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高中英语人教版选修8练习Unit 3 Inventors and inventions.docx

1、高中英语人教版选修8练习Unit 3 Inventors and inventionsUnit 3 Inventors and inventions导语谈起“发明”,我们脑中浮现的总是飞机、大炮、电脑等这些高科技产品。而下面的几个小发明虽然与高科技毫不沾边,但却同样能为我们的生活带来极大便利。Ideas for creating a small inventionA small invention can do big things when it comes to making a task easier to do.When looking for a small invention id

2、ea,start by checking your kitchen drawers and cabinets.Is there something you need to help you in a task? Look in the bathroom and see if you can improve on the way something works.If you can create an item that does a job around the house, you have a small invention of your own.KitchenDinner plates

3、 have not changed in centuries except for the different materials used to make them.When you need to store leftover dinners,you usually wrap them in aluminum foil and plastic wrap.Dinner plate covers would save money and look much neater than the usual disposable covers.A spaghetti drainer flexible

4、enough to fit inside a pot would be a tool every cook would have in stock.You would be able to take the pasta out of the boiling water and drain it at the same time,saving the cook from picking up a heavy pot of boiling water.BathroomA bathroom toilet paper dispenser that has an extra roll ready wil

5、l solve the problem of running out of the necessary tissue paper.This can offer a rescue when your inconsiderate family member has emptied the toilet paper roll.词海拾贝1cabinet n贮藏柜,陈列柜2aluminum foil铝箔3drainer n过滤器4dispenser n自动取物器问题思考判断正误(T/F)。1Dinner plates have not changed in centuries.()2A spaghett

6、i drainer can save the cook from picking up a heavy pot of boiling water.()答案:1.F2.T.为单词选择正确的释义1courtyard A直升机2perfume B鉴定;辨认;确定;身份证明3valid C清白的;无罪的;天真的4string D三角形;三角形物体5identification E有效的;确凿的6innocent F院子;庭院;天井7lantern G版本;译本8helicopter H线;绳子;一串9triangle I香水;香味10version J灯笼;提灯答案:1F2I3E4H5B6C7J8A9

7、D10G.根据所给汉语提示写出单词1_ n专利证书;专利权2_ n产品3_ n粉末;火药4_ n立方体;立方5_ vt.抓住;捉住;夺6_ n文件;档案;文件夹7_ adj.冰冻的;严寒的8_ vt.拨(电话)9_ vt.忍受;忍耐;负担10_ n额头答案:1.patent2.product3.powder4.cube5.seize6.file7.freezing8.dial9.bear10.forehead.根据英语释义写出单词1_:suddenly2_:very easy and suitable3_:tell the difference4_:kind and forgivable5_:

8、without any stain6_:standard7_:not positive,negative8_:happy,pleased9_:carefulness10_:strong hope or beliefs11_:small round mark12_:a light hit with your hand or fingers13_:full of or producing power and activity14_:firmly established or fixed; not likely to move or change15_:(cause to) join as frie

9、nds or business partners16_:of the present time;happening now17_:(an example of) the act of extending or being extended18_:effective or convenient in actual use19_:the ability to do something well or effectively答案:1.abruptly2.convenient3.distinguish4merciful5.stainless6.criterion7.passive8merry9.cau

10、tion10.expectation11.dot12tap13.dynamic14.stable15.associate16current17.extension18.practical19competence.选用正确短语的适当形式完成句子now and then;distinguish between.and.;set about;with caution;dive into;be associated with;get through;hang on;out of order;call up;ring back;set out;ring off1Sorry,I have to _Its

11、time for me to go to work.2There is a sign over there saying the lift is _,so well have no choice but to run up the stairs.3With face masks,air tanks and diving suits,men can _ deep water and be at home with the fish.4These concerns may _ strong feelings such as anger or shame.5Whats wrong with your

12、 telephone? I cant _ all the time.6After he got in touch with the Red Cross,Mr Green _ to help these homeless women and children to a safe place.7Please _I will write down your telephone number and let him ring back later.8Hes not in; why dont you _ after 6 oclock?9Oh,my dear! Could you _ right _ wr

13、ong?10Dad always drives _,so he is recognized as one of the best drivers.11The picture _ him _ the time when he was brought up in the village.12As soon as my mother came home after work,she _ preparing dinner for us.13While giving the speech,Mr Li referred to his notebook _答案:1.ring off2.out of orde

14、r3.dive into4be associated with5.get through6.set out7hang on8.ring back9.distinguish betweenand10with caution11.calledup12.set about13now and then 课文表层理解.判断正(T)误(F)1In this passage,the writer wanted to encourage the readers to consider carefully the problems in daily life.()2The writer was successf

15、ul to catch the snakes in the second attempt.()3An inventor can easily get the patent for the invention.()4If you have a scientific theory or mathematical model,you can get a patent.()5If your inventions pass the test,your application for a patent will be published 17 months from the date you apply.

16、()答案:1.T2.F3.F4.F5.F.读课文,完成表格Why my mother wasupsetMother was 1._Snakes came near the house 2._,and seemed to have made their home not far from the walnut tree.My first attemptI 3._ researching the habits of snakes to find the 4._ way to 5._ them.I decided to try cooling them,but failed.My second at

17、temptI froze the bowl and icecubes again,but 6._ them where the snakes were living in the evening.The next morning the snakes were 7._,but still ableto bite.I failed again.My third attemptI repeated the second procedure,but this time I 8._ a small fishing net 9._ that the snakes would try to bite ag

18、ain.This time the snakes were passive.I collected them,took them to the wild,and set them free.ResultI sent an 10._ to the Patent Office,wishing to patent my invention.答案 and then3.set about4.easiest5.trap6.placed7.sleepy8.held9in the expectation10.application课文深层理解.主旨匹配Part 1(Para.1)AT

19、he research on the approaches.Part 2(Paras.23) BThe attempts to catch the snakes.Part 3(Paras.46) CThe requirements of getting a patent.Part 4(Paras.78) DThe discovery of the problems of snakes.答案:Part 1DPart 2APart 3BPart 4C.单项选择1The biggest advantage of the writers new idea is that _.Ait makes the

20、 snakes move slowlyBit makes the snakes hardly bite usCit is easier for us to kill the snakes without hurting ourselvesDit is easier for us to catch the snakes without killing them2How did the writer catch the snakes?ABy using something the snakes were interested in to attract them into a trap.BBy t

21、aking their habitat to another place.CBy placing the snakes at a low temperature for them to sleep,thus catching them.DAll the above.3The writer was successful to catch the snakes in _attempt.Athe first Bthe secondCthe third Devery4What does “novel” mean in Line 44 of the passage?ALiterary works.BSi

22、gnificant.CDifferent from anything known before.DFresh.5From the text, we can learn that _Afriendship is easier lost than foundBa good book is the best of friends, the same today and foreverCgood medicine tastes bitterDnothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it答案:1.A2.C3.C4.C5

23、.D.领会下列句子所用的句型并尝试译成汉语1The first thing I did was to see if there were any products that might help me,but there only seemed to be powders designed to kill snakes._2Only after you have had that recognition can you say that you are truly an inventor._3The criteria are so strict that it is difficult to

24、get new ideas accepted unless they are truly novel._答案:1.我所做的第一件事就是看看有没有现成的产品能帮助我,但看来只有一种毒杀虫蛇的药粉。2只有获得了那种认证后,你才可以说是一个真正的发明家。3(评价)标准是很严格的;除非新的想法是很新颖的,否则很难被接受。.课文缩写When I 1._ my mother on the phone she was very upset,because some snakes came near her house 2._.I thought it was a chance for me to 3._ m

25、yself by inventing something 4._ that would get rid of the snakes.I 5._ researching the habits of snakes to find the easiest way to trap them.Finally I decided on three possible 6._My first two attempts both failed,so I had to improve my design again.To my great delight,this time I succeeded.All was

26、 in 7._ and at last I collected the8._ snakes and 9._ released them all back into the wild.Pressed by my friends and relations,I decided to 10._ the opportunity to get recognition for my successful idea by sending my invention tothe patent office.答案:1.called and then3.distinguish4merciful5.s

27、et about6.approaches7expectation8.passive9.merrily10.seize如何写求职信求职信属于应用文中的书信类。写作时,要注意书信的基本格式。首先,要注意开篇交代句、末尾总结句和常识性语句,提高文章的呼应性。开篇句往往交代得知消息的渠道,并表明求职心愿,如“Ive learned from the newspaper that you are employing a.and Im very interested in it.”。末尾句往往表达希望能很快收到答复的迫切愿望并表明感激之情,如“I would be very thankful if you

28、 would give me an early reply.”。第二,求职信往往需要介绍自己的姓名、年龄、身高、健康状况、业余爱好、特长、工作态度及人际关系等。常见的短语有be in good health、be good at、be expert in、have rich working experience、enjoy doing ones spare time、be strict with、be kind to、get on well with等。此外,要防止遗漏要点。如果是针对广告招聘的求职信,应认真阅读广告,明确招聘要求,并对照自己的条件,逐一加以介绍,同时还要注上自己的通讯地址和联系方式。注意:1.篇幅不宜太长,要简明扼要;2态度要诚恳,实事求是;3所展示的信息要精炼且有针对性;4语气要客气、礼貌;5可用各种时态,通常用一般现在时和一般过去时。常用句型1开头,说明写求职信的缘由与动机。I would like to apply to become a(n).in your company.In todays newspaper I noticed your advertisement for.Im writing this letter to apply for.2正文,介绍个人情况。I graduated from.I am majo

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