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1、实用英语教学大纲实用英语教学大纲一、 课程的性质、地位:英语是进行国际交往的重要工具,英语课程是各类专业学生必修的主要文化基础课。英语教学对于学生提高思想道德素质和科学文化素质,掌握职业技能,形成综合职业能力和创业能力,以及对今后的学习和发展,都具有重要的作用。因此,实用英语课程不仅是一门帮助学生打好英语语言基础的课程,更是一门注重培养学生实际使用英语语言技能的课程,特别是培养学生使用英语处理日常和涉外业务活动能力的重要文化基础课。二、 课程教学目标:经过教学,使学生掌握一定的英语基础知识和技能,具有一定的听、说、读、写、译的能力,从而能借助词典阅读和翻译有关英语业务资料,在涉外交际的日常活动

2、和业务活动中进行简单的口头和书面交流,并为今后进一步提高英语的交际能力打下基础。三、 课程教学的基本要求:由于高考扩招,学生入学时的英语水平差异较大,为适应新的情况,有效地组织实施教学,本课程的教学要求分为A、B级。A级为标准要求,B级为基本要求。 本课程在加强英语语言基础知识和基本技能训练的同时,重视培养学生实际使用英语进行交际的能力。通过本课程的学习,学生应达下列要求: (1)词汇 A级:认知3400个英语单词(包括入学时要求的1600个词),以及由这些词构成的常用词组,对其中2000个左右的单词能正确拼写,英汉互译。学生还应结合专业英语学习,认知400个专业英语词汇。 B级:认知2800



5、汇和语法写出简单的短文;能用英语填写表格,套写便函、简历等,词句基本正确,无重大语法错误,格式基本恰当,表达清楚。(7)翻译A级:能借助词典将中等难度的文字材料和对外交往中的一般业务文字材料翻译成汉语,理解正确,译文达意,格式恰当。B级:能借助词典将中等偏下难度的文字材料译成汉语,理解正确,译文达意。 四、 本课程与相关课程的联系:本课程应以专业英语为其后续课程,加强语言在专业领域的运用。五、 实践教学要求:根据本课程的性质和特点,本课程的教学以学生学习英语实用理论知识为主,在此基础上,将理论知识与实际应用紧密结合,通过语言场景模拟练习提高学生学习兴趣并达到学以致用的目的。作业量为8次。六、

6、课程教学内容:新编实用英语1Unit 1Greeting and Introducing PeopleSection I Talking Face to Face Business Cards and PassportSection II Being All Ears Students have practiced greeting and introducing people in English. Now tryto learn more from what they will hear in this section.Section III Maintaining a Sharp Eye

7、Passage I The Way Americans GreetPassage II A Little About MeSection IV Applied WritingStudents are asked to read the samples of Business Cards and learn to write their own.教学重点:1) Words and Expressions: accept, personal, name, leave, prefer, mean, acquaint with, speaking of, get to know2) Structure

8、s: a. American people often greet each other simply with “Hello” or “Hi”.b. Similarly, American people do not have a formal “farewell”.c. Speaking of time, Ive got to run.教学难点:Putting the words, expressions and structures to correct use.Grammar rules: Basic Sentence Structures. 教学基本要求:1. What Studen

9、ts Should Know Abouta. How American and British people greet each otherb. How Chinese people differ in greetingsc. Basic sentence structures2. What Students Should Learn to Doa. Greeting people and giving responses: First meeting and meeting againb. Saying good-bye to peoplec. Exchanging personal in

10、formation: Name/ address/ telephone number/ job/ studyd. Introducing to people to each othere. Meeting people at the airportf. WritingUnit 2 Giving Thanks and Expressing RegretsSection I Talking Face to Face Giving and Replying to Gifts/Congratulation CardsSection II Being All EarsStudents have prac

11、ticed giving and replying to gifts /congratulation cards in English. Now try to learn more from what they will hear in this section.Section III Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage I Different Attitudes Towards Gift-GivingPassage II Thank-you Notes Are Heart-WarmingSection IV Applied WritingStudents are a

12、sked to read the samples of Thank-you Note and Congratulation Cards and learn to write their own.教学重点: 1) Words and Expressions: appreciate, attitude, convey, desire, illustrate, offer, universal, vary fromto, in contrast, as a matter of fact 2) Structures: a. Here is an example to illustrate the di

13、fferences.b. Japan is a gift-giving country.c. It is not unusual in Japan to offer a gift to a person who is leaving.d. In contrast, you get more cards than gifts in the U.S.e. As a matter of fact, your gift would be appreciated all the more if you make it yourself.教学难点:Putting the words, expression

14、s and structures to correct use.Grammar rules: Basic Rules on the Use of Articles.教学基本要求:1. What Students Should Know Abouta. Gift cultureb. Cultural differences in expressing thanks and apologiesc. Use of articles2. What Students Should Learn to Doa. Expressing pleasure and thanks on receiving a gi

15、ft or helpb. Congratulating and responding to congratulationsc. Expressing regrets and asking for forgiveness d. Writing and replying to: a thank-you note a gift carda congratulation letter Unit3 Directions and SignsSection I Talking Face to Face Directions and SignsSection II Being All Ears: Studen

16、ts have practiced giving directions and reading signs in English. Now try to learn more from what they will hear in this section.Section III Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage I I Hate FlyingPassage II Id Been Treated Like a Friend in NeedSection IV Applied WritingStudents are asked to read the samples

17、of Signs and learn to write their own.教学重点:1) Words and Expressions: had better, panic, rush, perfect, absolutely, especially, seem, check, shake, slight, relax, crash2) Structures: a. I knew it was going to be a bad day when the taxi driver told me he was lost.b. It took 15 minutes for her to reali

18、ze that she had spelled my name incorrectly.c. Id better check in my luggage quickly or Id miss my flight.d. I was the last person to get on the plane.e. Please remain seated and keep your seat belts fastened.f. You can imagine how tense I was, but other passengers were calm.教学难点:Putting the words,

19、expressions and structures to correct use.Grammar rules: Use of Number of Nouns教学基本要求:1. What Students Should Know Abouta. Different feelings about travelingb. Forming of plural nouns2. What Students Should Learn to Doa. Asking where a particular place is: in a city/ within a buildingb. Showing dire

20、ctionsc. Talking about means of transport to taked. Understanding and writing road and office signsUnit4 Timetables and SchedulesSection I Talking Face to Face Timetables and SchedulesSection II Being All Ears:Students have practiced talking about timetables and schedules in English. Now try to lear

21、n more from what they will hear in this section.Section III Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage I Punctuality and Keeping PromisePassage II Begin Each Day with a Fresh Plan of AttackSection IV Applied WritingStudents are asked to read the samples of timetables and schedules and learn to write their own.教

22、学重点:1) Words and Expressions: apologize, inform, proper, unexpected, emphasize, impolite, anxious, appointment, punctual, embarrass, schedule, in this case, whenever2) Structures: a. Whats the use of your going there?b. Whenever there is an activity, you should come to the place ahead of schedule.c.

23、 The same is true with the habbit of getting up early.d. In this case, you should inform them in advance.e. In social activities, it is always emphasized to be punctual.f. It is hard to imagine what will happen if all of us arent on time.教学难点:Putting the words, expressions and structures to correct

24、use.Grammar rules: Verb Tenses 教学基本要求:1. What Students Should Know Abouta. Punctuality in social activitiesb. Planning a work day/weekc. Use of verb tenses2. What Students Should Learn to Write:a timetablea scheduleUnit 5 Talking About the WeatherSection I Talking Face to Face Weather ForecastSectio

25、n II Being All EarsStudents have practiced talking about weather and weather report in English. Now try to learn more from what they will hear in this section.Section III Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage I Is It Going to Be a Fine DayPassage II British People Like Talking About the WeatherSection IV A

26、pplied WritingStudents are asked to read the samples of weather report and learn to write their own.教学重点:1) Words and Expressions: look like, continue, predict, drop, take a look at, go out, on ones way, wind up2) Structures: a. It looks like that the rain is going to continue through the weekend.b.

27、 It is expected to be cold and windy right through the weekend.c. Its raining as far east as Detroit and Toronto.d. Its snowing heavily in Montreal, its first storm of the season.e. If you are thinking about a vacation, nows the time to do it.教学难点:Putting the words, expressions and structures to cor

28、rect use.Grammar rules: Simple Past and Present Perfect教学基本要求:1. What Students Should Know Abouta. The way weather is forecastb. Celsius and Fahrenheitc. Use of tenses: simple past and present perfect2. What Students Should Learn to Doa. Understanding weather forecast of: weather conditions /weather

29、 reportsb. Talking about weather changesc. Talking about the weather to start a conversationUnit6 Sports Events and Outdoor ActivitiesSection I Talking Face to Face Section II Being All EarsSection III Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage I Is It Going to Be a Fine DayPassage II British People Like Talkin

30、g About the WeatherSection IV Applied WritingStudents are asked to read the samples of weather report and learn to write their own.教学重点:1) Words and Expressions: look like, continue, predict, drop, take a look at, go out, on ones way, wind up2) Structures: a. It looks like that the rain is going to

31、continue through the weekend.b. It is expected to be cold and windy right through the weekend.c. Its raining as far east as Detroit and Toronto.d. Its snowing heavily in Montreal, its first storm of the season.e. If you are thinking about a vacation, nows the time to do it.f. Back to Chicago, once again, continuing rain tonight through Sunday.教学难点:Putting the words, expressions and structures to correct use.Grammar rules: Contexual Reference of Tenses教学基本要求:1. What Students Should Know Abouta. Some traditional Chinese sports and activitiesb. Something about Chinese Martial Artsc. Us

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