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1、完整版新人教版英语七年级上册教材版Unit 1 My n ame Gi na.Lan guage Goals: In troduce yourself ; Greet people ; Ask for and give teleph one nu mber语言目标:介绍自己;问候他人;询问和告知电话号码1aWrite En glish words for the thi ngs in the picture.写出图中物品的英文名称。map1b Liste n and nu mber the A: What your name?B: Ala n.A: Hello, Ala n. I m Ms B

2、row n.conversations 1-3 A: Good morning!B: Im Cindy.B: Hello, Cindy. I m Dale.听录音,为对话编号。 A: Hi. My name Gina.B: Im Jenny. Nice to meet you!A: Nice to meet you, too.A: Nice to meet you!1c Practice the conversations above with your partner. Then greet your classmates.练习上面的对话,然后问候你的同学。2a Liste n to the

3、 conv ersati ons and nu mber the pictures 1 4.听对话,为图片编号2b Liste n aga in. Circle the n ames you hear.再听一遍录音,圈出你听到的名字。Eric Tom Alice Bob Mike Jack Mary Ms. Miller 2c Practice the con versati ons in pairs.两人一组练习下面的对话What your n ame?Alan. /Im Alan./My name Alan.What his n ame?Hes Eric./ His n ames Eric

4、.What her n ame?Shes Mary. / Her name Mary.Is he Jack?Yes, he is. / No, he isn . His n ame MilAre you Hele n?Yes, I am. / No, I m no t. Im Gina.3a Put the words in order to make conv ersati ons. The n practice them.调整词序,组成对话并练习。1.your name What 2. name his Whats 3. Mike you Are3b Complete the conv e

5、rsati on and practice it with your part ner.补全对话,并与同伴练习。A: Hi, your n ame?B: My Gi na. you Bill?A: m not. Bob.B: Hi, . to meet you.A: Nice to you, too.3C Practice in troduc ing yourself and others in a group. How many n ames canyou remember? 分小组练习介绍自己和他人。你能记住多少个名字?My nameDoleHis nameDale.Her names L

6、indo His names Frank. My names GraceSecVoCB1a Liste n and repeat. 听录音并跟读。0zero2two4four6six8eight1one3three5five7seve n9nine听对话,写出电1b Liste n to the conv ersati on and write the teleph one nu mber.话号码 1c Ask for and give your phone nu mbers.1d Liste n and match the n ames with the teleph one nu mber

7、s. 听录音,将名字和电话号码配对。1e Liste n aga in. Complete the phone nu mbers in 1d. 再听一遍,补全上面的电话号码。1f Write your phone number on a piece of paper and put it in a bag. Then take out a piece of paper and find the owner. 将你的电话号码写在纸条上放入袋中,然后任意取出一张纸条,找出号码的主人。2a Read the list of names. Write F for first name and L fo

8、r last name阅读下面的姓名,在名字后写 F,在姓氏后写I.Ala n6.Jack F2.Gree n L7.Smith3.Miller8.Brow n4.Mi ngmi ng9.Zha ng5.Gi nalO.Mary2b Read the message and match them with the pictures. Circle the frst n ames and underline the last names. 阅读以下信息,并与图片配对。然后在名字上画圈,在姓氏下画线。1.My name is Jenny Gree n. My pho ne number is 28

9、1-9176.My frie nd is Gi na Smith. Her pho ne number is 232-4672.2.Im Dale Miller and my frie nd is Eric Brow n. His teleph one number is 357-5689.My telepho ne number is 358-6344.3.My name is Mary Brown. My friend is in China. Her name is Zhang Mingming. My pho ne number is257-8900 and her number is

10、 929-3155.2c Match the n ames with the teleph one nu mbers. The n find three pairs offriends in the name list.将姓名与电话号码配对,然后找出文中的三对朋友3a Use the in formatio n on the ID card to complete the senten ces.用学生卡上的信息完成句子。Her first n ame is3b Fill in your own ID card and write about yourself.填写你的学生卡并写几句话介绍自己t

11、irsl Name:My first nameIasi Ndine:Ptiiine uinbrr;1. Write out the nu mbers.写出止确的号码。120 one two zero1008611412315119179512.Match the senten ces to make conv ersati ons.Unit 2 This is my sister.a阿ALan guage Goals: In troduce people; Ide ntify people语言目标:介绍他人;确认人物1a the people in the picture.将单词与图中人物匹配

12、。1.mother c 2.father 3.parents 4.brothers 5.grandmother 6.grandfather 7.frie nd 8.grandparents 9.sister 1b Liste n and circle the words you hear in 1a.听录音,在1a图中圈出所听到的单词1c Role play the conv ersati on in 1a. Then talk about the other people in the picture.分角色表演1a中的对话,然后谈论图片中的其他人物。A: Thats my family.

13、Those are my pare nts.B: Whos she?A: Shes my sister. Oh, and these are my brother.2a Liste n and circle the words you hear. 听录音,圈出所听至 U的单词。2b Liste n aga in. Match the n ames with people in the picture.再听一遍录音,将名字与图中人物配对。2c Ask and an swer questi ons about the photo in 2b.根据2b照片中人物进行问答分角色表演对话。2d Role

14、-play the con versati on.Sally: Good morning, Jane.Jane: Good morning, Sally.Sally: Oh, Jane, this is my sister Kate.Kate, This is my friend Jane.Kate: Nice to meet you, Jane.Jane: Nice to meet you, too. Are those your pare nts?Kate: Yes, they are.Jane: And who he?Sally: Hes my brother, Paul.Jane: O

15、h, I see. Well, have a good day!Sally/Kate: Tha nks! You, too.This is my frie nd Jane.Thats my gran dfather.These are my brothers.Those are my pare nts.Who she?Shes my sister.Who he?Hes my brother.Who re they?Theyre my gran dpare nts.that = that is who re = who are who = who is they re = they are3a

16、Complete the con versati on and practice it with your part ner.补全对话并与同伴练习。A: That my family. Thas my mother.B: he?A: my father.B: Whos ?A: Shes sister.B: And who they?A: my gran dpare nts.3b Look at the picture. Make senten ces with thewords in the three boxes.看图,从方框中选词造句thismyfather motherthatyourp

17、are nts gran dfatherthesebrother sisterthose3c Bring some family photo to class. Take turns to ask and an swer questi onsabout the photos.带几张家庭照片,课上与同伴轮流谈论照片中的人物1a Add the words in the box to the family tree.用方框中的单词补全家庭关系图sister son cousin grandpa mom auntgrandpa grandma cousin dad mom uncle aunt V

18、brother sister friends 1c Liste n aga in. Which picture are Jia ng Tao and Tom talk ing about?再听一遍录音,找出姜涛和汤姆谈论的照片1d Draw a picture of your family andfrie nds. Tell your part ner about your伴介绍他们。picture.画出你的家人和朋友,并向同2a Find the male and female first names in this unit and write them.找出本单元出现的男、女人名,并分别

19、写下来。2b Read about Jenny family and circle the names.阅读珍妮一家的简介,圈出文中人名My FamilyHi, Im Jenny, Here are two nice photos cfmy family. My gran dfather andgran dmother are in the first photo. These are my pare nts, Ala n and Mary. I n the nextpicture are my brothers, Bob and Eic.These two girls are my sist

20、er Cindy and cous in Hele n.2c Read the passage aga in and complete the senten ces. 再听一遍短文,并完成句子。1.My n ame is .2.Ala n and Mary are my .3.Bob and Eric are my .4.Ci ndy is my .5.Hele n is my .6. .is the n ame of my dog.3a Complete the passage with the words in the box. The n draw a picture ofPauls f

21、amily.选词补全短文,然后画一张保罗的全家福。brother pare nts Ci ndy familyHi. My name is Paul. This is aphoto of my .These aremy and these are my Joh n and Bob. This is my siste3b Bring a family photo to class and write about it. Then tell a classmate aboutyour family.带一张家庭照片,课上根据照片写一段介绍,然后给同学讲讲。Hi. Im a re is a photo

22、 of my family. These are 1 Group the words for family members you have lear ned.将所学的家庭成员名称分类。2 Complete the con versati on. 完成对话。Bill: Heres a photo of my family.Dale: Is your father?Bill: No, he isn my uncle.Dale: is this girl?Bill: my cous in.Dale: Are your pare nts?Bill: Yes, are. And these my gr

23、an dpare nts.Unit 3 Is this your pen cil?ALan guage Goals:Iden tify own ership语言目标:确认物主关系1aMatch the words with the things in the picture.将单词与图中的物品配对1.pen cil C2.pen 4.eraser 5.ruler 6.pen cil box 7.schoolbag 8.dictio nary 1b Liste n and nu mber the conv ersatio n 1-3. A: Is this your pen cil

24、? A: Is that your schoolbag? A: Are these your books?B: Yes, it is. It mine. B: No, it is n It his. B: No, they aren They re hers.1c Practice the conversation above with your partner. Then make your owncon versatio ns.练习上面的对话,然后与同伴编新对话2a Listen and check( V) the things you hear.eraser2b Liste n aga

25、in. Complete the conv ersati on with the words in the box.再听一遍录音,选词补全对话。pencil ruler pen cil box booksTom: Excuse me, Grade. Is this your pencil?Grace: Yes, thank you. And those areTom: And Jan e, is this your Jane: No, it isn . It shers.Tom: OK, and these are my . This is your , Jane.2cThe nmakethe

26、things in your classroom. 练习 2b 中的对话,然后用胶水里的物品变心对话。2d Role-play the con versati on.分角色表演对话。Teacher: Hi, Anna. Are these your pencils?Anna: No, they re Bob .Teacher: And is this his green pen?Anna: No, it isn The blue pen is his.Teacher: What about this dict ion ary?Anna: It Helen And the green pen i

27、s hers, too.Teacher: And the eraser? Is that yours?Anna: Yes, it is.Teacher: Thank you for your help, Anna.Anna: You re welcome.Is this your pen cil?Yes, it is. Its mine./ No, it isn . It hers.Is this his gree n pen?Yes, it is./No, it isn The blue pen is his.Is that your schoolbag?Yes, it is./No, it

28、 isn . It his.Are these your books?Yes, they are./No, they aren Theyre hers.Are those her keys?Yes, they are./ No, they aren They re mine.It = it is isn = is not arent = are not3a Complete the questio ns and an swer about each picture.根据图片补全问句和答语。Is your book?Yes, it is.No, itAre my pen cils?Yes, ar

29、e.No, they aren 产一 _,匚*占 ” rr “JJIs his ruler?Yes, it .No, it isn Are her pens?Yes, they are.No, they .3b Read the questi ons and an swers about each picture. 阅读问句并补全答语。2. Is that Erics schoolbag?No, . ally3. Are these his pen cils?Yes, . They4. Are those Anna books?No, . mine.1. Is this her ruler?Yes, It 物品并找到物品的主人。你只可以猜两次。1a Match the words with the thi ngs in the picture.将下列单词与图中的物品配对1. baseball e4. ID card7. ring2. watch5. key8. pen3. computer game6. no tebook9. bagA: What this?B: It a watch.A: How do you spell itB: W-A-T-C-H.1b Ask and answer question

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