”的用法Be good a

5、t: 造句:Be good to: 造句:Be good for: 造句:Be good with: 造句:2.add up 与add up to 与add to与的区别add up(vt): add up to: add to: (=increase) 应用:用 add 及其构成的短语的适当形式填空_3, 4 and 5, and youll get 12. Abraham Lincolns school education_ no more than one year. The bad weather_ our difficulty. Will you ple

6、ase_ a few notes_ the article.not .until 的用法:基本结构:主句(助动词 not+动词形式) +until +从句强调句:It is/was not until+从句 + that +主句倒装:Not until +从句,+主句倒装用not until三种结构翻译下面句子:直到他摘掉眼镜,我才认出他是彼得_upset 噪音使我们厌烦。_be upset upset about. be upset that.他的不辞而别使我们感到不安。_5.ignore我的忠告被忽视了_我向他打招呼,他根本不理我。_拓展:ignorance n. 无知,不学无

7、术 be in ignorance of out of ignorance ignorant adj. 无知的,无教养的,不知道的 be ignorant of 用ignore的适当形式填空:1. It is a pity that their _leads to their tragic life. 2. He _the doctors advice, so he is in _of his serious illness now; that is to say, he is _that he is in danger now. 6. calm 即使面临危险,你也应当保持冷静。_他太兴奋了,

8、我们必须尽力使他镇定。_calm (sb.) down keep / stay calm 我对自己说要镇定。_我们让老太太平静下来。_辨析:calm,quiet,still与silentcalm平静的,镇定的,沉着的。指无风浪或人的心境的镇定自若。quiet 指周围环境很静,没有声音,人不吵闹的或心境不烦躁的。still 静止的,不动的。指人体等不运动的。silent 沉默的,缄口的,寂静的。指不讲话或没有声音的。Stay _when I take photos of you.She kept _about the matter although she had been asked many

9、 times.He was _when I told him the bad news.The teacher asked the children to keep_before class.7. concern搭配:be concerned about/for As far as I am concerned=in my opinion Be concerned in/with /about sth. have no concern for 这个报告关系到我们所有的人。_ 在我看来,这个主意简直疯狂。_ 她为我吃那么少而担忧。_8.cheat. vt.A._,常用句型是 cheat sb(o

10、ut) of sth。_,其常用句型为 cheat sb into (doing) sthc.表示“舞弊”、“欺骗”,通常不及物,注意其后所接介词。如:He often cheats at cards. He cheated in on the examination. Unit1 Friendship Warming Up 练案1I think fireworks_ the beauty of the festival night.Aadded up Badding up Cadded up to Dadded to2Anything that_ Mr. Green interests me

11、.Aconcerns Bmatters Cbelongs Drelates3Laws that punish parents for their little childrens actions against the laws get parents_. Aworried Bto worry Cworrying Dworry4. Thats all I have to say. Is there anything youd like to , John?A. talk B. require C. add D. deliver5. That is the very coin I need to

12、 my collection.A. add up B. add in C. add on D. add to 6. So you didnt say hello to him last night?Well, I stopped and smiled when I saw him, but he me and walked on. A. ignored B. refused C. denied D. missed7. The meeting was concerned reforms and everyone present was concerned their own interests.

13、 A. with; for B. for; which C. for; about D. about; with8. 用concern的适当形式填空(原创)There is an article that the rise of the prices. The children are rather about their mothers health. Officials should themselves public affairs. Unit1 reading Annes Best Friend (泛读学案)课前单词演练一、 词义搭配1. upset A. take no notice

14、 of (sb./ sth.)2. calm B. unhappy and worried3. outdoors C. not excited or nervous4. ignore D. a person who takes part in an activity with another or others5. partner E. in the open air二、常用短语1. add _ 合计 2. calm()_ (使)平静下来,(使)镇定下来3. be concerned _ 关心;挂念 4. go _ 经历;经受5. set _ 记下;放下;登记 6. a_ of 一些列;一连串

15、的;一套7. _ purpose 故意 8. in order _ 为了;以便9. _ dusk 在黄昏时刻 10. face _ face 面对面地一、 Skimming( note only the important points) 快速阅读回答下列问题1、 Who is Annes best friend?2、 When did the thing happen?3、 What kind of view did Anne enjoy at that night?二、 scanning (indentify relevant information) 再次浏览文章,选出正确答案1、 An

16、ne Frank and her family hid away for _A. over a year B. over tow years C. three years D. one year and a half2、According to Anne, a true friend is a person _A. that would laugh at you B. who makes you happy C. whom you can trust D. who could save your life3. Anne said that she had grown crazy about n

17、ature because _A. her interest in nature had grown B. she had always been so lonely C. she had been outdoors too long D. she had been indoors too long4. She didnt dare open the window when the moon was bright. That is because _ A. they might be discovered B. her family might be disturbed C. it was v

18、ery cold D. a thief might get into the room三、careful reading: 逐段逐句阅读文章,完成下列任务 第一段:1、 翻译第一段2、 尽可能找出第一段中有用的短语、句型,并翻译(4-5个)3、 分析第一段中三句话的句子成分。( 有几处从句?哪一处是宾补?)第二段:1、 翻译第二段2、 尽可能找出第二段中有用的短语、句型,并翻译(3-4个)3、 划出这一段中运用被动语态的谓语动词4、 分析本段中安妮所说的那句话的句子成分:“I dont want to set downI shall call my friend Kitty.”5、 本段最后一

19、句话中how引导什么从句?安妮日记 第一段1、 翻译这一段2、 找出这一段中有用的短语、句型(2-3个)3、 分析第一、二句话的句子成分“I wonder if its because to deal with nature。”“I can well remember that kept me spellbound.”4、since引导的是什么从句?安妮日记 第二段1、 翻译这一段2、 在这一段中找到下列短语及句型,并写出意思On purpose in order to happen to do at dusk face to faceIt was the first time that3、

20、找出本段中的五个从句,并说明是什么从句安妮日记 第三段1、 翻译这一段2、 分析这一段的句子成分四、read the text again and answer the following questions.1、do the true of false questions. ( )a. Her family was Jewish so they had to hide or they would be caught by the German Nazis. ( )b. She was discovered but her family not. ( )c. Most people set d

21、own a series of facts in a diary in the eyes of Anne. ( )d. Anne grew so crazy about everything to do with nature because she had been able to be outdoors for so long. ( )f. One night Anne didnt dare open a window because the moon gave far too much light. ( )e. In Annes opinion, experiencing nature

22、is a great pleasure. ( )2、fill in the black of the summary During World War , Anne and her family had to _ from being discovered by the German Nazis because they were Jewish. It was because she was not _ so long that she felt _ nature. Even one evening she stayed awake _ 11:30 in order to look at th

23、e moon _ for herself. She was so lonely that she wanted a _ friend who she can tell things like deepest _ and thoughts. In that situation, she made her _ her best friend which she called Kitty. But she said she didnt what to _ a series of facts _ most people did.五、finish the questions on P3.Unit1 Fr

24、iendship Reading 精读学案课前自主预习词汇过关_adj. 德国的_ n, 德国 _ n. 德国人 _ 复数形式_n. 连续系列_ 复数形式_ adv. 在户外 在野外_ 反义词_ n. 能力, 力量,权利_adj. 整个的;完全的;全部的_ adv. 短语自查1.经历;经受_2. Hide away _3. 记下;放下;登记_4.一连串的;一系列;一套_5. Grow crazy about _6. Stay awake _7. 故意地_8. 为了_9. Too much _10. Happen to _11. 在黄昏时刻_12. 面对面地 _知识点讲解1.go through

25、: 经历;经受例:How does she keep smiling after all shes gone through? Some of the students had gone through hardships before they entered the university.拓展:go through 1)仔细检查;浏览 翻译:我昨天晚上仔细批阅了学生的试卷。2)用完;用光某物 翻译:他因病已花光了他所有的积蓄。3)通过;批准 翻译:他们的计划得到了批准。联想拓展:goafter追求;追赶 goahead前进;请说吧 goby走过;(时间)过去 goinfor爱好;从事goa

26、longwith向前;(与)一起去 goout外出;(灯,火)熄灭 goover越过;复习 gothroughwith做完;完成 goup爬上;(价格等)上升2.set down 记下;登记拓展:write/take down:记下与set相关的短语set about(doing)sth.:着手做某事 set off:动身;出发;引爆 set up:竖起;开设 set forward:提出;促进set out:出发;着手做 set.aside:搁置;把.放在一边运用set构成的短语的适当形式填空Youd better _your idea before you forgetShe _solving the problemsShe _ to do her homework after supper.He _ for New York tomorrow morning.I hope Ill _ my own business some 用法so+adj./adv.+that.such+n.+that.(名词前可有adj.或冠词修饰)

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