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1、翻译精华二Exercise 121 He walks as softly1 as if he had a pair of 2 fur boots.2 I made a countenance3 as if I would eat them alive4.-Gullivers Travels.3 He turns away from me as though he did not know me.4 The yonder5 mountain appears as if it were covered with snow.5 He speaks as if he had known this ma

2、tter.Notes1. 轻,无声2.万一3.状态4.生,活的5.远处的,彼处的13You might as well advise me to give up my fortune as my argument.-Vicar of wakefield译文:君若可勤于抛弃余之-,之可勤余舍弃余之财产也。公式一:Might+ as well +verb objective(or infinitive) 用以表示两种假设之事,译为【若使甲事可以则乙事亦可以】,含有【甲事既不能乙事亦不可能】译为汉文,当用【若可以,犹可以;或设可,犹可】。例一:You might as well try to liv

3、e without eating as to improve without studying君之不读书而求进步犹之不食而求生也例二:You might as will make the mountain torrent stand still on the brow of a precipice as prevent him from participating the war君若可阻彼不加入战事,犹之可使山中激流停止于峭壁之额也公式二:May+ as+ well+ verb+ object or infinitive用于表示两种事物之可能者,含【甲事既能乙事亦能】之意;译为汉文,当用【之可

4、犹之可】。例如You may as well call a cat a little tiger as well call a tiger a big cat 君之可呼猫为小虎,犹之可呼虎为大猫注意一:本句与第六句不同。第六句as will用adverb表示【亦有】,故与too,also等字同功用;本句则以甲事解明乙事,用might as will表示二事皆不能,may as well表示二事皆可能。注意二:本句公式无论是用may或用might,皆表示现在时侯(present tense);may为可能式(potential mood),might为假设式(subjunctive mood)注

5、意三:有的时候句中仅用might as well部分,其as所连之部分则省略之,全文之意义可按前后文之关系而定,例如As well might the mountain current stand still on the brow of a precipice.(为此事者)犹使山中急流停止于悬崖峭壁也。注意四:may or might as well 有时含有【had better than 】之意,译为汉文,为【与其不如】例如:One may well not know a thing at a thing at well, as know it but imperfectly.注意五:与

6、May +as well 相似而意义不同者,尚有may + well.例解如下You may well say this.君言此姑且有理。注:此式之Well=justly 【诚然,有理】故You may well say this=You have good reason to say this.Exercise131 .You might as well let a man eat your dinner as ask him to do the work for you .2 .You may as well call a dog little wolf as call a wolf a

7、large dog .3. He may well be proud of his success.4. Well may poets look to the falling snow-flakes1 for the image 2of purity3 and innocence4 ere5 it receives the stain of earth.5As well might the glow-worm 7match8 himself against the lighting9NOTES1.雪片 2表象 3清洁 4无暇 5先;来 6污染 7虫害 8桔梗 9电光14It is with t

8、ime as with the current of water, once it goes, it never comes back again.翻译:光阴如流水,一去不复返。(公式一)it +is/was with +A(one thing)+ as+ with +B(another thing)=A is like B,译为汉文,当用【犹;如】等字。全文译为A如B或A犹B。例一It is with ideals as with pieces of money those of least value generally circulate the best.思想犹货币,价值小的流通最易。

9、例二It is with studying as with eating ;ha who does it, get the benefit.求学如饮食,得其利者乃躬为其时之人。 公式二:It +is or was +in+ A(one thing )+as +in +B (another thing)=It +is or was +with +A(one thing)+as +with +B(another thing).故上句可变为:It is in time as in the current of water ; once it goes, it never comes back aga

10、in.例一:It is in ideas as in pieces of money ; those of least value generally circulate the best.例二:It is in studying as in eating ; he who does it , gets the benefit .公式三:As +it is or was +in or with A, so +it is or was +in or with B=It is or was +with or in +A+as +with or in +B故上句可变为As it is in (or

11、with )time so it is in(or with) the current of water ; once it goes, it never comes back again.为此,(例一)As it is in (or with) ideas so it is in (or with) pieces of money ;those of least value generally circulate the best .例二:As it is in (or with)studying so it is in (with) eating; he who does it ,gets

12、 the benefit.公式四:Is or was +like =It is or was +with or in +A +as +with or in +B,故上句可变为 Time is like the current of water; once it goes it never comes back again(翻见上)为此 例一Ideas are like pieces of money; those of least of value generally circulate the best.(译见上) 例二studying is like eating; he who does

13、 it ,gets the benefit. Exercise 141. It is with words as with sunbeans1;the more they are condensed2,the deeper they burn3.2. It is in business as in way; the nearest one is commonly the foulest4.3. It is with a man as which a stone; the smoothest5 olls6 the farthest.4. As it with a nation so it is

14、with a house; it will exist7 longer, if its foundation8 is firm9.5. A lie is like the cut10 of a saber11; for though the wound12 may heal13, the scar14 will remain15. NOTES1.光线 2.凝结 3燃烧 4罪恶 5最光滑 6旋转;滚 7存在8基础 9坚固 10伤口;割口 11剑 12伤 13医治 14伤痕15遗留 (15). I have the same watch as you have.译为:我和你有同样的手表。(公式一)

15、The same + noun +as+ subordinate clauses 表示两种意义:a.表示同种之意;译为汉文,当用【同种,同类】等字。b.表示同为一物之意;译为汉文,当用【同一,一样】等字,究竟为何意,须细查句中名词之意而定,举例说明如下:(例一):I read the same book as you read.(例二):I wish to attend the same school as you do .(公式二):The same +noun +as +noun or pronoun. =The same +noun +as +subordinate clause .故上

16、句可变为:I have the same watch as yours (is).为此,(例一)I read the same book as yours (is ).(例二)I wish to attend the same school as yours.(is)(公式三):The same +noun +that +subordinate clause.=The same +noun +as +subordinate clause .故上句可变为I have the same watch that you have.为此,例一:I read the same book that you

17、read. 例二I wish to attend the same school that you do注意一The same之后随以as, 则as后之动词(verb)可用可省(参阅公式一及公式二);若随以that。则that后之动词必须写出(参阅公式三)注意二 与 the same as相似者,有such as,亦有两种意思,分解例证如下(1) such as=those or thatwho or which译为汉文,当用(凡者)字样。如Do not keep company with such man as can not benefit you=Do you keep company

18、with those who can not benefit you莫与无益于君之人为友(2)Such as=like译为汉文,当用(如;若)等字。如 Such men as Sun Yet-Son and Washington are rare.Men like Sun Yet-Son and Washington are rare.人之若孙逸仙及华盛顿者不多也。注意三The same +when or where + subordinate clause或the same +with +noun or pronoun。指标是(同一)之意,译时须注意焉(1)I put it at the s

19、ame place where I had found it.余将此物置于原处(原处即同一之处也)(2)At the same time ,when he was fighting with his adversary, he was saving his friends.与其敌人交战时,同时救其朋友。Exercise 151In a democratic1 country ,people are treated in the same way as nobles 2(are treated.). 2. He entered college at the same age as his bro

20、ther had entered three years earlier.3. He died on the same day when he was bore.4. I am living the same house where my elder brother lived three years ago.5. His present financial5 condition is about the same as it was ten years ago.Notes 1.民主国 2.待遇 3.贵族 4入,进5经济的 6情形(16)He is so impolite that he le

21、aves my room without so much as speaking to me.他如此无理,以至于离开屋时竟不告而别。公式一:Without+ so such as+ gerund乃用以表示【虽至微之事亦不肯】之意;译为汉文,当用【竟不;甚至不;既亦不等句】例一:This rich man is so stingy that he goes away without so such as giving a penny to the beggar though the latter entreats him piteously此富人极吝啬,乞丐虽向之哀求,彼竟默然而去不谓一钱。例二

22、: This boy is so naughty that he plays all day long without so such as paying attention to hia parents advice此子非常乖戾,嬉戏终日,对于父母训言,甚至毫不注意公式二:Not +such +as + verb=without + so such as+ gerund,故上句可变为He is so impolite that when he leaves my room he does not so such as speak to me.为此 例一 This rich man is so

23、 stingy that he goes away and does not so such as give a penny to the begger though the latter entreats him piteously例二: This boy is so naughty that he plays all day long and does not so such as pay attention to his parents advice公式三:Not even + verb =without+ so much as + gerund,故上句可变为He is so impol

24、ite that when he leaves my room, he does not even speak to me.为此,例一:This rich man is so stingy that he goes away and does not even give a penny to the beggar though the latter entreats him piteously.例二:This boy is so naughty that he plays all day long and does not even pay attention to his parents a

25、dvice.注意一:本句公式not +so much as 与第一章汉译英第十一句的not so much A as B 不同,第十一句的公式中乃用以权衡二物,含有【与其说A 不如说B或者不在A 而在B】之意;本公式用以加强语气,等于副词的作用。注意二:与本句公式相似者还有Never+ so much as, nothing +so much as ,举例说明如下:(1)I have never so much as set foot on the neighbouring village, though I have moved here almost a month.虽然我已居于此近月,但

26、还未涉足于邻村。注:此二式皆用以加强语气,用法与本句各式相同。Exercise 161. If I knew he was such a cunning1 fellow I would not so much as speak to him.2. This student leaves the classroom without so much as telling his teacher.3. This man is so ignorant2 that he can not so much as read his own name.4. The Japanese invaded3Shangt

27、ung without so much as paying attention to the Chinese soverignity4 and international law5. 5. He is so proud that he does not even look at us.Notes:1.狡猾2.愚昧,无知3.侵略4主权5国际公法(17)The facility of communication has much to do with the development of commerce.译文:交通便利与商业的发展大有关系。公式一:To have+ much+ to do wit

28、h = to have +great +relation with 译为汉文,当为【大有关系,关系紧密】等句。 (例一) Bravery and perseverance have much to do with the career of ones life.刚毅及坚忍与人的一生大有关系。(例二):The physical situation of a place has much to do with the nature of its inhanbitants .一个地方的天然形势与其居民的性情大有关系。(注意一)To have +to do with =to have relation

29、 with 表示两物的关系,而二物的关系比较微弱。例如;True greatness has little to do with rank or power.真正的伟大与职位和权力的关系非常小。(2)To have +something (or anything )+to do with =to have some (or anything) relation with 表示两物有关系。例如:The difference in dialect has something to do with the union of the people ,because most of the confli

30、ct come from misunderstanding.言语不通与民族统一有关系,因为大部分冲突源于误会。b. Has rank or power anything to do with true greatness?职位与权力和真实之伟大有关系么?(3)To have +nothing +to do with = to have no relation with 表示两物毫无关系。例如Rank or power has nothing to do with true greatness.职位及权力与真实之伟大毫无关系。注意二:与to have +much +to do with 相似而意

31、义却不同的有to have +no business (or right)+infinitive.前者表示关系,后者表示权力。例如:Official have no business (or right) to interfere the private affairs of the people.官吏无法干涉人民私事之权。Exercise 171. Modern education1 has much to do with the thought of young men.2. Scientific invention2 has much to do with the world situa

32、tion3.3. Good health has much to do with a mans career4.4. This fellow is not a good man, so you should have nothing to do with him5 You have no business (or right) to talk away my book without my permission5.Notes 1.近代教育2。科学之发明3.局势4.事业5许可(18)I like to have friends come .译文:我喜欢朋友来访。公式一:To have +a person +root infinitive 有被动及使役两种意义,故有两

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